• Published 18th Aug 2023
  • 783 Views, 34 Comments

Equestria Girls: Digimon Genesis - Prince Dustin Hogan

A fanfic where an OC and the Main 7 get transported to the Digital World.

  • ...

Hopping down the bunny trail







Digimon Analyzer

It was morning at Claymore Burg, and in Wisemom’s observatory, Leomon, Nohemon, and Mercurymon were packing bags with supplies. Meanwhile the kids were talking with Wisemon.

“We’ll, my human friends, you have quite the journey ahead of you.” Wisemon said to the humans. “But I’m certain you lot will fulfill your destiny.”

“Thanks for havin’ us, Wisemon.” Applejack thanked Wisemon.

“Remember, your D-Gens will guide you to your respective DigiRemnants.” Wisemon elaborated. “And I’m sure with time and experience, your power will progress and advance.”

“Alright.” Leomon spoke as he finished packing. “That should be everything we need.”

“Let’s see…” Mercurymon bought a check list and a quill pen. “Books, check. Polish, check. Microscope, check. Magnifying glass, check. Camera, check. Map, check. Jars, net, and sketch book? Check.”

“Why jars and a net?” Nohemon asked Mercurymon with confusion.

“We’re setting off to possibly every continent in the Digitial World, are we not?” Mercurymon replied with an excited smile. “This will be an enriching journey for all of us! The various specimens I get to catalogue, the history well learn, the various natives we’ll encounter! Oh, this is such a rare privilege!”

“Wow, and here I thought Twilight was an Egghead.” Rainbow Dash whispered to Thrill Ride with a snicker, but Rarity slaps her in the shoulder with a glare.

“Alright, I do believe we’re ready to go.” Leomon replied before strapping his backpack on. “You kids ready?”

“We are, Leomon.” Sunset called back before looking to Wisemon. “Again, thanks for everything.”

“No trouble, my dear.” Wisemon replied with a soft chuckle. “Now you’d best be off. You have a long road head.”


After a 20 minute long flight, Crowmon landed in a forested area with the gang hopping off.

“Thanks for the lift, Crowmon.” Fluttershy thanked Crowmon.

“No problem.” Crowmon replied with a nod. “I wish you all the best of luck.” And with that said, Crowmon took off back into the sky.

“Well, which way should we get going to?” Sunset asked Mercurymon.

“Well, let’s see here…” Mercurymon eplied as he pulled out the map, and after reading it, he smiled. “Oh, Inaba Village is not too far off.”

“Inaba Village?” Twilight asked with curiosity.

“A village inhabited by Lopmon and Terriermon.” Leomon replied with smile. “Trust me, you’ll love the people there.”

Suddenly, Fluttershy felt something bump into her leg. She looks down, and what she saw was possibly the cutest thing ever. What bumped her was what looked like a white rabbit with long ears, blue eyes, and three small horns on its head.

“Oooh…” The white rabbit spoke in a high pitched voice, “Sorry about… that?” The rabbit saw Fluttershy, its eyes wide with curiosity. “No way! A human?"

Digimon Analyzer

Name: Lopmon (White)
Level: Rookie
Type: Animal
Attribute: Data

A rare variant of the rabbit Digimon named Lopmon, it is more timid in nature. But other than that, it’s no different than regular Lopmon.

OH MY GOSH!” Fluttershy gushed, admiring the cutbesse the rabbit like Digimon. “AREN’T YOU JUST THE CUTEST?!” Flutterhsy grabbed the white Lopmon and hugged it like it were a stuffed animal, much to the rabbit Digimon’s dismay.

“Miss… please…” The rabbit choked out as it struggled to breathe. “Can’t… breathe…” Luckily Flutterhsy noticed and let’s the poor rabbit down, the white Lopmon taking in deep breaths.

“S-Sorry about that…” Flutterhsy apologized with a blush of embarrassment.

“Hey, you must be from Inaba Village, right?” Nohemon stated to the white Lopmon. “Perhaps you could lead us there?”

The gang had arrived a small village composed of colorful egg-shaped houses, various flower gardens, and a large fountain located in the middle.

“Oh my…” Fluttershy gasped in awe at seeing the settlement. “This place is amazing.”

“Looks like the Easter bunny puked here.” Rainbow Dash muttered with a quirked eyebrow, only to get punched in the arm by Applejack. “Ow!”

“Lopmon! There you are!”

The group turn to see what like a taller white rabbit with gloves decorated with a crescent moon, purple tops on its ears, a metal plate obscuring the top of its head, yellow crescent shapes on its lower body, and what looked like purple tentacles on its back.

“P-Princess Lekismon!” White Lopmon gasped with a blush.

Digimon Analyzer

Name: Lekismon
Level: Champion
Type: Beast Man
Attribute: Data

Lekismon, a Digimon as beguiling as she is versatile. It has astounding jumping ability, and uses her swift movements to toy with her foes. Her Moon Night Kick will definitely leave you seeing stars.

“I was worried sick.” Lekismon said worriedly as she examined White Lopmon. “That jerk brother of yours didn’t hurt you again, did he?” Lekismon then took notice of the gang before smiling. “Oh, visitors!"

“Hello there.” Leomon greeted with a bow of his head. “We’re travelers on a mission.”

“So I see.” Lekismon said with a nod before looking to the humans. “Humans? In the Digital World? Whatever mission you’re on, it must be big?”

“Hey snowball!”

White Lopmon is then pelted by a tomato, making him stumble while the others look on with shock while Lekismon gasped in shock as she tends to the rabbit Diginon.

“Alright, who threw that?!” Sunset asked before she spotted a brown version of Lopmon with pink stripes on its ears and a pink table shaped throat patch near a basket of tomatoes. “You! Did you throw that?!”

“And what if I did?” The Lopmon asked rudely.

“Oh, you brute!” Lekismon scolded the Lopmon. “You have exactly three seconds to apologize before…”

“No, It’s alright.” White Lopmon interjected, wiping the tomato juice off of his head.

“Alright?” Fluttershy asked with concern, “That jerk threw a tomato at you! How is that alright?”

“Guys, I’m alright.” White Lopmon replied, clearly hiding his pain.

“Uh… why don’t you show our guests around?” Lekismon suggested to White Lopmon. “I’ve got to overlook preparations for the Founding Festival.” Lekismon walked off, leaving White Lopmon to watch her with a blush.

“So… uh, the Founding Festival?” Thrill Ride asked, wanting to lighten White Lopmon’s spirits.

“Huh? Oh…” White Lopmon cleared his throat before turning to the group. “It’s an annual festival we throw to celebrate the founding of Inaba Village.”

“Ooh, a party!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed excitedly, jumping a bit. “I just love parties!”

"Hopefully it doesn't involve egg hunting." Rainbow Dash muttered, making Rarity slap her upside the head.

Fluttershy looked to her right, seeing see of a tall bipedal rabbit.

“Hey, who is that?” Fluttershy asked, pointing to the statue.

“Oh, that?” White Lopmon asked, “That is Antylamon. The founder of our village.”

—800 years ago—

Antylamon was seen cowering from what looked like 80 other copies of himself that Antylamon who were laughing and mocking it.

Antylamon, the founder of Inaba Village, was the youngest of 81 brothers, and was heavily mistreated by his older brethren.

The 80 older Antylamon were seen marching, the youngest one struggling to keep up whole holding a bunch of bags.

One day, when they heard that the beautiful princess Crescemon is looking for a suitable consort, every one of the brothers decided to try and woo her. The mistreated youngest brother however, who was only brought along to carry the baggage, would soon lag behind.

And after walking countless miles aimlessly, he ultimately collapsed from exhaustion.

Antylamon tripped over, lying on the ground fornhe was too fatigued. But a shadow loomed over him.

Luckily, however, A stranger would help Antyllamon in his hour of need. And that kind stranger was none other than NEO.

Antylamon sees Neo’s silhouette, and he sees that NEO had bucket of water and a bunch of cattail-like plants.

NEO replenished Antylamon with water from a sacred stream and special plants with rejuvenating properties. After having his strength restored and getting guidance from NEO, Antylamon had finally arrived where his brother’s were.

The scene cuts to Antylamon arriving at his destination, where he saw older his brothers being reprimanded by another Digimon.

It looked like Lekismon, only It was as tall as Antylleamon with armor covering its chest, arms, and hips. It had a helmet obscuring its head, a crescent shaped shield on one arm and hiding spear with a crescent blade on the top.

The older Antylamon were shocked as the Digimon gave them the tongue of fury.

When he finally arrived, Crescemon told the elder brothers that she would have nothing to do with any of them, but would only marry the kind youngest of the Antylamon siblings.

The Digimon noticed the youngest Antylamon and walked towards him, the two staring into each other’s eyes, and Antylamon blushing madly as Crescemon placed a on his cheek before smiling bashfully.

The older Antylamon brothers watched on with pure anger and jealousy.

Though the older brothers were angry, the youngest had happily obtained the heart of the princess, and together they founded Inaba Village.

The final scene showed Lekismon and Antylamon in the newly built Inaba Village before it all goes white.

—Present Day—

“And that’s pretty much the whole story ad to how Inaba Villge was founded.” White Lopmon finished, the humans wide eyed in shock.

“80 older siblings?!” Rarity asked, dumbfounded by what she was told. “My nerves would have been shot by now if I were in a situation like that!”

“Well, Antylamon is a rabbit-like Digimon after all.” Thrill Ride said as heblooked to the Antylamon statue. “And if rabbits are good at one thing, it's multiplying.”

“Wait!” Twilight stated, “Do Digimon reproduce?”

“Why yes, of course. Well, most at least.” Nohemon replied with a nod. “Some Digimon are born naturally while others are artificially made. Digimon don’t just pop out of thin air.”


Lekismon was overseeing the a group of musicians practicing, the performers resembled Terriermon but were cream yellow and green instead of brown and pink and had a single horn in place of three.

“Alright everyone, let’s take a short recess.” Lekismon said as the band nodded and walked off.

Lekismon turned around, seeing the Terriermon from earlier present to her with a bouquet.

“Some lovely flowers for such a lovely face?” Lopmon asked, his eyebrows moving up and down flirtatiously.

“Lopmon, not now!” Lekismon groaned in annoyance. “I’m quite busy!”

“Oh come on, can’t you spare at least a few minutes” Lopmon asked flirtatiously. “Prehaps we could take a stroll, gaze at the three moons, maybe even a frolic through the flower fields.”

“Maybe some other time, but not now!” Lekismon said as she walked off, leaving Lopmon alone.

“Someday, someday.” Lopmon muttered as he saw Lekismon walk off.


Back with the group, White Lopmon was showing them around the village.

“Hey, Lopmon!”

White Lopmon turns to see a Terriermon holding a bucket of what looked like cabbages.

“Oh, hey Terriermon.” White Lopmon greeted.

“I saw what your jerk brother did to you earlier.” Terriermon spoke as he place dghe bucket down and walked to White Lopmon. “Honestly, I don’t know how you put up with him!"

“I’m used to it.” White Lopmon said dismissively.

“That carrot sucking dickwad?” Thrill Ride asked with a scowl. "How long as he been like that?"

"Since the day they they both hatched." Terriermon responded. "Mainly he's been picking on Lopmon here because of his appearance. Even using that stupid "snowball" nickname."

“How awful!” Fluttershy said with a gasp.

“Truly atrocious!” Rarity said with anger. “Making a mockery out of somebody because of their looks is absolutely horrendous! Let alone ridiculing their own flesh and blood!”

“Guys, I appreciate your concern,” White Lopmon replied with a dismissive wave, “but I’m used to it.”

“Sugar, ah know you’re lyin’.” Applejack said a she knelt down and placed a comforting hand on White Lopmon’s head. “If ya don’t stand up for yerself, you’ll just let others trample ya like a doormat.”

White Lopmon looks away, clearly unsure.

“Yeah, poor guys had low self-esteem.” Terriermon spoke with pity for White Lopmon. “Especially when it comes to his crush on prince…” White Lopmon covered Terriermon’s mouth with his left ear before he could even finish. But the others knew what the Terriermon was about to say.

“You’re crushing on princess Lekismon?” Pinkie Pie asked with a big grin. “Aww, how sweet!”

“N-No… I don’t…” White Lopmon stuttered while his face went red with embarrassment. “I… don’t have a…”

“You’re face is red.” Mercurymon retorted with a grin using his mirror shield to view White Lopmon’s reflection. “A telltale sign of romance.”

“Uh… oh I think somebody needs help gathering the vegetables! Gotta go!” White Lopmon ran off, leaving the others stunned. But while they weren’t noticing, Lekismon overheard the conversation while she watched White Lopmon with a slight blush.

It was now nighttime, and the Founding Festival had begun. Music played, food and drink was served, and many people were having a good time. Including the group of visitors.

Thrill Ride was slurping a beverage served by one of the Terriermon with a smile. “Man, this stuff is awesome. What is it?”

“Peter Cocktail.” The Lopmon replied. “A favorite for tourists.”

“I can see why.” Thrill Ride stated a she took another sip from the beverage. “Think you can set me up?”

“No problem, we’ve got about twenty barrels full.” The Lopmon bartender replied with a chuckle.

Meanwhile, Flutterhsy was making floral crowns with many of the Terriermon, Mercurymon was sharing his knowledge with a bunch of Kokomon Gummymon, and the others were seated at a table enjoying the ambience.

“This place is fun.” Pinkie Pie said as she was enjoying a salad. “The food is good, the music is awesome, and everyone looks like they’re having a good time.”

“Well, not everyone.” Leomon said before pointing, the others look to see White Lopmon was sitting a table with Terriermon, White Lopmon looked bummed out.

“Come on, Lopmon.” Terriermon said, trying to cheer him up. “The dance is about to begin, why not ask Lekismon to dance with you?”

“As if she would dance with a freak like me.” White Lopmon muttered.

“You are not a freak, buddy.” Terriermon said in attempts to cheer him up. “I don’t think you’re a freak, Lekismon doesn’t think you’re a freak, even our guests here don’t think you’re a freak.”

“If anything, you’re unique.”

White Lopmon and Terriermon look to see Lekismon.

“Princes!” White Lopmon spoke with surprise. “Uh… what brings you here?”

“I noticed you weren’t enjoying yourself, so if fogured I could cheer you up.” Lekismon stated with a smile.

Suddenly, music began to play and many of Lopmon and Terriermon went onto the dance floor.

“Would I may be so bold as to ask you for a dance?” Lekismon asked White Lopmon, the rabbit Digimon blushing madly in response while he was stuttering like an idiot

“He would love to.” Terriermon said as he pushed White Lopmon to Lekismon. “Don’t let me keep you, buddy.”

White Lopmon just blushed madly as Lekismon lead him to the dance floor. The others watched with knowing smiles.

“Ohohoh… how adorable!” Twilight gushed with a big smile. “I think White Lopmon might get his chance!”

“Assuming a certain Lopmon doesn’t interfere.” Leomon said while looking around. “I don’t see anywhere.”

“They all look alike, dude!” Rainbow Dash stated with a deadpan look. “How can you even tell them apart?”

Lekismon and White Lopmon were having a rather romantic slow dance, the two looking into each others eyes, and White Lopmon blushed while all the others were watching.

“Oh wow.” A Terriermon muttered. “Those two look so beautiful together.”

“Yeah.” A Lopmon said in agreement. “I think Lekismon may have found her other half.”

Lekismon and White Lopmon continued their walt, the two never looking away from eachother’s gaze.

“Uh… p-princess Lekismon…” White Lopmon stuttered, Lekismon clearly giving him her attention. “Uh… there’s something I need to… to…”

“Yes?” Lekismon asked, but White Lopmon was struggling to get the words out of his mouth.

But the moment was ruined when White Lopmon was hit with a water balloon, coating him in a green liquid while everyone gasped.

“What was…” White Lopmon said before sniffing around, his face going green with disgust. “YUCK! What is that smell?!” White Lopmon then smelled the green slime on his arms, gagging. “Ugh! That… that’s me?”

White Lopmon was so embarrassed that he just ran off into the woods.

“Lopmon!” Lekismon called out in worry. “Wait!” Lekismon then gave chase while everyone else watched on in shock.

“I think I knew that threw that.” Thrill Ride said as he saw a bush rustling. “Or rather “who” threw that!”


White Lopmon was at a stream, washing the smelly green slime off of him.

“Ugh… this is the most humiliating thing that’s ever happened to me!” White Lopmon muttered in embarrassment as he got out and shook himself dry. “Oh, now Lekismon will never talk to me again after that.”

White Lopmon was then struck by a small typhoon of dark energy, sending him back into the stream. White Lopmon surfaced and spits out some water before he seeing his browther/tormentor.

“B-Brother!” Lopmon gasped in horror.

“If you think I’m going to let a real like you get what’s rightfully mine, then you are sadly mistake!” Lopmon growled angrily. “Dark Twister!” Lopmon sent another small typhoon of dark energy at White Lopmon, sending him crashing to a tree. “Blazing Ice!” Lopmon spits out shots of supercooled air at White Lopmon, making him scream in pain.

“B-Brother… please…” White Lopmon muttered, tears welling up in his eyes. “Stop…”

“I’ll stop… when your deleted!” Lopmon roared angrily and was about to fire another attack.

Moon Night Kick!

Lekismon emerged from a shrub, jumping upward before delivering diving kick at Lopmon.

“Lopmon!” Terriermon cried out as he and the others came to White Lopmon’s aid.

“Terriermon… Lekismon…” White Lopmon spoke out weakly.

“Easy there, little guy.” Applejack said, rubbing White Lopmon’s head.

“I knew you were a dickhead, but killing your own brother?!” Thrill Ride asked with anger at Lopmon. “You really are a piece of shit!”

“I deserve Lekismon!” Lopmon barked back. “Me! Not that abomination!”

HE IS NOT AN ABOMINATION!” Fluttershy roared out, surprising everyone. “He is no freak! He is no different compared to everyone else! And you treat him, your own brother, like he’s a second class citizen just by his appearance!” Flutterhsy shot a glare at Lopmon.

“She’s right!” Lekismon stood up and glared to Lopmon. “I would never be in a relationship ship with you if we were the last Digimon alive and the future of the Digital World depended on us.” Lopmon was shocked by what he heard. “Just by looking at you, I can see a future filled with nothing but misery and resentment!”

White Lopmon listened with surprise, hearing Lekismon give his brother a real tongue lashing.

“You’re better off dating a Calmaramon!” Lekismon then turns her attention to White Lopmon. “White Lopmon deserves someone who will make him happy. To help him through thick and thin, something that you have never done, and probably never will!” Lekismon helped White Lopmon up, looking him in the eyes. “I’ve heard of your feelings for me earlier… and I want you to know that… I-I…”

Before Lekismon could finish, White Lopmon placed his lips onto hers, the two sharing a kiss.

AAAWW!” The girls gushed at the romantic scene. Thrill Ride smiled at the two while Terriermon gave the two a double thumbs up.

And Lopmon, well… he certainly did not take this well. He was shaking, his breath becoming hitched, a hateful glare towards White Lopmon as his eyes began to emit a red shine.

“You… you…” Lopmon growled as he emitted a purple aura, much to everyone’s shock.

“Uh-oh.” Pinkie Pie spoke with a shiver down her spine.

“This doesn’t look good.” Thrill Ride muttered, his D-Gen at the ready.

“You… FREAK!!!” Lopmon roared out before he was enveloped in what looked like fire that was purple and black! “LOPMON, DARK DIGIVOLVE TO…” Lopmon’s voice got deeper as the dark flame increased in size.

And after a few moments, the flames faded to reveal a rather terrifying beast. It is was a bipedal, muscular creature covered in brown fur, though its face, upper back, elbows, hands, and feet are red. It has red eyes, pink lips, and a large mouth. Its head is covered with a grinning white plush skull that has three cream horns, while it has two bone-like protrusions on its upper back. It has a white bandage on its left wrist.


Digimon Analyzer

Name: Wendigomon
Level: Champion
Type: Animal
Attribute: Virus

Wendigomon, a horrendous beast that is the result of Lopmon undergoing Dark Digivolution. Fueled by rage and hatred, he is truly a force to be reckoned with.

“Holy crap!” Sunset said before looking to Thrill Ride. “Thrill, get ready!”

“I was just about to say that to you!” Thrill Ride said as Sunset pulled out her D-Gen.

DIGIREMNANT SYNCHRONIZE, NEO EVOLUTION!” Thrill Ride and Sunset Shimmer cried out is unison, both being enveloped in a bright red and dark teal glow respectively before their Digimon forms were revealed. “FLAMEKNIGHTMON/CALAMITYMON!”

“Whoa!” Terriermon gasped in awe as Lekismon and White Lopmonnwere dumbfounded.

“That power!” Lekismon muttered as she looks to the two new Digimon. “So, it’s true! The DigiPendants do exist!”

“I’ll deal with you later!” Wendingomon growled before pulling his arm fist back. “Heavy Attack!” Wndigomon the punched the two with enough force 5o send bith FlameKnightmon and Calamitymon crashing to a nearby tree. Wendigomon then grabbed White Lopmon, glaring hatefully before tightening his grip with intention of squishing White Lopmon.

William’s Arrow!” Nohemon emerged from the e shrubs and fired arrows at Wendigomon’s face, making the beastly Digimon growl while releasing White Lopmon.

“You walking pile of straw!” Wendigomon growled furiously at Nohenon. “Heavy Attack!

Mercurymon appeared in front of Nohemon with his right shield raised. “Dark Reflection!” Merucrymon roared as he redirected Wendigomon’s attack via using his reflection.

“We should double tag this walking fur ball!” Calamitymon mon said, readying her tonfa blasters while FlameKnightmonblit his sword ablaze.

Ashen...” Calamitymon cried out while Calamitymon firing multiple blast, "Maelstrom!" FlameKnightmon finished while swinging his sword to send a wave of flame and lighting the projectiles on fire, the burning bullets landing at Wendigomon.

GAH! THAT DOES IT!” Wendigomon growled as he took a deep breath. “Koko Crusher!” Wendigomon then released a mighty roar, sending a shockwave powerful enough that it managed to knick a few trees down while FlameKnightmon and Clamaitymon were knocked off of their feet.

Wendigomon charged at the two and was about to strike, but White Lopmon and Terriermon got in the way.

Double Typhoon!” Terriermon and White Lopmon cried out in unison as they both spun their ears around like fan blades, sending a mighty gust of that sent Wendigomon back a few feet.

Tear Arrow!” Lekismon exclaimed as she tugged on the protrusions on her back, arrows made of ice forming before firing at Wendigomon. Though this didn’t do much to damage Wendigomon. “Moon Night Kick!” Lekismon leapt towards Wendigomon to deliver another kick.

Cable Crusher!” Wendigomon cried as he swung both of his arms, cutting off Lekismon’s attack and sending her upwards a bit. “Heavy Attack!” Wendigomon then punched Lekisnon to the ground, making her fall hard with a massive Shockwave.

LEKISMON!” White Lopmon cried out in concern as Lekismon struggled to get up, and Wendigomon placed his foot onto her head.

“You were an idiot to deny me!” Wendigomon growled furiously as he applied pressure to Lekismon’s head. “If I can’t have you, then nobody else will!”


Wendigomon stopped what he was doing and looks to Flutterhsy, who was glaring at him. “That’s quite enough!” Fluttershy growled with anger.

“Please! What could a little wimpy little bitch like you do?!” Wendigomon taunted with a laugh. “You’d probably piss your own pants just by looking at your own shadow!”

“Don’t go mocking me!” Fluttershy shot back. “I may be timid, but at least I’m not some cruel, inconsiderate, heartless beast who cares about hisseself!”

Wendigomon snarled angrily before sprinting towards Flutterhy.

Meanwhile, underneath the statue of Antylamon, a series of cracks began to form with a bright light shinning through before the light intensified, making the residents look on in surprise.

As Wendigomon got closer, Fluttershy stood her ground as her D-Gen began beeping. When Wendigomon got close enough, he was blinded by a bright light.

The others were surprised as a ball of light flew towards Fluttershy. The light dimmed down a bit, showing what looked like a pair of disembodied rabbit ears

“Those look like…” Nohemon gasped in shock.

“Antylamon’s ears!” Leomon finished for Nohemon, equally as shocked.

Feeling this could her a DigiRemnant, Fluttershy pulled out her, and the rabbit ears became green colored energy before being sucked into the device

Wendigomon unshielded his eyes, a look of surprise visible.

//DigiRemnant Acquired.// Fluttershy’s D-Gen spoke as Fluttershy emits a bright yellow aura while hovering several feet off the ground.


A green hexagon seal with the Floral DigiPendant symbol appeared beneath Flutterhsy as she was then enveloped in a tornado of flower petals.

The others watched on in awe for a mere few moments before the flower petal tornado died down to reveal Fluttershy’s new form.

The form Fluttershy took resembled a humanoid rabbit similar to Antylamon, though it looked more humanlike and looked like something out of a Magical Girl anime.

Her rabbit ears were long and could pass as big pigtails, her eyes were blue, and her fur coat mostly light brown, with a minty green face, splotches on her forearms, and heart shaped patterns on the tips of her ears.

She wore a Magical Girl style uniform that was consisted of a light green top and a dark green skirt that resembled flower petals with a pink underskirt, pink colored puffy sleeves, light green leggings with shin guards shaped like the head of a cute cartoon rabbit, and a pink bowtie on her back.


Digimon Analyzer

Name: Usagimon
Level: Unidentified
Type: Animal, Beast Humanoid, Beastkin
Attribute: Vaccine, Free

Usagimom! A charming looking Digimon may not seem like much, but can actually give you a really hard time. What she lacks in physical strength, she more then makes up for with agility, speed, and magical prowess. Her Verdant Heart can support allies while her Hare’s Glare can strike fear in her enemies.

Wendigomon was surprised at first, but he then chuckled before laughing hysterically. “You’ve got to be kidding me!” Wendigomon said in-between laughs. “What are you going to do? Perform some girly trick? Maybe strike some ridiculous pose?”

“If that’s what you want!” Usagimon rerotred with a smug grin before. “Jumping Twister!” Usagimon jumped upward and span around, slapping at Wendigomon with her ears to send him back a foot.

“Why you…!” Wendigomon snarled viciously before charging at Usagimon. But Usagimon stood her ground.

Hare’s Glare!” Usagimon declared as her eyes shined a bright green, and Wendigomon’s eyes did the same as he stopped dead in his tracks.

Wendigonon shuddered in fear as he got onto his knees.

“Time for you to learn your place!” Usagimon scoffed before raising her hands upwards, causing series of flower petals to appear out of thin air. “Petal Tempest!” With a thrust of her arms, Usagimon sent the projectiles at White Lopmon, the attack hitting right on target.

AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!” Wendigomon erupted in blistering agony as his body began to turn gray and he began to lose corporeality while the all too familiar egg-shaped light appeared within his midsection.

“Hopefully next time you won’t be so cruel!” Usagimon declared as Wendigomon faded away and his DigiEgg ascended to the sky.

“Goodby, brother.” White Lopmon muttered, feeling bad for his brother while Terriermon placed a comforting hand.

The following morning, White Lopmon and Lekismon stood before the heroic group with thankful smiles

“You have our thanks.” Lekismon thanked the gang with a sincere smile. “I am forever in your debt.”

“Hey, don’t worry about it.” Sunset Shimmer replied with a smile. “It’s what we do.”

“You got that right.” Thrill Ride chimed in with a proud smile.

“As a token of our appreciation, we present you with this.” Lekismon said as Terriermon handed them a series of floral bracelets made from rather beautiful looking flowers. “These are made with Everlillies. That way they’ll last literally a liftletime.”

“Ah. Everlillies never wilt or shrivel, even long after they’ve been picked.” Mercurymon said as he and the others accepted their gifts.

“I’m sorry you guys got dragged into my quarrel with my brother.” White Lopmon said melancholically. “I just wish we could have helped him.”

“If anyone should be sorry, it’s me.” Fluttershy said as she knelt and hugged White Lopmon. “Yes, he was awful to you, but I just wish we could have used a more peaceful solution.”

“Hopefully when he comes back, he won’t be such an ass.” Rainbow said with a roll of her eyes.

“Anyhow, thanks for the stay.” Leomon said, flashing a teasing smirk to the two rabbit Digimon. “I wish you the best of luck. You two are awfully lucky to be such a couple.”

White Lopmon looked away with a blush whirl Lekismon pats his head.

“Yes, indeed we are.” Lekismon agreed with a giggle.

“Well, we better get moving.” Nohemon said before delivering a final wave. “Farewell.”

The group walked off, and the residents of Inaba Village waved goodbye to our young heroes.

Author's Note:

Well, another chapter done.

For this chaoter, I incorporated information of the Hare of Inaba into the origins if Inaba Village as well as the Antylamon who founded it.

As for Fluttershy's Digimon form Usagimon, theres a bit of a double meaning in her name in design. While her name and design is based Usagi Tsukino from Sailor Moon, usagi is also literally Japanese for "rabbit". Ergo, a rabbit Digimon based on one of the most famous anime characters.

Also yes, I did slip a few Easter jokes in this for anyone who noticed.