• Published 30th Mar 2023
  • 370 Views, 4 Comments

Time Travel Insanity - Wr1tingN3rd

Twilight isn't the only egghead around. Rainbow Dash uses her knowledge of quantum mechanics to create a time machine. With her amazing luck, she somehow manages to strand herself into the past, even before she got her cutie mark.

  • ...

Chapter 2: Arrival (Rewrite)

@#$*#@#@$@ ERROR.

"Ugh, what is that noise?!" Rainbow groaned. The obnoxiously loud and annoying warning sounds blared through the cabin, forcing Rainbow awake.

She tried to sit up, but winced in pain as she felt a sharp stab in both her head and lower body. Upon further examination, she felt that her head had an open wound and nearly lost consciousness from merely touching the injury. She could feel flesh sticking out of her head, having a spongey texture. But that wasn't even the worse of it. As she continued to examine herself, she looked down onto her lower body, where she saw a thin pole that had pierced through her abdomen like a hook through a fish. When she tried to remove the pole, she felt her body complain as her stomach acid nearly came onto the floor.

I need to patch myself up... She looked up at the wall and saw a still quite secure First Aid kit inside a compartment in the wall. She reached for the compartment, trying to keep her lunch inside her body, and managed to open the door, where a beaten up white box fell in front of her. She opened it up and found some bandages, alcohol, and most importantly, pain killers.

"Oh, thank Celestia," she muttered to herself as she popped open the lid and chugged a few pills. It would take a bit to set in.

She then reverted her attention back to the piercing hole in her body and reached down to grab it. She knew what she had to do.

"This is going to hurt so much," Rainbow murmured. She took a deep breath in and applied a large amount of pressure to back end of the pole. SNAP She had successfully broken off a segment of the stick. This allowed her better access to more easily remove the rest of the staff. Still holding her breath, she pulled the pole out, crying out in pain as blood began to pour out of the wound like a river with no signs of stopping any time soon.

Quickly, she grabbed the bandages and stuff it in her wound and wrapped it around her abdomen, hoping that it was enough to stop the bleeding. The stretched out, soft white bandage instantly turned a deep crimson red as more blood soaked into the cloth. Rainbow moaned in pain as she finished wrapping the bandage and tightly tied it off.

Rainbow gasped for air and laid back down on the floor again, taking a deep breath, trying to subdue the pain. After what seemed forever, she pulled herself up using the side bars and tried to gain her footing. As soon as she was up, she started to feel nauseous and the world started to spin around her, until she ultimately doubled over, emptying her contents onto the cold, metal, floor. Her fur soaking up the throw up like a towel.

"Ugh- buck this crap," she groaned, nearly throwing up a second time. Then, she stood up again to be met with her left leg buckling under the pressure where she fell back down, kissing the sweet barf that was neatly laid out before her.

"Oh, dear Celestia, its in my mouth!" Rainbow gagged. She spit into the air, trying to get the disgusting substance out of her mouth and back on the floor where it belongs. When she tried to check what was wrong with her leg, her eyes widened in realization. her leg was completely broken, bent in ways that it shouldn't be bent, with a bone sticking out the side. Could this get any worse?!

Without the ability to walk, she pulled herself along the floor, outside of the cage she was stuck inside. "I hate my life..." Rainbow said to particularly no one and continued forwards, using her other rear leg as support. After making her way a few feet in front of the machine, she checked her surroundings, to which she was met with trees. Lots of trees. The only hints of light shining through were tiny sunrays, poking through the leaves above her. Besides that, it was nearly pitch black. Her ears perked up as she heard the rustling of bushes around her. She gulped. Only now had she realized where she was. She was in the everfree forest.

The feeling of dread started to weigh down on her like an anvil pulling her into the floor, giving her a paralyzing feeling, making her unable to move. She felt hopeless. Alone. She just wanted to see her friends again. To tell them how much she cared for them. Tears streamed down her face. It was too late for that. She would never see them again. She would die there. Lonely, cold, and afraid. She would die right next to the very machine she spent years creating. The very thing she had sought out to create had banished her. Leaving her to die, in the pointy grass that stabbed into her fur. The rough feeling of rocks digging into her skin.

"NO!" Rainbow yelled aloud. "I'm not going to sit here and just die! If I die, I want to die at least knowing that I tried." With what little strength she had left, she forced herself to stand. "Get... UP!" she shouted at herself, and pulled her rear legs underneath herself, and managed to be able to stand. "I'm not..." she grunted in pain. "Dying..." She took another step forwards. "-like this!" A wave of determination came over her, and she pushed her way through the pain, through the blood and throw up, and made her way towards freedom. Walking forwards at an increasingly faster pace, hoping, just hoping, that she would run into a path that would lead her away from this awful land.

Then, her prayers were answered. As she walked, she could see a dirt path form in front of her, which she followed closely. Eventually, she could see a light. Freedom! Tears streamed down her face. She would make it. She would survive. She wouldn't die lonely. She would see her friends again. Then, she stepped into a blinding flash of light that was the sun. She was out. She looked through the bright lights and found something she never would've expected. Ponyville.

"I'm home," Rainbow said to herself. "I'm HOME!" she laughed out in joy as tears flooded her eyes.

All of a sudden, a sense of lightheadedness seemed to slap her in the back of the head and she felt increasingly tired and nauseous. The world started to spin and darken. She landed on her knees, looking up into the sky before her eyes crawled to the back of her head where she was met with darkness.

Twilight paced across the room inside of Rainbow's cloudhouse. She was a mess. Her hair was messed up, her usual smooth bangs replaced with strips of hair sticking up on its end. Her face had wet stains and her eyes were sore. Waves of thoughts flooded her head. "How could I let this happen? I saw something was up! I should have said something! I should have asked her what she was doing! And now she's gone and it's all my fault!" she cried out, a flood of water flowing from her eyes.

"Hey, ya know that's not true. We all coulda done somethin', but we didn't," Applejack told her, a tone of worry in her voice.

Twilight slumped down into a corner. "N-No no no. It's m-my fault. You guys d-didn't do anything wrong. I-I should've said something," Twilight sniffed, wiping tears from her eyes, only managing to further worsen her appearance.

"Hey, it's alright, Twilight," Fluttershy said softly. "It's not your fault. We all ignored what was going on," she further clarified Applejack's point. "We are just as guilty as you are. You didn't do anything wrong." Twilight looked up at the yellow pegasus where she was met with a pair of kind, caring eyes and a heartwarming smile of support.

"Y-you're right," Twilight said, the tears slowly coming to a halt. She wiped the wetness off her face.

"Don't worry, Twilight. If ah know anything about her, ah know that she'll pull through. She's tough," Applejack reassured her.

Twilight sniffled. "I know, it's just... I-I don't know..." she looked down at the floor.

"Well, if you need anything, you can always talk to us," Fluttershy offered. She leaned forwards and gave Twilight a soft hug, the rest of following her example. "We'll get through this, together," Fluttershy said softly.

"T-Thanks. You girls mean the world to me," Twilight looked up with a grateful look on her face. Her breathing slowed and her heart rate decreased and she leaned into the hug. They sat there for a good few minutes.

Rarity broke the silence. "Well, I'd hate to bring this up now, but, when are we getting the princesses? Surely they'd be able to help us out quite a bit," Rarity asked.

"Oh! Y-yeah. I almost forgot!" Twilight said sheepishly, before standing up and brushing herself off quickly. "Spike!"

Rainbow slowly regained consciousness and opened her eyes.

"Am I... dead?" she asked herself.

She sat up and looked around where she was met with the void. The endless, cold void. As she stared, it only seemed to get darker and darker and it seemed to pull her towards it.

She gulped. "H-hello?" she called out. Her voice echoed through the endless vast space where she got no response back.

Then, she heard a thud in the distance. It echoed out, just barely audible enough to hear. "Who's there?!" she yelled, quickly standing and getting into a defensive stance.

Then, the there was a thud again. This time closer. And heavier. "S-show yourself!" Rainbow shouted at the darkness ahead.

Her ears perked up, listening for the slightest sound to tell her where the sound was coming from. That's when she heard it. A slow breath, echoing through the black space. It's breath sounded ghastly, it seemed to be getting closer... and closer. That's when she noticed the blackness start to cave in around her.

Her fight-or-flight response kicked in, and she bolted in the opposite direction as fast as her legs could take her. She tried to take off flying, but her wings didn't want to work. The darkness got faster, and the thumping got louder and louder, gaining on Rainbow.

Then, a glimmer of hope appeared. A bright light somewhere in the distance, where she could hear voices speaking. She ran towards it, her legs burning as she kept her speed, not wanting to slow down for the entity behind her.

"Somepony! Anypony! Help me!" Rainbow cried out in fear.

The lights got brighter and she approached what looked to be an exit. Her legs started to fail. She started to slow and the entity only got faster. Not wanting to die, she leapt towards it, stretching her body out like a kite. Then, something grabbed her. It's touch felt ice cold and it pulled her back, away from the light.

"No, nononono! I don't want to die! Let me go!" Rainbow screamed. With her other free leg, she kicked the entity off of her and regained her footing, running through the light.

Rainbow bolted straight up, sweat drenching her body. That's when she noticed she was hyperventilating, and she tried to calm herself down. After she calmed herself, she realized she was sitting on a bed. A hospital bed. She could hear the beeping of the heart monitor to the side of her, where there was a bag of blood piping into her arm. She was wearing a blue gown, but she could feel bandages wrapped around her, covering her abdomen area and her head. Other than that, she was okay.

She laid back down and sighed in relief. Then, a sound echoed down the hallway, getting louder, and a Nurse barged into the room, her eyes wide and alert. When she saw Rainbow, she relaxed and approached her.

"How ya doing?" she asked with a kind smile.

"Oh, u-uh, hi! I'm doing... alright," Rainbow said with a tone of confusion in her voice.

"Ah, you must be wondering how you got here," the Nurse said. "Somepony called in and said they found a body on the outskirts of Ponyville, and we rushed over to help you out," she explained. "You almost died, ya know," she told her, her face getting serious. Then she relaxed again. "But now you're alright, and that's all that matters," she said with a grin on her face.

"Thank you. I thought I was going to die, too," Rainbow replied softly.

"Yeah, speaking of that, how did you get injured? What happened to you?" she asked.

"Oh-! It's just some accident! I fell while performing stunts in the air," she lied, giving her best reassuring smile.

"Huh, must've been some crash. You gotta be more careful next time. Got it?" she told Rainbow. "Oh, I almost totally forgot! My name is Nurse Pinkheart!" she said with a proud smile, bringing her hoof out to Rainbow, where she reluctantly shook it.

"Um, my name is-" she was cut off.

"Ah, no need to worry about that. We just searched up your description in the computer and your files popped up. It's weird though, it says you're only a filly," Pinkheart rubbed her chin. "Eh, but we'll fix it. We'll contact the others about this mix up stuff. Hasn't happened in a while."

"Oh uh- I was totally going to say that!" Rainbow chuckled awkwardly. "But uh, you beat me to it!" she said with a half-smile on her face.

"Okay, well, I can check you out now and we can head out, but I would recommend at least another two months before-"

"TWO MONTHS?!" Rainbow yelled in disbelief.

"I mean, you can leave now if you want, but you'll undergo some serious risks of stitches re-opening, you bleeding out and stuff like that," Pinkheart warned.

"That's alright, I think I'll just be on my way!" she said as she quickly shuffled her way out of bed.

"Whoa! Sit back down! I still need to sign some forms for your release!" Pinkheart rolled her eyes.

"Fine.." Rainbow pouted. "Hey, how long have I even been here?" she asked.

Beads of sweat formed on Pinkheart's head. "Oh, um, just like um... five months," she cringed and looked away from Rainbow, not wanting to see her reaction.

"Five months?!" Rainbow shouted.


Rainbow crumbled back down into the bed and slapped her hoof over her face. She let out a long groan and sunk even deeper into the sheets.

"Well... Ff you were wondering, the date today is July 15th, 1978," Pinkheart added with a small smile.

"Ugh! That just makes this worse!" Rainbow yelled into the pillow.

It was going to be a long day.

Author's Note:

More rewriting, yay!
pls enjoy