• Published 28th Jul 2023
  • 454 Views, 19 Comments

The Saiyan - Blood fallen

When a Saiyan finds him stranded in Equestria after being in suspended animation for 52 years he must choose between his nature and new feelings of friendship.

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Chapter 7

Author's Note:

OK so if anyone is curious as to how powerful Rodas ha become after nearly a year of gravity traning, his power level has gone up froms 93,000 to 1.3 million.

It was a bright and sunny day with clear skies and the main 6 had decided to have a picnic and of cores they brought a reluctant Rodas who had wanted to train some more but they insisted, so there they were, the girls sat on a blanket while Rodas sat crossed legged at the base of the tree the girls had set up the picnic under. "Hay Rodas are you going to have any or not?" Pinkie asked taking a bite from a dandelion sandwich.

"How many times do I have to say it, I don't eat flowers Pinkie." Rodas said getting annoyed. "Honestly I could be back at the cave training." he thought as he suddenly sensed the familiar energy of Spike approaching. "Spike's coming." Rodas said confusing the girls as they began looking around.

"Darling, Spike is no where to be seen." Rarity said taking a sip of the red wine she had brought.

"Just wait." Rodas said as he crossed his arms and closed his eyes.

"For what?" Rainbow asked washing down a bite of her sandwich with some cider.

"Twilight." the voice of Spike could be heard calling and only a few minuets later Spike ran up to the girls out of breath and gave Twilight two scrolls having belched up the second just as he arrived, Twilight read the scrolls and unexpectedly screamed.

"What! my brother is getting married, and he didn't tell me himself." Twilight said getting angrier, suddenly music started playing out of no where.

"Oh god no, their about to start singing again, Fuck this I'm out." Rodas thought as he got up, just as he was about fly off Spike belched up another scroll, Spike read the scroll and ran up to Rodas before he could fly off all the while Twilight was singing best friend big brother.

"Rodas wait, this one is for you." Spike said passing the third scroll to Rodas for him to read, and yes the main 6 were still in the middle of their musical number.

"Well I'm off to Canterlot then." Rodas said putting the scroll into one of the inside pockets of his sleeveless coat, then Rodas charged his power and took off like a missile to Canterlot. When Twilight finished her song Rodas was gone and the girls looked around as to how Rodas had seemingly vanished into fin air while they were singing.

"Where's Rodas?" Twilight asked looking around for the Saiyan as if he'd just poof back after a few seconds.

"Yeah he's gone Twi." Spike said.

"Where?" Applejack asked.

"He's gone to Canterlot." Spike explained.

"Why?" Fluttershy asked.

"The Princess sent him a letter while you guys were singing and he took off." Spike answered.

"Well I guess we'll meet him there." Twilight said crossing her arms like Rodas usually did not noticing that she had picked up a few of his habits.

A few hours later

Twilight and the girls arrived at Canterlot which was under much higher security than usual, getting off the train the station was almost filled up with royal guards. "I've never seen the city so heavily defended before." Twilight said looking at all the guards Twilight thought forgetting her anger at her brother for a few moments.

"Oh yes, it's very safe here right now because I'm here." Rodas said as he walked onto the station platform.

"So what did the Princess want you for?" Twilight asked.

"Oh right, I'm now an honorary royal guard now." Rodas said with a wide smile.

"You a royal guard, that's just bad comedy." Pinkie said looking at Rodas having never seen him so happy.

"Oh go take your transformers references else where, any way I wish I could watch whatever train wreck is about to unfold but I have things to do places to be and bones to break in the name of protecting the city." Rodas said walking off, after seeing the main 6 at the train station Rodas went to meet up with two guards that were going to be helping him find any danger in the city. It didn't take long for Rodas to find the ponies he was looking for. "Greetings I am Rodas, I'm told that you two will be assisting me in finding who ever has made the threat against the city?" Rodas asked stopping in front of two guards waiting outside of pony jo's.

"That's right, I'm Sky Skipper." a generic white Pegasus said saluting his golden armor gleaming in the light of day.

"And I'm Shadow Lance, but please call me Lance for short." A generic bat pony night guard said.

"So, Sky and Lance hu, let's get moving there are a few places I want to check out before sundown." Rodas said floating into the air followed by Sky and Lance, with the three in the air they began their investigation going from one place to the next following Rodas's intuition from his past as a inter planetary mercenary, when sundown finally came Rodas bid fair well to Sky and Lance and went to where he could sense Twilight and the others landing next to the table they were sat at. "Evening lady's, I shall assume you have had a productive day." Rodas said.

"Rodas you believe me right, there's something not right with Cadence?" Twilight asked looking to the Saiyan for support.

"Cadence, Cadence, Oh right the one that's getting married tomorrow, I haven't met her yet." Rodas said.

"What about you, any luck?" Rainbow asked.

"As a matter of fact no, but I couldn't help but notice thousands of hostile energy signatures approaching from the south." Rodas answered crossing his arms. "Not like they were worth my time with how weak they were anyway." He thought. After the girls finished they all went back to the castle to sleep on what had happened.

The following morning Rodas got up early enough for Princess Luna to still be up and once again began his search, a lone this time as he couldn't help but think Sky and Lance were trying to keep him from a few parts of the city, so he decided to leave them behind to look around without any sabotage. Rodas spent most of that day by himself not noticing that the wedding had already started because he was more concerned by the thousands of changelings that had begun attacking Shining Armor's barrier around the city. "Finally, I get to cut lose." Rodas thought as the barrier finally shattered letting thousands of half starved Changelings into the city only to be met by a very eager Rodas who wasted no time in flying up to meet the swarm in battle, every punch and kick dropping a Changeling. When the swarm surrounded him he pulled back created a Ki ball in both hand and used a Rapid Fire Ki attack taking out nearly a hundred Changelings in the first minute of battle.

From the castle Chrysalis watched as her force's dropped like flies. "What, how can one fighter be so powerful!" Chrysalise said shouting in rage at this development.

"Who is that?" Cadence asked, unable to believe what she was seeing unfold in the air above Canterlot.

"It's Rodas, he's fighting all of them alone." Twilight said looking out the window, a few Changelings managed to get past Rodas while he was fighting but that didn't matter because the guards were ready for a fight thanks to Rodas buying them time to evacuate the city.

While fighting Rodas saw the main 6 running to one of the towers of the castle and stopping to fight. "Their not doing bad, but their technique is sloppy, they need to train more." Rodas thought as he focused on his fight, one after another the Changelings kept coming a punch to the gut here a round house kick to the head there, the Changelings were a persistent bunch of bugs to be sure but Rodas had been through far worse during his time with the Frieza force. as the battle raged on Rodas sensed the energy of the main 6 being taken back to the throne room by a large host of Changelings. "They need my help." Rodas said looking back to the castle after releasing a Ki wave that wiped out the large group of Changelings he was facing, he then glanced to the ground and saw the guards were pushing the invading bugs back at a good pace. "They can take care of the rest with out me." he thought shooting off to the castle.

Rodas smashed through the celling of the throne room landing between the main 6 and Chrysalise. "And who are you supposed to be?" Chrysalises with a mocking sneer as she crossed her holy arms with a smug look.

"I am Rodas a Saiyan warrior from planet Vegeta." Rodas said as he powered up, the force of his power pushing the on lookers back to the wall, even the Changeling drones couldn't get close to the battle lusted Saiyan while his power was elevated.

"This is nothing, I won't let you stop me, not when I'm so close to victory." Chrysalise said firing a magic blast at Rodas hitting him directly, but as the smoke cleared he was unharmed with his arms crossed looking disappointed.

"If that's the best you can do then you might as well give up, before I hurt you." Rodas said walking forward his clothes only slightly torn from the attack.

"Oh yeah, well how about this!" Chrysalise said firing another blast of magic this time aimed just passed Rodas, when he realized he wasn't the target he looked back at the main 6.

"GIRLS WHATCH OUT!!" Rodas shouted but it was too late the blast hit the floor just in front of them, when the smoke cleared the main 6 were down on the ground not moving except fore Cadence who was out side of the blast radius of the magic blast.

"TWILIGHT!" Cadence shouted as she ran to Twilight, all the while some thing inside of Rodas snapped as his rage exploded.

Turning back to face the Changeling Queen he grit his teeth. "You might be able to stop my attacks, but they can't. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha." Chrysalise said breaking off into hysterical laughter.

Suddenly Chrysalise's laughter was cut short when Rodas let loose a mighty battle cry of rage the Saiyan's aura of power turning a dull gold as his hair and tail took on a slight golden shine, Rodas had entered the False Super Saiyan state a half way point between base form and Super Saiyan granting a 25x base power up making Rodas's power level go from 1.3 million to 32.5 million. "Your going to pay for hurting my friends bug." Rodas said the golden aura around his body growing more intense, suddenly with out any warning Rodas shoot over to the Changeling Queen leaving a gold strike in the air behind him, when he reached Chrysalise he punched her in the face with all his might sending her crashing through every castle wall until she was out side.

"What a lovely day." Chrysalise thought as she looked up at the sky before she collided with the side of the mountain, before she could recover Rodas was on her like a fly to shit unloading rapid punches into her in the blink of an eye each punch so fast Chrysalise's brain couldn't even understand what was happening, Rodas then grabbed her by the hair and threw her into the air away from the city catching up quickly as he pulled his right arm back forming a blue Ki ball in his hand and charged it for a few seconds.

"Now take this, FINIAL CANNON." Rodas said using his personal finishing move as he thrust his right arm forward releasing the energy beam he had charged up. Through out the the hive mind the Changelings could hear Chrysalise's death screams as her body was atomized by his attack, just as Chrysalise was destroyed a powerful wave of magic erupted from the castle blasting away the Changelings in the city. Rodas returned to the castle and found everyone was safe and ok, as it turned out Chrysalise's attack didn't kill the girls only hurt them, after that Cadence and Shining Armor insisted n Rodas attending their wedding as thanks for his part in defeating the Changeling Queen, he even stayed with Twilight for the after party where Cadence decided to throw a few pick up lines at him for a three some but they went right over Rodas's head, turns out a warrior who spends all his time training for the next fight didn't have any interest in sexual distractions.