• Member Since 20th Sep, 2018
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The Blue EM2

Glad to be here at last.



This story is a sequel to Thomas and Friends: Fun in the Sun

Moondust Skylight, one of Goldie's brothers, is visiting Falmouth to see his sister and brother-in-law. Whilst there, he regails them with exciting stories of the time he worked for Canadian Pacific, and how he and his engine solved a spooky mystery.

Inspired by the Arnold Ridley play The Ghost Train, with elements taken from Digs and Discoveries, a special from the 24th Season of Thomas and Friends. Based on a suggestion from SciSetShimmerEvan.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 83 )

great chapter mate keep it up cant wait for the next chapter if i don't get coffee my morale is low:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

awesome start mate keep it up:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Cool, keep up the good work.

"That's from our wedding," Goldie explained, as she finished adjusting the glasses on the table. "Several people decided to get us several cutlery sets for some reason. Not to worry. Gives us plenty of flexibility!"

Kinda a coincidence wedding was brought up as today is my parents wedding anniversary, their 25th to be exact. :twilightsmile:

"I thought the plan was to go to the Fisherman's Arms tonight," Sunny replied, who then went back to sorting chairs. "At least we're not washing the doors like the last time Lady Haven popped over for tea."

I once had to clean a door myself at work so I know what she means. :rainbowlaugh:

"Flight from Vancouver was pretty good. Hopped down to LA to visit Penny and Blackjack, then across to Boston to visit mom and dad, then down to New York to see Vicky." He paused. "You know, living out here has clearly rubbed off on you. You wouldn't sound out of place in Canada with your accent."

My grandfather on my mom's side of my family happens to be from Boston too. :ajsmug:

"Well, I do have quite a special story to tell from my days working for Canadian Pacific's steam program. It concerns ghosts, mountains, and a lot of steam engines...."

Can't wait! :pinkiehappy:

Tell me about it. I often need it to get me going in the morning!

Hey there Artist! It's been a while!

1. Well, many happy returns to them.

2. That's based on an incident when my brother's girlfriend (now my sister-in-law) came to visit; we all took to washing the doors for no readily obvious reason. There wasn't any obvious dirt on them, so I can only assume it was my OCD kicking in.

3. Again, an interesting coincidence.

4. The journey to British Columbia shall begin... tomorrow!

I guess Timothy is coming.

Canadian Pacific Hudson 2816 is back in operation. She’s the closest thing we have to an operating New York Central Hudson as the CP’s Hudsons were copies of the Central’s J Class 4-6-4s. Even though she was built by Montreal Locomotive Works she is actually an ALCO product. I hope Santa Fe 3463 gets restored soon, so the US will have a operating Hudson too.

"Bought some maple syrup on my way home from the university," Argyle explained, with a smile on his face. "I thought it'd make him feel at home, seeing as he's come a long way. Canadians, eh?"

Most Canadians don’t have maple syrup with their meals, Argyle. I myself should know since I have some Canadian in my blood.

But seriously, I like this Moondust Skylight fellow.

It may happen. This particular adventure occurs during one of 2816's previous operating cycles.

1. That's the joke. A lot of things that are considered 'national foods' or 'sauces' are actually quite regional or limited in their scope. For example, roast beef is not a staple of the British diet (for most of history people in the British Isles got most of their protein through seafood and fish), and most French people have never tried frogs legs. To drop in another Canadian example, poutine is often considered a national dish when it is largely confined to French Canada.

2. That's good to hear. I thought that as we'd looked a lot at the Starshine side it'd be fun to develop Sunny's relatives on her mother's side.

I wonder what this Ghost Train is about? Could it be about a disastrous accident that happened at the tunnel?

Both engines laughed at that. "But what out for the ghost," Harrison said suddenly. "Other engines have reported spooky things going on, and I think that-"

watch out*

Just then a massive coal train roared out of the tunnel, making it impossible for anybody's words to be understood. Whatever this ghost was, it would have to wait


Miranda started laughing. "Ghosts? Seriously? I think you're going soft in the boiler! There's no such thing as ghosts! And even if they were, I'd soon put them in their place!"

I like that Thomas reference there with the 'soft in the boiler' line. :ajsmug:

awesome chapter mate keep it up can't wait for the next chapter:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

1 and 2. Thanks for catching those.

3. Indeed. Liking it so far?

mhm, I also for one agree on the U4a mention when it came to Vinnie in The Great Race being the only North American engine in the competition. I didn't care about it during 2016 but now I do as he's not american, he's canadian.

I honestly never believed Roast Beef was a British Thing. I always thought it was Beef Wellington (Because of Paddington Bear the series). Moreover, when it comes to me and French food, Frog Legs aren’t one of them. To me, that would be Escargot.
That’s interestingly one fact I didn’t know about most Canadian Culture. But then again, I haven’t been to Canada that often anyway.

I think that is important to do, especially since the show isn’t doing such a thing.

You honestly never fail to amaze me with the selection of Engines you choose for these stories.

Funny enough, I own a DVD that covers the restoration of CP 2816.

Honestly, most writers don’t do enough research on anything these days. Which explains why Vinnie’s engine type wasn’t familiar to me.

It's possible the film-makers confused Vinni's basis with the nearly identical U4-b of the Grand Trunk Western Railroad (ironically enough, that was the US division of a Canadian company!).

1. Well, that counts. The latter example is the origin of the term 'frog' as a derogatory term for somebody from France. Escargot, funnily enough, is also a delicacy.

2. Sadly. In the show we seem to be left with two options; either Mrs Starshine died before Sunny could form any memories of her (being a mom in a kid's film is a perilous business), or there was some sort of split of some description. It's a tiny bit weird there's no evidence of her existance at all.

1. My interest is in trying to depict regions fairly accurately and that includes motive power (compared to the show, which recoloured Frankie to represent a US diesel loco-would it have been too much effort to create an early SD series unit CGI model?). 2816 is one of only two Canadian steam locos I have ever travelled behind; 1077, which can today be found at Fort Steele National Historic Site near Cranbrook, BC, is the other.

2. I think the writers just wanted an engine that looked large and intimidating. The metalwork over the front of the smokebox and the sheer size of the loco would be quite threatening to a UK locomotive.

Probably. Not to mention the Brenner era wasn't 100% perfect when it tried to bring in real life events and engines.

As much as I enjoy the Brenner era, one does have to apply the MST3K mantra at points. Still, props to them for trying to teach viewers actual railway history.

Mhm. While it'll never top the classic era of the show or railway series books, they made it a good show again after being just not good. Imo, 2004-2012 just wasn't a great time for Thomas. There were a few good episodes and 3 movies but other than that not a lot of excitement.

I lived through it. I remember.

great chapter mate keep it up cant wait for the next chapter during both world wars canada had trouble enlisting French speaking canadians:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

If you're interested in more reading on that, I thoroughly recommend the novel La Guerre, Yes Sir! by Roch Carrier.

"Oldest," Moondust replied, as he checked the speedometer. "The other two were born a fair bit after us, and tended to be with each other. We used to joke that the youngest partly existed to give the one older than her a playmate!"

Lol. :rainbowlaugh:

"Ghosts, spooks, mists," Miranda snorted to herself. "John's gone soft in the boiler! There's no such thing as ghosts, after all!"

Despite the change in dialogue I can tell it's straight from one of my favorite Halloween themed Thomas episodes, "Haunted Henry!" :pinkiehappy:

And then it happened. A ghostly shape suddenly rolled past on the other line. The engine was spectral and grey, and the coaches were white as if made of nothing but air itself. It rattled past at speed before vanishing into the mist.


"Glitter lets me see everything!"


Hunted Henry all over again this time in Canada.

1. That's based on a comment my paternal grandparents made about my dad.

2. It is indeed a reference to that.

3. Good choice of clip.

4. One can only wonder what glitter is.

Thanks, I find it more funny to use than the ones I've used before.

No problem. Keep up the variety

You certainly do a better job than most shows I’ve seen.
I certainly would like to see that engine in person one day.

That’s true. But I think they could still get the idea across if they did it with a true American Streamlined Engine.

I figured Escargot was a delicacy in France given most shows I've seen where someone is in France or something related to it, they always feature Escargot in it. Personally, I’d rather try that than frog legs.

Aye. Personally, I think the single parent and or recently deceased parents trope is way too over done in many TV shows these days.
But it’s times like this I am glad you and I not only try to include them in, but give each a story to them.

"Only that they were wearing leather and had a biker's helmet on," Marie replied. "They must have been a ghost as they had an implausible amount of luck that day."

I know that this is suppose to be a reference to PT Boomer, but could it also be connected to Ghost Rider too?

Izzy? How did you get here? You hadn't even been born when this story happened!

Simple, since this a flashback story, it means any individual from the present time can interact with it in someway. Wither it’s a fantasy or actually story. Tigger did the same in Winnie the Pooh - The New Adventures.

I know of the GP9 unit. 2 of them were on the consist of the main train in “Runaway Train

1. C&O 490 (which today can be found at the B&O Railroad Museum in Baltimore, MD) would qualify as the engine looks very odd to most audiences.

2. It used to be a common prank when visiting France to try and trick somebody into ordering that dish, but not so much anymore.

3. Writers seem to be using it less often these days. Brave (2012) memorably subverts the trope in spectacular fashion.

1. As in the Marvel anti-hero or the folk song Ghost Riders in the Sky?

2. Generally this sort of interaction is used for comedy- although quite how Izzy knows the story is being told is a mystery.

GP9s dominate pretty heavily where I live as well. They're a popular choice for Alabamian shortlines (and shortlines in general), although they're becoming increasingly rare on the mainline.

awesome chapter mate keep it up cant wait for the next chapter the danish resistance had to rely on smuggling and blackmarket goods for most of the war untill the allied drop weapons and supplies to them :pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

"I definitely saw something," Miranda countered, as her eyes focused closely on the tunnel entrance that sat before them, illuminated like a dangerous portal to something dangerous, with the single light above it serving almost as a light drawing in unsespecting moths to a deadly flame."


She was nervous about what she would find. But she knew she and her friends would need this information so that they could put an end to whatever was going on.

Be brave Maria. :fluttershysad:

The man in the helmet glanced back and saw all the equipment stockpiled. "Good work, all of you," he said. "The revolution draws closer with every passing day. With this level of firepower, not even the Canadian Army will be able to stop us!"

Welp, this is no ghost alright!! :twilightoops:

Just then, a device rang, and he pulled it out. "Yes, this is Boomer. Fresh shipment has just arrived and checked out as indicated. Military grade firepower, and even some of those Humvees with rocket launchers. With all this firepower, the revolution is guaranteed to succeed. "Of course. I will post update reports when we are ready to launch the attack."


Harrison sighed. "Revolution, gun running, equipment being moved, tensions, master plans- it's like 1812 all over again!"

I'm guessing something similar happened that year and ties with Canadian history? :unsuresweetie:

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