• Member Since 16th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen 53 minutes ago

Snow Quill

Just a bat, sometimes writes, sometimes draws


The definition of insanity is said to be doing the same task over and over again while expecting a different result. 

I suppose this makes me insane. 

But I do not care.

Originally written for a Quills and Sofa Panic from 2020 where it placed second! Presented here with some editing/expansion.

Cover art by me! If you are a writer and would like cover art, send me a PM!

((Also now with a sequel, written by a friend))

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 6 )

This was a great fanfic. I thought this was gonna be another "Pinkie is "crazy"" fanfic, but I'm glad it wasn't. Very nice work.

Having a strong relationship with my mother, this struck a chord with me. I had to stop reading multiple times to "claim" a few tissues. Great work pulling at the heart strings, and portraying this through the mind of a young one.

Oh wow, I’m flattered my story garnered such a strong reaction! Lowkey sorry for making you cry but that was kinda the intention here so I’m glad it worked lol. Thanks for reading and leaving a comment!

ahhh I’m so sorry for responding so late I swear I thought I already did

Thanks so much for the comment! I’m glad you enjoyed it

There is a nagging feeling, an itching, no, a pinching in my ear. Mommy has talked about feelings like this before, she called them her
senses. Dad has them too, but his aren’t the same.

aww, Pinkie Sense!

“I’m sorry Cheese, but you have to wake up now.”

oof… with how she only appears in vague and blurry descriptions, bad feeling about this! 

His breath caught for a moment as he realized he couldn't remember the last time he had been hugged by another pony. No, not just another pony, her.

oof, my heart

He supposed that maybe he was insane, for 478 days now he had performed his routine of waking up, recording remnants of dreams over warm waffles and a note from his dad before starting the journey across town.

the sun of Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich living a life so self-regimented really adds to the unease of it all

Cheesecake pulled back, an innocent and confused look on his face, “Of course she can, the doctors just have to let her out.” He smiled and nuzzled his dad, “It’s okay, I know she hasn’t come out yet, but tomorrow will be different, it-”

“Son that’s not-“

“-has to be. I can feel it in my heart.”

and, oof. the magical thinking in trying to find patterns in his dreams, the OCD-like regimens, it all comes together to a colt that can’t accept something so awful no one should ever have to. wonderful piece, thank you for it!

Thanks so much! I always enjoy reading your comments and seeing what parts jumped out to you most

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