• Published 3rd Oct 2023
  • 496 Views, 10 Comments

The Legend of Cozy Glow - kleia

All Sprout wanted to do was learn about chess... who the hay was Cozy Glow?

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Sprout's "Betrayal" [DC 15 Success]

A thought occurred to Sprout. He quietly got off the couch and strode over to his saddle bag, pulling out the book he had borrowed from the library. He flipped its pages open, startled by the apparition. He threw the book, a small crystal falling out from between the pages, shattering on the floor, a small wisp of magic fading into the ether, the apparition fading with it.

Sprout exhaled in relief, taking the book back in his hooves, returning to the couch. Nopony else was in the living room, so he turned on one of the lamps, carefully reading the pages of the book. It did talk about chess, but not about how to play. It only compared it to the things that the book detailed Cozy Glow did in her life.

"The tiny filly had nearly drained Equestria of all magic well over an age ago, and was locked away in Tartarus. Many moons later, she and others were freed from Tartarus. They were freed by , who at the time they believed to be, none other than the legendary Grogar. A spell of time later, and Grogar is revealed to be none other than Discord, Lord of Chaos, only releasing the villains to set a friend on a more confident path. The three stole his and other's magic, wreaking havoc and taking over Equestria for a time. Months later, Equestria banded together in one final stand against the three, where they were ultimately defeated and turned to stone."

Sprout's eyes grew wide. What had he done?! If only he weren't so stupid and read more of the book! He was so keen on finding Cozy, he didn't bother to even read any more of it! He cursed at himself under his breath, dog-earing the page he had read, shakily closing the book and quietly striding into Sunny's room.

Sprout shook her awake, shushing her when she made noises of protest. "Sprout? What's going on at this hour?" she questioned, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. He held out the book to her.

"You know how I told you this book had that magical apparition? I didn't bother to read any of it past that! Cozy Glow is evil!" Sprout whispered, his voice shaking. Sunny furrowed her brows together, confused. She took the book from Sprout and opened it to his bookmarked page. Her eyes grew wide with fear.

"What've I done, Sunny? It's like I haven't learned anything! This is all my fault! The pegasi are nearing a civil war because of me! And she was so intrigued about the unity crystals! What if she tries to steal our magic, like she did ages ago?" Sprout shook in fear, tears spilling over and streaking his cheeks.

Sunny placed a hoof on his shoulder. "Go. Get to Zephyr Heights. Get to Bridlewood. We will find a way to return her to stone. I'm going to go see if I can't move the unity crystals. Take everypony else with you, and be quiet." Sprout only nodded, wiping his face and going to wake the others, telling them the details of what was going on.

Sprout, Izzy and Hitch split up. Izzy went back to Bridlewood to rally forces there, while he and Hitch sprinted to Zephyr Heights. The streets of Zephyr Heights were quiet. More so than usual. They were illuminated only by the flickering of TV screes, that had clearly been destroyed. Sprout swallowed, a pit of guilt building in his stomach.

"This . .. this is all my fault," Sprout spoke quietly, gazing out at the destruction before him.

"We can worry about that later. We need to get to the Queen and Pipp and Zipp, and quickly. We only have so much time." Hitch said in reply, shoving Sprout to walk with him. Sprout trotted after him, following his instructions on how to sneak into the palace. The two made it to the throne room quietly, where the three pegasi they were looking for turned toward the sound, fear in their eyes. The fear faded when they saw Hitch and Sprout.

"Your majesty, this is all my fault - I'm the one who brought Cozy here-" Sprout began to apologize only to be cutoff by the Queen.

"It's not your fault. What're you doing here?" Haven spoke quietly and dejectedly.

"That filly I had with me? She's evil! We need forces to join up with us before she dooms all of Equestria! I read up on her more, and why she was trapped in stone. Ages ago, she tried to steal all the magic in Equestria, and was later turned to stone for other atrocities she committed." Sprout said fervently, pulling out the book and opening to the page he read.

Haven read over the page, having the same reaction as everyone else. Eyes wide, fear and panic flashing across her face. "The royal guard, and myself and the girls will return to Maretime Bay with you." Haven announced, nodding to her daughters. They nodded in reply, trotting off to gather the royal guard.

Together, they returned to Maretime Bay.

Izzy, Hitch and Sprout all returned with forces in tow right at the same time. The sight before them was astounding. It seemed as though Cozy and Sunny were already neck in neck. Cozy Glow's form had changed. A horn poked from her forehead, and her wings had grown in size.

Cozy Glow flew at Sunny, barraging her in a wave of motic bolts from her horn! Sunny barely managed to block in time, her magic flickering.

[Music for the finale.]

Right Click > Loop if you need to.

"Ponies! This is it! Protect our magic! Protect Equestria! Charge!" Sprout cried. The troops that had been brought together shouted in reply, everypony lunging forward in a sprint, the pounding of hooves rumbling down to Maretime Bay.

Pegasi flew in and swirled around Cozy, wayward laser beams from her horns striking down some. Unicorns on the ground shot up at her as a counter, the shield she conjured beneath her cracking and giving way. Cozy sent a blast that knocked Sunny out of the sky, her form careening down and meeting with the earth below.

"Sunny!" the main 5 shouted as they caught up with Sunny.

"Our magic is fading, and fast! She's got control of the unity crystals! We need to get them from her and return her to the stone she came from!" Sunny cried in reply, flaring her aetherial wings as she stood. "We do this together. All of us." she turned and looked at Sprout, who nodded.

Sunny faced her friends and put out a hoof. "Hoof to heart. We're in this together."

"Together," everypony else spoke in unison, putting their hooves in. "Hoof to heart." Sprout cringed internally to see that Sunny was slowly, but surely, beginning to turn to stone. Sunny met his eyes and shook her head. That didn't matter right now. Sprout swallowed anxiously, as they lowered their hooves. Together, they entered the fray, each finding their own ways to aid the fight.

Hitch ran to the injured. "This way to safety!" he shouted, leading to the safety of behind a nearby boulder, ignoring the sonorous war cries behind him. His cutiemark glowed on his flank.

Izzy blasted beams up with the ground force of unicorns, then, the mare had an idea. She ran off briefly to grab some items, which she unicycled into a giant spy glass. "Aim through this! It should amplify our beams!" she yelled to her fellow unicorns. In unison, they began to beam magic through it, and found that Izzy was right. Larger, more persistent cracks formed in Cozy's lower shield. Izzy's cutiemark glowed with pride.

Zipp and Pipp worked together to aeriel maneuver their way through Cozy's horn beams, Pipp making an opening for Zipp to fly by with haste, causing Cozyglow to spin uncontrollably. Together, their cutiemarks glowed in teamwork.

This was Sprout's chance. There was an opening to get the crystals to Sunny. Sprout looked amongst the rubble and sprinted to what had (conveniently) fallen into the shape of a ramp. Sprout could feel his cutiemark glowing as he sprinted towards the ramp, leaping into the air at Cozy Glow. She grinned and ducked out of the way. Good. She wasn't his target. His hooves met with the surfaces of the unity crystals, wrapping them up in his arms. Zipp and Pipp made haste to catch him and ground him safely.

Sprout sprinted to Sunny, who took the crystals in her ethereal magic, flapping her wings to float into the sky. They were attuned to her now. Her wings and horn glowed bright and with so much intensity that the battle itself stopped. Everyone, including Cozy Glow gazed upon the source of the light.

"Enough! Your tyranny ends here and now!" Sunny announced, using magic to accentuate her voice. For a moment, Cozy Glow was still. Then she made a move. A beam of light drew a line in the ground, in front of the filly. "I said enough! It is through friendship that we save Equestria. Through love. Not war, not hatred. Not the fear of a leader dissenting." Sunny's friends began to levitate, falling in behind her - not of their own will. Sprout, Izzy, Hitch, Zipp, and Pipp, found themselves on either side of Sunny, their cutie marks glowing bright.

"Only together can we defeat you." A color of rainbow came forth from each of Sunny's friends, striking Sunny, who's eyes were now nothing but pure white, glowing with motic power. From her ethereal horn, a rainbow beam came, bursting Cozy's shield, surrounding her in color. The surrounding crowd shielded their eyes from the light. A thud could be heard as a stony figure was placed on the ground. She had been returned to stone.

Sunny and her friends landed, each letting out a sigh of relief. The crystals joined together once more, healing Sunny of her affliction and returning to the brighthouse. All around them, the crowd cheered.

Equestria was safe once more.

Many weeks passed, and Sprout did his due diligence in rebuilding Zephyr Heights and Maretime Bay, and this time, served his rightful time behind bars. In time, both cities forgave him, and all was back to how it was.

-- End

Author's Note:

And that's the good ending!

If there are any errors (ie grammar + spelling), constructive criticism, suggestions for the d20 system, etc, please let me know! Please also be aware that rude, unkind comments will be deleted. Please also remember that their is a fine line between being constructive and just being mean.

Comments ( 5 )

This story is a Roll Your Own Adventure story!

You'll have to explain WTF that even is before I start reading. I can see the DC in the chapter titles, so I'm assuming it's based in part on how D&D dice roles work.

Literally the purpose of the first chapter. It is explained. But I'll add it to the long description too.

Here some sound you can play when rolling a dice LOL

That was an interesting concept for a story. I had fun playing along.

11712689 i don't think cozy would be turned to stone by the elements of harmony as she was turned to stone by discord at the end of g4 and cozy will be free in a 1000 years like discord was as no villain is truly gone for long the only way to truly be done with a villain is to reformed them which just like twilight sunny and her friends never did with cozy i hope i'm not being mean i'm just thought you should know if you don't also cozy and allies did not attack the ponies after a month they did it pretty quickly like i don't think a day pass before they were turned a stone:unsuresweetie: but i hope you have a good day i just wanted to tell nothing rude I just wanted to let you know if that's okay :twilightsmile:

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