• Member Since 6th Dec, 2022
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T'as pas compris, laisse-moi t'expliquer. Je ferme pas la porte, c'est moi la porte! Je suis le gars des portes. Je porte la porte. Oui, j'ai un business de porte à porte.


After being caught cheating, Discord is dared by Spike to spend an entire week in the human world. Sounds easy, until he realises that he can't use his magic as a human.

To compensate, he somehow got a job at Canterlot High as a teacher, meaning he shall still remain in a position of power. With this newfound power, he'll have a little fun while the days pass...

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 49 )

“Okay fine, I’ll stop being a dirty cheater.” Discord said as he threw away a book titled ‘The Ultimate Cheater’s Guidebook’.

I may need that.

“Come on, we can’t just use the portal willy nilly like tha-” The memories of all the dumb stuff Discord pulled over the years flooded her mind. The fake disease, the Tirek incident, the trying to banish a mare to the shadow realm incident, you name it. There were too many to count on one hoof, then again there usually aren’t fingers on hooves. “On second thought, I’ll allow it.” she said with a smirk.

Shadow realm?

“Well, kinda. Magic doesn’t work the same way here. So far, only music seems to trigger our magic. But sometimes, something else entirely can trigger it... I don’t know how magic actually works in here.” explained Sunset Shimmer in a nervous giggle.

I just realized something. In the first equestria girls movie sunset taunted twilight about not knowing how equestrian magic in the human world, right?

“I’m sure you won’t find it weird if I tell you that I need to finish high school and college in this world in order to get a job. I don’t really have a choice. Also, I turn into a teenager when crossing the portal. Don’t ask me why, nobody truly has the answers.”

So many questions that were never answered.

Principal Celestia gave the old man the warmest smile she could muster and said. “Wonderful! We are short on staff for the moment, so I can’t express enough how grateful I am for your help! You’ll see, this school’s a lot of fun to teach.” She gave Discord a light tap on the shoulder before motioning at him to follow her.

Did they quit?

“Oh? I see, so you know how to take good care of animals, but students are very different. I feel silly for even pointing it out but it’s important to know that at their age, you must be delicate with how you treat them. Talking down to them might get them angry and thus, miss the point of your lecture while being too lenient will make them shirk their homework and studies. Got that?”

Isn’t that how the school was taken over?


I just realized something. In the first equestria girls movie sunset taunted twilight about not knowing how equestrian magic in the human world, right?

No, she taunted Twilight for not knowing what would happen when you bring an element of harmony into the human world. Though, the issue with that is how would she know about that? I doubt there are other worlds where ponies have done so for it to be known. Another question is why would the crown turn her into a demon. Seems like the opposite of what an element of harmony would do. Oh, right, because there has to be a huge showdown in your forced contrived movie. Like you said Equestria girls is filled with unanswered questions. Questions that I doubt would actually have good answers even if they were answered, but I digress.

Was it also ever explained how the crown brainwashed her?

Oh yes, Sunset just hit the Fluttershy button

This is an unfair button to press.

“Rainbow Dash, do you know who won the motorbike race in 2004?” he asked in a deceptively calm voice that hid malicious intentions.


Before she could even proceed what he had just asked her, Discord threw a chalk at her. The small object collided with her forehead with enough force to cause pain.

“Ow!” Rainbow Dash grasped at the injured spot. A reddish spot appeared on her forehead right where the chalk hit her.

“Now, if you were paying attention, you could have dodged it.” scolded Discord with strong hints of sadistic pleasure behind his voice. Hohoho! Hehe, this is too much fun!

Sunset, who was sitting next to Dash, leaned close to her and whispered. “You know, if you had more proficiency, you could have dodged that chalk.”

Rainbow Dash sighed. “I get the reference.”

Oh dear, Rainbow as teh Dashing Rogue getting clocked by an attack of opportunity? Angle bunny is laughing at her. :yay:

As for Pinkie?

Discord hasnt noticed her standing behind him yet? :pinkiecrazy:

Discord the plushie?

Couldve been worse.

They couldve just,

Lampshaded him. :pinkiecrazy:

As for the manager and music thing, theres only a few episodes of Top Of The Pops that can be broadcast these days. :pinkiesick:

“It’s not going to be easy to tell the whole school that this old man comes from a magical world inhabited by talking ponies.” Twi said casually.

Sunset: Why? After all the magicial events we all went through by this point they shouldn't bat an eye anymore and likely will just shurg it off like it's an average Tuesday.

Twilight:.... Fair enough I guess.

“I never said there was no magic. You just assumed so because you can’t use yours.” Sunset corrected.

DIscord: Bullshit! You told me directly to my face you girls can only use your powers through music, implying this story takes place before the fourth film and now you have your geodes all of the sudden! I don't know who I am angrier at you Sunset or the writer for not thinking this through better.

Pinkie: Great, another person capable of breaking the fourth wall.

During recess, the Rainbooms would often practice their newest jam. They have become sort of celebrities since their musical battle against the Sirens and so, many come to see their next songs in anticipation. If they’re not careful enough to close the doors before they play, a big crowd would form before them. For some like Rainbow Dash, it’s awesome to have so many adoring fans.

Recess isn't after lunch but after class after lunch? Yeah, the classroom scene should have taken place before the lunchroom scene.

Also, I just realized something. Are you going to cover the weekend and if so how are you going to do it?

at lest Discord is better then a Minion. those things are every where as plushes.

“Some students say they saw you inviting Discord to sleep over at your apartment and they think that you two are doing some naughty th-”

That’s understandable.

“Oh yeah, I might have forgotten to tell you about the magical geodes...”

How could you forget to mention a magical item around around your neck?

Sunset had enough of the chaotic now human draconequus’ constant complaining. “Why don’t you just grow up?! You sound like a nine-year-old with your incessant complaining!”

Now you know how celestia felt with you.

Pinkie Pie dropped from the sky, which apparently, she could even do here and she was just bursting with energy. “The party? It’s even better than the best party! It’s the bestest party ever! There’s going to be a buffet, music, dancing, games and so much more! They called it; the Friday Night Funkin’!”

All I heard was buffet.

That revelation made his jaw dropped. “Cartoon character?! That’s all I am in the human world?!”

Oh the irony.

The MLP staff have a lot of explaining to do.

No, the author does, though I was mostly just poking fun at these little issues in a hopefully funny way. Nothing too serious for the most part.

Yes, I am going to cover the weekend too. They'll perhaps go to an amusement park for this portion but that remains to be seen, 'cause I'm pretty much just making things up as I go, which is also why there are some inconsistencies between chapter 1 and 2, though I'll try to keep things more consistent from now on.

“I’m just researching Equestrian magic in the human world. Sadly, there doesn’t seem to be much result. Such a shame, especially since you’ve told me that you had to deal with magical threats fairly often. I’d have figured that maybe some people might have uncovered its secrets.” explained the old man, as he glued his face to the laptop, figuratively speaking. If he had magic, he might have actually done it for real.

Wait, discord might be on to something.

Twi giggled for a bit. “Apparently no, because now they believe that you are building yourself a harem with all seven of us!”

Oh boy.

The worst part was, she was right and Discord somehow had to find a way to bail both he and Fluttershy out. He was just trying to be a good friend, but bad things happen even when you have good intentions in mind. A lesson he will probably never ever learn...

Honestly, he’s not wrong.

“Literally. Every student in my class got to slap me freely on the wrist. Now they both hurt...” Discord explained as he held out his wrist that appeared a little redder than usual.

Can you even count that as a punishment?

That probably isn't really much of a punishment, but it's funny to imagine it.:trollestia:

Anyhow, Sunset arrived in class. Today, they had a writing assignment, which is why she needed to bring her laptop. The teacher explained their assignment, and left them to work on it. It was at this moment, right when she opened it that she realised; Discord forgot to recharge it after his morning research.

Wouldn't the schools have provided their own laptops though, or simply have them do that class in a computer lab? Seems unfair and unreasonable for a school to expect the students to have their own laptops. What if it's a poor family that could barely afford to live and don't have any extra cash to afford a laptop that they don't need. Shit out of luck?

Vice-Principal Luna pulled out her cellphone and showed Discord the message she got from a certain ‘Pinkamena Diana Pie’. It read something along the lines of “He’s totally going to Sugar Cube Corner. Source; trust my Pinkie Sense!”

Was it human Pinkie or Pony Pinkie, or did they both plotted to do it together? :pinkiecrazy:

It wouldn't surprise me if they were both in on the plan, seeing as they frequently exchange places without anybody noticing.:pinkiesmile:

'Cause to refute that would mean that Pinkie somehow has the ability to teleport, and that is kind of terrifying to imagine her with that power...


Pinkie doesnt need to teleport, she is already in every location she needs to be.

Waiiitiiing. :pinkiecrazy:

Oh poo... How is this loser supposed to help me when I only get results about ‘Bronies’ when I ask it about Equestria! You know even less than I do, Internet!

To say nothing of what comes up when searching for "portal to Equestria"...

For what it's worth, "Spring Breakdown" featured a naturally occurring portal to Equestria, but it was on some uninhabited island in the middle of nowhere. Having Discord desperately try to find it could be amusing.

You'd think they'd at least have outlets.

And if required, Maud can make as many Pinkie clones as required using the Mirror Pool in her bathroom. :pinkiecrazy:

I don't believe it he was right about pinkie and twilight would freak if she knew pinkie had been using the mirror.

Sunset Shimmer brushed it off. “Come on, I know Pinkie Pie can do all sorts of unbelievable things, but a clone of herself, seriously? That sounds too farfetched to me.”

Seriously? That’s farfetched?

Okay, maybe not entirely far-fetched, but it is unlikely that there's a mirror pool somewhere in Canterlot City... Well, who knows. Maybe there is one and Pinkie's aware of it.

Isn’t there a quick sand portal that leads to equestria?

............ this stunt Pinkie pulled explains so much yet so little at the same time.

in more ways then one. now i need a drink.

Discord gonna pull a Robot Salsa so hard he creates the Roomba? :pinkiecrazy:

“You do realise there’s no use in questioning Pinkie Pie’s rather bizarre powers, right? I tried, and gave up after spending one too many months trying to get to the bottom of it.”

That's the thing. If anyone can do it it has to be Discord himself. Powers or not I feel he should be able to. Don't know if it's bad writing he somehow can't here, or just us the fandom giving her too much power that she can even confound the lord of chaos himself. Well, nice to see my little joke of a comment turned into a chapter at any rate.

Perhaps. Now that I have reflected more on this and thought about it, I guess my conclusion is that it's more on Discord relying on his powers as a crutch even more than one would at first realize and without them he is slipping while in the human world, though who knows. Perhaps, Pinkie could still best him even back home. In fact I can imagine this scene playing out as a nice little twist at the end.

Discord: Well I am back and it's great to finally have my powers again!

Pinkie: It's great to have you back Discord, so we can play again. Hopefully we can have as much fun as my human counterpart had with you four days ago.

Discord: What? How did you know about that?

Pinkie: Because silly we both actually had fun with you on that day.

DIscord: Wait, so I was right, but... Wait, I though you couldn't say because of a pinkie promise?

Pinkie: That's just my human counterpart. I had her promise me she wouldn't say anything, since she is the one mostly there. We had fun switching places. Sorry about ratting you out, but Spike put me up to it.

Discord: He did!?

Spike: All I did was suggest she could help spice things up for you while there, since I figured without your powers it will help keep things more chaotic for you.

Discord: Well played the two of you. Now I want nothing more than to get back to having my powers and being with Fluttershy. My Fluttershy.

Discord popped so many moves, pop popped his back? :trixieshiftright:

Even though I don't what they want to tell him the fact they chose during the noisy dance doesn't say anything good.

Four zombie pirates? I wonder which glowing moss lined swamp hole Cabaleron and co fell into this time?

Pity Spike the dog doesnt have a dragon nose for treasure hoardes.:moustache:

Well at least Discord doesn't know anything about humans and never got a chance to go to the human world, despite being the Lord of Chaos that can bend reality.


“Of course! He’d very much like to apply!” interrupted Sunset Shimmer, much to Discord’s surprise.

Why not chem or phys? Or math. All of them have concept of entropy.


“It’s not going to be easy to tell the whole school that this old man comes from a magical world inhabited by talking ponies.” Twi said casually.

Yeah, sure. It's like they didn't see destroyed school entrance. Or like they didn't see magical ponyland and nearly falled there during Twilight's rampage.


I mean, how often do you see a 60+ years old man hanging around a teenage girl? Never! Strange how it’s not so weird in Equestria. Maybe it’s because its inhabitants are used to seeing all sorts of weird and magical happening while in the human world, people don’t really see ancient beings of mystical power lurking around.

They are used to seeing Princess Celestia around children like Granny Smith

“Because old people are the greatest. They’re full of wisdom and experience.”

She’s not wrong.

He slammed the door open, accidentally knocking out Derpy Hooves as she was passing by.

Poor Derpy

The quirky girl reached for something behind her back and pulled out a muffin. “Want a stress-reliever muffin?”

I wanna hug derpy.

Flash Sentry was about to respond, but stopped himself just before he could give a hasty one. He thought about it for a moment and realised that there wasn’t much to gain by saying no to her. With luck, Trixie might be kinder to him after her performance. Who knows, maybe she’ll even want to become friends with him! She doesn’t look all that bad if you see past her high and mighty attitude that is admittedly a tad bit annoying at times.

Didn’t he try that with sunset?

“We can’t let him miss all the fun! What kinda friends would we be if we left him out of this?” Applejack said to the rest of the group.

Do they consider him a friend?

Yeah, speaking of that, the school has become very popular around the country for all of the Equestrian magic incidents. As such, the ever so growing attention brought onto it has also allowed for more funding coming from “mysterious donators”, but that’s not important right now. What was important, was how Bulk Bicep was going to destroy his mouth with all this delicious pastry.

That actually makes me wonder how the parents feel.

Twi stepped on stage with her newest invention yet; a cooking robot from what it looked like. Feeling admittedly nervous now that everyone’s eyes were on her, the nerdy girl cleared her throat. “Well, I, uh, present my newest invention. It’s a cooking robot for when you simply don’t have the time to cook. I’ll just let it do its thing so you can get a better picture of what it’s capable of.”

Why not just use magic?

Discord laughed. “Okay, okay. That’s pretty good, funny man. And here I thought you were just plain boring; guess I was wrong about you.”

“I... for some reason get that a lot. Well, either that or I get called Brad for some reason.”

Damn, calling out the EQG fandom.

Flash chuckled. “I’m sure people already remember you pretty well for all the stunts you’ve pulled over the years at this high school. I mean, you did technically win the Battle of the Bands which I found very impressive, cause, like, you beat us back there!”

Did she?

“How did she do that without magic? Unless... she has actual magic like Sunset and Co. If that’s the case, then this whole world is just complete and utter garbage!”

I still don’t understand magic in the human world. The fandom doesn’t help, either.

“He’s tenderizing the ground! Genius!” Pinkie exclaimed as she noted it in her notebook.

I get the reference.

Twi reached out for her geode, only to remember that she left it inside her bag, in her tent. “I’m afraid I’ve left it back at camp... We ran there a little too fast, perhaps.”

Most of the girls have not thought to pick up their geodes as they rushed to the screams of Derpy and Sandalwood and they did not sleep with them on ‘cause, who sleeps with a necklace on?

Ok, they do not deserve those geodes. If I had one I would keep it on me 24/7.

“What?! Doctor Caballeron is here?! Why didn’t you tell me?!” Rainbow Dash freaked out as she was the most knowledgeable in the bad doctor’s evil shenanigans.

Wasn’t she there?

Just as they were about to leave, Sunset accidentally stepped on a branch that was essentially invisible in the dark. Oh come on! That’s just unlucky!

Watch where you step.

Rainbow Dash immediately looked at the door leading to Caballeron’s bedroom with an angry expression. “We can’t let this jerk sell away our geodes! We need them to save the world for when that’ll inevitably happen again.”

Can’t they just get new ones? I may not understand magic in the human world, but I’m sure they could just get powers from the crack in the statue.

“Absolutely not! I’m no criminal, but what about you? Didn’t you steal a lot of stuff in your bad girl’s days?”

Did she?

Sunset walked up to the shambling cadaver and right as he was about to lunge on her, she used her knowledge in martial arts to throw him over her shoulder and then... she froze.

Since when?

“What?! So this whole zombie pirate story is true? Oh my gosh! We were camping in a cursed forest for years without even knowing!”

Time to leave.

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