• ...

The Yes Girl

If you were, by any chance, walking along the seafront of Falmouth on a given afternoon, you would have observed Pipp, Hitch, and Izzy engaging in very strange behaviour. All three of them were drinking smoothies... very quickly.

Near them, Sunny was using a stopwatch. "Right, we've been going for about 7 seconds..."

"Done!" Pipp said, slamming her cup down. "That's probably my quickest yet."

"7.1 seconds as a matter of fact," Sunny said. "You're a champion at chugging drinks."

Hitch was next to finish. And whilst nobody was looking, Izzy dumped the contents of her cup over the edge of the railings.

"Hey!" Posey shouted. "Watch it! That landed on me!"

Izzy pretended she hadn't heard. "That must be the fastest I've ever drunk that!"

Pipp looked back to the others. "Quick! Put your tongues to the rooves of your mouths!"

"Why?" Hitch asked.

"It's the most effective way to ward off brainfreeze!" Pipp replied, who was now bent double clutching her forehead. Hitch was doing the same.

Just then, Zipp ran over. "Sunny, what happened?" she asked.

"They've got a bit of brainfreeze. It should pass in a few moments, but the next round should be starting soon. Speaking of the next round, I made your favourite flavour. Fancy joining in?"

Zipp shook her head. "No thanks. I prefer to take time over my drinks." She took the cup and walked away. "You really shouldn't be promoting rush drinking, Sunny!"

Pipp looked over. "Spoilsport."

Later that day, Sophie was marshalling coaches in the yard. They were needed for the next day's passenger services, and as such it was important they were ready to be put into position.

She glanced over as she saw Charles roll onto the access line for the docks. "Having fun, Charles?" she called.

"Bother these trucks and their tricks!" Charles complained. "The only way to get them in line is seemingly to sing, but Zipp is an alto and can't sing some of the high melodies!"

Pipp heard this. "Well, I'm a soprano, so I can help."

"Much appreciated!"

Pipp spoke up. "Fancy doing some kareoke later, Zipp?"

"Too busy! Got stuff to work on!"

Pipp looked very annoyed. "What is going on?"

Later that day, as the sun was starting to set, Pipp had convened her friends (except Zipp) outside Mane Melody. "I don't get it!" she said, sounding very frustrated. "All she ever says to anything these days is no!"

"She may be busy, or it's things she doesn't like doing," Izzy pointed out.

"Izzy does have a point, Pipp," Sunny pointed out. "Trying to make people do stuff they don't want to do can hurt them."

"Why not talk to her and find out why she's saying no?" Hitch suggested.

Pipp scoffed. "I don't need to. She's just moody right now, as she sometimes is. What we need is some way to convince her to open up and do things. And I think I have the solution."

"Namely?" Misty asked.

Pipp saw Zipp approaching, and deliberately increased the volume of her voice. "Of course, Zipp would never do anything like that."

"Do anything like what?" Zipp asked.

Pipp turned to her. "There's a trend going round on the internet called yes day. It's a day where you have to say yes to everything you're offered."

"Even some things?" Misty asked.

Pipp looked over. "Stop reading fanfics, they're confusing you!"

Izzy looked annoyed. "Pipp, don't break the fourth wall! That's my job!"

Zipp sighed. "I could do a yes day."

"Could you now?" Pipp said. "Saying yes to everything and anything you're offered? I bet you wouldn't last until elevenses!"

Zipp smiled. "Challenge accepted. See you tomorrow!"

Pipp turned to her friends and grinned. "Reverse psychology never fails!" she grinned.

The others were less convinced. "Pipp, show some restraint," Hitch said.

"Hitch is right," Sunny added. "If you're not careful there's real potential for abuse here."

"You guys will act as observers!" Pipp said. "I won't be making her wear a dress or anything!"

"She seems to react badly to that," Hitch noted. "Why, if you don't mind me asking?"

"She's always been like that," Pipp answered. "Once we were flower girls for my aunt's wedding (mom has loads of brothers and sisters), and Zipp threw a MASSIVE tantrum over being made to wear a dress. And that's why she rarely wears them. Usually only if she's been told to."

"Well, that sorta is reassuring," Hitch said. "Tomorrow it is, then." And they all headed home for the night.

The day of not dismissing any activities followed almost immediately. After Zipp was up and dressed, and after breakfast was served, it was time for the first challenge- a makeover. Zipp did not enjoy herself at all. "I look like a clown with this facepaint."

"Zipp, remember what day it is?" Pipp said.

"The day when you cannot say the opposite of yes, I know," Zipp replied, sounding defeated.

Then it was Izzy's turn. Izzy had her tricycle outside, and no sooner was Zipp aboard she blasted off along the road at incredible speed.

"ISN'T THIS FUN?" Izzy shouted, as they roared over a level crossing.

Rebecca looked over from the yard, awaiting her booked departure time. "Does she normally drive that erratically?" she asked.

"I don't see this ending well," Hitch said.

And he was right. Izzy was stopped further down the road by a policeman. "You cannot proceed any further," he said.

"Why not?" Izzy asked. "I'm transporting a passenger."

The policeman then started to rattle off a long list of offenses. "Disorderly driving, driving down a private road with owner's permission, driving under the influence of what appears to be alcohol, driving an unlicensed vehicle on the road, careless driving, not keeping to the line of traffic, ignoring a pedestrian crossing, failing to observe traffic signs, causing ashes and/or sparks to be emitted on the highway, driving on the wrong side of the road, failing to report accident, malicious damage, inadequate lights, excessive noise, defective tyres, exceeding the maximum speed limit in a town..."

Zipp sighed. "I'm gonna be sick..."

After a very long day of doing various things, it was time for the final challenge. Pipp led Zipp upstairs into the living quarters of the house. "The last challenge is behind these doors." They went in, and Pipp flipped open the door. "Here you go!"

Zipp saw what was hanging up, and her eyes went narrow with horror.

Pipp looked over. "Hello? You there?"

"Seriously, Pipp?"

"What? It's just a dress. Look, I know white might clash with you-"

Her speech was suddenly interrupted by Zipp shoving her out of the way. "GET LOST!"

Pipp blinked in surprise. "What just happened?"

No sooner had she said that then her father poked his head in. "Pipp, what in the world is going on? I just saw Zipp running off and..." he trailed off when he saw what was hung up. "Pipp, were you trying to coerce her into doing something she didn't want to do?"

Pipp looked down. "I organised a yes day for her."

"You are aware that yes days are non binding, right? And the whole premise has the potential to be abusive."

Pipp sighed. "Sorry dad."

"I'm not the one you should be apologising to."

Pipp left the room in search of Zipp.

It didn't take her long to find her. Zipp was in the garden, looking out over the sea and out towards the outer world. Pipp stepped slowly up behind her, and spoke. "Zipp?"

"Go away," came the reply.

"Zipp, I want to help."

Zipp turned around so suddenly Pipp stepped backwards in surprise. Her sister's face had a distinct look of annoyance on it.

"Have you ever considered why I hate wearing dresses so much?" Zipp asked.

"You wear them for the Ball!" Pipp answered.

"That's different," Zipp replied. "At least they aren't in white."

Pipp's looked confused. "Oh. So what happened?"

"You know the tantrum I had over having to wear that stupid thing as a flower girl?"

Pipp thought she knew where this was heading. "Is that why?

"No," Zipp said. "It's what happened next..."

Many years ago...

"I don't want to!" Zipp pouted.

"Zara, it's only for a few hours," Lady Haven said. "Don't you want to look good for Aunt Clara's wedding?

"Why do I have to wear a dress?"

"Because it's tradition," Lady Haven explained. "Look, I have an offer for you. You wear this for the wedding, we'll go to the Science Museum in London, and you can learn all about the scientific topics you want. Sound good?"

Zipp's response surprised her. "Deal."

Later that day, everything was ready. The orchestra began to play as the doors to the church opened. Pipp and Zipp were leading down the aisle with baskets filled the flowers. Behind them was their aunt, who was being guided up the aisle by her brother (as the former Duke had passed away many years ago). Behind them came the rest of the bridal party, which was absurdly big.

Pipp was absolutely soaking up the attention. Zipp was not. She just wanted this to be over with. And unfortunately for her, it was- just not the way she intended.

Her shoe collided with a poorly laid stone, and everything went into slow motion as she fell forward. She hit the ground with a bang, and everything stopped. The conductor stopped conducting, and the building fell silent.

Zipp had taken a nasty hit in the fall, and as any child would in this situation started crying. Lady Haven dashed out from the bridal party to help her.

"You're disrupting the order!" Aunt Clara hissed.

"In case you haven't noticed, that's my child who is hurt," Lady Haven said coldly, as she scooped up a sobbing Zipp. "It's not your fault, Zara. You don't have to go back if you don't want to."

Aunt Clara looked annoyed. "From the top!" she demanded. Across the entire building, eyes rolled.

It seemed as though the incident had been forgotten about, and the reception was soon underway. Zipp was on her way back from the bathroom, after being cleaned up and having her clothes changed (the dress was now covered in dust from the stone floor of the church). She was suddenly pulled aside by her aunt, who slammed the door behind her.

"You can't do anything right, you clumsy child, can you?" she hissed. "You've ruined the wedding, you know that? How can the future of the Duchy be in safe hands with a person as stupid as you?"

Zipp was shocked at the tone, and again burst into tears. "I- I'm sorry! It was an accident!"

"I don't care!" Aunt Clara thundered. "You should be pun-"

Suddenly the door opened, and Lady Haven stormed in. "What in God's name is going on?" she demanded. She then saw Zipp sobbing. "Clara, you have a lot of explaining to do."

"She ruined the wedding! Of course she should feel bad!" Aunt Clara snapped.

"If it takes something as small as that to ruin your wedding I have nothing but the utmost sympathy for your husband," Lady Haven replied coolly.

"I don't like the tone of your voice," Aunt Clara said. "I'm the bride, it's my special day!"

"And I'm the person paying for it all," Lady Haven replied. "Show some respect." She picked her daughter up. "Come on Zara, we're leaving."

Aunt Clara started to speak, but Lady Haven shot her a death glare that quickly silenced her.

Zipp sniffled quietly. "I- I'm not in trouble, am I?"

"Of course not," Lady Haven said. "I'll find your father and Pipp, and then we'll go somewhere nicer. You never have to wear white again if you don't want to."

"...And that's why I don't wear white. If I see one, the pain comes flooding back. That's why I wear blue at the ball."

Pipp hung her head. "Zipp, I'd forgotten that. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to trigger your trauma."

Zipp looked up. "You weren't to know. I forgive you."

Pipp sighed. "Consider the yes day over. What would you like to do?"

"How about we go to town for an ice cream and forget all about this?" Zipp suggested.

"That's a good idea," Pipp said, and the two sisters set off, their bond restored.

Author's Note:

This chapter is a loose adaptation of the Tell your Tale short Zipp's Yes Day, and was directly inspired by a conversation with Thomlight Sparkle, particularly this comment on Tales from the Mainland, Volume 1:

But I'm honestly surprised Zipp hasn't blown a fuse when being forced into a dress or even a simple skirt yet. I'd be one to imagine she get a little physical on it at some point.

I've always had a problem with Yes Days, as they seem open to potential abuse. The fanfiction community were quick to hop on the bandwagon, with all sorts of... ahem, 'alternate scenarios' depicted in stories on this site. Hence this story, which tries to restore the balance and at the same time explain Zipp's aversion to wearing dresses or skirts. Did I succeed? Let me know in the comments.