• Published 27th Aug 2023
  • 593 Views, 13 Comments

Role for Initiative - Revel Montaro

It's the holiday season and what better way to enjoy the break with friends and family than with a traditional tabletop roleplaying game of daring and adventure!

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It's All Fun and Games Until...

Sunset Shimmer stood before the massive cavern entrance at the foot of the mountain. If it had started as a natural formation, carved by nature or god, it had long since been expanded and reshaped to better suit the preferences of the creature that was said to lie deep within. Her mind considering that fact, it was best not to hesitate for long. Some creatures may see it as a sign of weakness and attempt to take advantage. Be the hungry beast hoping for an easy meal or bandits salivating at the chance to surprise a group of travelers to relieve them of valuables or more.

Sunset Shimmer, however, was not weak. Any creature, sentient or otherwise, that made such a foolish mistake would find themselves on their backs at best but far more likely to look down and find they had been pierced by her sharp, curved dagger blades and their vital fluids spilling forth to stain the soil red. Her fellow tribe members used to say the only thing faster than Sunset’s mouth was how quickly she could unsheathe a blade and attack.

Sunset grimaced at the thought of her old tribe, the dark elves of the northwest. The feared and respected masters of the Gunthera Forest and all the shadows the old growth trees created throughout the region. It had been many moons since she had last thought of them and many more seasonal turns since she had last seen them. She wondered if they were still planning to go to war against the rival tribe of wood elves to the West of their lands. Or the ever expanding and warring humans who roamed about from every direction it seemed sometimes. While technically an exile, Sunset could not help but feel an ingrain level of concern for her tribe and those she had once called family and friends.

Of course, ever since she failed to slay her master, the final test for initiation to earn the rank of dark assassin, they could no longer call her friend or family. She was dead to them as if already a rotting corpse feeding the land and worms. They had been ordered to kill her on sight, the other masters and apprentices, as they had the night she ran for her life. Sunset had run faster and farther than she had ever traveled before. She had run for days and had even taken the life of another she had once called friend. It had been self defense, but it certainly felt like betrayal and murder.

Once Sunset knew she was free from pursuit, she had to assess her life and situation. They had called her weak for hesitating. They called her soft for loving her master. Perhaps they had been right then. But she was no longer weak. Years of selling her blades for coin and lodging had changed the dark elf. For better or worse was as uncertain as the weather.

She had worked for other elves, tribes that had once been considered sworn enemies. Names cursed in the darkness and used as warnings to children by the night fire or bedtime story. But out in the great expanse of the real world such old rivalries were petty and did not pay for meals. So, Sunset Shimmer adapted her narrow mentality and view and swallows such pride. She had honed her deadly skills and learned new ones, sometimes at a painful cost. Pride and tradition did not mean anything when starving or dying of thirst. And stillwater could kill your just as painfully as a dirty blade. So, Sunset had worked for other elves, and dwarves, and yes, even for humans with their short lives and petty needs.

Although, her opinions on even those flat eared barbarians had changed over time, but only on a person by person basis. Most she could not stand to look at and their smell was enough to curdle fresh milk. She would sooner kill them for eyeing up her dark honey colored skin and take their possessions to sell than bother to listen to their blather. However, some were intelligent. Some were witty. Some were even, dare to say, cute.

One, she had discovered, was all the above.

Sunset did not have to turn her head from where she was staring to see who had come stand beside her. She knew those footsteps. They were light, with a slight drag of the heels and the front of the boots were scuffed from when she would become nervous and grind the toes into the dirt. She smelled unmistakably of binding leather, parchment, and ink. Her robes had a distinguished sound where the spell book latched to her belt would rub against it. And every few steps were accompanied by a light thud when she would use her wizard's staff as a walking stick. Sunset smiled for a moment before turning her head to stare at the human mage, Twilight Sparkle.

“So,” Twilight began, straightening her always off-center wizard’s cap before adjusting her round spectacles that were enchanted so that she could see farther, clearer, and even in the dark, “this is the place?”

“You didn’t think it would be easy, did you?” Sunset stated with just a hint of sass, stretching her arms above her head and catching out of the corner of her eye that Twilight was admiring the way the dark elf’s ample chest rose and cleaved in her lace up top. Sunset allowed it without objection because she, in fact, enjoyed such teasing and the attention from the young mage.

They had met by chance, or perhaps it was fate. A whimsical gift of happenstance guided by some unseen god of old. Sunset did not know and did not question when it came to such matters. She had been hired to help guide a small band of would-be treasure hunters through a well known crypt dungeon in the center of a large cemetery. Sunset would have bet good coin that the old haunt had been picked clean after so many years and travelers had ventured forth, but their party leader was adamant they had discovered clues to a still undiscovered relic that was to bring them hefty fortune so they could upgrade equipment and buy a few rounds at the tavern. Sunset Shimmer did not care about their quest or how the humans made their way. She just took her payment and told them where and when to meet her to begin the following day.

The party was small, five members. The leader was the most useless, in Sunset’s opinion, and talked too much. Plus, he smelled of cheap beer and manure. In retrospect, that should have been a clue. Sunset considered leading him to a bog to drown him for the good of the world. She didn’t... only because then she would have had to kill the rest of the party so rumors did not spread about her actions. That was bad for future money making endeavors. And, in all honesty, Sunset had grown accustomed to dealing with humans over the course of her exile.

Three of them were tolerable to the point she graced them with conversation instead of just deadly glances that were meant to remind them she actually could kill them in their sleep. The mage, however, clad in burgundy and gold trimmed robes, fascinated Sunset in a way she had not expected. It began with a simple 'hello', but had been said in the ancient elven tongue of the north and executed with near perfect inflection. It had pained and soothed her heart to hear the word in the tongue of her youth. Sunset swore she had stood dumbfounded for long enough that a bug actually tried to fly in her mouth.

The small, purple skinned magic user was polite to her in a way that few humans had ever been. She was kind and smart and respectful and chose to be so not to butter the elf up or with expected return on investment. Twilight was friendly and kind because she wanted to be. When she smiled, Sunset felt her heart beat a bit faster and skin grow warm. It had been so long since Sunset had felt respected as a fellow intelligent being instead of feared as a savage or seen as a mercenary dog best kept at a distance. It was nice, to say the least.

The two had shared small stories of conversation that came easy. Sunset appreciated how Twilight was a good listener and had been eager to learn all about her tribe and history. After three days traveling together, Sunset came to the silent decision that if things went sideways, as they often did, she would fight to her last breath to ensure that Twilight Sparkle and her friends made it out of said jam alive. After all, while Sunset was an exile far away from her homeland and what little family that may or may not still live, Twilight had family, caring family. And they were still beside her.

Her brother was the powerful paladin who stayed generally in mid guard of the group to both shield everyone and use his holy magic to rally and boost the others in combat. He was a good human, but too straight and boring for Sunset’s tastes. Thankfully, he trusted and respected his sister enough not to hover and try and shoo the dark elf away whenever the two sat next to each other for meals or around the fire before retreating to tents for the evening. It had been so long since Sunset had felt attachment to another. That burn in one’s core at the very sight of another soul, the want to be close, and the desire for more. It was a feeling she wanted to relish, and perhaps explore further.

Such romantic fantasies had to wait when things went sideways, as expected. The party leader had betrayed them to a prepared ambush in an attempt to capture the lot of them. Planning to bind and sell them as slaves to the lands across the narrow sea where such barbaric practices were still rampant. Sunset had not been caught flat footed. She had used her hard earned training to the fullest and escaped the trap and killed the pirate slaver before freeing the others. Together, they had killed the rest of the waiting pirates and salvaged quite a bit of valuable equipment to trade and sell. So, things had worked out well in the end.

Sunset had received an unexpected kiss as thank you from the grateful mage and a promise to stay in touch. It hurt to see her friend go, but she was confident they would cross paths again. Which they had on multiple small quests and travels. It had been two summers past since that first meeting and here they were again, on another adventure for fortune and glory.

Sunset Shimmer checked her equipment and nodded in satisfaction. Her favorite dual wielding daggers had an enchantment against rust, corrosives, and light, elemental attack spells courtesy of Twilight and her spell books. “So, the Spear of the Wandering King was, according to you, lost after the Bloody Battle of the Lowlands. It had been picked up by scavengers who then sold it and it had traveled some more, merchants, bandits, around and around. The usual.”

Twilight nodded. Pleased as always that the beautiful elf was as good a listener as she was a dagger wielding rouge. “According to the information that we gathered from the village of Borrows, the spear was traded for rare gems. Which means it is now in the possession of the largest treasure hoarder in all the lands east of the Razorback Mountains.”

Sunset once again examined the size of the cave entrance. “The arch dragon, Scourge. He’s got a pretty nasty reputation. Well earned, I imagine.”

“One should never trust much in rumors, but with dragons, nearly all things are true. I’ve read enough statements and witness accounts to confirm that. Regardless, the spear is precious and is said to contain a unique power. It will recognize the rightful heir to the throne of Elbas by simply touching it. It will glow brightly when it senses a blood relative to the fallen king. We were tasks with retrieving the artifact so as to prevent the kingdom from descending into civil war since two supposed descendants claim that birthright.”

Sunset sighed. “You humans and your wars. Always so eager to end your already pathetically short lives sooner.” Twilight grimaced. An expression that did not go unnoticed by the elf as her bright teal eyes grew wide. She cursed her quick tongue and lack of tact. “Not to say all humans are pathetic I mean.”

“I know what you meant. I detest war and the way many of my kind act. If it were up to me, I would reach to all the other races in friendship. I would show them how well you and I get along and that we can be so different and still find common ground. We can love one another.”

Sunset flashed a bright smile, waggling an eyebrow. “Oh, professing your undying love now, are we? Took you long enough.”

Twilight’s eyes grew wide as she reviewed what she had said. “I, I, I meant a platonic, companionable love! Love of life in general! Love of all things and creatures!”

“Awwww, now I'm sad. I guess that means you won’t be coming to sneak into my tent in the late hours tonight when the moon is high. You know, like you did on our last two adventures. So, so sad. Look, even my ears are drooping.”

Twilight’s face quickly flushed to the color of a ripe tomato before Sunset’s gentle, smooth giggle settled her fluster. The two young women then giggled some more. Twilight’s fingers gliding up some of the exposed honey colored skin at the elf’s side. Sunset squirmed in delight, smiling more. The sensation sent goosebumps crawling across her body and she shivered in the most delightful way. Approaching footsteps caught the elf’s attention, but she did little more than shift her posture. She knew those soft, surefooted steps and the scent of berry soap.

“Oh! Did someone say love? Do I need to sing a ballad or perhaps a sonnet?” The mage stepped away from the elven rogue and found her boots quite interesting. Sunset rolled her eyes, but understood it was how Twilight gathered and organized her thoughts. “I have many such weapons in my arsenal and not all of them are for charming beasts or befuddling fools.”

Sunset’s curiosity was piqued and she turned to the pink woman who continued to smile with a mischievous glint in her eyes. It was a trap; one she would not be drawn into. At least not this time. However, even after all this time she did not know the full scope of Cadence’s powers. “Do you think you can charm an arch dragon into giving us what we need?”

Cadence tapped her chin while drumming her fingers on her lute. She had a few instruments at her disposal, including a harp and a calliope, but the lute was her clear favorite. “It’s… difficult to say. I have never tried. I would imagine your ability to charm and persuade is higher than mine, however I can augment my natural talents with the magic of song. Still, dragons are powerful and notoriously difficult to predict.”

“And immune to many direct magic attacks. Your songs may have no effect on them as well,” added Twilight. “I should have done more research on the matter before we left town.”

“It’s never enough research for you,” Sunset said with a wink and a nod. “Okay, guess that means it’s up to me. I’ll scout ahead and try to disarm any traps along the way. Once I confirm if the spear is in the dragon’s horde I will come back and tell you how hard it looks like it will be to get. Maybe if I’m quick I can quietly steal it without him noticing. That would save us all kinds of trouble.”

“Seems risky,” said Shining Armor. Leaning on his large kite shield while scanning the surrounding for hostiles. Few creatures would be brave and foolish to wander so close to a dragon’s lair, but human bandits were not well known for their smarts. “We should have traveled to the next town and picked up extra fighters. With only the four of us we are poorly balanced and lacking a proper tank. Plus, Twilight could have conducted more research.”

Twilight nodded studiously. “I do love reading and even though we are standing here it is not too late to move on and come back. It would only cost us an extra day or two at most.”

Sunset dismissed the siblings with a few waves of her hands. “No, I don’t think so. We’re here. Let’s conduct some nice, hands on research by heading in. Shining, guard the entrance and listen for danger. Twilight, search about here and see if there are any clues or information. Cadance, do… do whatever it is that you do. Seriously, I have no idea how you contribute.”

“I provide boosts and support to the party and I'm enjoyable to be around,” Cadence said with more than a little hurtful spite. She knew the dark elf could be rude and crass, but insulting one’s talents was just petty.

“Sorry, guess I just didn’t notice when I’m busy stabbing targets in the back of the neck. Preoccupied. You understand.”

Cadence rolled her eyes. “You know it is unnecessary to try and act tough and invincible around us, right? We have known each other for more than two years.”

“Two years doesn’t amount to much when you live as long as I have. I spent at least ten years wallowing in my own drunken self pity not far from a dwarven brewery after my exile. None of you were even born yet.”


The elf immediately stomped out the pity party thoughts before they could run rampant. She checked her daggers one last time and straightened the tied tunic that hung around her waist that covered her bottom and hid some of her throwing knives. With nothing else to add, Sunset waved her hand in the dark elf assassins’ ritual fashion and faded into obscurity. She was not completely invisible, but one had to have the sharpest eyes or augmented power to be able to notice the distortion.

“Remember,” Twilight called out, “it is not a sign of weakness to call for help!”

“Love you too, cutie.”

Twilight flustered and blushed, pulling the brim of her hat down to hide her face. Earning a giggle from Cadence who gently patted the mage on the shoulder. Sunset could stare at that face all day long. A fact that would have revolted her once. Much had changed indeed. She had changed. Sometimes, change was good. One last gentle slap to her own cheek and the dark elf quietly snuck into the dragon’s sanctum.

As Sunset had predicted, most of the traps were set up to capture either wandering prey or foolish explorers who did not know what they were doing. She had disarmed the pressure traps and the pitfalls before moving on to the trip wires. How long they would stay disabled was difficult to say. She was not bothering to scan their components and see if they had repair functions. Favoring speed and stealth over caution.

After what felt like ages, but had likely only been ten to fifteen minutes, Sunset could hear the long, steady breathing of something large. It was the sound that many creatures made while comfortable resting. However, when a fully grown dragon snored lightly, it closer resembled an earthquake with a side of hot gusts of there were as pleasant as a sulfur spring. The very air moved in and out of the corridor with each breath. Scourge was near, which meant so was his horde. She needed to move quickly, but without a sound.

The lighting was dim to near total darkness, but Sunset could make out the silhouette of the dragon. He was curled in on himself much as a cat would do, with his tail twitching slightly. His lavender scales looked almost indigo in the lack of light, but they were clean and well taken care of. One of his massive claws was out and the black talons carried a deadly glint and were polished to perfection. If his eyes were open Sunset would have been met by the most piercing shade of green that emeralds themselves would be jealous of. She would be happy to never see them.

With only a moment of pause to gather her resolve, Sunset continued around the perimeter of the large cavern to find her objective. The horde was likely in the back or an antechamber off to the side. The only reason she knew he was not on top of it was because Scourge’s loot was said to be massive and there would have been no room for him. At the same time, he would not have wanted it too far out of view.

It took far too long for Sunset’s comfort level, but she spotted another chamber that had been on the opposite side of where she had entered. As she approached, gems could be seen scattered across the cavern floor. Precious stones soon were accompanied by piles of human gold coins. How the dragon had obtained so many was… disconcerting. Perhaps some through trade? But judging by the number of swords and dented pieces of armor that were now in view, Sunset had another guess in mind. The weapons were what interested the dark elf the most. While she had a vague description of the spear from Twilight, no reference art had been provided and the spear would not glow to distinguish itself if she happened to touch it. The only things that made the weapon stand out would be that the haft and spearhead were gilded with one of the strongest and most precious of metals, platinum, and at the connection point there was an enchanted ruby inset.

If this thing is buried under all of his loot there is no way I am finding it without moving some stuff around.

The very idea of touching dragon’s treasure sent chills through Sunset’s body. Few things in the world would be considered more foolish and forbidden by common laws and sense. Sunset took one more step forward, leaning closer to a spear that could possibly be the right one, but she was uncertain without pulling it free to inspect it. However, her sense of self preservation went off and the short hairs on the back of her neck stood up straight. The rhythmic breathing had paused before becoming a great inhalation. The dark elf was too frightened to move a single muscle let alone turn as she heard movement and shifting behind her.

“You know,” said a deep grumbling voice, “just because I can’t see you well doesn’t mean I can’t smell you, little thief.” Hot breath passed over Sunset and she shivered as her blood froze in her veins. “You smell of the woods, little to no alcohol stench, and a hint of steel tinge. Meaning your weapons are small. There is a hint of leather, a few different types of hide, aged and well kept. You are too clean to be human so I’m guessing elven and…” The pause made Sunset’s heart speed up to the point it felt like it might explode. “Female.”

Sunset silent cursed every god and goddess she could think of. Her position was not good. She had no way of contacting Twilight and the others and even if they did come running she would be dead long before they could render aid. Fighting was the fastest means to death. Evasion had its merits, but was risky given the limited space and even if by some miracle she made it out of the main chamber Scourge would follow and once again it would be a fight that the four of them were not properly prepared for. Winning was iffy at best. That left only one option to Sunset Shimmer. Talk her way out of it.

Schooling her fear and trembling limbs, Sunset released her cloaking spell. She kept her hands up and away from the daggers sheathed at her hips and the throwing knives in her knee high boots and along her belt. She was no match for him and they both knew it, but sudden movements would cause things to end before she had a chance to say her piece.

Slowly, Sunset turned and smiled up at the dragon who was resting his chin upon his claws, staring at her like a cat does with a cornered mouse. The descriptions were true. Scourge’s eyes were soul piercing green with a slight glow all of their own. The stuff of nightmares. “Hello, my lord dragon. Doing well on this day? The fall approaches and the leaves will be turning soon.”

Scourge blinked slowly, whisps of smoke rose from his nostrils like incense. He studied the dark elf closely. Taking in every detail, from her black boots, to her light tan top, to her red and gold layered hair that was always considered unusually vibrant for her tribe. Her mentor had said it was because she had been born angry. Sunset had not always found that amusing, but perhaps hair like fire would give a dragon pause for admiration.

“Dark elf. Your kind have a bad reputation. You are not the first to sell your talents and soul to others for a chance to live a high life beyond the mountains and trees. However, even your tribe should know manners enough that it is considered disrespectful and rude to break into another’s home. Since you did not try to gouge out my eyes in my sleep, I will give you one chance to explain yourself.”

Somehow, by some miracle, a minute had now passed and Sunset was still alive. More than that, the dragon was allowing her to speak. She had a chance. Miniscule, but a chance. She could do this. Talking was one of her best skills. Bartering with merchants, coxing information out of locals, all the things one would expect from a beautiful, charismatic rogue with a reputation for bloodshed.

“I know you probably hear this all the time, but I actually mean you no harm.”

“Harm? You harm me?” Scourge cackled, even going so far as to shoot some flames from his mouth to the ceiling. The rumbling was terrifying, but maybe her friends would hear the noise and come running. “That was an amusing statement and made me laugh, which I enjoyed. Please, continue.”

“Anyhow, I was tasked with locating the Spear of the Wandering King. My friends and I need it to help stave off a civil war.”

“Uh, huh.”

“Okay, fine. I don’t really care if the humans tear each other to pieces, but I need the money from the job. Plus, there is this really cute human mage in the group that I just can’t say no to. She cares about stopping the war, so here I am.”

Scourge rubbed his chin, briefly flashing his numerous razor sharp fangs. “I appreciate the honesty, but not the attempted theft.”

“Believe it or not I was not trying to steal it. I just wanted to scout ahead so as to locate it.”

“Scout for your friends so they do not waste their time and lives in case the spear was not here, right? If they were really your friends they would be in here with you, don't you think?”

“I told them to wait.”

Scourge nodded. “Noble of you. Or they are terrible at sneaking. Not that you did much better. Seriously, did you think that my eyes were my only sense?”

Sunset put her hands on her hips and scowled as she leaned closer to the dragon’s muzzle. “I’m not lying. I was not trying to steal from you.”

“I think I’ve heard enough. Even if you were not trying to steal from me you still snuck into my home and started rummaging through my stuff. I am very protective of my stuff. So, the question is now, what do I do with you?”

“That’s obvious. You let me go so that I can warn others to never attempt to sneak into your home because you will know and they will die horribly. Eating too many humans is probably bad for your diet anyhow. Most are fat and smell rotten.”

Scourge laughed, but it was clearly sardonic and not humorous. “You are not wrong. Elf is far more exotic and rare a treat.”

“Oh… I’m sure I taste terrible. Too many years among humans. I’ve slept with humans! I’m sure their funk has tainted me. You are much better off letting me go to spread the word.” Scourge stretched his legs and wings, coming to a standing position, or at least as best he could in the cave. Sunset flashed a bright, pleading smile. “Please?”

“I’m the sporting sort. Tell you what, pretty elf. I will let you make the first move. So, what is it going to be, fight or flight? Your choice.”

Sunset steadied her breath, briefly closing her eyes to whisper a small prayer of certainty and to ask for forgiveness from those she cared for. It was a short list. With nothing else to say or do, Sunset Shimmer struck a sensuous pose and shouted, “I choose to… seduce the dragon!”



Sunset Shimmer glanced up from her score sheet that contained all her character profile and points as well as some of her special moves and items to Twilight Sparkle who was now giving her the most horrified to incredulous expression. Sunset smiled as her attention returned to the drawing she had been working on, unaffected by the outburst. There had been a small patch of empty space on the sheet so she took it upon herself to begin to sketch out a small rendering of what dark elf Sunset would look like. She was really digging the over the knee leather boots. Maybe I can have Rarity make me a set or modify something for a Halloween party.

“Um… Sunset?”

Sunset Shimmer glanced to Shining Armor, who was sitting across from her at the round table that their Ogres and Oubliettes: Dungeon Master Expansion board was set up along with character pieces and various dies and trinkets. Clearly, they were all waiting for an explanation or elaboration on her choice of move.

“Okay, hear me out. I can’t fight the dragon alone. No way that is working. I could try and run, my agility stats are decent, but all I would end up doing is drawing Scourge’s agro right to the rest of you. However, I have really high charisma points. So, I am electing to use my charm talent on the dragon to seduce him to listen to my every word.”

Twilight’s wide purple eyes shifted back to her brother who was now consulting his game notes (the only thing he was as studious as his sister about when it came to details.) Shining Armor cleared his throat and nodded. “It is not against the rules and since it is charisma and not magical manipulation it is possible. Although, given Scourge’s likely mental defenses it would not last for longer than a minute or two. Can you confirm that, Spike?”

Spike, who had been sitting on a booster so the dog could reach the table consulted his own character stats. “No, I have no natural defenses against charms. She would still need at least twenty points of influence.”

Sunset barked out a triumphant laugh. “Which I have and two minutes is all I need to grab the spear and run like a fire mare from that cave.”

“Are you serious?!”

Sunset turned her attention back to Twilight, who was on her left. She held up her stats for her girlfriend to see. “Even as an Elite Class Boss all I will need is to roll a twelve or higher to successfully seduce the dragon with my charm and feminine wiles. This is great. I have a really good feeling about this plan.”

“This is a terrible plan! It relies nearly entirely on luck with only a forty percent chance of success!”

Sunset took the glitter infused, resin icosahedron, better known as a D20, and confidently rolled to activate her desired skill function. The die rolled and flipped and after two seconds came to a stop on the number eight. The smile immediately retreated from Sunset’s face.


Spike began to laugh so hard he almost fell out of his chair. Both Shining Armor and his wife, Cadence, politely covered their faces to try and suppress their own laughter. Twilight, however, was mortified, running her hands up under her glasses and down her face. Sunset, after a few seconds, dared to look up to Spike who was rubbing his cute little paws together while flashing his exposed doggy fangs. It was a rather disturbing sight, the native Equestrian had concluded.

“Oh, you are MY BITCH now, Shimmer.”

“SPIKE!” Twilight gasped. “Language!”

“What? A bitch is a female dog. It’s a perfectly appropriate word to say.”

Sunset sighed and nodded nonchalantly. “He’s not wrong. I am totally his bitch now.”

“It’s still inappropriate to call my girlfriend, ‘my bitch.’ It’s… demeaning.” Twilight grumbled. Sunset laughed and patted Twilight on the hand.

“Okay, ‘Scourge.’ So, what is it going to be? Eat me? Toast me? I’m sure it will be gruesome.” Sunset accentuated her comment by pretending to strangle herself while crossing her eyes and sticking her tongue out lazily. Twilight could not keep from snorting a snicker at the comedic dead face. Shining and Cadence also chuckled at the theatrics.

“Actually,” Shining Armor began, “you have full health. If he goes for just a basic slash or bite attack you MIGHT survive it long enough for us come to your rescue. Since it will be our moves next after his. I would imagine, we as a party, would have heard the rumbling and been prepared to move into the cave just in case.”

Spike, consulted his skill tree he had constructed and rubbed his chin for a moment. He next gestured for Shining to pass him the die since he could not reach across the table for it. That toothy grin reappeared and though it was fictional roleplaying, Sunset shifted in her seat. Suddenly feeling uncomfortable with what was about to happen to her poor dark elf from the north.


“Really, little elf? You really thought you could put me, Scourge, Arch Dragon of the Eastern Coast of Mindolva and master of all the lands and sky under your control with a few honeycoated words, a wink, and a shake of your hips? HA! Is that really the best you can do? Such hollow bravado! You have amused me! I wish to see more of your talents.”

“Um,” Sunset faltered as she shifted about. Forgetting about the spear and running suddenly did not seem like such a bad idea anymore. Especially with the way the dragon was licking his lips and many, many teeth. “So, can I get a running start before you kill me? You know, make it sporting?” At least that might give me a chance to see Twilight one last time and apologize before cold darkness takes me and I fall upon on the Scales of Worth to have my soul weighed.

“Hmmm. I could kill you. I SHOULD kill you. A delectable little snack for sure. But no. You amuse me and it gets lonely here in the desolate east. I think I would rather make you mine.”

Sunset felt a jolt of dire concern shoot through her. What exactly did me mean by that? “I… don’t follow.”

“I said, I will make you MINE!


“Wait, are you talking about…”

“I said I would make you my bitch. I choose to seduce the elf!”

Sunset glanced to Twilight, whose jaw was hanging open. She next glanced to Cadence and Shining Armor, who were not looking much more dignified. Of all the things she had expected to happen to her character, that was not one she would have put money on. Sunset turned her attention back to Twilight. “Okay, clearly you let him watch too much Animal Planet.”

Twilight shook her head and recovered, glaring at her apartment roommate and companion. “You live here too! You have just as much ability to take the remote from him as I do and do you ever? No.”

Sunset smirked and shrugged. “Touche.”

“Is that even allowed?” Cadence asked, rubbing her hand over her own belly that was getting bigger by the day though she still had five months to go until her due date. “I mean, that sounds pretty dark… and uncomfortable. Didn’t he say he was the size of a room? I may not have the best imagination but I can guess proportions.”

Shining once again consulted his notes. “It is no less allowed than if Sunset had done the same. Her plan was just to get around the dragon, but there is nothing that says a dragon CAN’T have his way with you. If you are under the charm influence you agree with the caster’s wishes like if under hypnosis. So, while it is dubious consent at best it is within the rules. Plus, given that he is an Elite class monster type she would be under the influence for far longer. He could even use her as a guard and order her to attack us until the charm wears off.”

“Oh, I am liking this better and better!” said Spike.

“Hey, I am not so easily broken! Since my charisma and charm is higher than his he would have to roll really high to break me. Like a sixteen or…” Spike rolled the die and it came to a stop on eighteen. “Oh, son of three legged donkey! Are you kidding me?!”

Spike cackled like a hyena.

“The dragon has successfully charmed Sunset Shimmer. She can make no moves on her own for… looks like thirty minutes and is completely at his mercy for whatever he wants. Ouch.”

“Oh, and she is totally pregnant now.”


“What? I told you she was my bitch. I am going to make all of you my bitches! I’m a dragon and I get what I want.”

“Shining! This cannot possibly be in the rules!” Twilight opener her research browser on her phone and speed read. Shining consulted his notes frantically.

“It’s… not against the rules. If a bit… weird. He might have to roll for success rate on the…” Spike rolled again before he could finish and it landed on a perfect twenty. “Okay, never mind. She is totally knocked up.”

Twilight groaned and lifted her glasses onto her forehead to rub her eyes, mumbling, “He was such a good puppy. Where did I go wrong?”

Sunset simply shrugged and giggle a bit before saying with a resigned sigh, “Mom would be so proud!” No one knew what to say as Spike continued to cackle and wag his tail. They had been sitting, playing the game for a little over an hour and she needed to get up and move about or her butt would go numb from the cheap, overstock store chairs. Sunset stretched, giving the purple haired dog a few scritches behind the ears that he happily leaned into. “You are such a dog.”

“I’m going to have that visual in my head all night,” whimpered Twilight.

It’s okay, Twi. Honestly, cross species coitus happens all the time in Equestria. It’s not that weird.” Sunset stood up. “Well, since I can’t make any moves, I think I’m going to go start working on dinner before your parents get back.”

“Actually,” Twilight consulted her clock on her phone, thankful for the change of subject, “we should all start working on dinner.”

“What? No! Don’t put the game away yet! I am on the cusps of totally victory! And I totally understand what that word means thanks to that Word of the Day calendar you got me last year.”


“It’s okay, Twily. We can leave it out. If we all chip in, we might be able to get back to it before Mom and Dad get back from the orchestra concert.”

All the chairs scooted out and everyone else stood and moved towards the kitchen. Despite the only mild air temperature outside with not a single chance for snow, the many decorations around the large apartment and the small tree on a rotating motor were seasonally appropriate for the holidays.

Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle were in their second year of college in sunny and dry southern California. Far away from the blizzard conditions of Canterlot City in the northeast. Normally, Twilight would have gone home for the holidays, but she had instead elected to attend a December mini-mester to speed track credits for the first of at least two bachelor’s degrees she was hoping to have by the end of next year. She would then immediately move to the master’s programs, followed by the doctorates without skipping a beat.

Her family understood that Twilight was dedicated to her schooling and she had a schedule she wanted to keep as far as how long she planned to attend college. It was aggressive and all consuming of time and attention. Sunset had been worried that it would lead to burnout. A concern she had relayed to Twilight’s parents. They had shared similar concerns, eternally grateful to Sunset that their daughter had a friend to keep their daughter company and grounded and could provide honest observation and concerns. Twilight loved and trusted her girlfriend and so did they. So, rather than pressure Twilight to come home and sow unnecessary animosity Sunset had suggested that the family come to their place for Christmas.

Everyone quickly hopped onboard with the idea and plans were made. Shining Armor and Cadence had also gladly joined in while she could still safely travel. Sunset took charge of most of the local arrangements, booking hotels and transport as well as things for everyone to do while in town. To the best of her knowledge, Twilight and Shining Armor’s parents had never been to southern California for business or pleasure. When Sunset had told her girlfriend what was going on, Twilight had literally leapt into Sunset’s arms to thank her. Spike had begun to make gaging noises after the hug led to kissing and roaming hands.

Christmas Eve dinner was to be a traditional Sparkle family favorite, homemade tacos. But since Velvet and Night Light were usually the hosts Twilight and Sunset had insisted on taking the lead for dinner while they relaxed and played tourists. Including taking in a live performance of classic holiday music and the Trans Siberian Orchestra. No one disagreed, though Cadence and Shining did offer to assist with some of the decorations and final preparations.

The four moved about the kitchen, setting out the necessary fixings and materials. Sunset stepped out briefly onto the balcony while Twilight browned and seasoned the ground beef since the former unicorn could not stand the smell of cooking meat. Thankfully, their apartment had a working ventilation hood and the smokey smell was isolated and quicky removed. For Sunset, and for anyone else who wished to try, they were also making a selection of vegetarian tacos that would use a seasoned refried bean paste in place of meat. Twilight had found the recipe locally and was eager to let her girlfriend sample it.

“Is it safe to come back in?”

“Sorry if it still smells,” Twilight said, quickly waving her cooking mitt around in an effort to dissipate any lingering odor. Sunset took a few cautionary sniffs and nodded that the scent was mostly gone if not completely. She was a big girl(pony). It was not like she could avoid the nauseating smell every lunch time in the city. If worse came to worse, she would just tape her nostrils shut. A luxury she did not have in the past. Sunset recalling the one time she had to sit and watch griffons tear into raw chickens at a formal dinner as Celestia’s student. The thought of it still gave her shivers given that her memory was crystal clear. She could endure a little cooked beef for the sake of her girlfriend and her family.

“It’s fine. I told you that you did not have to give up what you like for me, just to give me a heads up. Which you did.”

“Communication, compromise, and caring. The Three C’s and the true secret success behind any healthy relationship,” said Cadence with a smile while she diced fresh tomatoes. Shining nodded in agreement while he shredded lettuce.

Twilight smiled lovingly at Sunset Shimmer whose lopsided smirk made her heart skip a few beats. It was so endearing and affectionate. Smoldering teal eyes that had seen too much in life already and yet still came out the other side better for it despite stumbling along the way. Then again, haven’t we all?

Still, even as much as Twilight loved her girlfriend, she was not above ribbing her when she so rightly deserved it. Twilight poked Sunset in the ribs, just below the bra strap where she was most ticklish. A secret weak point. “Just so you know, I’m a little perturbed at you.”

Sunset cringed and looked about nervously. Shit, did I leave my dirty clothes on the floor again? “Oh? For what?”

“How can someone with a mind as sharp and beautiful as the rest of you be so BAD at basic strategy? ‘Seduce the dragon,’ seriously?!”

“Hey, I’m not bad at strategy… most of the time. I’m just more of a head first, charge in, horns at the ready type of girl.”

Twilight sighed and smiled. She touched Sunset’s face and stroked the cheek with her thumb. Sunset nuzzled the hand and kissed the palm. It tickled delightfully causing the purple skinned girl to giggle. “Right, unicorn.”

Sunset smiled, placing her hand over Twilight’s, continuing to enjoy the warmth and hand soap smell. “Yup.”

They continued to hold each other’s gaze for a moment before Twilight pulled away and lifted one of the finished tacos. “Here. I tried a few new ingredients in the bean mixture, but they are still vegetarian.”


“Just open your mouth and close your eyes and you will get a big surprise!”

Shining, Cadence, and Spike all snickered, but Twilight ignored them. Sunset, ever trusting of the love of her life, did so. She felt the soft tortilla wrap against her tongue and bit down. She chewed slowly, trying to savor the freshness as well and tried and determine all the different spices. There was heat and something savory. Even a bit of ginger with the cilantro?
Sunset, unsurprising to all, loved a little spicy kick to her food.

“I like it! Damn, that is good.” Sunset opened her mouth for more.

“Sorry, we have to wait for Mom and Dad. It's tradition. We eat together.”

“Ahhhhhhh! Mooooooar!” Sunset continued her impression of a demanding baby bird. Twilight sighed and shoved the rest into the demanding maw. Some traditions were not that important to adhere to. And she would probably try and bite me if I did not because THAT is what she does. Silly pony.

“All right. Everything cold is cut and ready and the rest is on simmer. Let’s finish this campaign or at least get to a stopping point that makes Spike happy if we can so we can clear the table,” said Shining Armor. No one objected, least of all Spike. The dog jumped back up on his booster, his tail wagging wildly with anticipation.

“How much longer am I out of action again?” asked Sunset.

“Technically, you are not out, you just have to do what Spike tells you to do when your turn comes around. Depending on how well we do on our turns and how the roleplaying leads, you may be back in control in a rotation or two.”

Twilight nodded and studiously organized her character sheets and notes, her face far to determined and serious for a simple game. “Don’t worry. We’re coming to rescue you.”

“Not if I get you first,” Spike quipped, once again rubbing his paws together and laughing maniacally.


Shining Armor took the lead as the remaining three adventurers smashed their way through the cavern dungeon. Thankfully most of the traps had remained disarmed. Between his holy sword and shield and his sister’s magic the remaining obstacles fell with little effort. Cadence was a few steps behind. Ready to heal or boost their efforts and of course cover their backs from any potential respawns. Apparently, Scourge did not bother with something as common as minions. A testament to his power and confidence.

“I knew it was a mistake for her to go in alone,” grumbled the paladin. He easily blocked a trap of arrows that shot out from the wall. A dragon only needed such meager defenses to wound and slow down a party. It would not stop them.

“Spirts from afar, please be okay,” whispered Twilight as she continued to charge forward at her brother’s side.

There was movement up ahead and the temperature in the cavern suddenly felt several degrees warmer. There was no point bothering with stealth, they all silently agreed. With nothing else to say or add, the three humans emerged from the tunnel and looked up at the purple dragon with razor sharp, green quills running down his spine to the tip of his spiked tail. His back was currently to them, but he had taken a moment to glance over his shoulder between his wings, his serpent eye narrowing as if annoyed by the disturbance.

“Ah, more females for my collection. Just as well, this one already belongs to me, body and soul, and I always love getting new toys to play with.”

Twilight gasped as she saw Sunset being gently set down on top of the pile of treasure. Her eyes were rolled back and she was as limp as a ragdoll. However, there was a steady rise and fall to her chest indicating she was still alive. Twilight was thankful for such a miracle. Whatever other foul deeds the dragon had committed she could rectify once they were all clear of Scourge’s domain.

“If you have hurt her, I will make you regret ever being hatched!”

Scourge growled, but there was also a hint of a chuckled under his hot, fiery breath. “Strong words, witch. I hope you are prepared to back them up. A conquest taste so much sweeter when the fight is taken out of them. Prepare yourselves!”

“For king, country, and friendship!” shouted Shining Armor charging forth.

Twilight prepared a spell as her staff cracked with power and her free hand began to glow.

Cadence unhooked her harp and began to strum a regen boost song, humming along to the tune.


“Spike, no.”

Spike smiled widely, flashing all his pearly white doggy teeth. Twilight made a mental side note that she was pleased he was taking good care of them with the cleaning treats she had bought for him. That thought was quickly filed away as Spike held the D20 in his paws, prepared to roll again.

Twilight twitched, on the verge of ripping her character sheets to pieces. Sunset reached over and gentle massaged her girlfriend’s upper back in an attempt to alleviate some of the bubbling stress. “Babe, breathe. It’s just a game.”

“I know it’s ‘just a game’ but we worked hard to build these characters and campaign! You even drew some of our characters! Just… HOW?! How did it come to this?!”

Shining Armor was scratching the side of his head, mouth quirked to one side while he reviewed the fight like a play-by-play official. His paladin had excellent defense. Heavy class armor and a shield. Granted, his sword was not as effective against a dragon as say an axe, mace, or hammer would have been, but it was a good item. Decent stats.

No, the problem was that his team fell apart. Or, was taken apart rather.

Shining had landed good solid hits on his first go. With Cadence providing support and Twilight following up with powerful magic attacks they had certainly wounded Scourge. In retrospect, Shining wished Twilight had cast a perceive spell first instead of an attack so they could force Spike to reveal his character’s weaknesses as well as his overall health points. He recalled from the beginning of the campaign that Spike had seemed quite pleased with the randomizing when it came to building his stats. While it was supposed to be as much about luck as strategy it was possible that the Scourge that they had faced was far more powerful than expected. Looking down at his now dead paladin, the results spoke for themselves.

Once he, Twilight, and Cadence had made their moves it was Sunset’s turn again. However, she had to follow Spike’s commands. As it turned out, Spike was quite the ruthless commander. Sunset Shimmer’s dark elf had thrown smoke bombs and snuck behind Shining and stabbed him in the back a few times where he was weakest. Registering critical damage.

While Cadence was recovering from the smoke, Spike had chosen to seduce her like he had Sunset. A successful roll of nineteen had ensured that he had dominated her mind for a time as well. Without their bard/cleric boosting them and Shining already injured there was little Twilight could do. She could have fled. But instead, Twilight chose to dispel the domination over Sunset. Which did work… but only just before Spike chose to use the same technique against Twilight’s mage.

If Spike rolled a sixteen or higher, he would have Twilight’s mind under his control.

“I can’t believe I am about to be beaten by the sweet, innocent little dog I was given as an emotional support animal and raised since he was a six week old puppy!”

“I can’t believe that my character would fall to the charm of a dragon while her husband is on the ground bleeding to death. This game is so twisted,” said Cadence taking a moment to check her text messages. As far as she could tell it was game over and she was getting hungry. Velvet and Night Light should be back any minute. “I’m going to get the plates ready.”

“Wait!” shouted Twilight. “Don’t leave me like this! I can still save the party!” No sooner had the words left Twilight’s mouth did Spike roll a perfect twenty. Twilight groaned and bounced her forehead off the table. Sunset continued to rub her shoulders.

“And now to roll and see if I can get all my bitches pregnant!”

"Dude, seriously?"

“Too late, cutie,” said Cadence with a giggle. “Someone beat you too it.”

Sunset snatched the die up along with the game pieces and the blank sheets. “Game’s over, pooch. You won. Shining is dragon chow and all the women are dragon worshipers. Hail Scourge. Congrats, lets never play this again.”

“Awwww, don’t be sore losers!”

“There has to be a logical explanation for this! How could he roll so perfectly every time!”

Sunset returned to rubbing Twilight’s back, a comfort she gladly accepted even if it did not soothe the headache inducing confusion of it all. She glanced over and noticed Spike’s tail stopped wagging as his natural instinct overrode his desire to gloat at his mighty conquest. “It’s okay, Twilight. Don’t be sad. The truth is, I kind of cheated.”

Shining Armor dropped his stats and glared. “Come again?”

Spike nodded and held out his paw. Sunset took the hint and deposited the D20. He spun it around a few times and then said, “Watch, I’m going to get a seventeen.” As predicted, it bounced, rolled and then stopped on the predicted number. Twilight blinked and seized the die for herself, attempted to replicated Spikes results.

“Impressive,” Sunset said with a nod. “But how?”

“It’s Shining Armor’s fault. He had it custom made in Germany or something. It’s PERFECTLY balanced. I practiced with it a few times and found out that if your put the number you want directly on the bottom and apply just the right amount of throw it will bounce one and stop on the number you selected. I only changed it up because if I got a twenty every time you would have noticed.”

“We just got hustled.”

“That was… incredibly observant of you, Spike,” Twilight said with a final, exasperated sigh. “I'm incredibly impressed and thank you for your honesty. Knowing that, we might try this again. Perhaps with different dice, however.”

The table was cleared and the final dinner preparations set out when the front door opened with a jingle and in walked Twilight Velvet and Night Light. The elder couple both perked up happily at seeing and swelling all the food ready and, of course, once again being able to enjoy another holiday with their children and their loved ones.

“Mmmmmm! Dinner certainly smells good. I can’t believe you actually waited for us and did not just dig right into such delicious looking choices,” said Night Light after hanging his and his wife’s coats.

“Not everyone could wait,” said Spike. “Sunset ate Twilight’s tacos.”

“I just ate one! ONE!”

“My bad. Sunset ate Twilight’s taco.”

Everyone paused and replayed the words in their heads. The silence was broken when Velvet began to snicker until she could not hold it down any longer. The elder Twilight bent over to catch her breath, her sides beginning to ache from her laughter. Nightlight had to hold her so she would not roll on the floor.

Twilight Sparkle, however, was mortified as her face flushed pink. “SPIKE!”

Spike cocked his head to the side, his ears twitching in confusion. "What?"

“Well, that certainly sounds like wholesome, family fun. I hope someone took pictures.”


“Actually, for family fun we played a game! I got to be a dragon and eventually I was able to use my charms and seductions to make all of them my bit-mmmhhhh!”

Sunset reached down and covered Spike’s mouth before her girlfriend had a coronary and died from embarrassment. “OKAY! I think it is definitely time to have some dinner! Everyone, grab a plate!”

Spike eventually wiggled free and made his way over to his food bowl, grumbling under his breath. Sunset Shimmer sauntered her way over to Twilight Sparkle and wrapped her arms around the smaller woman’s waist, burying her face into soft indigo hair that smelled of lavender and kiwi. Twilight melted into the embrace. She was hungry, but she craved the affection on her girlfriend just as much. The redhead radiated warmth and comfort in a way that could only be defined as magical.

They stood off to the side and watched as everyone served themselves, piling their plates while Night Light and Velvet described the concert and show and their enjoyable evening walk around town afterwards. All while the electric fireplace did its best imitation of a fiery hearth. With the push of a button on Cadence’s phone, soft holiday music began to play to complete the ambiance. Sunset felt Twilight in her arms begin to sway to the soft rhythm and she happily matched it, never letting go.

It wasn’t Equestria or Canterlot and there was no snow or pure white alicorn princesses to snuggle up next to with a warm cup of coffee or cocoa, but it was also not a lonely, single bedroom apartment that was fridged as the frozen north because the heater stopped working and no matter how many blankets were layered it would never feel like the unmistakable touch of an alicorn wing. But the truth was, Sunset concluded, this was better. This was what all those songs and greeting cards and poets meant when they talked about being with family and friends for the holidays. That small piece of Heaven on Earth.

Sunset leaned down and whispered in Twilight’s ear, “This is nice. This time of year used to get me down with the weather and shorter days, but I think this is what I was really missing when I was just pouting all by myself year after year. Thank you for including me in this.”

“You organized this. You made this happen. This is exactly how I dreamed our first holiday together would go. Food, family, and you.” Twilight turned her head and kissed Sunset on the cheek. “Thank you for bringing this all together. Thank you for everything.”

Not to be outdone, Sunset happily kissed Twilight’s lips. No mistletoe required. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Once their guest were all seated Twilight and Sunset filled their plates as well and happily crammed themselves into their seats at the small round table, shoulder to shoulder, heart to heart.

For one night, for one family. All was right in the world.

Author's Note:

Too early for a holiday theme story, or too late? Bah! It's wholesome Sci-Set, anytime is a good time!

Thank you for reading.

Comments ( 12 )

Spike is getting neutered, right?

He clearly needs some of his enthusiasm curbed.

Spike, you dirty dog...
Though to be fair, he merely played on Sunset's idea.

I can't believe that this wonderful little slice-of-life/fantasy-action story doesn't have more likes! It's sweet, wholesome, yet also alittle pervy in just the right ways. It's not often to mix the genres that you did and come out feeling coherent, especially in just a single chapter, but you did! You even included cool artwork! Kudos to you and have an upvote!

(Honestly, I wouldn't mind if this became a series of stories based on different games and different holidays).

Thank you! I have plans to release several single chapter shorts soon, not all of them related to this, but maybe I can come up with something more along these lines as well.

Fun stuff, though the lavish description didn't work as well in the real world as it did in the fantasy setting. Still good fun all around... but seriously, Spike, dirty pool.

Thank you for reading.

This was definitely an intriguing read, one that takes advantage of the depth in storytelling offered by D&D-style roleplay to provide two different worlds to explore SciSet in. There’s a bit of a weakness in that framing in that it doesn’t feel like there’s much thematically linking the two narratives, especially once Spike begins hijacking the gameplay (which definitely has some odd moments for Spike, but perhaps befitting of a dog who’s still growing into human intelligence and human maturity — or lack thereof), and some of the writing could benefit from one more editing pass. But I did appreciate the worldbuilding, particularly in the real side of things, and the SciSet is as charming as it should be, as is the family dynamic overall.

Thank you for the comments. You're not the first one to point it out that this feels a bit incomplete. I think what I might do is revisit this in a little bit and add more lead in to better congeal the live story with the role play that they have the fact that it just jumps in probably didn't help overall. Nevertheless it was fun and I enjoyed participating.

Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed.

it’s an interesting idea, to narrate a roleplaying session as a main story and then cut between it and the players. certainly, a lot of thought went into the setup and the descriptions, but everything with Spike and how everyone else is reacting to it just feels off and unpleasant on the whole. really clashes with the wholesome vibe that the story otherwise has, which makes the offness even stronger. thank you for writing, but it was not for me.

Sometimes we try something different and sometimes it doesn't work. Thank you for reading.

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