• Member Since 20th Dec, 2023
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


College student. Exclusively EAW fan, might watch MLP.


In 1011 ALB, the Changelings attacked, flooding across the border. Town after town fell, Harmony fell to its lowest point. Seeing his opportunity, Sinister Serov, leader of Stalliongrad, attacked Equestria. Within a year, Equestria had fallen to the joint Changeling-Stalliongradian invasion. The nation was split between the two powers.

Most international observers believed the Changelings would continue, conquering the rest of Equus. Sure enough, the war resumed in 1013. However, to the surprise of many, the new Socialist Republic of Equestria prevailed. The Equestrians believed the SRE to be a more tolerable option compared to the Changelings. This cooperation allowed Sinister to rally the population against their common enemy.

By 1017, the war was over.

The new government has won the good will of many, but the nation is not devoted to the ideals of Socialism. It has yet to be seen whether Equestrian Socialism will prevail in peace as it has in war.

This will be a series of short stories of the fragile peace that follows.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 14 )

Okay, overall, pretty good. Although I am still confused if it is Severyanan or Severyanian (I use Severyanan because it is like how if you are from America you are American)
also, I didn't know who was talking in the last part of the conversation, since there are no names or anything.
Good read though, I am excited to see what you post next.

Thanks for commenting. I was contemplating the Severyanan vs Severyanian question as well while I was writing this, hence the inconsistent usage. What you said makes sense though, I think I'm gonna use Severyanan going forward and change any instances of "Severyanian" in the first chapter.

Hopefully River Swirl manages to keep a clear mind and stay true to her ideals.
Because if she would ever break down and abandon harmony...

I really like the subtle world building you’re doing with us being able to recognize that while the Equestrian Union has a lot of similarities with the USSR and take heavy inspiration from it. Equestria has different material conditions that while we can recognize the policies similar to the USSR but are different or unique to fit Equestria’s situation.

I also very much like love that you’re humanizing the communists to be more than fanatical ideologues that shoot everyone who isn’t a socialists and act like regular people or ponies in this case.

I love the story! It’s fun to see different ponies perspective on a communist state.
Query if the baker is actually bourgeoisie since has far as it sounded she’s the only one working there and hence she isn’t exploiting the labour of the proletariat because all the workers at the business have a completely fair democratic control of the company and hence that portion of the means of production. This would entirely change though if she had other employees.
Also it sounds like she’s a reactionary anyways.
And ya that view of a small business owner from a Marxist-Leninist party member makes perfect sense.
Any way about it, great story! Can’t wait for more!

Looking through the document, Vasiliy will find the words that will haunt him for the rest of his life: “Operation Guillotine”.

Cheer up Vasiliy, atleast it is not “Operation Gray Pact” :trollestia:

Every chapter I read I like vasiliy more. Sorry if it came off as if I thought the characters opinions were yours. Thanks for writing such a great story. Can’t wait for the next chapter.


I didn't think you thought my character's opinions were mine. That's just a little blurb I put on all chapters.

“We do not trust Premier Sinister in the slightest."

"You see, he and his ideas are kinda sinister to us..."

He was doomed on this path from the start...

Yes, I am a Kaisereich enjoyer.

Great to hear about some syndicalists, love the red flag, good choice of tune the white cockade version always kinda seemed weird. Overall great chapter.

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