• Published 8th Apr 2023
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Equestria Girls: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - sonicfan05

Sonic, the CMCs, and Spike teams up with their new allies to get the emerald before Robotnik and Knuckles while the Rainbooms investigates the Dazzlings' latest scheme in Hoovaii.

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Volume I - Chapter 4: Visiting Hours

Sometime after their memorable fishing trip, Sunset Shimmer remembered that she had a meeting with Vice Principal Luna at her home that Cadance mentioned earlier. After she explained that to the girls and Sonic, she gave them a quick farewell and made her way to visit Vice Principal Luna. She walked twenty minutes through the neighborhood until she eventually reached Celestia and Luna's home.

Sunset frowned at the sight of that house. After Robotnik was sent to another planet, Principal Celestia disappeared and was no longer at home. Only Vice Principal Luna lived in that house and never once mentioned the whereabouts of her older sister. Part of Sunset was hoping to maybe get information about her former Principal during her meeting with Luna, but she doubted that Luna would reveal anything.

When Sunset approached the front door of Luna’s home, Sunset knocked on the door. She didn’t have to wait long as the front door opened, revealing to be Luna herself. To Sunset’s surprise, instead of her usual outfit for school, Luna was wearing jeans and a black t-shirt with a red hat and mask logo with a white flame coming out of the mask’s right eye. It even has a quote, Take Your Heart underneath the logo.

As a gamer girl, Sunset nearly squeed at the familiarity of the logo.

"Ah, Sunset!" Luna greeted. “I’ve been expecting you!”

"Hey, Vice Principal Luna!” Sunset greeted back. “I got a message from Cadance. You wanted to see me?"

Luna nodded. “I do. Usually, I would have us meet at my office at school. But due to… circumstances, my home will have to do.” She then opened the door further. “But where are my manners? Please, come in!"

Sunset complied as she wiped her feet on the mat before entering inside and following Luna into the kitchen.

Luna gestured toward the table. "But before I begin, you want some coffee?”

“Yes, please!” Sunset replied as she took her seat. “Just a little cream.”

With a nod, Luna took out two coffee mugs from the cupboard and then filled them both with a fresh pot of coffee. After Luna filled a little cream in Sunset’s mug while only leaving her’s black, she made her way over to the table with two mugs.

“Here you go!” Luna offered the cup.

Sunset took her coffee with a grateful expression. “Thanks.”

After Luna took her seat, they both took a sip of their coffees, and then they simultaneously let out contented sighs.

“You can never have a day without a nice cup of hot coffee, or two to make it through the day,” Sunset commented.

“I can’t agree more,” Luna nodded as she placed her cup down. “Now that’s settled, is everything okay with you and the others from the other night?"

Sunset took another small sip of her coffee. "Well, other than some close calls and still a bit shook up, we're okay.”

“I’m glad,” Luna replied before frowning. "And… how are the CMCs?"

"Those three are grounded by their families,” Sunset sighed. “Despite all that, they're okay too." She placed her cup down. "I know it was a lot for us to ask, but thank you again for keeping them from getting into deeper trouble."

Luna nodded. "Just so you know, it wasn't easy for me to convince the school board and the town to give them a lighter sentence, but I've done all I can.” Her expression became stern. “But now it's up to those girls to stay out of trouble. I won't be able to sway them if they were to pull that stunt again. Am I clear?"

"Crystal!" Sunset nodded while emphasizing her words. Her expression then hardened. "And… what about Spoiled Rich?"

Luna hesitated for a moment before letting out a quiet sigh. "Unlike the CMCs, Mrs. Rich only received a slap on the wrist from the higher-ups despite how she… handled the fire situation."

Sunset immediately stood up and slammed the table with both her hands, causing the Vice Principal to jump back slightly.

"Are you serious!?" Sunset yelled, her eyes burning in fury. "How could she keep getting away with it? This is the worst thing she has ever done since becoming our Principal! She should have been fired for that! Heck, she should be in jail!"

Luna raised her hand to calm her student down. "Believe me, Sunset Shimmer, I'm not happy about this either!" She frowned deeply. "But between you and me… I think there's something going on with Spoiled. I suspected that someone from the higher-ups kept looking the other way and kept her around for some reason despite many complaints from our students and staff. This latest incident, being the worst one, confirmed my suspicion."

Sunset slowly sat back down while her eyebrows furrowed both in anger and confusion. "You think there was some kind of secret agenda for keeping her around? Whatever for?"

"I don't know yet," Luna shook her head. "But I'm looking into this matter as we speak. Until then, you and your friends should stay clear from her while I'll do my best to keep her from abusing her duty as Principal like she did the other night."

Sunset frowned. Ever since Spoiled took over the school, she caused so much misery at the school while also committing acts for her own personal gain rather than the school time and time again. What was even more frustrating was the fact that the school board hadn’t done a thing, despite many complaints and reports against the woman. She didn’t blame Vice Principal Luna that Spoiled never got reprimanded since this was beyond her control, but that doesn’t make it less frustrating or unfair. Sunset hoped that someday, Spoiled would get the real comeuppance she deserved, but for now, she would heed Luna’s advice and stay out of Spoiled’s way until graduation.

"Speaking of which,” Sunset trailed off, changing topics. “Have you spoken to Principal Celestia recently?"

Luna shook her head with a soft, yet sad sigh. "I'm afraid I have not, Sunset Shimmer. I haven't seen or spoken to my sister since after you and your friends defeated Robotnik."

Seeing Sunset’s unreadable expression, Luna offered her hand to her. "You can even try to read my memories if you don't believe me."

Sunset stared at Luna’s hand for a moment, tempted to take her Vice Principal’s offer. She then shook her head.

"No, there's no need… I believe you."

Sunset furrowed her brow, deep in thought. It's pointless anyway. Even if I wanted to, Principal Celestia must have known that I'd try to use my empathetic ability to read her sister's mind for her whereabouts and information, hence why she kept Vice Principal Luna out of the loop. Sunset frowned as a certain Sun Princess appeared in her memory. Always one step ahead and in secret… just like somepony else I know.

"You alright, Sunset?

Sunset snapped out of her thoughts as Luna stared at her with a look of concern on her face.

"I…I'm fine," Sunset assured quietly. "I'm just… worried for your sister’s well-being."

Vice Principal Luna's expression softens. "I appreciate your concern, Sunset. But I know my sister, she'll be alright and she usually has a good reason to keep everything a secret. So try to have a little faith in her."

"...if you say so," Sunset stated, not fully believing Luna’s words.

Luna cleared her throat. "Anyway, while these are important topics… they were not the only reason why I called you here."

Sunset raised her eyebrow with a curious look. "Oh? Then what was it?"

Luna took another sip of her coffee. "You know that our supposed graduation ceremony is coming up, right?"

Sunset looked confused. "Uh, yeah, what about it?"

After taking another sip of her coffee, Luna began her explanation. "Before Celestia… departed from our school, we both talked about what we do for this year's ceremony, including our main valedictorian for our graduation speech. And after everything that happened these past events leading up to this, I think we both agreed on our pick for this year."

"Um, okay? That sounds great… but what does that all have to do with me?" Sunset inquired before taking another sip of her coffee.

"Everything!" Luna responded. “Sunset Shimmer… Celestia and I are honored to select you not only as a valedictorian but also as our honorary speaker for this year’s graduation ceremony!”

As soon as she heard those words, Sunset let out a long spit-take, away from her Vice Principal. After coughing for a brief moment, she turned towards Luna with a shocked expression, wondering if she was hearing correctly.

“W-what!?” Sunset sputtered, her eyes were as wide as dinner plates. “Are… are you serious?

Luna smiled, amused by Sunset’s reaction. “I am! …Congratulations, Sunset!”

Sunset couldn’t believe that this was all real. Part of her thinks that this has to be some sort of a dream that was too good to be true and that she is about to wake up at any moment. But it wasn’t the case as she was feeling some spilled semi-hot coffee on her chest and lap. She wanted to feel happy that the Principals chose her and would love to accept it, but she didn't feel worthy of earning it.

Sunset sighed as she looked down into her coffee with a frown on her face.

"I… why? Why me of all the other students of our school?" Sunset asked quietly before looking up. "Don't get me wrong, I'm honored that you picked me, but… do you really want me to represent our school? Ever after–”

“No! None of that, Sunset!” Luna interrupted, raising her right palm. When she knew that Sunset was not speaking anymore, Luna spoke in a matter-of-fact, but gentle tone.

“We’re all aware of your history Pre-Fall Formal incident, but you are not that person anymore. If anything, everything you did and made up for afterward was why you were picked in the first place." Luna then smirked. "And saving the world a few times helped too!"

"Even so, I can't take all the credit Vice Principal Luna. My friends deserved just as much credit and accomplished more than I ever did.” Sunset looked down in shame. “And magic wouldn't have existed in this world if it weren’t for me."

As Sunset was busy with her self-loathing, she felt someone gently grasp her hand. She looked up in surprise to see Luna with a caring expression.

"Sunset, I understand your doubts and thinking you don't deserve this, but believe me when I say that you've earned this and then some. My sister and I, even the whole school saw your development; from a queen bee who only cared about her own ambition, to a wonderful person who is a great leader, an empathic person, and a dear friend. You have come a long way… and my sister and I couldn't think of any other person who is honorable enough for that position. We really are both just so proud of you." She smiled. "And I'm sure that your friends will agree with me too on this."

Sunset felt her eyes water due to emotion but held back a little. "Vice Principal Luna… I–I don't know what to say."

"So does that mean that you'll accept?" Luna inquired, holding her hand out.

"Y-yes! I'm honored!" Sunset happily accepted Luna’s hand, shaking it. As soon as she accepted, a thought entered Sunset’s mind in concern. "But what about our graduation ceremony? Wasn't it supposed to be in a few days?"

Luna frowned. "Yes. But unfortunately, due to last night's… event, I'm afraid that our ceremony is postponed until further notice."

Sunset felt uneasy in her stomach. "How long will that take?"

A sigh escaped from Luna’s lips. "...I wish I knew."

Somewhere on the other side of Canterlot City, a young woman with a huge scar over her right eye wearing dark clothing was walking down the narrow hallway, carrying a medium-sized box. This woman was on a mission to pay someone a visit in this very building, which was a routine every week since eight months ago. And today was the most important day to her and she will complete her mission without fail.

She eventually reached the end of the hallway with two guards standing in front of the door.

“Back for another visit, Agent Tempest Shadow?” The guard asked.

“I am!” Tempest nodded before presenting the box. “And I brought a gift this time!”

The guard nodded, taking the box. “Very well, but you know the drill!”

As one guard checked the context of the box, the female guard walked over to Tempest and performed a quick body search on her. As much as Tempest disliked this part of the procedure, she couldn’t hold anything against these guards since this was all part of their job. The female guard finished her procedure just as the male guard finished checking the box.

“Okay, proceed!” The guard approved, handing the box back to Tempest.

As soon as Tempest received her box, the guard gestured for her to follow him to the next room to which Tempest complied. They entered the room which contained a long wall with many booths, each containing a table, a small seat, a two-way window, and a telephone. There were some people there who occupied some of those booths, either family members or a lawyer. Tempest continued to follow the guard until she was led towards an unused booth for her to sit.

“Wait here!” The guard instructed.

Tempest nodded to the guard before she took her seat, placed her box beside her, and waited.

About fifteen minutes later, Tempest saw the door open from the other side of the window and a different guard entered the room along with another person. Unlike the guard, the second person had chains on their wrists and ankles and wore an orange jumpsuit with the number “100617” on their left chest. When they eventually reached where Tempest was, the guard gestured for the person to take a seat in front of Tempest to which they complied. Both the person and Tempest picked up their phones. and as soon as they were connected, the person smiled.

“Well, hello Tempest! Nice to see you again!”

“And hello to you too, Grubber,” Tempest greeted. “You look well.”

Grubber shrugged. “Eh, this prison isn’t so bad. I’ve been to worse places.”

Tempest hummed as she pushed her box towards the opening slot of the window. “I brought you this!”

Grubber cocked an eyebrow. “Did you now?”

Grubber gently grabbed the box over to him and opened it. He was nearly in years as soon as he saw the content inside the box.

Aw, you shouldn’t have!” Grubber dug his hand into a box and pulled out what looked like a slice of a pink cake with white frosting and a cherry on top. He then took a bite of it and let out a happy satisfying moan. “Mmm… freshly baked sponge cake from Sweet Shoppe! Man, do I miss this stuff!”

“Figured I got you this cake as a celebration!” Tempest grinned. “You’ll be on parole soon, right?”

“In a couple of days!” Grubber licked his fingers. “It wasn’t easy, but I’m looking forward to being a free man again!”

“You’re not completely free,” Tempest reminded. “They will still watch you for the following months and you have to do community service at Canterlot City.”

“Details, details!” Grubber waved off dismissively. “Being out there doing anything is better than being locked in within the same four walls.” Grubber frowned, looking down at his half-eaten cake. "Though, to tell you the truth… I'm also kinda nervous to be out there again."

Tempest tilted her head. "Why are you nervous? Aren't you happy to be out soon?"

"Don't get me wrong, I am happy to be here," Grubber sighed. "I'm just nervous about how the people out there think of me when they know about my… criminal record."

"Not to put you down, but you did betray our government, working with the madman, putting the people in danger, and nearly blowing up the school," Tempest stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

"...I know," Grubber's face fell. "I deeply regretted my actions and I am sorry for the things that I've done."

Tempest's expression softened. "I know you are, Grubber. I've seen it myself. You worked so hard to turn your life around."

Grubber huffed. "I know that you know that, but they don't! And I also know for a fact that once you've done something bad, no one will let you live that down! I mean, how could they not? I nearly killed everyone for crying out loud!"

Tempest sighed. While Grubber did those crimes, she blamed herself for pushing her formal partner towards that path due to how she treated him then. She wanted to make amends by visiting and guiding Grubber to a brighter path of redemption. Things were awkward between the two of them at first, but then they slowly bonded over time, almost like they were best friends.

Tempest nearly laughed at the irony of that thought.

While this won’t completely fix everything that happened, Tempest hoped that it was at least a good enough start to rekindle their friendship. But for now, Tempest’s top priority is to help Grubber out of his funk.

"Look, I know it's not easy,” Tempest spoke gently. “But with time and effort, people’s opinions will change and will see only the person in front of them now than the person they used to be. In fact, I know a certain girl who has also made similar mistakes, and yet she wouldn't let that define her. She worked hard every day to get to where she is today.” She grinned. “So if she can do it… then you can do it too!”

Grubber looked up, surprised that he received a pep talk coming from a stoic person. He was touched by her encouragement, but he cleared his throat to keep his emotions in check.

“T-thanks,” he uttered quietly before changing the topic. "Speaking of which, how's the manhunt going? I'm surprised that you haven't caught him yet?"

“We… still haven’t located former Agent Stone,” Tempest answered, both embarrassed and frustrated with the situation. “Ever since Robotnik was sent to some mushroom planet, his assistant has disappeared almost without a trace, even after I tied him up when I rescued one of the girls. Though, my sources said that he may be hiding somewhere in Canterlot City. We just don't know where he's hiding."

Grubber rolled his eyes, not surprised in the slightest. “Yeah, that’s Stone all right! He’s as slippery as an eel!” His expression became serious. "Despite being Robotnik’s main lackey, he is just as dangerous as the Doctor when he wants to be! I wouldn't be surprised that Stone is taking over the Doctor's plan until he returns to finish the job!"

Tempest frowned. "He was sent to another planet! There's no way he'll return!"

Grubber gave Tempest a look of disbelief as if she had said something ridiculous. "Do you even know him? Aside from his highly intelligent mind, that man is very determined. I wouldn’t be surprised if he comes up with a way to get off that planet!"

"Even if he managed to get off of that mushroom planet, you still think he'll make it back millions of lightyears away from here?" Tempest inquired.

"I don't think he'll make it back… I know he'll be back!" Grubber stated firmly. "I'm just advising you to not count him out just yet!"

Tempest frowned. While Grubber made a very good point about Robotnik being relentless when he wanted to be, she was still highly doubtful that Robotnik would return to Earth anytime soon. Despite those doubts, she will keep Grubber’s warning at the back of her mind for now.

"If you say so,” Tempest shrugged.

Grubber took another bite of his cake. "Finding Stone aside, what have you been up to lately?"

Tempest clicked her tongue. "Well, finding the former Agent Stone was actually my side mission. My main one is to keep an eye on these girls who still have magic powers."

Grubber raised his brow. "You mean those same girls who defeated me?"

"The same," Tempest confirmed with a firm look. "You're not planning anything with those girls, are you?"

"Your words wound me, Tempest!" Grubber remarked with a mock-hurt expression. "Despite everything, I have no ill will towards them. I got what I deserved." His expression became serious. "But was babysitting these girls the only assignment G.U.N. have you to do?"

Tempest frowned in confusion. "What are you implying?"

Grubber leaned forward towards Tempest. "You and I both know that you're the top Agent in the agency who can take on many multiple jobs at once or handle some dangerous ones. Then all of a sudden, you were assigned to just one and the most basic job that even interns could handle. Don't you think that was rather odd that G.U.N., let alone your father assigned you to this job?"

Tempest narrowed her eyes, offended by the idea. "For your information, I've been involved in this job since the school incident and I'm already assigned to watch over these girls in the city and currently living in the neighborhood. And I told my father that they're no threat to us, so he should know that he should back off."

Grubber cocked an eyebrow. "But has he talked to you since you began your assessment?"

Tempest opened her mouth to argue, but then she paused.

She recalled that the only time she had spoken to him was the day they visited one of the girls' houses to reward them with a gift card and their bus, along with questioning about the blue creature. After receiving their statements, her father has her stay in Canterlot City to watch over the girls and investigate Agent Stone's disappearance, and she hasn't heard a word from him since.

Tempest thought it was because her father was busy with his own work, but now she was starting to wonder if that was really the truth. In the past, even when he was super busy he had the time to communicate with her no matter what. So why didn't he communicate with her this time around?

"I'm just saying," Grubber continued, breaking Tempest out of her thoughts. "Just because he 'backed off', doesn't mean that he is done. Your father has more secrets and is sneakier than you and even your two sisters… especially when trying to accomplish a secret agenda only for his own benefit." His eyes narrowed. "Even if it means using anyone at his disposal to get what he wants… including you!"

“Don't be absurd! My father won’t do anything that foolish!" Tempest scoffed. "As long as I’m around watching over them, he and G.U.N. won’t do a thing!”

Grubber hummed, taking another bite of his cake. “Well for your sake Tempest, I hope you're right… I really am."

Author's Note:

A shorter chapter this time around, but it's better than nothing! :pinkiesmile: Also, Tempest is back! :rainbowdetermined2:

Not of a lot of notes and references in this chapter either, but here is the list:

The logo that was on Vice Principal Luna's t-shirt was wearing was a reference to the Phantom Thieves from Persona 5/Persona 5 Royal video game (which is also published by SEGA). I always liked everyone's headcanon that Luna is secretly a gamer outside her job as Vice Principal. :pinkiehappy:

Luna's quote "We really are both just so proud of you" was a callback from MLP:FiM: Season 9, Episode 26 - The Last Problem when Celestia used that same line to Twilight.

Image by: Quoterific

Grubber's inmate number "100617", was actually the release date of MLP: The Movie in theaters (US & Canada), which was October 6th, 2017.

And Grubber's love of sponge cake is also a callback to MLP: The Movie.

Hope you all stick around for the next chapter! :raritywink: