• Published 10th Sep 2023
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The Dragon Lord's Guardian - Little_Draco

The sequel and final book to the Dragon Lord series. Spike's journey into the world has only just started but challenges arise in many forms such as the past, present and future. Will he succeed his role as Dragon Guardian?

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Of Dragons and Ponies

The Dragon Lord's Guardian

Of Dragons and ponies

"So… there is an entire town of dragons living with ponies that I knew of but have never really heard much about until now?" Ember asked, reading the newspaper Blacktip had conjured. The front picture of him and Princess Luna still baffled her, to a point, on how this event took place.

"Well, to be fair Dragon Lord Ember," Blacktip clarified as he and Spike dabbled in some O&O talk, surprising Spike for him to be a player too. "Dragons there and here are two different species all together, so to speak. This group has been away from the Dragon Lands for almost a century since Fillydelphia started accepting non-pony workers. It had been a working establishment of dragons applying there during the great 'Industrial and Steel Age' as labor was needed to handle 'High Heat' environments as well as have the strength to handle it. Most of the Dragons there are industrial workers but over the century, many have diverged to other pony type jobs."

"And… these dragons… why call them a different species altogether then?" she asked, studying the picture of the dragons, did seeing slight differences.

He gave her a smile that seemed to be on the teasing end. "Because for all intents and purposes, they do not listen to the call or whims of The Dragon Lord."

“WAIT, WHAT?!” Both Spike and Ember cried out simultaneously. This earned a chuckle from the larger dragon.

“That’s what I said when I first came over as well.” He then conjured another paper, though this time an article of sorts. “From what has been documented and studied by several ponies at the University of Fillydelphia, which I attended, since these dragons left their roots a century ago, they no longer adhere to the calls of the Dragon Lord. At least, they don’t need to, for they can ignore it with ease.”

Blacktip then read from the article directly. “Quote- ‘Since the dawn of the new era in the industrial/steel age and the acceptance of outside help from other species, dragons have been regarded as the most unique but talented working force. While first apprehensive of their nature, dragons had slowly overtime become indomitable for their easy handling of fire and molten materials.

There was no need for them to wear safety material, there were no difficult tasks when it came down to handling white hot ores and they enjoyed basking in the pools of still glazing iron. It became apparent that they helped accelerate the processes of industrial work though one concern came up in the later years and that was pay. While they held no need for bits until the mid-to-late century, they were offered leftover material from their work as food or uses. This evidently over the years turned into its own money machine, as Dragons would sell this as drinks or snacks to other dragons in the area.

Once bits and the exchange of economy started to catch on, more dragons adapted to pony life and with pony life came changes to their own. For instance, they once used to listen to a Hierarchy of Dragon Lord out towards their home far south. Yet, over the century, many have forgotten or even ignored the Dragon Lord’s call… and continued on with their lives.”

He paused and waved off the rest of the article. “Basically, these dragons have ignored most of their instincts of the ‘Call’ so to speak, from Dragon Lords and opted just to live their own lives for a century. I dare say that there are at least two or three generations of dragons living there with no recollection or even aware of there being a Dragon Lord to begin with, let alone why their scales glow when needed. Perhaps the next generation will not even glow when called.”

Ember had been rendered speechless this whole time, while Spike was still impressed at both, the Dragons ignoring their instincts and living with ponies but also that Blacktip was a high level Rogue on O&O that had his Warlock beat.

She felt more… annoyed and perhaps even upset that there are dragons who would ignore her command or that they were capable of living without the intervention of a Dragon Lord. It actually sucked!

“Cool.” Spike commented, unaware of his mate’s internal dialogue. “So we're gonna go there to find out how this sword is made then?” Spike casually brought up. “I mean, if they have Dragons and Universities, surely there are those who can help.”

“Oh, plenty Spike, but the real attraction is how long this has been going on and where they get the materials from. As stated, the Sword is made of different and unique materials of its own. The ore that was used to forge the blade, how they acquired ashes of phoenixes, the conduit for the handle and finally, finding a powerful mage or wizard to enchant a gem to hold that power. Most likely, we should start there, as the gem is also manufactured as well, since it has no state of natural matter.”

“I feel like we're delving into matters outside of comprehension and may unlock doors which should remain locked,” Spike toned in half seriously, half mirth tone. “As if fate is tempting us to trifle with unknown forces and-”

“No need to get meta on this, Spike.” Mused Blacktip, still seeing a partial mischievous glint in his green eyes. “While I have no doubt that we are treading on unknown waters, I would like for us to be more optimistic and have our resources spent on the betterment for both of our species.”

“He’s right Spike,” Ember finally spoke out, half serious as well. “With everything happening, its best if we can stay focused and make sure that we can keep the peace between us and the ponies.”

Spike gave her a half-cocked look, “You doubt it will last?”

“History and today have shown us that there will always be those ready to tear that apart.” Ember stated ominously. “If Celestia and my father kept a temporary pact to stay out of each other’s lands, then we should know that this won’t last if we continue to have a group dedicated to keeping that peace apart from both sides.”

“And while we are going to a city full of dragons, that peace was almost ruined because of a huge misunderstanding. A simple firesnail could have ruined a century’s worth of peace in a few days.” Blacktip added in, unhelpfully. “You aptitude for seeking the best is admirable but stay vigilant to those seeking and those pursuing a deviation of what we are trying to accomplish.”

Spike crossed his arms to Blacktip. “Now who is acting meta?”

Blacktip gave a fang grin in return. “So, now we need to secure a trip to Fillydelphia and meet someone there to help us. I happen to know a dragon there, so that was the first problem solved.”

“What’s the other?” Spike asked.

“You two need to be there and back within a week, so as to not cause trouble with the Bloodstone Scepter,” A flinch from Ember. Blacktip quickly backtracked. “Apologies Lord Ember, but I just wish to secure a route without any delays to prevent any unwanted incursions. Hence, we plan.”

They all thought about how they were going to get from here to Fillydelphia. Even by flight, with the need to rest and eat, it would take at least three days. That was even including the fact of time and flight without weather interference.

“We could take the train?” Spike brought up, as his recent punishment to the teenagers, reminded him of it.

Blacktip agreed, though he wilted. “I uh… am to big for the cars and I fear they would not take kind to allowing me to ride one inside or on top.”

“Maybe one of the empty railcars?” Spike offered. “They bring giant rails and other pieces here for a reason, there shouldn’t be a need to have it with anything on the return, right?”

Blacktip nodded and agreed. “That sounds reasonable.”

“Great, now that we have transportation and a dragon, now we need planning. I would need to contact my mother from Equestria to arrange an almost non-stop trip from here to Ponyville and from Ponyville to Fillydelphia.”

“Why Ponyville?” Ember asked.

Spike gave her a knowing grin. “We are doing a quick pick-up!”

Elders and the young ones gathered along with Blacktip. While Torch initially got rid of all his pent up frustrations and what not, it only was fueled when he heard their reasoning for traveling out of the Dragon Lands once more. The sword and the hunting methods of the Dragon Hunters, were to be dissected to see how they were made and where. Seraphia kept trying to leave her mother’s palm to go play with the shiny jewel at the end of the blade.

“And… you believe this will aid us, Blacktip? By discovering the origins of this sword?” Zynthia asked, studying the sword in claws. Even with her hardened scales, she could still feel the deadly sharpness on it. Her daughter babbled to try and reach for it but was unsuccessful.

“Not just the sword, Elder Zynthia, but their other resources. If what Spike and you have told me, this may not be their own weapon that can inflict us great harm,” The green drake then proceeded to fire directly on the blade, only for the blade to absorb his flames within itself and transfer directly to the gem where it glowed brightly with the held flames. This caught the Elders off guard, many imagining horrible scenarios of dragons failing to burn the blade wielder and succumbing to its fatal slash. “With power like that, it is imperative we must seek out its creators and the likes of it, which others may spawn from this.”

“This alliance with the ponies does not extend with them nor are they seeking aid from them.” Eliyinsa concluded. “If they chose to avoid populated areas or any cities that house other species, it is believable that where they get these weapons must be outside sources.”

“Outside?” Spike thought out loud. “You mean further beyond the lands of Equestria and Dragon Lands.”

“We are one giant continent, Spike.” Blacktip reminded him. “There are others, perhaps other ways to parts of the world that we have never seen or explored.”

“And there are some places where even we, as dragons,” Saphira added. “Refuse to go. In my century of traveling, there are lands that extend further than our reaches and perhaps that is where a part of our answers may lie in.”

“But who has been a traveler outside of the lands that no one has chartered or has been in?” Ember asked.

Spike had an idea of who, but it involved calling in another favor from his mother Celestia and possibly… pissing off his loved one. “Let me… ask Celestia about it when we get near Ponyville. I have one pony in mind but you might not like it.” Ember gave a questioning look but Spike refocused back on everyone else. “Let’s focus back on what we know. They have been around for centuries, they blame us for a past forgotten,” He was unable to meet Saphira’s saddened gaze. “They hunt without prejudice and have a knack for using our bodies… for weapons and armor. What can we do about that?”

“I’ve already increased security on the borders with our Brawlers, since they will have a harder time to be taken down,” Ember provided. “Though I doubt they will ever come this close, we should still be wary of them. The few seekers we have are patrolling past our lands but never low to the ground. And… we are trying to see if we can get a few ‘enhanced’ to join us.”

No elder said anything as the word ‘trying’ was not assuring. Torch himself had doubts that any enhanced volunteers would want to participate, even with the restrictions lowered.

A small pause before a reply from Eliyinsa. “Then we may have to keep the smaller dragons from leaving the Lands until this matter is settled. For now, go find the resources for this madness so we may end this vicious cycle of killing.”

“You make it sound that we have taken many pony lives before?” Saphira remarked softly.

“There is a reason why ponies in Equestria have books about a prince saving a princess from an evil Dragon, Elder Saphira.” Blacktip unhelpfully provided. “Even I know that we… are not all innocent in nature. But regardless of these past cycles, we must become aware of these issues. I, Spike, Ember and Amy will travel to Fillydelphia where we can meet with a dragon there who does a conductive test on material. Perhaps we can even figure out a way to prevent further killings by warning Equestria of these combinations of materials.”

“That would need to be explained to the princesses,” Eliyinsa reminded them. “While we have our problems here, we can’t always expect the Equestrians to be part of the solution or the aid we may seek.”

Spike wanted to correct his mother but remained silent, which didn’t go unnoticed by the psyche dragoness. She wished to probe but… with all the recent training they have been doing, he has become adept to her intrusions.

They continued discussing Ember’s absence as well as Spike’s missed training, but that would only be delayed by a week. All else can hold until their return. But for now, Spike had a journal to communicate the princesses with.

While the day had ended, his writing had started with letters sent to his mother, Celestia with recent events. The involvement of the ‘Dragon Hunters’ had not been lost to her over the time, as her responses were instant and without hesitance to answer.

‘-it was only forty years ago when I had last encountered them right outside of Appleloosa’s first settlement. They were more than ready to help out the ponies there from nearby dragons or even the buffalo for a price. When I received word soon after, I had come to investigate and try to negotiate a peace between them.
However… it seemed as though the ones I refused to help centuries ago had passed their hatred to their descendants and wanted nothing to do with me.’

Spike swallowed and wrote back. ‘Centuries of hate should not have lasted this long. They have been traveling ever since and have been hunting us. Weapons and armor they carry are from those dragons they’ve hunted and killed.’

A pause and a very slow response. ‘Tell your mothers and the others that I am truly sorry. I can only do so much for you, but I will send messages to all border guards to keep an eye out for a group of rogue ponies in armor described as such.’ Another pause. ‘What will you do now?’

Spike quickly thought of the list and wrote with haste. ‘We need a one way ticket to Fillydelphia. Blacktip believes there is a dragon there that can help with identifying the composition of a blade the leader of the Dragon Hunters had. Its nothing like he or I have ever seen. It may come from outside of Equestrian resources, so we need location and who is helping them.’

A different form of writing was added and judging by the familiar style he has seen many times, it was Twilight.
‘Spike it’s Twilight!! First off, good to hear from you again! Second off, any R & D project for weapons and such, has to go to Canterlot Security Division and the Military first. We would have known about it if someone in Equestria was designing weapons to hunt dragons.’

A pause at that and he looked up to where the sword that had been hiding in the corner once more. Ember and Amy were in pillows, reading up or amusing themselves until bedtime. They were peaceful and relaxed, enjoying some of the trinkets that they got from the ponies off the last train of goods.

This brought him in thought and he then leaned back down to write. ‘Unless it was done before records and such were mandatory. Especially at a time before our peace with dragons or even other species.’

For a few moments, he hadn’t gotten a reply, perhaps this actually bearing truth or at least… an ugly one, for them. After a few moments, he received a reply, once more from his mother’s calligraphy.
‘It pains me to say it but you may be right son. As far as I can tell, nothing as of recent has been brought up about weapons for dealing with dragons, nor anything within before the last two decades.’

This had him actually pause in turn. Two decades. Why two decades?
‘Why two decades?’ He asked.

A pause and the writing seemed to drop, almost like if the writer was struggling or was… emotional. ‘I canceled any development of them because I had gotten a dragon egg that told me… there could be peace if given the chance.’

Spike felt a small swell of emotions surge, both happiness and sadness at the same time. The warmth that his mother given him when she took him in, despite not hatchling until years later. But the cold of knowing that his biological mother had given him up, for reasons he may never now.

Focusing on the positive, he smiled and responded back ‘Well… glad to find some positive in that, mom. But now we are still back at square one. We need information and assistance. We can try to figure out the rest once there.’

A reply back was given. ‘You have your credentials here, Spike. It never left you when you went home and it will never disappear when you return back to us.’ A tear managed to fall in joy which transferred into the journal. ‘As you will always be my son, know I will not forget you. But with your heroism to save Canterlot, I have bumped up your clearances to Platinum, which will help your case.’

His eyes went wide upon reading that and he almost half squealed in delight, earning cast overs from the nesses. Platinum level access was literally what Shining Armor was when he was Captain of the Guard and dating Cadenza. Basically it was right below Princess Celestia, Luna, Twilight or Cadence, where he could get in anywhere with security clearance, go anywhere without questions from the guards or even most office buildings. Very few in Canterlot were known with Platinum level access, which not even Blueblood had.

‘So, if you need transportation to Filly, it can be done, but it may take a day to arrange and another day to actually have it done.’

While he could wait for those two days, he felt like time was of the essence and perhaps the sooner the better. Still, he could plan some more as he wrote back. ‘That will have to do, though I need a favor along with this one, but I am not sure if you can help with getting her back.’


After their final messages were sent to coordinate everything, Spike returned to his hoard and they slept together, with their dreams of hope for a better future.

Next morning, Spike resumed his training once more, as he opted to train while he still could here. Since this was mostly a diplomatic mission, rather than something that would have him in danger, he was given more lessons on mental prowess as well as history lessons from Saphira. Though she gave him lessons in the past, she also provided some insight on how other races slowly adapted to the change of rapid pony expansion in the last few centuries.

When it comes down to it, ponies have only been able to improve and expand due to their ways of working with other species. From the donkeys, to the griffins, to the abyssinians and even dragons later on. To always be willing to allow other races a chance at ‘Friendship’ and you will find more allies at your back.
This prompted him to ask her, “How many different… uh, intelligent races did you meet in your travels?”
The sapphire dragoness mused to herself in thought, as she pondered and tried to thing of the ones he already knew off. That included changelings, abyssinians, diamond dogs, donkeys and such, but if she had to go on and add any, it would have to be a shorter list. “Ahuizotlies, centaur, gargoyles, demons, Yeti, deer…”

A pause as she said deer and turned to him. “I am aware of the deer east of here, but I am also aware of the ones that Equestria contains in its forests.”

While it surprised him to know that Saphira was aware of King Styr, he was not surprised of the ones within Equestria. “Yeah, they are very nomadic and have only come out a claw full of times. No doubt, there are those that wish to speak to them, but they keep to themselves.”

“Like most of their kin do,” She agreed before she continued on. “The sea serpents and their cousins, the Sirens-”
“Wait, Sirens?” Spike asked in disbelief. “Like the ones Starswirl the Bearded and the Pillars fought a thousand years ago?”

“I am not sure, Spike as I had yet to be born, but I will say that these were more… ‘pleasing’ to be around rather then the ones I am sure this ‘Starswirl’ had fought. Very beautiful voices and absolutely astounding to watch ‘perform’. They actually… and I dare admit,” A blush on her cheeks. “Almost got me raptured in their voice to mate with them, however I…managed to get away when their queen came to check on them.”

As she spoke on, Spike was greatly reminded, that Saphira was always the big hearted dragon that stood out more than any other dragon. That she had a sense of righteousness but with heart. To give those a chance, to live and to respect all manners of creatures.
It continues to blow his mind how beautiful her soul was and not once did he feel that she had a bad bone in her body.
“You have a big heart, Saphira. I’m glad to know that you gave a part of it into Ember.” The sapphire dragoness grinned and leaned down to him.
“And I am glad to know I am not the only one any longer. Your heart is just as big and twice as powerful. There were ever be a day where I can see it grow more as you continue to keep harmony between species. That being said, its okay to have doubts and troubles in between them, so long as you remember yourselves in the moments.”

“Have you ever lost sight of that?” He asked.
“Oh, every dragon, no matter how noble or strong their heart is, you can lose sight on it at times. It’st just a matter of remembering yourself before you lose it.” Head lifting up, she looked out towards the landscapes in thoughts about her past. “When I was younger, I fell head over tails over many drakes before Torch. Few were bad, others were just awful.” She tittered. “I remember falling briefly for this hot-headed edgy dragon named Thorn, which ended pretty quickly when I met his true self. Not long after him, I thought I was in love with an older instructor of mine name Glaedr, but he pushed me away, as he felt that it wouldn’t work well between us.”

A pause as she turned back to him. “There will be instances where we all fall Spike, as no one is infallible. The greatest of heroes and idols that we worship and look up to, have fallen and been beaten. However, there accomplishments are not because of their deeds they have achieved, but also the lessons they have learned when they have lost. Time and time again, they have hit the floor, weak or beaten. The true strength that comes from them is getting back up and continuing on.”
She pressed her head against him, a loving gesture he never rejected nor felt uncomfortable with. He had treated her like another mother and has been made part of the family expansion.

Hugging her, he sighed. “And what happens if they fall and can’t get back up?”
Her deep blue eyes of the sea looked into his own and she replied with confidence. “Then you look within yourself to find that strength. Find that purpose to rise back up once more. Fall if you must, but always strive to rise again.
Fear can lead to courage. Failure guided to Succession.
Pain can build Strength. Darkness can show you Light.
And when you feel lose, remember your heart can open for you to Hope and Happiness once more.”

“Know this my son, as you traverse the lands, far and beyond, you challenges, your life will always be tested but if you heed our words, understand our lessons and keep your heart pure… we will always be by your side to help. Always… and forever.”

“Baah! Umffffttt! Gah!” Seraphina babbled and toyed in her environment, watched with joy and pride by her mothers and her brother. At their cave just the four of them, the family of four had settled between themselves as it had been quite a moment since it was just them.

The hatchling was content being surrounded by her family, a shield from her and the world as she innocently played with toys.

“So, do we know what kind of ‘gifts’ she is going to have or when they may come?” Spike quieres his mothers.

Eliyinsa bobbed her head side to side slowly as if thinking it herself. “Well, if she hasn’t shown it yet with her cuteness,” Causing them all to titter at that. “then it will be some time after that they may manifest. As for what they are, no. I cannot foretell what her ‘gifts’ maybe.”

“When did you manifest your own mother?” He asked, as he joined his sister with her toys.
“Hmm, I wish to say I started to manifest them when I was older than you are now. At first, they were migraines, voices and such, with no real way of knowing what they were. However over time, I learned and adapted to them, honing them to my benefit.” A pause, as she reflected on her past, long enough for him to take notice of pain and sadness in her eyes. Something that her mate also took notice of. “I must admit, son, that there was a small part of me that enjoyed the fact I could read a dragon, inside their mind and learn their secrets and such. Exploiting them or to control them to a light degree, had always tormented my heart even years later.”

She then turned her gaze to him, the same sad expression still present. “And while I regret what I had done, I am happy that I learned to grow limits. To have restraints and to have friends to help me stay in control.” Then she briefly smiled as she looked at their daughter. “Which is why I am glad you and her will grow in a world where teachers and friends can help those with gifts.”

“As am I my love,” Her mate added. “We will make sure that she has no fear of her gifts in life.”
“Whatever they may be,” concluded Spike. He then lifted his sister to himself, causing her to giggle and touch her brother’s face. “I just hope your ‘gifts’ don’t turn out to be like… laser eyes, or like an ability to cause others to explode… twice!”

“Oh that would be Implodia who is not far from here.”

“WAIT WHAT?!” He snapped his head hard enough to cause whiplash and for his sister to giggle at his sudden yell. But when he looked at his mothers, they were both chuckling to themselves as the joke seemed to settle in.

He gave a small grunt of brief annoyance but couldn’t help but laugh at this, as this was their first attempt at a joke it what felt like months. Their time together had always been limited to training or lessons but hardly as a family. And with the addition of Seraphina, it felt like these moments were treasures to be hoarded in mind and body.

These were beautiful moments…

“But for real? Is there a dragon that can explode?”

“She has an explosive temper, but she has no gifts for it, nor do other dragons here.” A pause. “Unless you count Hookfang down by the lava lake who has a knack for setting themselves on fire spontaneously.”

“Sounds cool, but not what I am going for.”

Author's Note:

This pretty much is the end of the first arc of Dragon Lord's Guardian. The first 5 chapters were pretty much a set up to everything including potential villians, future cameos, lots of heart and most of all, a plan to extend the stories with smaller spin offs. (No guarentees though) but ideas are stirring.
References are just that, but nothing more. Crossovers outside of the comics, books and shows are not going to happen. AND FOR THE LAST TIME...Equestria Girls Is Not Cannon in my series. Just... let it go my dude.. yea especially you.