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Season 2: Episode 13 - The Angel Hamster (Read It and Weep Background)

Author's Note:

It's Monday, which means it's time to get your week started with some good old Hamtaro goodness. I know the majority of you probably hate Mondays, but Hamtaro is here to turn your Mondays into something to look forward to instead of dread.

It had been a wonderful day in Ponyville, but then, Rainbow Dash got put into the hospital trying to get in some new tricks.

"Ooof, you know, that had to have hurt." Hamtaro said.

"I don't doubt it did." Bijou said.

"No one said that it most likely didn't." Maxwell said.

"Except Rainbow Dash rarely slows down for anything." Hamtaro said.

"...Yeah that's not wrong." Maxwell said.

"Not to change the subject, but does anyone know where Miss Harmony is?" Boss asked.

Every ham looked at boss. "...Why are you asking that?" Sandy asked.

The Angel Hamster known as Harmony was actually in Golden Oaks Library with Twilight Sparkle and Celestia.

"This is rather awkward for me to learn. I had no idea the Elements of Harmony would be created by a hamster." Celestia said.

"What? What's she talking about? What are the 'Elements of Harmony' exactly?" Harmony asked.

That got Celestia confused. "...Yeah she had the same reaction to when I asked her if she created the elements." Twilight admitted.

"So; you're saying that it's pure coincidence that the Tree of Harmony was in this world?" Celestia asked.

"Now I never said that. Though I honestly don't know where said tree comes from. I could ask my boss if he knows, but he'd probably tell me some vague answer or something along those lines." Harmony said. "So really, don't expect much if anything to come out of me asking my boss. I don't know if I can even reach him right now."

"So, what about this Spat character you mentioned? You said you and him are pratically locked in an eternal struggle." Twilight said.

"Well yes, we are. Because Spat hates seeing others all happy and full of joy; worst for him is when he sees others in Smoochie." Harmony said.

"So, you’re saying Spat is like the Windigos?" Twilight asked.

"Uh...I'm not sure I can say that. Because while the Windigos feed on hate and anger from what you told me, Spatz just loves causing others to be miserable and unhappy. In fact, you could say his only joy in life is making others hate each other through trickery and deceit." Harmony said.

"Wait, you mean to tell me this Spat actually causes others to have fueds with each other for no other reason than for the fun of it?" Celestia asked.

"Something like that. I bet if he finds his way into this world, he'd love to repeat what he did the one time on a much larger scale." Harmony said.

"Is this...in relation to the thing the other hamsters practically refuse to talk about?" Twilight asked.

"So, they've mentioned it in passing. Yeah, well, there's a good reason the ham-hams don't like remembering what happened."

One explination later...

"...Ar-are you serious? Spat did all of that?!" Twilight was shocked to say the least once Harmony finished explaining the whole story behind what Spat did.

"Yep. It was so messy, I had to ask Hamtaro and Bijou for their help. Believe me, it was the first time he actually became a legitimate threat. Normally, I'm able to handle him on my own, but...something was telling me that this wasn't my place to do so this time. And I'm honestly glad that I did ask Hamtaro & Bijou for help; it actually laid the groundwork for those two becoming an official couple." Harmony said.

"I...I think I better go back to Canterlot now. There are some things that need to be addressed." Celestia said before teleporting away.

"Yeah I'd think so too; if Spat is ever spotted around here, we need to be on full alert so he can't do something like that again." Twilight said. "And what a time too; Hearts & Hooves day is a few weeks from now."

"What's Hearts & Hooves Day?" Harmony asked.

A second explination later...

"Huh. Sounds like this 'Hearts & Hooves Day' is a lot like Valentine's Day. And that is my favorite holiday. Oh boy, I want to learn everything about Hearts & Hooves Day now. It'd be so much fun to spread that sort of love around~" Harmony said after Twilight finished explaining Hearts & Hooves Day to Harmony.

"You remind me so much of my old Foal Sitter Candace. She was always quite intimate about love as her magic was able to mend broken love." Twilight said.

"Huh. I didn't know there was a unicorn who can do that." Harmony said.

"Actually, Candace is an Alicorn. I just haven't seen her ever since I left Canterlot." Twilight said.

"Aw. Maybe you should write to Princess Celestia, see if she knows where Candace is. That way, the two of you could become pen-pals or something. Heck, why not do that for your old Canterlot friends? I'm sure they'd love that." Harmony said.

"...Huh. I guess I could. Wow, your really good at that sort of thing, huh Harmony?" Twilight asked.

"It's kind of my job to be good at relationships you know. Now, where can I get a book on Hearts & Hooves Day history?" Harmony asked.

Twilight blinked. "...You do realize your still in the Golden Oak's Library, yes? I'm sure there's a book around here if you looked. Meanwhile, I have letters I want to write~" Twilgiht said before she left.

"...Wow, I didn't think you'd convince Twilight to do that." Spike admitted.

"Like I said, it's kind of my job to be able to do that~" Harmony said before she suddenly started flying around the room.

Spike was dumbstruck. "Wh-what the..." Spike was at a lost for words. You mean that she's not wearing a costume?! Spike thought to himself.

That's when Flash Sentry soon came in. "Oh hey Spike. I wanted to come and let Twilight know that Rainbow Dash is expecting to be discharged from the hospital tomorrow." Flash Sentry said. "I figured I'd tell her personally."

"Of course you would." Spike said.

Flash Sentry noticed Harmony flying around. "...Yeah, why am I not surprised that's not some costume?" Flash Sentry asked before he went towards Twilight.

However, he didn't notice that Harmony had looked at him too. And now, she was looking at him with Twilight Sparkle. Oh boy. There's something you don't see every day. It's like Hamtaro & Bijou all over again. I think I'm going to have to call in Back-up on this one. Harmony said. Honestly how often do you get to see two individuals who are practically meant to fall in love with each other as often as this? Last time it was Hamtaro & Bijou, and now it's these two She then looked at the book in her paws. As Harmony did so, the wheels in her head were already starting to formulate a plan.

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