• Published 14th Nov 2023
  • 3,992 Views, 221 Comments

Not Here - ulcuran

I just went to sleep and woke up in the body of a pony. I am not supposed to be in this body I am a human and my home is Earth, not here.

  • ...

White Devil

I awoke to the sound of humming, a woman’s voice, such a sweet sound. I’m almost tempted to not open my eyes because if I do and I see a pony or something of a similar nature to that then it would mean that the events before were not a product of my imagination. Please don’t be a pony, please just be a nightmare. I open my eyes so little that they probably still look closed.

‘’...’’ I should have left my eyes closed.

It’s a pony. In front of me was a yellow pony with a pink mane which had wings, yeah wings, I don’t even know what to think of that and it was giving some food to a bunny, what. The pony was filling a bowl of food in front of a bunny.

‘’Here you go Angel, eat up!’’ said the yellow pony while holding a bag of food.

Yeah, the pony talked. The pony with wings talked to a bunny… wait is the bunny pointing at me?!

‘’What is it, Angel?’’ The yellow pony was now looking at what the bunny was pointing to and that thing was me.

Shit! I close my eyes and do my best to still look like sleeping adding some light snoring should do the trick.

‘’Oh, what about the poor pony we found in front of our door last night?’’

Was she… was she having an actual conversation with the bunny?

‘’You think that we should have taken him to the hospital?’’

The hospital? No! and was the bunny talking back to her? I didn’t hear anything else talking other than her.

‘’Well… I thought that I should do that too, but when I brought him inside it seemed like he didn’t have any serious injuries. His front soles and underside look really dirty though the back soles were still dirty but still cleaner than the front, like he was crawling for a long time.’’

I don’t like this, I hate this, I gotta get out of here, do I just bolt and run towards the exit? Wait… forget running I can’t even stand up straight! Should I just wait for nightfall to come and then make my escape? Yeah, okay that seems like a better plan.

‘’Well I’m going to get some of my friends to help me with him maybe Rainbow Dash can help, she doesn’t have work today’’

… And my brilliant plan has just died. Wonderful, wait! I can wait for her to leave to get her friend then leave!

‘’Actually thank you for reminding me Angel I should find Rainbow Dash now.’’ She says and begins trotting to the door.

Yes! I can leave! I heard some trotting and the creak of the door an- why did she stop?

‘’Oh, can you please keep an eye on our guest here while I’m gone?’’ and then she left and closed the door.

No! That’s bad! How do I leave now?! I mean it’s a bunny but this is not a normal world who knows what that bunny can and will do to me? I gulped and slowly opened my eyes and the bunny was in front of my face, glaring at me.

I may have panicked a little bit… okay I panicked a lot and may have fallen from the couch I was laying on and made a mad crawl to the door.

Almost there and just as I was about to make it to the door a sharp pain from my backside stops me in my tracks.

‘’Ow! What the hell!’’ I yell and turn back to see what happened, it looks like the bunny is pulling my tail, oh I have a tail too, joy. Wait, did I just got stopped by a goddamn bunny? How weak am I to be halted by a goddamned bunny?!

‘’Hey, Let go!’’ Me pulling my tail back starts a tug of war between the bunny and me.

‘’Come on just let me go!’’ I pull harder and the pest pulls back even harder, w-wait am I moving? He is pulling me back to the couch! HOW?!

‘’H-how about this, if you let me go I will come back later and give you a lot of carrots, you would like that no?’’ I can’t believe I am actually bargaining with a bunny to have it let me go, how far I have fallen, oh but would you look at that the white-furred menace stopped once a bunny always a bunny I suppose, he isn’t letting my tail go free though and raises one of its hands with its paw spread out. Are we in the bargaining phase now? I-I- … Fine. Let’s just play along.

‘’Y-yeah, I will get you five carrots how about it?’’ I force my facial muscles to take the form of a smile even though I want to punt this thing to the stars it seems like a bunny is stronger than me so the best option looks to be making a deal with this thing.

It smiles? and lets my tail go free and extends a paw. I shake hands or hooves I guess? with a bunny.

‘’I knew you would understand friend! I will get you your carrots in a week.’’ He scrunches up his muzzle and takes hold of my tail again, shit. ‘’Okay, okay I will get them in three days!’’ It smiles again, fuck me I’m getting extorted by a bunny. Oh, of course, I won’t get its carrots, how the fuck am I supposed to find carrots and bring them back, nope he aint seeing one bit of carrot in three days and hopefully, I will be far away from him in three days.

‘’See you in three days!’’ I say and continue crawling back to the door. Seeing me crawling and not walking like a normal pony amuses the bunny and he hops beside me while crawling.

Finally making it to the door I look up and try to reach the door handle. My efforts to reach the door handle prove useless and that white stain begins laughing. I huff and try to get on my hind legs this time and I can make it up to the door handle annnd my hands slip from the handle and I stumble and fall over backward.

‘’Slippery handle...’’ I mutter while rubbing my backside.

The rat is now on the floor crying its eyes out in laughter. I give him no mind and try again and this time I do not fail and the door opens ever so slightly, pushing it I open the door fully and go back to crawling again finally leaving the house I look around. The sun assaults me with its vicious attack and I have to squint my eyes and let them adjust, wow there are a lot of birdhouses here I didn’t notice them last night.

An apple orchard in the distance catches my attention and my stomach gurgles oh yeah I haven’t eaten anything since yesterday, I look around for the final time to see if any pony or any other creature has seen me and then I begin my journey on my stomach to fill my stomach.

Just when I start crawling again I hear the distant sound of galloping horses, fuck is the yellow pony coming back? Did I lose too much time to the bunny? The fear of getting caught fills my insides with a sense of dread and I start scrambling for a nearby bush, Diving into the bush I hide myself as well as I can. Then the gallops sound volume increases and now they have passed my bush, I release a sigh of relief and poke my eyes out of the bush to see who or what is it and I stand correct, it is the yellow pony but back with her friend a light blue pony with wings who is flying, yep flying I rub my eyes and look again and yeah still flying and she has a rainbow mane a. rainbow. mane… I’m going to lose my sanity in a week.

‘’Angel -ere is -e?’’ I barely hear some words but I’m guessing the yellow one is asking the bunny where I am since she left me with him, please don’t talk little one we made a deal that I will not honor but you can be the bigger man.

‘’Yo don’t kno-?’’ Yes! I thank whatever god up above seems like the little one kept his word, maybe I will get him his carrots back someday. Wait, the blue one is talking, I lean closer.

‘’Want me to look around Flutters?’’ She is noticeably louder than the yellow one or Flutters? So hearing what she is saying is no problem at all. She starts looking around like a radar, crap! I scoot back and completely surround my body in the bush now I can’t see but I hope it is enough so that she won’t see. Please Flutters just say that I probably felt fine and left your house to get back home, please!

‘’Ye- please he looked roug-ed up las- night, I am afraid of him gettin- in anymore dang-’’

Oh, come on you don’t even know me! You don’t have to be that kind to someone you don’t even know! Should… Should I maybe reveal myself? I mean she did take me in last night and cleaned me up maybe she really just wanted to help? No! I can’t trust these… these ponies or whatever they are! She probably only helped because she was a pony, not a human, what would have happened if she knew what I was? Would she alert the authorities and the fucking pony police or secret force comes and takes me away? No, I won’t lose my freedom, not here. But I will survive I just need to learn how to walk and then skip town, after that I can blend in and try to find my way back to my body and home.

‘’You got it Flutters! I’m gonna find your guy in a minute just wait here!’’ I dare to peek out and see that the blue one has flown away like a jet in just a second, one more reason not to trust these ponies that flying is not natural. I look over to Flutters and she looks around one final time and heads back inside.

I release the breath I didn’t know that I was holding and let my head lie on the ground. If that blue one can fly that fast I have no chance of avoiding detection while crawling like a snail. I should probably wait here for some time and when she gives up searching I can make my way over to the orchard and finally eat something.

The sound of wings flapping really fast overhead sometimes does not fill me with confidence.