• Member Since 16th Jun, 2023
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(they/them) writing about ponies kissing and hugging and making terrible mistakes (pfp by evelili! https://evelili.tumblr.com/post/731980670351622144/free-icons-for-u-nd-ur-partner-in-crime )


After Trixie's latest show (which Twilight is attending as a sign of support and not because she's assigned herself as the magician's parole officer,) Twilight notices something odd about the showmare's autographs.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 34 )

How dare thy disrespect the name of the Grrreat and Powerful Trixie! Ye shall be imprisoned for this transgression! Yes, the council has spoken, pray that we do not find you, or we are going to… uh… sic Glimmy on you..! Don’t tell her we called her that!

Otherwise good story, like how mischievous Trixie is in this, I wanna know the reaction of Twily to the heart tho. Running off is a bit weird… But we are talking about Trixie, she is weird. Which is why I love her the most/second most.
I personally love Trixie’s name, but I guess it is kind of un-pony-like.

Literacy can be hard, but unable to... Spell your own name? I think you need to put more effort into your own name rather than those performances? 5️5

I suppose Trixie’s name could have been slanged that way in writing without being intentional.

my fav twixie flavor is "they're both convinced they're enemies to the point that they ignore obvious signals from each other and their own subconscious until, eventually, they end up trapped in a closet together and make out, after which they upgrade to 'enemies with benefits'" so probably twilight's thoughts are "i have to wash this off as soon as possible"

there are a lot of aspects of villainy to kick and i think starlight/trixie are too focused on the whole redemption thing to work on the more sundry acts. hence trixie running away cursing her enemy's name and starlight conspicuously hiding behind her menu anytime she's in a restaurant

Gotta admit, the direction you took took me by surprise, so good job with that. Overall, I really liked how you described each moment, making them on point for Trixie :twilightsmile:

you want weird names we need some pony with a long ass roman name

Is Trixie's name any stranger than Pinkie Pie having the middle name 'Dianne'?

Although 'Trixie' is a proper name. It has Latin origins that mean "bringer of joy". And as an entertainer, Trixie does (or at least tries) to bring joy to her audience.

:trixieshiftright: "I will have the last laugh, Sparkle!"


"Meaning: Bringer Of Joy"

:twilightoops: "So are you saying that your name doesn't mean that you're good at tricks?"

:trixieshiftright: "Of course it does! My tricks are what brings the joy! Of course I'm good at them!"


As I read, it's very clear to me how this would be blocked if it were turned into an animation or put on TV; all the little side transactions and visual gags maintain an over-arching comedic tension. I like that Twilight gets an autograph on her face and is forced to warp in a looking glass mirror to get to see what she wants. There's also a kind of B-plot going on with her framing everything in terms of her burgeoning alicronhood, which I thought was pleasantly zany.

Silly Trixie with a silly last name

Huh, so ponies also have the White People Baby Names phenomenon.

I liked this story, don't get me wrong it had some goods laughs, but I feel like there was a missed opportunity for a joke about how all the writing we see in the series is illegible.

big mac has a study buddy!

Whaaaaat!? :rainbowhuh: I didn't know the actual apple was spelled McIntosh until I read your comment

So Trixie is a real name, that's a fun fact.

Bit of trivia - there's a brand of very high end audio equipment named "McIntosh". To avoid trademark infringement Apple had to name their computer Macintosh even tho the actual apple is spelled the other way. Since it's more well known I think that's caused most people to think the computer name is the original spelling. Tho now it's mostly just "Mac" anyway.

dont forget about pony joe
also i would fight anyone who had a problem with how i spell my name, heckers
its probably foreign like minotaurian inspired she could of been born in another country heck
dont let them do this to you trixie D: shoot some fireworks at the non believers

I happen to like the pun of the story. Leave it to Twilight to show off her encyclopedic knowledge by respelling Trixie as Trick-sy...
The bad part of the story is that Twilight could have just made a paper appear, so that she didn't need to be face-autographed.

Every single one of the Apple family are named after apple-types. Granny Smith is a green apple, used mostly for baking. There is also a Golden Delicious apple. ("Goldie Delicious") You get the point. Yeah, you could argue that not all names are apples: Applejack is a brandy made from fermented cider, while Apple Bloom clearly isn't an apple but the flowering part of an apple tree. Also, other Apple family names are kinds of apple products, such as Fritter and Caramel. I just found this bit of naming convention rather punny... :moustache:

Latin origins are probably what Hasbro was thinking of when they decided to use the name. To be fair, her first show in Ponyville was actually going well. Until someponies decided to stick their snouts in and ruin everything.

She may be "great and powerful", but she is definitely not good at spelling. :rainbowlaugh:

A perfect fic. Twilight and Trixie were written excellently. Starlight was here for like 2 seconds and she was spot on as well. Amazing work and it was funny to boot.

A very good fic. It felt like they were acting just like in the show.

Exactly. And the fact of the matter is that the only thing Trixie did wrong in that episode was being rude. She told a story, which is something entertainers do, especially magicians. She used her tricks to be rude. But the Mane 6 were heckling her first. All she did was accept the challenges. She didn't bring the Ursa into Ponyville, nor did she encourage Snips and Snails to do so. Snips and Snails were just dumb enough to believe Trixie's story and found the Ursa on their own. When the Ursa came into town, she didn't just run away, which she could've easily done. Even though she wasn't confident, she did in fact try to use her tricks to get rid of the Ursa.

On the other side of things, Trixie was in the wrong in Magic Dual when she blamed Twilight for what happened. But Twilight didn't do a thing. First of all, she did her best NOT to challenge Trixie. Granted, it's because she didn't want to be seen as a boaster and end up being hated, but she was just a member of the audience. When the Ursa came, she didn't try to show up Trixie, she did what needed to be done to save the town. I don't even think Twilight blamed Trixie for anything (it's been a while since I've seen that episode though).

And if you take the comics into consideration, Trixie actually does have credibility as a magician. She went to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns and even shared classes with Twilight. Perhaps it could be argued that she ended up flunking out. But that doesn't change the fact that she got accepted in the first place (and perhaps her flunking out could explain why she can't spell).


And if you take the comics into consideration, Trixie actually does have credibility as a magician.

The later seasons also had Trixie learn transformation ant teleportation from Starlight, and "A Horse Shoe-In" had her teleport a much greater mass over a much greater distance than we had seen from any other unicorn.

Since watching Scootertrix the Abridged I always kind of hated how the Mane Six are attacking Trixie over her making up stuff and boasting. Like, she’s a performer, what kind of an entrepreneur doesn’t twist the truth a bit to come out on top?

Still doesn’t excuse Trixie somehow getting her hooves on that Amulet and going evil, and I guess that whole episode proves her high ego, but still.

For all we know, her blaming Twilight could be a coping mechanism. Maybe she blames herself for what happened, but her ego can’t take it, even if it is part of her act she still thinks highly of herself, so instead she makes up a delusion and believes it. Many people do that in real life to try and justify their actions.

Wait, why didn’t I add this to my other comment?

It wasn't even all of the Mane 6 either. Least of all Twilight if I remember right. Closest I remember is her comment as Trixie runs off at the end of the episode, and that sounded more like she was just tired and annoyed at everything in general.

Season 6 ruined everything honestly. Twilight's shock at seeing Trixie again is perfectly normal, but that was it.

It just feels like they realized how trashy Trixie was dealt with, so they made an episode just to say yes, Trixie is evil.

I mean I knew some ponies out of the Mane Six didn’t care that much, but it’s simpler to just state that they did.

saw someone say trixie's name is really weird by pony standards and was like hey what if it Isn't, Actually. now this

This reminds me of my personal crusade years ago about Cadence versus Cadance. Especially since her full name IS Mi Amore Cadenza.


Sparkle is wrong.

Your name is what you say it is. For legal purposes it has an official arrangement of letters which your parents and thereafter YOU decided upon thereupon informing the governing body. It is pronounced how YOU decide it is and that is it.

Kfrl-abertonzin is pronounced "Bob" because Kfrl-abertonzin Burlap Donwitty III said that's how you pronounce it and that's it. He doesn't get to change it every other day because then it's useless as a name, but once or twice in a lifetime is fine and what's on the paper IS WHAT'S ON THE PAPER!

Sparkle can stow it. This is the way of Names.

Lovely story.

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