• Member Since 4th May, 2013
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On the Sliding Scale Of Cynicism Vs. Idealism, I like to think of myself as being idyllically cynical. (Patreon, Ko-Fi.)


This story is a sequel to Resident Weevil

Oh, autumn. The season which has the Weather Bureau arrange for the temperature to fall below freezing overnight, followed by what almost seems to be random shifts of wind and climate during the day until you reach the point of perfect comfort -- which lasts for about three seconds. It's the sort of weather which a mare of dignity and taste can't possibly dress for without dragging a complete wardrobe behind her in a cart, along with optional changing booth. And Rarity's just a little fed up with this. Really, the eye twitches are hardly noticeable. And what's her solution?

Adjust the official schedule. After breaking into Rainbow's office.

Well, of course Twilight will help! What are friends for?

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages. While this story is tagged as a sequel, this just indicates that it takes place after those events: no previous reading is required.

Rated C for Cumulonimbus Crackfic.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 49 )

Alright, I haven't finished it yet. I interrupted my reading to come down here and give you absolute kudos for everything up the the first break. You've hit that point where I can't quote a good bit, because I would simply reposting the entire section.


This time, the false eyelashes jumped. Several strands of weak binding glue audibly snapped.

"-- I should fix that for you," the little mare not-so-smoothly switched. "I think you left a backup tin of adhesive in the bathroom --"

"-- as it so happens," Rarity tightly cut her off, "the subject of my concern is the weather schedule."

Was that centre paragraph supposed to be Rarity speaking? The use of ' the little mare not-so-smoothly switched' seems wrong.

Your moral high ground, Twilight, looks rather level from here.


"A color which, despite what our fiction writers would wish ponies to believe, stands out within the night. Take a cue from the natural hues of our police chief, Twilight. I believe the time remaining to us is more than sufficient for me to assemble something in dark blues and subtle greens..."

Somewhere, Vetinari smiled, and didn't know why.

I'm sorry if someone feels I'm spamming the comments, but really.

'When you see two Bearers who are clearly trying not to be noticed, the safest thing to do is not notice them'


The one where Rainbow has to be the responsible party. The mind boggles.

"Indeed," the designer agreed. "So. Given that we would have rather more in the way of planning time: how difficult do you feel it would be to break into the Sphere?"

"What are we going to do tomorrow, Dame?"
"Try to take over the weather!"

🎶It's Thinky and the Dame
Thinky and the Dame
One's a designer
And they're both insane
To make Equestria better
They'll overthrow the weather
(your line here)
Thinky and the Dame

Do you think that they could rope Applejack into helping for the Sphere job?

Added to
The Triptych Continuum Rebooted
Year 4 folder


"Applejack harvests eight moons out of thirteen anyway," Twilight observed. Paused. "Earth pony magic is weird."

Actually, IRL it is common to graft tree branches & buds onto other tree trunks. You can have several different types of apples on 1 tree.

IRL this covers 5 months of the year (July to November).


"We can find ink," Rarity assured here.

"her" not "here".


A slightly-blackened left forehoof gleefully kicked at the sky.



A good friend will bail you out of jail.

A true friend will be sitting next to you and say "Man, that was fun!"

It happens, every now and then. :rainbowderp::facehoof::raritydespair:

And here we are with one of the reasons why she acts the way she does: she's a cog in a machine.

If your first break-in doesn't suceed, find someplace more important to break into!

Twilight's monosyllables heading off to their death made me laugh harder each time.

Friends provide bail money. Real friends are right there in the cell with you.

All my friends are crazy...

Yep. And most of your enemies too, Twilight.

"Applejack harvests eight moons out of thirteen anyway," Twilight observed.

That raises interesting questions about the local calendar. And yes, earth pony magic is weird.

Her eyes momentarily unfocused. Narrowed, as the irises acquired a magenta tinge.

Oh, that's a very neat effect. And I do love how her reaction to opening the door shows there's still some Dash in her system by that point.

'Orthogonal rain' is a thing. Correcting it to 'octogram'...

I see Twilight's been dong interlibrary loans with Unseen University again.

Lovely case of two forms of madness coming together to form something greater than the sum of its parts. Truly the magic of friendship in action. Thank you for it.

I have a stupid idea: no one actually works at the sphere it's all just a bunch of ponies who weren't happy with the old weather schedules and who went to the sphere to change them. The reason the weather is good is because the only ponies who can get to the sphere know enough about weather to make their changes work. Like I said, stupid, but I thought it was funny-

Damn it Rarity. She lives in near utopia and she still wants to complain. Then again they are literally forcing the weather to change into how they want it. I wonder how she would handles it when they are somewhere where there isn’t weather control and Rainbow isn’t around?


If this world got into contact with our's, I could imagine the whole stupid country having the grandest and most uncontrolled freak out of all time because we humans don't see the problem with just. Being. Prepared!

I love the references to previous stories.

So I know I *really* want to see the disaster that unfolds when not just Twilight, Rarity, and Rainbow all attempt to break in to the Sphere.

But I also want to see what happens when the Sisters learn about it and *also* make an attempt.

Nice to see a new fic by you

That's my job you two were messing with, Rarity! I soak you with fur dye!

Rarity's job is dependent on her being seen as beautiful and able to impart that onto others.

So, if you mess with her appearance, you are implicitly messing with her job Rainbow.:ajbemused:

I can do little things, but this is how they feel autumn should be! It's how they've felt forever, and if the wrong complaint reaches the wrong pony...!"

What, are you living in a weather dictatorship?:rainbowderp:

Does Celestia let "The Sphere" whack naughty weather supervisors who disobey orders? Why?:unsuresweetie:

"Indeed," the designer agreed. "So. Given that we would have rather more in the way of planning time: how difficult do you feel it would be to break into the Sphere?"

Soo would this be the story of how Twilight and Rarity began setting about to overthrow a unjust dictatorship that Celestia has allowed to flourish?

Or about how Rarity and Twilight caused the apocalypse and threw the weather system off it's axis by meddling with "The System."

Inquiring minds want to know.:duck:

First and foremost, good story. You got me literally laughing, a rarity —
No pun intended.

— a rarity with me.

However, one teeny tiny error:

I gained a headache simply from the attempt to keep up, Twilight. Imagine what it must be like for the earth ponies and pegasi."

She pauses.

Tense shift. The rest of the story was written in past tense.

Nonetheless, this was a very well written specimen of the inimitable Estee Style.

I have a feeling that autumn is the way it is for a reason. I mean this is a highly skilled profession so assuming you know better just because you don't like something is foolish. It the same as thinking you can make traffic lights better then the people who run many simulations and study for years to time our traffic lights correctly. Just because it's inconvenient in the moment and you think you know better, doesn't mean it's true.

On the other hand. That's assuming the ponies deciding what the weather is are low paid government workers who do all the real work, and not politicians or people who have any real power. If they are politicians or people with power then it's probably laziness and incompetence.

Break into The Sphere also known as Sparkle's Seven volume two XD

"Do you have any idea how difficult it is to dress for such weather?" was a near-whisper.

She should ask that in a normal voice, then ask why. As the Norwegians say, “There is no bad weather, only bad clothes!” Not to say Rarities clothes are bad but she’s a fashion-pony not an outdoorsmare. She should take this as a challenge and let form follow function for a while, it could be inspirational.

And curled up on top of the branches because searching was just boring, so she might as well get... in... a... you're -- sort of staring at me..."

In fairness to Twilight that’s sort of what I was assuming too, and the concept of “Rainbow Dash: office-bound bureaucrat” with charts and cabinets and stuff has me equally boggled.
Another lovely little story, Estee.

11749820 11749902 Actually, the Mane6 (and other ponies) have had to deal with "natural" weather (when visiting the gryphon lands and elsewhere) ... they didn't take it well :pinkiecrazy: (see Wetter Forecast for an example)

Twilight's Eleven.
Oh my god. I didn't know I needed that. :P

Hye #33 · Nov 16th, 2023 · · 2 ·

I read it.
Good lord...

What a nation of complete...

And utterly coddled...

Spoiled and moronic children.

Her little brother's clawwriting became utterly illegible when he was giggling.

This is such a sweet line.

Huh, and really neat to se Rainbow being the levelheaded responsible one for once.

Neither have I.
...why try to find Rainbow at work? It's hard to enough to find her anywhere if you can't track the snoring. And...
Does Not Compute

Twilight, what's a computer?


As a word, 'compute' is estimated to have originated around 1630 and just means 'to determine by calculation'.


Heck yeah infiltrate. Why cant twilight just take a royal overview and actually fix the system if the whole country is upset your a godking act like it

Why break in? Twilight is a Princess. Order the changes and if it's not done, we'll heads can roll. Or more likely demotions. Or the Sphere gets ordered broken up and the offices moved to ground...you know for the sake of balance.

:twilightblush: Not that I'm Princess of Equestria now ...
:moustache: Nice Autumn
:rainbowlaugh: The Sphere went Cube
:duck: How lovely
:facehoof: Now I'm the one getting complaints
:pinkiehappy: Have a cookie!

:ajbemused: Darned apples quit growing

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
“I think so Dame, but where will we get all the tennis balls?”

That was a good story.

The humor in the narration was absolute gold! I smiled through so much of the fic. The call-back jokes worked well without being overdone. And the sequel tease was interesting! Great work on this!


I apologize, but as a citizen of the United States, I am Constitutionally forbidden from providing a true response.

By the Thirteenth Amendment.

Because if that was the best you could do, then any real reply would result in my owning you.

The hilarious part is that you think you’re the funniest, edgiest, coolest troll this site’s ever seen, don’t you? And it’s adorable, because sweetie, you’re not even the edgiest we’ve seen *today*. This is baby hours.

Sorry to burst your bubble.

Comment posted by Airwalker deleted Dec 9th, 2023

"Indeed," the designer agreed. "So. Given that we would have rather more in the way of planning time: how difficult do you feel it would be to break into the Sphere?"

Have fun explaining that to Celestia and Luna. Methinks one of them would get involved if this happened.

You're trying to talk to a religious psychopath (the kind that literally burn people at the stake because they think they're doing a fake God's work). You're never going to win that argument.

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