• Published 16th Oct 2023
  • 356 Views, 2 Comments

In Victory, We Are the Losers - daOtterGuy

Even when he wins, Rockhoof still loses

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His clan trotted into the cave, a somber air about them. Some were tied to makeshift stretchers. Others, already beginning to show signs of the plague, dragged the bedridden behind them. Carts of herbs and runic stones were being brought in, stern expressions on the majority of his clan.

“Pay attention, Rockhoof.”

Rockhoof renewed his focus on his father. The stallion towered over him, he a mere shadow encompassed by the colossus that was Vigour.

“I’m gonna repeat myself. Once,” Vigour stressed. “You are the only one not infected by the disease. Which means—” he coughed. It sounded… bad. Like something deep inside of him had dislodged and was crawling up his throat “—you need to ensure that no one interrupts us as we perform the healing rite.”

“I’ll be sure to guard the entrance properly,” Rockhoof replied, eager to prove himself.

“... We don’t really have another option,” Vigour muttered under his breath. Louder, he added, “there is a stockpile of food by the entrance. If you eat responsibly, it should last you several months. Now, listen.”

Vigour leaned in close, face inches from Rockhoof’s with an expression that sent a cord of fear through his being.

No one is to enter this cave. Ever. No matter who they are or what they want. Especially you. These rites cannot be interrupted, or they will fail. We only get one shot at this, and I need you to fulfill your duties.”

Rockhoof could hear the implied ‘for once’.

“Understood!” Rockhoof saluted, a wide grin on his face.

Vigour grabbed him roughly by his chest, tearing at fur. Rockhoof held back a yelp of pain.

“This isn’t a joke!” Vigour shouted.

“I wasn’t—!”

“Your clan needs you,” Vigour interrupted. “You will perform your duties perfectly and not screw them up like everything else you do. Fulfill your obligations to your clan.” He growled the last word.

“I-I understand,” Rockhoof said, trying to keep the quiver of fear out of his voice.

He was thrown to the ground. Vigour shot him a look of disdain and followed after the rest of the clan into the cave. Rockhoof just barely managed to catch his father’s last words.

“Even you can stand in front of a cave and tell people no.”

Rockhoof took a moment to breathe and still his racing heart. When he felt sufficiently calmed down, he stood up and situated himself in the most central location before the entrance. The remainder of his clan trotted past with looks of pity and contempt in equal measure.

After a time, the cave was secured and filled with his clan. The rite was underway, and it was time to fulfill his duties.

Rockhoof had his purpose.