• Published 17th Apr 2023
  • 1,003 Views, 307 Comments

Rebirth of Magic: The Misfit - The Blue EM2

The life and times of an Earth Pony determined to be herself.

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Out and About

So, there we were, trekking through Bridlewood. THIS PLACE WAS SO COOL! Seriously, I was on the verge of a nerdgasm just being here!

All around me, the colour just seemed to be popping off trees and objects. Crystals glowed so intensely they could have lit the way at night. Hmmm. Maybe I should pop out at night and see if they are bioluminescent, I thought to myself. This place seemed like it was just soaking with secrets for me to figure out!

The pathway led through a gentle grove of trees with the sun shining through them, which helped to keep the climate cool and not too hot. Which was quite nice, as I had started my journey in a fairly humid place. No wonder earth ponies have such short fur; it's better suited to the climate.

I glanced about me to see what else was going on. My friends were all busy chatting with one another to find out what had been going on whilst they were away. Izzy seemed to be particularly focusing on Sprout. I mean, I understood that. Him appearing here had rather thrown me for a loop as well. What could he be up to? I mean, my last interaction with him hadn't been under positive circumstances, but he seemed quite subdued here. Much quieter. His normal self would probably have brought some means to wage war on the unicorns and called them savages or something like that.

And yes, I am aware people drew parallels between him and Governer Ratcliffe in Pocahontas. Who'd be the title character in that situation? Izzy, presumably, but who then would be John Smith?

Anyway, I noticed Sprout seemed to be happily chatting with Misty. Well, that was... weird. If this was the normal Sprout, he wouldn't even consider talking to the other races. He'd probably be calling her racial slurs or something like that- Misty had told me a guard called her 'frizz face' in reference to her mane, which carries all sorts of unfortunate implications.

Still they seemed to be happily conversing as if they were close friends. Which was odd, as they hadn't interacted at all, as far as I knew. Misty had vanished partway through our journey, but we don't know where to. Maybe that's another mystery for me to solve.

Pipp seemed to be quite animated in her conversation with the others, so I held back and observed. I'd learned my lesson about barging in and bamboozling the speaker with questions. Awkward.

I continued to hang back and mentally observe the landscape around me, which continued to stun my eyes. And the rest of me, too. It seemed to stand and glow with incredible majesty, the old trees reaching high into the sky and casting shade over us like benevolent protectors.

What stories could they tell if only they could speak?

And I didn't mean that literally. I'm pretty certain swamp fever's been extinct as a disease for a long time. I'd read something in dad's study about the disease being systematically eradicated as somepony had figured out how to artificially mass produce a vaccine based on flashbee honey.

Well, that's going to save a lot of ponies horrible deaths.

But was I really myself? I just noticed I'd referred to Argyle as 'dad' in my thoughts again.

Where did I stop and Sunny begin? This is getting too confusing!

I dropped in next to Hitch to speak to him. "Sooo, what happened to you when you were away from the rest of the group? I don't remember the suit from our travels."

Hitch looked at me. "If you must know, Sunny, I picked these up in a mine when on my way to Zephyr Heights to help you. Turns out earth ponies rely quite heavily on coal for power. Anyway, me and Pipp were escorting each other through this twisted forest which looked like somepony had thrown a nuclear party there."

"Sounds unpleasant," I said, glancing down quickly.

"Anyway, we advanced through some odd town, and fought our way into some old buildings. The place was really eerie, and had been the site of a mayonnaise accident. Turns out the stuff is toxic to unicorns."

I paused for a moment. "That explains so much. So, what happened next?"

"We got ambushed by this Chris Chan guy who locked us in the old building!" Pipp interjected. "We had to find our way out and try to survive in the wasteland! Totes not fun. Hey, at least we're still here now."

This news worried me, as had much news recently. How could this be the case? Chris had been fighting me and Izzy during the same time? How could he be in two places at once?

His speech indicated he was some sort of reality warper, if he was able to move things from the original dimension to the one in which G5 takes place, but how could he be in two places at once? That's impossible!

Yes, I know that being turned into a pony is technically impossible, but the internal logic of the G5 world didn't exactly support teleportation, unless it was Izzy mysteriously bouncing from place to place with no apparent rhyme or reason. Speaking of which, I need to find out how that works. It's all very mysterious to me.

Anyway, we soon reached a split in the path we were taking, and began to head downwards deeper into the forest. The shade patterns had started to change, shifting the landscape from a smoother landscape to one filled with odd trees and bushes, with the light having a curious watery effect. I know that image doesn't make a lot of sense, but the light did genuinely look like a watercolour painting in motion.

We were now at the bottom of the hill, and waited for Izzy to finish doing something. She stood there and waited for a moment, before suddenly changing tack and speaking quite suddenly. Something she does a lot, admittedly.

"Hello house!" she called. "I've missed you!"

Pipp looked confused. "Who greets their house?"

"Izzy, apparently," Hitch said.

Sprout peered at the phenomena surprised. "Perhaps it's some sort of unicorn ritual?" He then looked to Misty. "Any suggestions, Misty?"

Misty shrugged. "Don't look at me! I'm not from Bridlewood!"

"Whatever it is," I said, "it clearly means something to her. And as long as she's not hurting anybody by doing it, I don't see any reason to worry."

Shoot! Said 'everybody' instead of 'everypony'!

Still, we watched as Izzy produced the key to the house and opened the door. I had long since stopped wondering how we were able to pick up or manipulate stuff with our hooves, but it also suggested something, also shown by cutie marks.

Magic wasn't gone entirely. In fact, it still existed in the world in small amounts if both cutie marks and the ability to manipulate objects with hooves was still with us. Not only that, we know magical artefacts lose their magic last, so maybe Twilight put the power for both into two artefacts and hid them extremely well?

Hopefully we'll come across this at some point in our journey, as that'd be pretty cool to see. Not only that it'd be one in the eye for G5's detractors.

We were now standing in the atrium of the house, and boy was it nice. La Caza Izzy was just as vibrant and warm as I remember it. And it would be my effective home for the foreseeable future.

Which reminded me. With Sprout here, perhaps Maretime Bay hadn't gone to pot. Possibly the place was being run more sensibly now? Which means there's a chance the Lighthouse will survive this time around!

Hooray! I wouldn't be homeless, I thought to myself.

As I examined an odd music machine that played the My Little Pony theme, I suddenly spotted a basement door nearby. Already I began to have flashbacks to an infamous fan story that caused so much uproar back in the day. "Izzy, is that a basement down there?"

"Yep!" Izzy replied, as chipper as ever. "I make my cupcakes down there!"

Horrific thoughts flashed before my eyes. Did Izzy have a dark side, like Pinkie? That wouldn't be fun to find out on a dark night.

Izzy saw my face, and patted my shoulder. "Relax, I'm just kidding! I actually do my baking up here in the kitchen. Why would I bake things in a place with no cooking facilities or ventilation?"

We all sat down for a cup of tea. Turned out Izzy was short on crafting supplies for her crafting plan to turn us into unicorns, so she'd have to go get some more tomorrow.

I think we can afford a day's delay, but obviously the house wasn't designed to have this many occupants in it at once. So, we set about setting up beds.

I was more than happy to help. After all, the alternative was sleeping on the floor, which I didn't really fancy to be honest.

Author's Note:

After quite a while away, we are back with Sunny Starscout! We are now in Bridlewood, with the next stage of the adventure firmly underway.

Sunny has clearly noticed Sprout is a tad different to normal. Does this mean what we think it means? Could he also be a former human, like everypony else seemingly is at this point?

More parallels to the infamous Chris Chan can be found in the story. Since posting the previous set of chapters, Chris has gone even more insane and started claiming that G5 is propaganda produced by Russia, with the purpose of destabilising the real world and bringing about the apocalypse. I would link the original posts, but the atrocious English and incoherent babbling would cause your brain to leak out of your ears.

Sunny discussing swamp fever briefly is a reference to the Infection craze that seems to be doing the rounds in the fandom, as swamp fever is one of the diseases most prominently featured. Easily one of the weirdest and darkest bits of MLP lore, swamp fever has formed the basis for many a horror video and creepypasta on both YouTube and this very site.

The notion of magical artefacts being used to house critical magic was suggested by user Comickook, who is a familiar site in the comments sections of these stories. Thanks for the idea!

Can anybody spot the reference to an infamous MLP fanfic?

And with beds set up, we may soon find ourselves in sleepyland once more.