• Published 23rd Jun 2023
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Equestria: World War II (1939-1941) - The Unseen

Equestria is transported to Earth right before World War 2 is supposed to begin and an evil entity breaks free of his prison, how will they survive?

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Chapter 38


-----------------------------------------------------THE PALACE OF NATIONS, GENEVA--------------------------------------------------------
It was now 4:00am in Geneva, which meant it was now 1:30am in Canterlot. It had been three days since that horrific assassination attempt, and it was going to be a sad flight home today, as they would be taking the body of the dead diplomat home with them so that he could be buried by his family.

After that tragedy, which had also resulted in the death of a League of Nations soldier, the security measures had been tightened, not just at the League of Nations, but around the entire world. People from the media, and their equipment, were checked heavily for hidden weapons and weapon parts, and they were checked to see if they were members of the ENA, or any other such organisations. Speaking of the ENA, they had not been declared a criminal organisation, as Schmidt had originally wanted.

Bret Stiles himself had responded to accusations that the ENA had ordered this attack, saying that although the perpetrator was a member of the ENA, Stiles or any other member of the organisation had not influenced him into committing this crime in any way, as they were not an extremist organisation like the Ku Klux Klan. Still, orders had been delivered to keep a watch on the ENA and its members.

In fact, now, ENA members were still facing a lot of discrimination all over the world, despite their allegations that they had not committed the attack. In fact, on the night of the previous day, Celestia had seen a news report on the TV, where an ENA member had apparently been stabbed multiple times by a group of people who supported the Equestrians, and was in critical condition in the hospital. Some people supported this act, but a lot did not condone it. All in all, the League of Nations attack had shocked the world, and people all over the world offered their condolences.

As Celestia finished packing her final things for the flight back home, Luna came in. "Are you all set for the flight home, sister?" asked Luna, with a concerned look on her face.

"Yes, Luna. I am fully ready for the flight home, and I am perfectly fine. What about you?" said Celestia.

"Are you sure you are fine, 'Tia? The attack did take a toll on all of us."

"What about you, Luna? You killed the attacker without thinking. Sure, you did prevent further fatalities, yes, but you also took his life in cold blood. You do realise the ENA, if they were behind this, will hold us responsible for the failure of their mission, and may try again. Also, we may have to pay for the repairs to the League of Nations, as the main hall is out of commission for around three or four months after you destroyed the media gallery to kill him."

"Sister, I had to do it. That man had killed two already, and would have killed more had I not intervened and killed him first. It was the only way to prevent more loss of life, especially among the other world leaders, as that would have simply aided Discord's plan, and started more wars. Already, three wars are raging on this planet, the battle between the Allies and Germany, the China-Japan war, and the Soviet Union-Finland war. Also, about the damage, I asked Schmidt about it, and we only have to pay around 50,000 Equestrian dollars in compensation, so we can afford that."

"Oh, I see. But still, Luna, are you sure you are fine?"

"Yes, 'Tia. I am fine, don't worry. The memories do still haunt me a little, but I am fine." said Luna, helping Celestia pack up her things. Soon, at 4:20am, the three princesses got ready to leave. As they reached the main lobby, they noticed the coffins of the diplomat, and the League of Nations soldier. They would be transported today for burial. They would both be transported to the airport, where, after a final tribute, they would be loaded on the planes. While the body of the soldier would be sent to his family in France for burial, the body of the diplomat would be flying with the princesses on the plane home to Manehattan, where his family would be waiting.

It was truly going to be a sombre trip home. The coffin of the diplomat, which made been carved by a very well-reputed Swiss funeral home, had been covered with an Equestrian flag, while the soldier's coffin had been covered by that of France, as well as the flag of the League of Nations. The other Equestrians and Crystal Empireans, as well as a lot of humans were present. Notably, the large crowd of reporters were absent, presumably since the League of Nations attack had been perpetrated by a reporter, and they had done this for safety reasons. It would still be broadcast, but from outside the League of Nations.

As the princesses arrived, they were greeted by Anna Schmidt, who once again offered her condolences on the death of the diplomat, and the princesses in turn offered their condolences on the loss of the soldier. She thanked them, and got ready to go back to her office, as she couldn't stay long, having to deal with all the other problems, relating to the three war fronts going on.

Already, the Soviet-Finland war, due to the snowy conditions and the weather in Finland right now, had been informally termed the Winter War, which would probably be the name everybody would call it from now on. The battle between the Britain-France alliance, now known as the Allies, and Germany, was also still raging, and so was the China-Japan war. So far, close to 200,000 people had died in all three wars combined, and Celestia hoped they would be able to stop Discord, and end the wars.

As the Equestrians and Crystal Empireans got ready to leave, a group of human pallbearers, dressed in uniforms, came to hoist the coffin of the two fallen from the attack. They smoothly and expertly hoisted the coffins onto their shoulders, and the League of Nations began playing a funeral tune, solemn and sad. As the band continued playing, the pallbearers marched out with the coffins, to two black hearses parked outside, as part of the motorcade that would take them all to the airport. As the coffins were loaded smoothly into the hearses, the band stopped, a twenty-one gun salute was performed, and a three-minute period of silence was taken, in honour of the two deceased.

Once this period of silence ended, all of the ponies walked towards the vehicles, whose drivers were already waiting inside. All of them got in the huge motorcade, which had more protection than ever since the attack, and at 4:40am, all forty vehicles began to leave the Palace of Nations. As they passed through the main streets of Geneva, despite the early hour, a large amount of people had come to see the Equestrians leave. However, some of these included ENA members, who were busying jeering at the ponies. "Fuck your politician! May he rest in piss! He's going to Hell!" shouted some of the members, who were all laughing at that statement.

At this, an angry Luna wanted to murder the ENA members right then and there, but Celestia held her back. "Luna, we don't want another incident already." said Celestia.

"But sister, they are dishonouring the memory of our diplomat! We should have Bret Stiles arrested and executed, and his organisation destroyed!" said Luna, still rather angry.

"Luna, let's not do that for now. We will deal with ENA later, that is for sure, for I am sure that they were behind the attack, despite their denials." said Celestia, as the motorcade left the protestors behind, and continued towards the airport. At almost 5:00am, the motorcade reached the airport, and while the hearses got direct access to the airfield, the cars carrying the ponies went to the VIP terminal, where they were dropped off, and went through immigration, where their passports were stamped, and soon, they walked onto the tarmac, to get on their plane, which would be the leased American Boeing 307 Stratoliner, until Equestria and the Crystal Empire acquired its own VIP aircraft.

As they walked towards the plane, they saw the coffin of the diplomat being removed from the hearse, and loaded gently into the aircraft's big cargo hold. The pallbearers gave a final salute as the coffin was secured, and then, they got back into the hearse, which drove off. At exactly 5:10am, the ponies boarded the plane, which was finishing up the final preparations before it would embark on its six-hour flight back to Manehattan. Equestria and the Crystal Empire would enter the war in just two or three months. Soon, they would prove their worth on the battlefield, to ENA's 11,000 members.

---------------------------------------------------------ENA HEADQUARTERS, CHICAGO---------------------------------------------------------
Despite it being a quarter past 10:00pm in Chicago, at Bret Stiles' farm, also used as the ENA headquarters, on the outskirts of the city, the activity was not dying down yet. Of 1,100 members of ENA who lived at the large compound, close to 600 were still awake at this late hour, going around and conducting some last business before they went off to sleep. In the Big House, which was what the house where Bret Stiles lived was called, all of the lights were still on, as Stiles and the inner circle of ENA were discussing the double failure and success of Hill's mission.

"Well, gentlemen, Hill succeeded with his mission, as he was successfully able to kill one of those alien diplomats, but he also failed as he got himself killed." said Stiles. "However, as I told him before he left for Geneva, we would deny any knowledge of his actions if he was captured or killed, so we have done that. However, our organisation is still under major scrutiny by some governments, and now, hate crimes are being conducted against our members."

"Ah, yes. Our member who was stabbed in Paris by a supporter of the aliens, is out of danger, but is still in intensive care. Another group of our members, in Beijing, were mugged by supporters of the aliens, and similar hate attacks have been reported in New York City, Denver, London, Manchester, Delhi, Bangkok, and other cities around the globe." said John Jones, Stiles' deputy.

"Have we had the attackers arrested?" said another of the ENA inner circle.

"So far, we have had most of the perpetrators arrested, and a few are still on the loose, whom the police are working to round up, if you can call them working. I had to make a few sneaky payments to get them to round up the criminals who attacked our members." replied Jones.

"I see. Still, good job, Jones. I hope they receive a decent jail sentence, that keeps them in for a few years." said Stiles.

"I am hoping so too. In the meantime, any updates on the aliens' monarchs right now?" asked Jones.

"Oh, switch on the television. It will show what is going on right now." said Stiles, as he turned on the TV, and put on the live news. It showed the Equestrians' plane, the Boeing 307 Stratoliner, which was taxiing towards the runway for its flight back to Manehattan, the Equestrians' New York City ripoff. "They're heading back to their home country after Hill killed their diplomat. Looks like they're taking him home with them to his burial."

"Well, we can't interfere with them now. We don't want more scrutiny on us now, not right after our attack at the League of Nations." said Jones.

"Yes, not yet. Our first opportunity to attack failed, but more will come eventually. We just have to strike harder next time, and at a more opportune time." said Stiles. "Let's get back to planning." said Stiles, as he and his men began to brainstorm. Meanwhile, on the TV, at exactly 5:20am Geneva time, the Equestrians' plane lined up on the runway. The pilots pushed the throttles to takeoff power, and two minutes late, the big airliner was lumbering into the skies of Switzerland, heading towards Equestria.

------------------------------------------------------------SOMEWHERE IN GERMANY-------------------------------------------------------------
It was now almost 7:00am in Germany. In the dark forest facility, Discord was happy. He had successfully started three wars, and the Erweiterung programme was going well. The first four parts of his plan had been completed, all within three months of Equestria and the Crystal Empire being transported to Earth! The Panzer IIIEs were rolling off the assembly lines, the Bf109Es were undergoing final certification flights, and soon, the Panzer IVEs would also being testing. Also, the E-serum had been darkly approved for human use.

He was also happy that the Equestrians had taken some suffering on Earth, with the death of that diplomat in the League of Nations attack. The only thing that annoyed him about that was the fact that the ENA, whom he knew were behind the attack, could have killed the princesses, totally ruining his plan to keep them alive for now.

Discord and Hitler had worked on a plan to use the E-serum on Nazi soldiers and spies, basically creating super soldiers or spies. It would be painful, but it would be worth it, once Discord would take over Earth. Ah, it would be so happy when that day finally came. Also, Discord planned some even more things. When the ponies went into war, if any unicorns or pegasi were captured as POWs, he would have them sent to the Erweiterung facility, deep in the forests of Germany.

He would then extract the magic out of them, no matter if it killed them, and then would put magic in the super-soldiers, to make a new species of humans with magical powers, to make them his slaves once he took over Earth. Then, it would be his own chaotic utopia. Discord laughed happily, thinking of all the things he could do to Earth. As he thought about it, he realised that once the Equestrians went to war, he would need some more violence. When the next year came around, he would have to start a few more wars. It was all part of the plan.

He was thinking where the next war theatres would be, when his telephone rang. Rather annoyed, Discord picked up the call. "Yes?"

"Ah, Dr. Discord. We are going to conduct the stress tests on the Panzer IVE today. Also, we are working on some new weapon concepts we would like to show you. Are you coming to the main lab?" came the voice over the phone.

"Oh, yes, I'll come right away." said Discord, putting down the phone, and teleporting to the main lab, which didn't startle the scientists at all, as half of them were engrossed in their work, and the remaining half were used to it by now. Discord went towards the stress testing area and got ready. It was going to be a good day, he felt.

----------------------------------------------------------20,000 FEET ABOVE THE ATLANTIC----------------------------------------------------
In the confines of the Stratoliner's pressurised fuselage, the ponies were getting ready for their arrival. It had now been over five and a half hours since they had left Geneva, and in just around an hour, they would be landing in Manehattan. The plane was cruising, and soon, it would begin its descent. As the stewardesses began going around the airplane, collecting the used plates and cups before landing. It would be a sad arrival, that was for sure, as they were bringing their dead comrade home with them.

As the plane descended lower and lower, they could see Equestria and the Crystal Empire come into their sight, and fifteen minutes later, they were on final approach into Manehattan. At exactly 1:50pm Equestria time, the plane touched down on the runway at Manehattan Airbase, and began slowing down. The plane taxied off the runway, once it was slow enough, and soon, it was heading towards the VIP terminal, where a group of pallbearers had showed up to carry the coffin to his family's house, since motor vehicles such as hearses had not come to Equestria and the Crystal Empire yet.

The plane pulled up outside one of the VIP terminal's five parking stands. The Manehattan Airbase would for now, be used jointly for civilian and military aircraft, but eventually, they planned to construct a dedicated civilian airport somewhere else. The plane's four engines shut down, and the doors opened. The guards, followed by the princesses, were the first ones to disembark. As they got off the plane, they also saw some human ground handlers opening up the cargo doors, and gently taking the coffin out of the cargo hold. As they did so, some unicorn pallbearers lifted up the coffin using their magic, and began to carry it towards the gates of the airbase.

As the ponies exited the VIP terminal, Celestia and Luna were met up by the diplomat's grieving family. "Your Highnesses! They haven't even told us who killed our son!" shouted his mother, Dew Diamond, who was bawling her eyes out.

"I know, Diamond. The killer was a member of ENA." said Celestia.

"WHAT?! Are you saying that the pony-haters had my son murdered?!" said Diamond, horrified at this statement.

"No, Diamond. ENA denied that this man had anything to do with the attack." said Celestia.

"So you are saying my son was killed just because some human hated ponies? I hope his killer rots in Tartarus!" cried Diamonds, as she walked off crying, towards the coffin carrying her son's body. On seeing her family crying, Celestia thought about how many families of soldiers who had been killed in the battlefield would be mourning the loss of their sons, cousins, and sole breadwinners. This increased her resolve to put her nation into the war, find the Destroyer of Discord, and stop him.