• Published 24th Jun 2023
  • 3,035 Views, 131 Comments

Dawn of a New Day - Nugget27

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Free At Last.

So, after chucking Tempest Shadow in the dungeons, I was dragged up to the throne room, again, sitting across from the Princesses. Blaze was at my left, Chrysalis at my right. The three of us were facing all four Princesses. Luna was still slightly covered in blood, but I’m willing to bet that she’ll live. I was sipping on some water, while Celestia was taking several deep breaths, likely trying to figure out what to say. Overall, I’m having a dandy old time. Oh, and Cadance and Twilight were there because they were technically rulers of Equestria as well.

“I suppose I shall start,” Luna said. “Why did you help us? And why were you at the festival?”

I shrugged. “For your second question, you literally watched your sister force me to go to that shitshow; I didn’t wanna go. I actually wanted to leave Equestria for good. For your first? Well, I was actually using the festival as an excuse to go on a date with somebody, and Canterlot being invaded by an evil-looking unicorn and a shitton of humanoids seemed like it would interrupt my date. And possibly hurt Blaze and the pony I’m dating; I wasn’t gonna sit back and let that happen.” I shrugged. “By the way, I attended your festival, so I’m out.” I sat up to immediately get the hell out of here.

Twilight grabbed me with magic. “You don’t feel any remorse?! You killed an entire airship full of creatures!” She shouted.

“Would you rather have everyone you know and love be dead? That’s what happenes when you lose a war. Shit like that happens because that was what was going to happen when you tried talking to Tempest Shadow. You. Don't. Talk. Shit. Out. With. Ponies. Like. Her. You kick their shit in and show them why you are not to be messed with. And yeah, I feel a little bad, I'll definitely lose some sleep over it, but guess what?” I nuzzled Chrysalis. “My date is safe, Canterlot is safe for now, and you’re still alive. Some nice, silver lining.” I shrugged. I also couldn’t help but chuckle when everyone was seemingly shocked either at how me and Chrysalis are dating, or how nonchalant I am about this.

“I would like to ask you, Ostri,” Celestia finally spoke up. “I feel as though Equestria is inbound for a war. Would you be willing to assist us? I heard what you said; you at least care about my little ponies not getting hurt.” She smiled. “After the war is over, I will-“

“You got four alicorns, a fuckload of Lunar Guards, and a fuck ton of Solar Guards. The Storm King’s commander is behind bars. You also have magical artifacts that place your country as the strongest in the world. What is going to happen is you’re going to let me leave, or I am going to come back with fireworks and shoot them off in the palace. I’m seriously sick of your shit, with you making me attend festivals, manipulating me at every turn, and pretending like you even care about me. I will kill you, Celestia, if you don’t get the fresh fuck out of my life,” I snarled. “Now, let me leave. That’s all I want.”

Luna glared at me. “What happened to the stallion I fell in love with? You are so nonchalant about mass-killing sentient life, and you’re threatening myself and my sister? Have you no care, you ungrateful whelp-“

I started laughing like a maniac. “Oh. So now our relationship meant something to you! Wow! If only you fucking started with that after we first reunited, and I would’ve happily helped you stomp out the Storm King’s race. And I, not thinking of the people that I just killed, as people help a lot with not feeling remorse; I’m going to hell. Won’t stop me from having nightmares, but it helps. And Luna, you wonder why I threaten Celestia, when you two have done nothing but cause me to wish I was aborted before my biological mother decided to abandon me. Now…” I sighed. “Am I allowed to leave? That’s legit all I’ve been trying to do for a week straight, so let me leave.” Celestia simply nodded. She was crying. “Save the tears, you fuckin’ twat.”

Luna flew from her throne, before landing in front of me. “Ostri, I just wanted to let you know that… I am so sorry. I now understand just how much our relationship ending has affected you. But I do not understand why you decided to become a monster! When you first killed those griffins, you were at least capable of showing remorse! You just killed just as many, if not more yetis, and you don’t care! Even if you’re feeling angry, if you hate me, you should still care about what you just did!” Luna slapped me across the face. “You, you do not deserve to be loved if you keep that attitude up.”

“Ah, that one thing I’ve believed in since I was born. Luna, you’re telling me I’m a sack of shit, for protecting your subjects for you? Yeah, my reasoning was a bit selfish, but what about that is different than when I killed those griffins? I fought them because they wanted you dead. I did it because I loved you and wanted to keep you safe. I killed those yetis because they were threatening Blaze and Chrysalis. Sure, what I did also protected your ponies, but I did it for my loved ones, not for the masses. Hell, there’s probably a tiny part of me that did it for you, because that part still loves you for whatever fucktarded reason I have.” I let out a long, deep sigh from my nostrils. “I fucking hate you, Luna.”

The doors behind us slammed open and a yeti walked in. “I am looking for the one who blew up his majesty’s vessel and captured Captain Tempest,” he looked at me directly. “The Storm King has an offer for you,” how the fuck does he know who I am? “If you walk away, and allow the Storm King to conquer Equestria, he will not harm you. He will not harm your loved ones. If you-”

“Ah man, that’s crazy. I was just about to leave anyways. Though lemme get this straight,” I lunged and pinned the fucker to the ground. “You lay a hand on Chrysalis or Blaze… Send a word to your king. If he leaves me alone, I have no reason to fight him. If he comes for my friends, I will make him watch as I crush his heart. I will wipe you, your fucking wife, everyone you know and love, off the face of the fucking earth. Do. Not. Fucking. Test. Me.” I grabbed my knife. “Just for a reminder of why you leave me alone,” I snarled. In one swift movement, I cut one of his thumbs off, before cutting the other thumb off. The yeti beneath me screamed in agony. “Now, go tell your King to fuck off.” I hopped off of the piece of shit, before turning to Blaze and Chrysalis. “Let’s leave. There’s nothing left for us here.”

Right before we got through the doors, I turned back for a split second. “Luna. I did love you, truly loved you, even without you being the only mare I talked to a thousand years ago. Go to our old bedroom and look in my nightstand. I want you to know what you ruined by being a cunt.”

With that, Chrysalis grabbed Blaze, and I flew out of a window after breaking it.

The three of us landed in our wagon, we hopped on, and started heading up north. I wanna see what the griffons are up to. “Hey Ostri,” Chrysalis finally spoke up. I sideyed here. “Remind me to catch you when you are angry; it’s kind of hot.” We both had a good laugh, and we both leaned into each other as it was time for the start of our new lives as nomads.

This is the start of a new day.

Author's Note:

A tad bit on the shorter side, but I believe this would be a place to send it off. Ostri gets to live his life, seeing the world. Equestria’s rulers don’t exactly like him anymore, so he has nothing to tether him down to a nation he has no care for.

Maybe I will write another sequel, diving into Chrysalis’s relationship, or another story that would be a collection of small stories about Ostri’s journey across the world.

Either way, this was Dawn of a New Day, thank you all for reading thus far.

Comments ( 25 )

Maybe now she will get it through her head what she lost by giving up on love. He doesn't just let anyone into his heart like ponies everyone matters to the point where they are so pro life that even when they are about to get their butts kicked they will not fight with everything they have. The only reason only anyone with power goes after them is because otherwise they might get their butts kicked. And I'm surprised that twilight despite knowing more than most people about him expects him to play nice with people who are determined to hurt others. This is how he works. He doesn't play nice with those who want to hurt those he holds in his heart.

ostri is a charicter i can entirely believe would through sheer stubboness would cause the griffon empire to revive and prosper and evently accend as an alicorn of war or something.
Look forward to what he gets up to next when you want to get back to him

Well Sgt. Murphy did a Royal fuck up on Ostri as time took much from the Sisters and him. And from it they had completely shitted on him. Only through misguided attempts to guilt him back and were pissed that he kept wanting to walk away.

Ostri deserves to walk his own path away from Equestria and find happiness. Hopefully you will post a new sequel to this cause I did enjoy it.

I loved the story! I hope to see more of Ostri sometime in the future!

Equestria now no longer has human ingenuity or the indomitable human spirit backing it, so I wonder how it will fare against the storm king :rainbowderp:

can't wait for more bloodshed

Hope there is another sequel that focus on Ostri exploring and experiencing the world, with the occasional interlude chapter that show how Equestria is dealing with the war and aftermath of Ostri leaving.

This was enjoyable short read along with its prequel, I do hope to see a sequel diving into his and chryssi’s relationship and the stuff they’ll run into as they explore the world also wouldn’t mind seeing Luna completely break down after seeing what’s in his nightstand. I’m not evil I swear anyways thanks for the awesome reads and hope to find more stories from you that I’ll enjoy!

It was a great read hope we see a sequel a some point

I imagined the conversation at the end a bit differently. I personally would have gone off on luna. With something along the lines of. "Oh... is that it? I don't deserve love? Nice to see you and my mother have something in common! As soon as I stop being convenient, huh? I gave you everything i had! I loved you, damn it! I would have died for you! I very nearly did! But to you, I was only ever convenient. I was the idiot who you could manipulate. The one fool to stupid to see that you are every bit the monster they said you where. And what's worse!? After ripping out my heart! You had the audacity! The audacity to act like we where friends! Then you tried to guilt me! To make me think it's my fault! That I broke up with you! So, goodbye luna. I hope we never meet again. If you ever even cared about me... check my nightstand in the old castle. See for yourself what you destroyed." Something along those lines.


I want to see what exactly you filled this world with, preferably within a fortnight. Will the dragons be of an unforgiving barbaric society, with little to no mercy for the feeble, or will they be paragons of wisdom and strength, like many stories depict them to be? Will the zebras be like the Native Americans, or like the Egyptians? Do the Abyssinians exist? Are there ancient draconequus ruins? Do the griffons have an empire? I do hope that you don't have the rapey slavey happy caribou tho, that's just really stupid and kinda boring. I wonder if there will be more transmogrified humans in Ostri's future, after all, where there is one, there are bound to be more. There's a lot of free space in your world of MLP for it's lore, and considering that you put kitsune and kumiho in it, maybe a large serving of creatures and gods from our world. You created something wonderful, and even if it was extrapolated from an already existing world, doesn't make it less important and creative. I'm not confident in my ability to create my own, and I fear that I won't ever be. It's hard for me to stay motivated for long periods of time. I also don't really know when to end things, like right now.


Luna really dun glubbed up.

I very much want to see a sequel. Both the first and second stories were extremely well done. I would love to see the trio trip through the griffin lands or minotaur lands.

It would be my bet that the Griffs wouldn't hold a grudge. Fighters respect fighters.

Well, don't I feel stupid, there already is a sequel...........😎

"Thirty minutes, Celestia. I was gone for thirty minutes," he said to her in an annoyed tone. "And in that time, Canterlot has been overrun with insect-like creatures, the groom is hypnotized and unable to perform his job, and you are being flung across your own throne room by...whatever that is. In thirty minutes." -Onomonopia

that was the vibe i was going for!

I know, you don't have to repeat it... it's just... it felt so real, nothing seemed like a bluff or some manipulation... I really want to believe that the princesses' current reasoning is more because of the time they've spent together with The resentment that both have held against him, that everything they digested is real, gives me a bad taste in my mouth.

Not bad. Several times makes were misspelled, and the characters were OOC often. The storm king's army was misrepresented by saying only one ship carried their entire force, and it was disabled to easily. But I guess it's a good segway to the next book. :twilightsmile:

I feel like cutting off the thumb of the yeti was a bit gratuitous. I know that he killed the griffons in that battle, but I'm not convinced that was enough to harden him into a psycho that will mutilate someone at the drop of a hat.

Excellent story otherwise.

(Edit: having read all 3 stories, I can confidently claim that this is by far the best one. The first story was an outright painful read at times and the third one seems directionless and schizophrenic in how it flits between different plot points and story arcs.

The tighter focus and emphasis on gripping emotional turmoil of this particular story make it stand apart from the others in the series.)

O just finished this story and was going to read the next one in this series but it has been removed. I hope to see more of this series soon.


How next one was named? Or do you have a link?

As I stated I tried to click on the link but it kept saying that page didn't exist. I refreshed the page I was on and the link was gone.

The fic name was called "New Horizon". Nothing escapes internet, just look for it. Or not, if it ever comes back to this side it will be probably very different. You are missing only 8 chapters with no major events taking place.

For whys check numget blog; https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/1031782/i-removed-a-few-stories

uis #23 · February 29th · · 1 ·

All 8 seems chapters seems to be on [fimfetch](https://fimfetch.net/story/540742/new-horizon)

Again, another of your stories i read that i love. Kinda sad there isn’t a follow up to it (Or that i was removed according to previous comments.) But that story is definitely ending in my favs. It was a good read.

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