• Published 13th Jul 2023
  • 937 Views, 43 Comments

Equestria Girls: Digimon Chosen - Epic Fable

When Sunset and her friends start their summer off with a night of movies things turn strange as a strange storm forms...

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ACT I: Episode 4: Chapter 16

The time would come for everyone to get into positions. The next day everyone would be on edge as they watch Rarity help Floramon into the palanquin.

“Really hope this works…” Flash said as he looked on. Rarity would reply in her trademark beatbox stutter before continuing.

“You doubt our new friends or how I style?”

“Rarity, All you did was touch up the palanquin which by the way I doubt that sea monster gives a flying fit about.”

“Ugh how dare you.”

“Will you both shut up and let them carry her to the lake??” Hagurumon called out as the other digimon carried the palanquin to the lake. They would eventually arrive at the lake as they waited. The water would ripple and shift before rising and dispersing as a serpentine form rose from the depths of the lake and stared at his would be offering.

“There he is…”


“Ah yes my offering! Step forward and meet your fate!” At that cue Floramon would step out of the palanquin as she tried her best to look meek and scared. The serpent would sneer as he leaned closer to her. Sunset, Flash and Rainbow would inch closer with each second, gripping their digivices harder and harder as their partners stood beside them.

“Just step closer little one and your village will be saved…”

“Oh I am so…THRILLED! RAIN OF POLLEN!” As Seadramon got close to her she would spray him with a pollen of poison right at his face making the creature reel back as he roared in pain.

“AHHH YOU DARE TO TRICK ME?!” He would be cut off as he would get hit with flying gears, a little missile near his eyes slightly scorching his face as he reeled back roaring in pain. The group would out to where Floramon was as they faced off.

“HAHA! I can’t believe you fell for that!” Rainbow exclaimed as she tossed her digivice in the air and caught it.

“Alright girls!”


“Er everyone. Let’s do this!” Sunset, Flash, and Rainbow’s digivices would glow as would their partners as they jumped into the battle.

“Dracomon digivolve to…COREDRAMON!”

“Liollmon digivolve to…LIAMON!”

“Hawkmon digivolve to…AQUILAMON!”

They would all charge at the sea serpent as the latter would try to organize himself.




The barrage of attacks would hit the creature as he dove back into the water before resurfacing fast to splash everyone. At the confusion he would aim at everyone.

“ICE BLAST!” Seadramon would open his mouth as a breath of ice would go towards everyone as Aquilamon took the hit. His wings froze over as he became more and more frozen.

“Aquilamon!” Coredramon would fly to his breath and breathe fire on him to thaw him out. The latter would break out of the ice before both got swiftly knocked back by Seadramon’s tail.


“Can’t let our guard down yet. To the sky!” As they took off to the sky Liamon would jump at Seadramon before being frozen.

“You may have air support but this is MY element I control these waters! Suffer my freezing bite!”

“ICE BLAST!” He would spray everywhere with his ice breath as he hit Coredramon and Aquilamon before they landed onto the ground struggling. Their tamers would rush to them in worry.

“You dare to defy me?! Once I am done with you lot the village will be next!” Before he could continue he would get hit by a barrage of confetti. He would turn to the source as Pinkie brought out a cannon and fired another round, this time at his face.

“Leave them alone! Fire three!” Pinkie would fire another round of party favor at the serpent’s face before he roared and grabbed Pinkie with his tail.

“Pinkie Pie!”

“You are starting to irk me pink one! You will be next!” The serpent would be hit by a little missile as he yelped.

“What now?!” He would turn to Kamemon as the latter fired off another one.

“Don’t you dare hurt her! You hear me?!”

“Little one, what can you do? I control this lake, I control this village, and I control all your fates!” He would tighten his squeeze on Pinkie as she struggled to breathe before Kamemon rushed in before he got frozen by an ice blast.

“Time to freeze!”

“I SAID LET GO OF MY FRIEND!!!!!!” Kamemon would break out of the ice before his entire body would glow. At that moment in the palm of Pinkie’s hand a pink colored digivice would appear in a ball of light within. Due to the struggle Pinkie couldn’t look at her own device but knew something appeared. The digivice would shine and on the screen a symbol of a dolphin's tail and water appeared. Both would glow brighter and brighter making Seadramon cringe at the light.

“Kamemon…digivolve to…!” His body would be enveloped by water before a new figure jumped out of the war. A CD spun on top of his head as he was bigger, more flexible, and showed his eyes without the old army helmet. He spun around and struck a pose.


As the light faded he would take the discs out from the top of his head and threw them at Seadramon’s tail, cutting it off and releasing Pinkie. He would then stretch his arms out like elastic and catch the pink girl.

“I got you!”

“He also digivolved…” Byte said aloud as Twilight nodded. The rest were smiling wide as they saw their friend safe and their new friend changing.

“Kammy…is that you?!”

“Yeah Pinkie! I digivolved! How did I- LOOK!” He pointed to her hand as she saw the pink digivice in her hand. She looked it over before having a big smile. She would hug her new partner and laugh.


“Hehe stoooop.”

“Nice to see you join us Gwappamon, but we need to get back on track!” Aquilamon chided as he and the rest got back up.

“ICE BLAST!” The rest of the digimon would dodge as Gwappamon would set Pinkie down with the others as the four digimon stood in front of the serpent. Sunset stood by Dracomon.

“Everyone! Attack from all sides! We can rush him!”

“On it! THUNDER KING!” Liamon’s mane would spark and glow with electricity as he fired the blast of energy into the lake as Seadramon would get shocked.

“GRAND IMPULSE!” Aquilamon would ram him with his glowing horns knocking him back a bit.

“BLUE FLARE BREATH!” Suddenly a blue laser would hit Seadramon in the face as it knocked him further. The serpent would feel himself get tied up with something. When he turned to look he would see Gwappamon’s arms stretched out like some cartoon character as he then propelled himself to hit him square in the face.

“Not so tough now huh? Time to party!” The disc on his head would spin as he would let go of Seadramons head and shot out a bunch of discs like projectiles.



The spinning discs would fly and cut right through the ice blast as it went into the serpent's maw and out from the other end as it cut right through making the serpent fall and disintegrate into the lake. The particles of data would be absorbed by Gwappamon as the others cheered.

“You did it Kammy!”

“Way to go guys! HAHA!”

All the digimon would shrink back to the smaller forms as the rest of them would hug the ones who just shrank. The humans and Spike would join them in the group hug and celebration. They would hear footsteps behind them as Kiwimon as he stared at them, slack jawed.

“You did it? You actually did it?? I can’t believe it…!”

“Hehe naaaaaah Kammy did!”

“Ah shucks.”

Other digimon of the village would come into view after hearing the commotion as they were confused before being explained the situation by Kiwimon. Everyone would roar in cheer and applause as they surrounded the group.

“They really did it…”

“They defeated Seadramon!”

“Praise our heroes!”

“Aw…I’m back to boring old Kamemon…”

“ARE YOU KIDDING?!” Pinkie bounced and scooped Kamemon into a hug. “You are anything but! And did you see what you did and turn into?! I can’t believe I’m your friend and tamer hehehe!”

“This will help us a lot.” Dracomon commented. “With a marine digimon this could help our future battles. We have fliers, runners on land and now a swimmer.”

Through the crowd Palmon rushed in and hugged Pinkie, Kamemon, and Floramon as the villagers surrounded them.

“That is where she was? We went through all that because of her?!”

“DON’T EVEN!” Flash stepped up fuming as he pointed at the villagers. “I get you were all scared, but you all do NOT have the right to judge here! You all sacrificed your own young to please him! You could have TRIED to find some other way out of this or even run. We protected you today, but from here on out you also have to help yourselves! ” Rainbow patted his shoulders as she stepped up.

“He’s right. Learn to be strong! Ask for help and fight for yourselves so this will not happen again!” The crowd grew quiet as they would look ashamed. Kiwimon nuzzling Palmon then turned to the group.

“You still saved us. I believe a feast is in order.”

“You mean…a party?!” Pinkie jumped up as the others laughed. The rest of the villagers then followed suit, infected by her jovial energy. The day would turn to night as everyone drank, ate and played to their heart's content. Flash and Sunset would dance together as the digimon would just devour everything they could get their hands on. As the party went on Sunset would sit outside the cottage as Dracomon snuggled on her lap, being petted like a dog sleeping.

“Penny for your thoughts?” Flash would step outside and would sit beside her.

“Oh hey.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Oh just…a lot has happened. You know?”

“Yeah. I do.”

“We’ve been in this world for four days and it feels like we’ve done nothing. So far from home…I don’t know if we could ever go back…”

“Hey now, you can’t think like that. We just have to take this one step at a time. And we’ll all be with you. We even got new friends to share the burden.”

“Sigh. Thank you Flash.”

“I got your back.” Sunset would clean her head on Flash’s shoulder as the duo chilled out. Back at the party Kamemon would dance around with Pinkie as everyone cheered them on. Hagurumon with Twilight would just write everything they can observe before being given some white nectar. A drink passed around the village. Hawkmon and Rainbow would chug as much as they can, much to the dismay of Floramon and Rairty as they slowly would get buzzed.

“Darlings….maybe you both should slow down…”

“Slow down?? Do you even- hiccup- know me??”

“Yeeeeah my taaameeeer.”

The two would spin around as they fell high from the table they were dancing on with a loud thud making everyone else at the party laugh while the former just facepalmed and sighed. Fluttershy would giggle as Patamon enjoyed all the snacks he could get his little nubs on. Applejack would help all the little digimon get any snack they want as Fanbeemon slept in the background. Everyone had as much fun as they possibly could as the moon went high into the night sky.

The following morning came as everyone got together outside of the village. Kiwimon, Palmon and the other villagers would bid the group a farewell as Kiwimon stepped forward with a sack.

“Take this. It has rations and even bits to use when you get to bigger settlements.”

“Bits?” Sunset asked.

“Our currency. You will need them in larger cities and towns.”

“Wait your currency is called bits too?”


“Uh nothing.” Sunset would take the sack with a smile as she looked at the contents before closing the opening. “Thank you for this.”

“No. Thank you. All of you for everything. Our village will never forget you.”

“Take care!”

The others would nod and bid their goodbyes as the group would finally leave. It wasn’t till much later that the village would get two more visitors. One was short and dressed in blue wizard garb, with yellow hair while the other was taller, looked more feminine and looked more like a witch.

“Excuse me. Did you see a group of…children?”