• Member Since 14th Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Unwhole Hole

Digging it deeper. Always deeper.


She was tired of being a joke. Tired of being a failure.

Experimental neurosurgery seemed like the best option.

Now, for the first time, she can see the world as it truly is.

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 84 )

I first read the title as under-ped, instead of un-derped. Was briefly confused.

someone needs to teach dinky some respect
(r.i.p. time turner)

Same. Also, I wonder if it's Flowers for Algernon-kinda plot.

Oh dear. This hurts on a deep level. There's an argument that I probably just shouldn't read this, but I find myself morbidly curious. I dread seeing where this goes from here, but I'm still going to see.


Also, I wonder if it's Flowers for Algernon-kinda plot.

That was my first thought when I read the description. If so...and even though I know where this is going...I'm going to keep reading.

...but I know this is going to be one of those tales that will haunt me for a long, long time...

Time Turner did not have a chance to answer. He promptly fell to the ground, convulsing and foaming at the mouth. Derpy stared in horror at what was happening, not knowing what to do.

“Oh no!” she cried. “Not again!”

How many bodies are in her basement? :rainbowderp:

Oh God, Derpy. She remembers... Degenerative diseases and disorders are soul-crushing when you still remember yourself. All you can do is the mask, and hope it doesn't slip.

Well, this is not an auspicious start for our heroine.

Lovely to have you back as always, dear author!

Delicious? More like dielicious. :pinkiecrazy:

poor derpy. seems equestrias healthcare is not good enought to tell she needs help and someone to at least keep her company

Just what kind of superpowers did that pony get? Asking for a friend.

Holy shit, Spoiled. That was too much even for you.

Everywhere he goes "Thunderstruck" automatically starts to play.

How is she not sued to oblivion?

Spoiled Rich was later found in her bed, her throat slit with surgical precision. But that is a story for another day.

For now, Derpy has a lot to think about... which, for this instance of her, has a number of issues.

Thought Spoiled went to far she is kinda right to. Though Derpy is a well meaning pony she is also a very dangerous pony as well. Her thoughtlessness has hurt a lot of innocent ponies or worse if she continues on.

This is so perfectly awful that it's beautiful

She really does only have the two options at this point. Let’s see what comes of the determination to live.

something tells me she is gonna wake up with a clearer mind then ever before

“You will of course have a local anesthetic, so no. It will be nearly painless.” He paused. Then he sighed. “There are of course risks. To any medical procedure, but especially to ones involving experimental archeotechnology. Animal testing is of course banned, so I have no idea what side effects this might have in a pony...although I believe it to be quite safe. Nopony has ever experienced a negative outcome.” He chuckled.


Nopony has ever experienced a negative outcome

At least not for long.

Derpy continues to have everything go wrong. The poorest wubby, and it doesn't sound like things will be improving...

He sighed and set down his coffee, but then smiled, kindly. Derpy felt a familiar warm feeling, one she remembered well as it had somewhat preceded both the births of her two unicorn daughters decades earlier.

Why do I feel like that's maybe not a sign that Doctor Horse is a great guy?

I assure you, based on all mathematical models, this is a vast improvement over the Algernon procedure and even Twilight Sparkle’s recently declassified L.A.W.N.M.O.W.E.R. initiative.

I always love to see nod to the classics.

I don't love to see unforeseen surgical complications. Let's hope there's still a living brain left to repair when all's said and done...

poor derpy. hope she finds more things she can do now

What does underped mean? Google doesn't recognize the word.

It means that both of Derpy Hooves’s eyes look normal now. Please respond to this comment.

Are you ever going to do something similar with Fluttershy’s brother?

We can finally start the Undertale crossover. :twilightsmile:

I'm pretty sure it is "Un-derped", but one can dream of it being UnderPed.

And just like that, I realize I've been pronouncing the title wrong this whole time.

smart people do not use contractions. it does not seem so smart to me, they save valuable time after all
(roll credits)

im guessing this is less derpy suddenly being amazing and more that she suddenly has something that helped her retern to who she once was. wont dinky be shocked

I'm getting Flowers for Algernon vibes from this


“Yes, I am,” said Derpy

Dinky never knew her mother with an intact brain. This must be the most confusing day of her life. Also the most embarassing.

As for the steam coming off of Ditzy’s little muffin… I fear I see how this goes horribly wrong. We’ll see if I’m right.

This is great, but why does the "Dark, Horror, Sad" tags make me nervous? :unsuresweetie:

“You are among my most talented of students. You were the only one this year who could successfully create a Bag of Holding without forgetting the mass constant or creating a singularity excursion and getting pulled in.” She looked annoyedly out the door. “I have spent the last hour yanking students out of their failed final projects by their tails. One had been partially ingested by a gloam-wraith he had somehow managed to trap inside it.”

“Is he okay?”

“Oh, yes, of course, no need to worry, the wraiths only devour the soul, not the body.”

He's fine, he became a lawyer.

Uh. Relearn what you lost? I don't really see the problem yet, but ok.

Ah. A terrible price to pay indeed. And there's also the question of whether the crystal knows when to stop. Especially if it's eternally trying to repair damage caused by its own presence...

“I took the train. The new crystal-driven one. I got to ride with the conductor and we talked about how they’re still trying to work out the dimensional annularity problem.”

Is this a "This is the Last Train Car" reference:derpyderp1:

Pinkie looked up. “Wow, you look terrible,” she said with her almost annoying squeaky voice. “Like the main character out of a poorly-written horror short story.”

Bullshit, this is amazing. You're like the best existential horror writer on the site. And this chapter is where you really start leaning into that. Your comedies on the other hand... can be hit-or-miss.

Damn, way to lean into your tags! I had expected "Flowers for Algernon", but THIS is unique!

Sucks to be an early adopter of mind augmentation. :pinkiecrazy:

Woah. Great concept here. A very different twist than I expected.


Best break I've seen!

Well Unhole keeps his lore pretty continuous between stories. So I would hazard a guess that the crystals is somehow sentient.

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