• Published 8th May 2023
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Adventures of thestral Anon - ImNew2023

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Anon lost through time part 2

AN: Fallout Equestria is written by Kkat, please go check out their work.

Looking through the ruins of a Ministry of Peace building, Anon pushed over a filing cabinet.

Having gone scavenging for medical supplies Anon snarled in frustration as he found the place was already picked clean.

“Stupid 200+ years of survivors” Anon grumbled.

Before he turned to leave, Anon heard something knock over a can.

Raising his weapon he crept towards it.

Moving in between the rotting wooden desks, Anon lowered himself to the ground before getting close enough to the rustling sound he leapt out, ready to strike the killing blow.

That was until he stopped himself, seeing a familiar creature cowering in the corner.

“Fluttershy?” Anon asked.

“A-Anon?” She stuttered.

“About time, I’ve been here for weeks and I was wondering when you came to pick me U-!” Anon said before being tackled by the yellow mare.

“Anon!” Fluttershy cried, sobbing into the stallion’s shoulder.

Freezing as her hug only got tighter, Anon began wondering how long he was gone.

“Um, Flutters. How long was I gone? And where are the others?” Anon asked.

Moving away from him, Fluttershy wiped her tears away.

“Don’t you remember? Operation Florida Rises? I watched you die” Fluttershy explained.

“Die? Florida Rises? Fluttershy none of this is making any sense. Now where are the others, my time travel adventures have gone awry so let’s go home” Anon stated.

Fluttershy looked at him in confusion for a moment, before her brain started to make sense out of all of this.

“You, you aren’t my Anon, are you?” She asked, sadness dripping into her voice.

Shaking his head, Anon couldn’t help but feel bad as he realised that this wasn’t his Fluttershy.

It was in that conversation Anon learnt about the war and the megaspells and was told about the New Canterlot Republic and the Followers of the Apocalypse forming to fix the wasteland.

“Wait, so the apocalypse ISN'T my fault?” Anon asked.

“No, of course not” Fluttershy stated, dreading the thought her sole living friend believed this world was his fault.

“Damn it! Now I’ve let down every Floridaman before and after me” Anon sighed.

“So yeah, Anon’s currently somewhere in Equestria’s past, we have no idea when and we might not be able to find him, so are you all good with that?” Twilight asked.

Sat nursing the twins, Cream Heart’s eyes were half shut, not an ounce of surprise could be seen.

“Why am I not surprised?” she mused.

“You, you aren’t mad?” Twilight asked hesitantly.

“No, I accepted a long time ago that Anon would find some other way of breaking the planet eventually” Cream responded calmly.

Relaxing at that information, Twilight felt a question slip into her mind.

“Hey Cream, why DID you marry Anon?” Twilight asked.

“Well we already had two foals so I didn’t see a reason why not. But if you’re asking why I fell in love with him, I guess it comes back to a story my mother told me when I was a filly. Have you ever heard about the Frog and the Scorpion?” Cream said.

Thinking for a moment, Twilight recalled the cautionary tail.

“I see, Anon is like a scorpion, he can’t help any of the chaos he causes because it’s his nature” Twilight said.

“Exactly, Anon is exactly who he’s supposed to be and he never tries to hide it. I always know what I’m gettin into whenever I’m with him” Cream said.

“That makes sense, still it must be hard having such a chaotic stallion in your life” Twilight mused.

“It’s challenging for sure, but he’s always there when I or the kids need him and things are never boring” Cream explained.

“Yeah, days in Ponyville are rarely boring when he’s about” Twilight chuckled.

The two mares sat in silence for a few seconds before Cream broke the quiet.

“So I here you want to fuck my husband~” Cream said teasingly.

“Oh for Celestia’s sake, does everypony in Equestria know!?” Twilight asked, having had enough of being confronted.

“Well Pinkie figured it out so quite possibly” Cream explained, giggling slightly.

“Ok good news Fluttershy is alive, better news the apocalypse isn’t our fault” Anon explained to his clones.

“So what do now?” Peganon asked.

“Well I told Fluttershy about this place and apparently some guys called the New Canterlot Republic will take over when we leave, so as soon as Unianon is ready we can go” Anon stated.

“Balling, wait… what about the kids?” Changeanon asked.

“What do you think? We take them with us. What are three more kids?” Anon explained.

Nodding in agreement, the Anons gathered Golden Heart, Wild Fire and Zebara.

“So, we can go with you?” Golden Heart asked.

“If you want, unless you want to go find your families. If so Fluttershy will help with that” Anon explained.

The three foal’s expression suddenly shifted.

Their ears folded down and their neutral expressions turned to frowns.

Anon was a fortunate man in his world. Both his parents, despite running the largest illigal cocain hooker sex dumpster theme park in Florida, were still alive.

That might be because all his mother’s siblings were lawyers but I digress.

But he knew that face, he didn’t say anything to confirm it.

“Well the choise is yours, Fluttershy is awsome, but if you want, there’s always room in the Anon congregation” he offered, smiling at the three.

Congregation is a term for a group of alligators.

He’s from Florida, don’t question it.

Hearing it all three foals got to ther hooves before jumping at Anon.

“Yes!” They yelled in unison.

“So thou can’t tell the parentage of the foal?” Luna asked.

Her sister was going through severe mood swings during the middle stage of her pregnancy, so Luna decided to do some snooping.

Celestia had been concerned about the possibility that Anon might be the father so Luna decided to go full Sherlock Holmes on this case.

She had been reading a lot of Anon’s books lately.

“I’m afraid not your Highness, although I am slightly curious what made you think we could?” A purple unicorn stallion dressed in doctor’s clothes asked.

“Magic” she stated plain and simple.

Chuckling slightly the doctor shook his head.

“I’m afraid that’s not how it works, there is no spell that allows you to see who a foal’s parents are before they’re born” he explained.

With her hopes dashed, Luna made the only logical move.

She went home and tried out this “Morrowind” game she heard from one of the palace’s staff.

Apparently Anon writes plots and stories for some of the video game companies littering Equestria.

Appearing in their new time period, the Anons looked around to see where, or more accurately, WHEN they had landed.

“Is this a volcano?” Anon asked.

Stood on the crater of a volcano the group looked down into to see… rainbow coloured magma?

Leaning forward, Anon tried to get a closer look. The creator was indeed filled with a boiling, smoldering rainbow coloured substance.

Unfortunately leaning too far in caused his pendant to slip from around his neck and fall into the magma.

Watching it fall he turned his attention to Unianon and Changeanon.

“Why didn’t you use your magic to stop that?” He asked, trying to sound calm

“You didn’t ask” they said in unison.

Before he had a chance to choke the two, Anon was distracted by the sound of something moving behind them.

Turning around the group saw a little pink earth pony filly looking up at them.

“Greeting small child” Anon said, raising his hoof to wave at it.

Letting out a ear splitting scream the filly turned around and started running away.

“Monsters!” She screamed as she went down the side of the volcano.

“Well that was just rude” Drakeanon said.

“Indeed, shall we figure out what time we are in?” Peganon asked.

Moving down the side of the volcano, they missed Anon’s pendant bobbing back up to the surface of the magma, around it chaos magic made the magma boil violently.

With a burst of magical energy something crawled its way out of the magma.

A long tube like creature with white and brown fur shook itself dry like a dog coming in from the rain.

Stretching out its clawed right arm and lion like paw on the left it let out an insane laugh.

“Full grown!” It called out.

Travelling far from the mountains and volcano, the Anons found themselves in grassy meadows they had long grown used to.

The foals on the other hand, they had never seen healthy grass before, as such they took every second to enjoy the sensation.

Rolling around and running through it they looked happier than Anon had ever seen.

Well that’s not a high bar he’s had them for like two weeks.

“Hey kids don’t run far!” Anon called out.

“Ok!” They called out.

Wondering towards a large rock sat in the field, Golden Heart spotted something hiding behind it.

Peaking over he spotted the same pink filly from earlier.

“Hi” he called out making her jump several feet in the air before landing in the dirt.

“Woah it’s ok, I’m not going to hurt you” Golden said.

“I- I’m not supposed to talk to unicorns” the filly stuttered nervously.

Tilting his head slightly, Golden question why.

“Why not?”

“My parents say unicrons can’t be trusted” she explained.

“Well that’s not very magic of friendship of them” Drakeanon said poking his head over the rock.

Letting out another scream, she jumped even furthur into the air again.

Landing again the filly found herself confronted by the Anons as well as Wild Fire and Zebara.

“Hello again” Anon greeted, having to hide under Drakeanon’s wing to avoid being burnt by the sun.

“Please don’t eat me!” The filly begged, hiding under her front hooves to no avail.

“Hey take it easy kid I’m not gonna eat you” Drakeanon stated.

“You’re, you’re not?” She asked, peaking up from under her hooves.

“No, I know they’re scary at first, especially that one” Golden Heart said, pointing at Changeanon for reference.

“What the hell kid?” He asked.

“But they’re nice. Hey I’m Golden Heart, these are my friends Wild Fire and Zebara. And that’s Anon, Anon, Anon and Anon” Golden Heart introduced himself.

“I’m, I’m Granite Pie” the filly introduced herself.

“Nice to meet you, hey why were you up on that volcano all alone?” Zebara asked.

“I was dared to. Gala Apple said he’d do my chores for a month if I climbed up Magic Mountain” she explained.

“And who is Gala Apple?” Peganon asked.

“He’s one of the colts who live in my village” she explained.

“Cool cool, hey we’re trying to get to Canterlot, you wouldn’t happen to know what direction it’s in would you?” Drakeanon asked.

Raising an eyebrow, Granite looked confused.

“What’s a Canterlot?” She asked.

“Guys, I think we’re too far in the past” Changeanon whispered.

Before they could delve deeper into their situation, the sound of explosions and screaming came from the distance.

“My parents!” Granite yelled before running off towards the screaming.

“Do we have to deal with this?” Zebanon asked.

“Eh I’m sure Celly and Lulu will be along shortly to solve this” Anon shrugged it off.

“Hey any of you want to see if they’ve invented beer in the next town over yet?” Griffanon asked.

“Anon! They need help!” Golden Heart stated.

“Oh fine” the Anons groaned.

Following Granite, they Anons were brought to a small farming village about half the size of Ponyville.

The houses seemed to be turned upside down and the clouds were raining…


Flying through the skies was a Draconaquis similar to Discord in appearance almost down to the last detail.

Only it seemed to be… feminine?

The laugh was the main giveaway but also the cleaner and more slender build compared to the chaos spirit they were used to dealing with.

“Oh this is hilarious! I hope all these little creatures are as fun!” She laughed out in a soft voice.

Safely stepping out from under Drakeanon’s wing, the chocolate clouds shielding him from the Sun, Anon puffed his chest out.

“Oi! Stop that!” Anon stated, getting the creature’s attention.

Swooping down to them, the creature brushed her white bang out of her face enough to see them with her big red eyes.

“Oh? And why should I do that? I’m Eris little worm, God of Chaos!” Eris said, introducing herself.

Opening his mouth to say something, Anon quickly closed it again.

“Group huddle” he called.

Forming a circle the Anons debated what they could actually do.

“Any of you know how to beat a Chaos God?” Anon asked.

“Have you tried building a human Webway?” Peganon asked.

“We don’t have time for that and Magnus will probably ruin it” Unianon shot down.

“You guys could use your magic to stop her” Zebanon suggested, looking at Unianon and Changeanon.

“Are you crazy? We can’t beat that thing” Changeanon stated.

“He’s right I only really know levitate, time travel and expelliarmus” Unianon explained.

“Can I suggest running?” Eris suggested.

“That might be a good back up- oh no” Anon said before realising who he was talking to.

Being thrown across the fields surrounding the ruined village, the Anons found themselves floating helplessly inside giant bubbles.

Even Drakeanon’s fire couldn’t break them, only leaving the inside covered in soot.

“Anon!” The kids called out before they were lifted into the air by Eris.

“Kids!” Anon called out.

“Oh you’re going to be fun playthings~ I just hope you don’t BREAK too soon” Eris chuckled.

“How do we win? We’re Anons we don’t defeat villains, we just provide witty commentary and make babies. That’s literally all we do!” Unianon began to panic.

“We do the third thing we do best. The last thing people expect, listen up, Eris is a chaos spirit like Discord right? Well what’s the opposite of chaos? Harmony!” Anon began to explain.

“Dude if you’re about to dump 5 seasons worth of ‘the Magic of Friendship’ on us I’ll come over there and strangle you through our bubbles” Hippanon warned.

“No, even more desperate than that. We must harmonize the only way we know how to” Anon explained.

“You don’t mean” Griffanon hoped he wasn’t right.

“Yes, we have no choice” Anon stated.

Looking at each other through their bubbly prisons the Anons nodded to each other.

“Alright, 1. 2. 3” Anon counted.


Watching the perfectly coordinated song and dance preformance from the side, Golden Heart, Wild Fire, Zebara and Granite Pie shared one singular thought.

“What the fuck?” They somehow thought at the same time.

While it only confuse (and mildly aroused some of the adults) the pony population, the song and coordinated dancing of the Anons seemed to physically weaken Eris.

Watching her grow physically smaller as she wrangled in pain the Anons kept up their dancing.

Soon their bubbly prisons popped letting them land back on the ground.

“It’s working boys!” Anon said.

“But she’s still not down!” Peganon said.

“We have to do it, our finishing move!” Zebanon stated.

“Are you crazy!? There’s too much power behind that song!” Changeanon said.

“No he’s right, we don’t have a choice. Eris! Know that you brought this on yourself!” Anon called out to the weakened chaos spirit.


Now exposed to Anon’s true power Eris let out a scream of pain as she continued to shrink, her chaotic magic that had taken hold of the town slowly disappearing around her.

“This… this isn’t over!” Eris threatened.

“Looks like someone is never gonna give, never gonna give!” Anon sang as he continued dancing.

With cracks forming along her body, physically falling apart before the might of the Rock Roll. Eris let out one last burst of her magic, one final spiteful attack.

Two beams of light flew into the air, one landing in the far distance, the other striking Anon directly.

Seconds after the blast pushed him to the ground, the dirt being pushed out of the way around him, Anon was surrounded by his clones and theee foals.

“Anon! Are you ok?” Wild Fire asked.

“I just got shot what do you think?” He groaned.

With help Anon managed to get back to his feet, although he felt dizzy and strange.

Strange even by Anon standards.

“Hey did your ass get fatter or are we all this juicy from behind?” Centauranon asked, looking down at his shorter progenitor’s very shapely rump in confusion.

“What are you?” Anon asked before putting a hoof over his mouth.

His voice was strange, higher pitch than anything he’d heard before.

Looking to his flank to see what all the fuss was about he found his modestly big butt had been replaced with a much larger, curvier version of itself.

“What the fuck is going on?” Anon thought to himself.

That’s when a terrifying possibility entered his mind.

Looking between his front legs towards his private parts, Anon saw that he was missing some…

Valuable equipment.

Anon, had been turned into a mare.

“Ok someone has 5 seconds to explain before I-“ he… sorry, SHE started before being interrupted.

“That deformed mare saved us!” One of the villagers called out.

“What?” Anon asked.

“She must be some kind of chosen one” another villager said.

“Well actually the thing is” Anon tried to explained.

“All hail our new chieftess!” Another pony called out.

“No you idiot she need a more special title then just chieftess” a pony scolded.

“What about Princess?” A mare suggested.

“All hail the new Princess!” They began chanting endlessly.

“I’m burning this entire planet to the ground” Anon stated, with more surpessed anger in his voice than a thousand middle school teachers.

“Hey, was Princess Platinum always green?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Looking at her, the girls raised their eyebrows.

“What?” Twilight asked.

“Look at this book, she’s totally green” Rainbow pointed out.

Going over to Rainbow, the girls had a look at the illustration of the legendary Princess Platinum, portraying her having a green coat.

“She kind of looks like Nonny, but a mare” Pinkie said.

The admitted it did look a little like Anon, although she had a horn instead and while they couldn’t see any wings under her cloak it was assumed there were none.

“Pinkie, that's just silly, it’s not like Anon somehow got himself turned into a mare and took the place of Princess Platinum… right?” Twilight asked.

“Twilight, that sounds EXACTLY like something that would happen because of Anon” Applejack pointed out.

AN: 3 more kids to the family.

Anonette isn’t going to enjoy her travels at all XD

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