• Published 10th Oct 2023
  • 416 Views, 24 Comments

But I Want Megan! - StormLuna

When Colgate takes her daughter to the Hayburger, Colgate thought everything would go fine. When they don't have the toy that Lyra needs though, she gets upset and does the unexpected to get her.

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Mother/Daughter Trip to the Hayburger

It was early on a Saturday morning when the sun rose, waking up Ponyville's local dentist, Colgate. There were two days of the week that Colgate loved, and those were Saturday and Sunday. She liked them because she didn't have to get up early to take her daughter to school nor did she have to get to work by 7:30 to get ready to open for the day. Colgate gave the rising sun a bit of a glare and grumbled, "Ugh, can't it wait just a few more minutes?"

Colgate covered head and tried to get some more rest until her daughter came running into her bedroom, "Mommy, mommy, mommy get up! You promised to take me to the Hayburger this morning!"

Colgate did indeed promise to take Lyra to the hay burger for getting an A on her report for anthropology but she was really hoping that she'd forget about it. Colgate crawled out of bed and yawned, "Alright Lyra, let me get showered and then we can go."

Lyra happily replied, "Ok mommy!"

Colgate headed into the shower while Lyra was bouncing around the living room exclaiming, "I just know it! Today I'll get Megan and complete my set!"

Twenty minutes later Colgate came out and said, "Alright Lyra, let's get going. I know you want that new toy."

Lyra bounced out of the house while Colgate leisurely headed out. Once the two got in the car they headed out to the Hayburger. Colgate wasn't exactly the biggest fan of the place but could tolerate it if it meant that her daughter would be happy. Once they arrived Lyra quickly go out of the car while Colgate was looking through her purse, making sure that she had enough money to get what they both wanted.

Once they headed inside there was a line which was something that frustrated Lyra. She pouted, "Mommy, what are we going to do if they run out of Megan toys?"

Colgate sighed in frustration, "Lyra, they just started selling those things yesterday. I'm sure they will have plenty."

Much to Lyra's dismay, every single family in front of them got the Cheer Meals. When she saw this she was quickly becoming more frustrated and scared that they may run out of toys. When they finally arrived at the front of the line the colt at the counter asked, "Welcome to the Hayburger! What can I get for you?"

Lyra exclaimed, "I want a Cheer Meal with Megan!"

Colgate added, "And I want your super size breakfast with an additional hay sausage."

"And to drink?" asked the colt.

Lyra replied, "I want a box of apple juice!"

Colgate added, "Give me a large cider."

The colt began to ring everything up and it wasn't too long until he replied, "That will be 13.77. Will you be using cash, credit or debit?"

Colgate reached into her purse and handed him a twenty bit bill. The colt took the bill and began to make change. Once he had done so he handed Colgate her change and replied, "Your order number is 55, it should be ready shortly."

While they were waiting Lyra was full of excitement, just waiting for her new Megan Williams toy. After five minutes another clerk yelled, "Order 55."

Colgate headed up and grabbed their meal. She then headed towards a table not too far away from the counter in the event they might have put the wrong toy in the meal. When Lyra opened up the box, she grabbed the bag the toy was in and tore into it. When she saw that it was not Megan she was upset. She held the toy up and pouted, "Mommy, they gave me the wrong toy! They gave me Gusty but I already have her!"

Colgate knew her daughter was upset and figured that she could hopefully make things right after breakfast. Before she could even respond Lyra ran up to the counter holding the toy up. She pouted, "I asked for Megan but you gave me Gusty and I already have her."

The clerk began to dig through the toys he had under the register and unfortunately he did not have any. After a minute of digging through the box he responded, "I'm sorry but we ran out this morning."

Lyra began to cry, "But I want Megan! Her sister and brother are lonely!"

Her cries finally caught the attention of Colgate and she quickly ran up to the register to comfort her daughter. She hugged her and said, "It's ok Lyra. We can check back tomorrow."

Lyra continued to cry, "But I want Megan now!"

Lyra wanted Megan and she was bound and determined to get her no matter what so she flared her horn up, teleported to the other side of the counter and rushed towards the back. Colgate yelled, "Lyra Heartstrings, you can't go back there."

The clerk rushed after the filly in an attempt to catch her. She had rushed into the back and in a corner she found two boxes marked "Cheer Meal toys." She then began to dig through them and it did not take her long to find what she was looking for. She cheered, "Yay, I finally have Megan." Given that the clerk had not found her yet she decided to get into the other box and it was the set for the next toy campaign. She began to dig through them and exclaimed, "Wow, Crunch the Rock Dog, Tirac, Grogar, Erebus and Squirk!"

The clerk finally found her and went to grab her before Lyra flared up her horn again and teleported out back to the other side of the counter, right next to her mother. When Colgate saw this she sighed, "Lyra, you can't just......" She then realized what Lyra had just done and gasped, "Lyra, you teleported?"

Lyra held up her toys and cheered, "I did mommy and look, I found Megan and all the villains!"

The clerk then came out from behind the back, glared at Lyra and ordered, "You need to give those back."

The very fact that somepony would talk to her daughter in such a manner did not sit well with Colgate. She glared at the clerk and asked, "Excuse me? Just who do you think you are to be talking to my daughter like that?"

The clerk was indeed nervous that he had a displeased unicorn approaching him but he knew that he couldn't just cave in. He replied, "Look, she went back there without permission and she just can't have those G1 villain toys. They don't go on sale until two weeks from now."

Colgate was becoming more displeased but she did not want to create a scene. She looked back and saw a sad look on Lyra's face and figured that she could fix that. She began to dig her wallet out of her purse and asked, "Look, I'm sorry she did that but how much do you want for those G1 villain toys?"

The clerk replied, "But I can't sell....."

Colgate began to glare at him and stated, "Look, I love my daughter and I want her to be happy and let me tell you this, Tartarus knows no worse wrath than that of an angry mother."

Colgate then flared up her horn and the clerk had a feeling that things may not go so well for him if he didn't just give the toys to her. He gulped, "You can just have them just please don't do anything bad to me."

Colgate's glare turned into a smile before she turned to Lyra, "Well it looks like you have all the toys now."

Lyra exclaimed, "I do! I wonder what they'll have two months from now?"

Colgate sat there for a moment thinking about the whole situation and thought more about how her daughter teleported behind the counter. She gave Lyra a huge smile and suggested, "Lyra, what do you say we go to the buffet at Pizza Shack before your play date with Twilight and Twinkleshine?"

Going to the Pizza Shack buffet was a very rare treat and Lyra could hardly believe it. She asked, "Really, you're offering to take me to Pizza Shack?"

Colgate happily replied, "Of course I am! You just teleported twice and I didn't even get that down until I was ten. I'm really proud of you and that is a Pizza Shack worthy accomplishment."

Lyra cheered, "I'd love to go!"

Colgate replied, "Good! You three can visit while I catch up with Moondancer and Lemon Hearts."

Lyra then continued to happily eat her meal while Colgate was feeling happy. She was happy that not only did her daughter get all the toys she wanted but that she was happy. Colgate was most happy though about Lyra's teleportation. She thought to herself, "I can't believe she teleported and she's only five! I'm so proud!"

Comments ( 24 )


As for the story, I can relate to this.

Get thee hence corporate fuck sock, we know not thee

Apparently to the G4 universe, G1 exists as kids toys at a fast-food restaurant.


In this story, it does!...and naturally Lyra's favorite characters are the humans. Had I been thinking, I would have brought in Scorpan's true form.....he was a human prince before Tirac used the rainbow of darkness on him.

I hope that the Megan toy that Lyra got has her in her cowgirl outfit and not in that romper suit that she wound up with later on.



I reported this user over this and I would advise you do the same. If we can get as many people as possible reporting him over this, we can be free of dealing with this.


It was of her in her original cowgirl outfit. What they did with Megan later on was strip her of who she really was.

great story mate keep it up cant wait for the next chapter:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

I wish they really did keep her in her cowgirl outfit, because I felt it really stated her background unlike the romper suit that she wound up with later on. It was one thing to have it on the doll, but another thing to have her wear it in the show itself especially when she looked old, and it felt pretty dated considering that this was from the late 1980s. At least she should be glad that the internet wasn't big in that day, because she would have been a viral video if she went in public with that especially when going to school. If she had to have overalls, then there was a design on Deviantart known as Modern Megan that looks more realistic. On a side note, I think her easter egg in Rollercoaster of Friendship wore it better than she did, but that's probably because she looks a lot younger than she does.


That's an interesting idea you got there


A story about Twilight taking Celestia to McDonald's is what inspired this story. It is kind of odd, never before I had a story inspire me to write something so quickly. Initially I was going to have Colgate be her big sister like she is in most of my stories that feature the two but I thought her being her mother would make the story cuter.

Sure did, Lyra is one of my Favorite ponies


I like both her and Colgate. In some of my stories I have her go by Minuette but in many of them I simply go with Colgate. Regarding Lyra, I think her as a cute little filly like that is adorable.

I go with colgate as i find its easier to write and on the mind

From my experience when it comes to getting toys as part of a kid's meal at a fast-food restaurant, beggars can't be choosers. A lot of times the toys are random and those working there will tell that it's tough love. Very rarely have I ever been able to collect them all and sometimes even got doubles of something I already had. The best you can do is trade with another kid who went there if you have a duplicate, which is something Lyra could have done instead of what she did in that fanfic.


Well Lyra is five years old in this fic so that is what her first instinct was. I have been able to get full sets of pony toys but then again I nicely ask the cashier if they have the others and if they do, they'll sell them to me. Plus the only other fillies Lyra knows at this point is Twilight and Twinkleshine and they aren't real big into G1 like Lyra is.


Yeah she is easier to write I notice. I tend to like to write Lyra as a fun loving pony and in some stories, human obsessed while I tend to write Colgate as a bit of a workaholic in some works. In my AU stories, I tend to write her as a sadist who delights in the suffering of others.....definitely not canon.

The very fact that somepony would talk to her daughter in such a manner did not sit well with Colgate. She glared at the clerk and asked, "Excuse me? Just who do you think you are to be talking to my daughter like that?"

My response to THAT would be "I think I'm the one about to call the cops and have your daughter arrested for petty theft. Who do you think I am?".



I never thought about that but that would have decreased the cuteness effect of this story, and Colgate is known as that mama bear you don't mess with.

There are reasons I got fired from my job as a cashier in a mini mart
Worked the night shift. (Less brass on your ass.) The company higher ups were due to inspect the store next day, so I had to wax the floor. Couldn't do it later, that's when the vendors deliver. So, I had to do it about midnight. Just when the 3-11 crowd showed up. Stuck a (home made) sign on the door " Closed. Waxing the floor. Well, customers would see me in there & pound on the door "Little clerk, little clerk let me come in" & keep it up until I went over & YELLED at them. "Closed! Waxing the floor!" After about 5 minutes I took that sign down & replaced it with "Hey Fool. DON'T pound on the door. If I was going to let you in I wouldn't have locked it in the first place now would I?" About 20 minutes latet the boss called. It did not go well.
So, that morning it was decided my talents lay elsewhere & the store would have to struggle on without me.



Damn, that is terrible. The stresses of working in customer service. You're doing your job yet you get fired over it. Sounds on par for a Walmart though. I have a friend who has worked at a Walmart for over 25 years. He must do a damn good job for them to keep him around that long.

Well, this wasn't an isolated incident, just the last straw.


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