• Published 5th Oct 2023
  • 497 Views, 48 Comments

Veil of the City - BlueyWaifu

Three changelings scouting for love in the city of Manehattan. One love subject feels... different.

  • ...

Chapter 9

Restel and Klaven both watched as the now disguised Faltic left them, taking his seat next to Whimsy across the room.

The line of contestants for the contest was wearing thin, as announced by the stage pony, and still the occasional applause of the crowd filled the room. Restel still had his forelegs crossed as he turned away from disguised Faltic, returning his gaze to the stage, but not paying attention to it. However, Klaven looked concerned. Klaven was the last of the three to scout in Manehattan, and from what he saw of Faltic and Restel, genuine arguments were few and far between.

Klaven decided to try and pry into it. "What's your gripe with Faltic and Whimsy anyway?" Although Klaven tried to sound as inoffensive as he could, Restel exhaled heavily from his snout after.

"I don't like it. You've heard me explain it some before." Restel sounded annoyed. Klaven, though not wanting to irritate him more, thought that maybe he could ease his nerves.

"Yeah, but, what's the issue that caused you to still be holding a grudge over it? It's not jealousy, is it?" Klaven solemnly asked.

Restel scrunched his brow and finally turned to face Klaven. "Hell no. And it's not that I'm worried he'll leave us for her either."

There was a brief moment of silence before Restel shrugged. "Well, I lied, maybe a little. But that's not my main concern."

Klaven's look of concern softened as he spoke again. "What's your main concern?"

Restel sighed and gestured one of his legs towards the direction of Faltic, who was engaging in some conversation with Whimsy that neither of them could hear. "Us being exposed again. You remember what happened in Canterlot. Rest easy to those who didn't survive the impact. The three of us are lucky to be alive. I don't want a repeat, and I don't want the royal guard intervening and ending up offing Faltic. Us too, for that matter."

Klaven was quiet as he looked down at his legs, processing what Restel had explained.

Restel picked up the conversation again, chuckling briefly. "And, hah, I know we're playing with fire here." Restel pointed at themselves, as they were still slightly modified changelings. "But the context is right, and these ponies have already forgotten the threat of changelings, seeing as how they're even dressed up as us."

A short moment of silent recollection happened between the two again as Restel continued once more.

"But what happens when it's real? When Faltic has to come clean as a changeling? You know, those creatures stigmatized to be ugly, ruthless, harmful even? I don't want to go back to the hive carrying the fault of being the one to let our whole scouting operation slip."

Restel felt Klaven tap on his shoulder. "You're monologuing."

Both changelings shared a quick laugh as they realized the awkwardness of the situation. Though, Klaven eased it up right away. "I get it. I know you worry."

Restel sighed again, staring blankly at the table. "Yeah... though, I should never have really been here, but whatever Chrysalis needs, I suppose."

Klaven's ears perked up at that. That was new. Restel always looked like he enjoyed scouting. "Never should've been here?"

Restel nodded. "Involuntarily drafted. Somehow. Left someone to be here. I can only hope they're alright. But psh, let's not have a pity party." Restel quickly changed the subject, deterring from it with a quick laugh. Klaven slightly picked up from it, offering a smile in return, but something still prodded at his curiosity.

"Alright alright. But I have to ask, what's this Cyril thing you keep mentioning?" Klaven asked.

Restel rolled his eyes and groaned, still smiling. "Oh my, Faltic was a wreck. Dude had like, a major crush on this one girl at the hive. I tried to help him get with her, and it went awfully." Restel ended up laughing at the thought of it.

He was cut off by Klaven pointing past Restel. "Look."

Restel turned his head to see Faltic up and walking with Whimsy, exiting the main event room through the door they came in. Before they left, both Restel and Klaven watched Faltic signal to them that he'll meet with them at the hotel. Klaven raised a leg and waved at Faltic as they left.

"Tell me about it?" Klaven asked. Restel turned his attention back to Klaven, a slight look of contemplation on his face before shrugging. “Sure, why not?”


Faltic was surprised, to say the least. There was no previous hint that Whimsy would be at an event like this, or anywhere after their time together earlier. As odd as it was, Faltic certainly was not the one to complain about adding a little extra time spent with Whimsy today.

Perhaps today was the reason he was so tired. It was quite eventful; first was the arcade, followed by time at Whimsy's, then being here at this weird convention thing. However, there was little chance that the effect of tiredness was going to get to Faltic now. The idea of having the cherry on top of his day with Whimsy relieved him of any ailments.

Faltic, in his Enthrall disguise, had crossed to the other side of the room. Being in the back, it was dark, and Faltic had approached unseen. That was, until he made his presence known.

"This seat taken?" Faltic asked. Whimsy was clearly unaware, seeing as she jumped when Faltic directly talked to her. Faltic chuckled a bit in response as Whimsy sheepishly covered her face with her hooves. Faltic couldn't help but notice she was still in her black coat and toboggan, even in here.

Whimsy peeked her eyes out from her hooves, and stared down Faltic. "Don't scare me like that! I was completely zoned out."

Faltic sat close, scooting his chair over beside hers. He nudged her shoulder gently. "I know I'm scary, but I didn't think it was that bad."

Whimsy dropped her hooves to the table and stared at Faltic with a deadpan look, aside from her slight smile. "You're a nightmare, Enthrall."

"Adorable. I see you in my dreams too." Faltic joked. Whimsy planted her face onto her hooves on the table while Faltic laughed at his own joke. Just across the room, Faltic could see Restel with his forelegs crossed as he stared at the stage.

He'll be fine. I'll be back with them in no time. Faltic thought.

"I didn't expect to see you here." Faltic changed the subject. A thought crept to the front of his mind: did she see him on the stage just earlier? Whimsy picked her face back up from her hooves.

"I didn't expect to be here either. I just got here, wanted to see what was up," Whimsy replied. So she most likely hadn't if she just got here.

"Well? What do you think?" Faltic asked.

"I think this is the weirdest thing I've ever had the pleasure of seeing. But I can respect the passion." Whimsy chuckled after her response, eliciting some from Faltic also.

"Hah. I hear that."

There was a moment of silence between the two before Faltic picked it back up.

"It's late, isn't it?" Faltic inquired.

Whimsy turned to look towards the exit door, looking a little concerned. "Uh, yeah I guess. It's dark out. I just came from outside."

Faltic turned to look where she looked. He couldn't see any hint of outside, so he returned his gaze to Whimsy herself. "I can walk you home, if you'd like. It's a bit of a trot from here." Faltic knew he said he'd be right back with his buddies, but maybe he could get away with a quick trot to Entrot and back, rendezvousing with them back at the hotel.

Whimsy's eyes widened slightly at Faltic's offer, but she concealed it quickly with a small smile. "Oh, no I'll be fine, but thank you."

Faltic was curious. Like most of his curiosities, they had to be pursued. "Really? It's not a problem for me, especially when I get to spend a bit more time with you." After he finished, the concept of respecting her personal space came to mind, and he felt a slight sinking feeling in his chest that maybe he was pushing it too much.

"No, Enthrall, it's fine. Really. I don't want-" Whimsy stuttered briefly. "-er, need a buddy back tonight, but I really appreciate it."

But Whimsy acting aloof couldn't be ignored.

Faltic's ears turned to attention as Whimsy spoke again. "Speaking of, I should probably dip out of here soon." Whimsy pointed a hoof towards the exit doors just behind them. She had already halfway gotten out of her chair as she tried to excuse herself.

Faltic began to get up too. Internally, everything halted.

"Alright. I'll see you out at least. Never know what weirdos are out this late." Faltic tried to mask his indifference with a smile. To his slight relief, Whimsy chuckled. On their way towards the exit of the main event hall, Faltic spotted Klaven and Restel looking at him, and offered them a wave.

The two silently left the main event hall together. Although they were together again, Faltic couldn't help but notice a slight disconnect. He wasn't tired anymore, and his drive to make sure Whimsy was alright kept him chugging. Though, there wasn't anything wrong from what he could tell.

Back out in the biggest area of the convention center, the crowd had thinned from what it was earlier. Some stragglers still hung around, and it was much quieter than before. Now, finally with a view of the outside, it was completely dark out. Aside from the street lights, there was no sense to be walking alone, especially to Entrot.

Whimsy had fallen silent as they trotted past the remaining crowd of ponies in the lobby. Then again, so was he. Faltic decided to change that.

"You sure you're alright?" Faltic asked, hoping for clarification.

Whimsy didn't look at him, but she nodded. "Yes. I'm fine. I'll be alright going home too, promise."

Once again, both Whimsy and Faltic fell silent.

Internally, Faltic's thoughts rang louder than the murmur of the crowd as they approached the doors to leave.

See? She's fine.

Yeah, but she's being really... curt.

Half of him wanted to accept it and let it go, the other half knew something was amiss.

Outside, the air was cold with a gentle breeze. Stars dotted the sky as the moon hung overhead, and lamp posts lined the sidewalks with occasional light. Other ponies out during this time were scarce, and Faltic could only see three in the distance.

Faltic was suddenly wrapped up in warmth as Whimsy turned to hug him. She held onto his torso as she spoke. "I'll make it home safe, promise. I appreciate it though."

Hesitantly, Faltic returned the hug, and felt that familiar pang in his chest when it ended too soon, allowing the cold Manehattan air to take back over.

"Be safe," Faltic said, waving to Whimsy as she turned hoof and started trotting, leaving Faltic alone in the night.

Faltic stayed put and watched Whimsy put distance on him while his mind stayed in conflict.

Now go back to Restel and Klaven. They're waiting.

They can wait. I don't buy it.

Whimsy disappeared around a corner to the left, and Faltic began to take small steps in her direction.

I don't buy it.

After a short distance of trotting, Faltic ducked into a small gap between the convention center and its adjacent building. With a swift flash of green flame, Faltic emerged as a different pony. This time, a pegasus.

Picking up the pace, Faltic managed to reach the corner he saw Whimsy vanish around, conveniently spotting her further up the road as he rounded the corner. Countless red flags were waving, trying to tell Faltic to stop, let it go, and to trust her. Like walking through curtains, Faltic pressed past each one, pursuing the instinct of believing something was wrong.

She just suddenly appeared at the event. She didn't stay for long considering she said she 'just got there' and proceeded to leave. Then she was being short, vague, even.

Like replaying just a few moments ago, Faltic watched as Whimsy rounded another left.

Every red flag stopped waving and dropped. The way she was going, it wasn't the way to Entrot. She was making a circle. The direction she was going, she'd end up just on the other side of the convention center.

Using his pegasus wings, Faltic took to the air, cutting the corner through the sky, and ducking on top of a roof, looking down at Whimsy. The instinctual changeling prowess to stalk kicked in as Faltic was dead silent, keeping his eyes locked to the cream colored pony.

She'd come to a halt, looking both ways down the road. However, she didn't cross the street. Instead, she slipped between the gap of two buildings, as Faltic just had earlier. Quickly floating across a couple of rooftops, and Faltic was directly overhead. With a quiet shapeshift, Faltic reverted his ears back to normal, and turned them forward.

"Trot back to Entrot? Now? What a joke." Whimsy was mumbling to herself. Faltic could just barely catch her voice from a few stories up.

Just then, there was a brief flash of green as Faltic watched a flame engulf Whimsy. Once it settled, there stood a very familiar female changeling. Her longer webbed mane, and slightly more curved silhouette Faltic knew too well to not know who she was.

A sudden gasp escaped Faltic's mouth, and he saw as the other changeling's head swiveled rapidly left and right, trying to spot the source. Faltic covered his mouth and quickly ducked backwards, stumbling onto his haunches as he scurried further backwards. The sound of another wisp of shapeshifting reached his ears, and the sound of wings flapping in the cool air gradually grew closer. Faltic panicked, but managed to scuttle behind an air conditioning unit.

The gentle sounds of the air being whipped by pegasus wings lingered just beyond Faltic's cover. Faltic held his head, and covered his mouth with his best attempt to muffle his sporadic breathing, adrenaline threatening to expose him. After a brief moment, however, Faltic heard a small huff, and the sound of wings grew distant.

Faltic held a hoof to his chest, thinking back to what Restel had shown him, and inhaled deeply, before releasing slowly and extending his foreleg out. If his mind could emit sound from all of his thoughts, Faltic would've been revealed right then and there.

Peeking his head around the cover of the unit slowly, Faltic spotted... nothing. No pegasus, nothing in the distance, just night sky and the Manehattan cityscape. Releasing one more large exhalation of air, Faltic slumped his back against the unit, staring blankly to the distance.

That wasn't Whimsy.

It was Cyril.