• Published 1st Jan 2024
  • 524 Views, 23 Comments

I Love You, Shining Armor - CrackedInkWell

After joining the Royal Guard, Shining Armor has been looking for an opportunity to climb up the ranks beyond a private. To do so, he volunteers to become Prince Blueblood's bodyguard - from there, things get complicated.

  • ...

Chapter 1 - Opportunity

Shining was beginning to regret signing up as a Royal Guard. It wasn’t that he knew that it would be easy. Bootcamp had prepared him for this kind of life where he had to wake up early for physical training every morning, stand at his post for hours on end, and then return to the barracks exhausted. Since he graduated, he chose to go into the guard if for one good reason - Cadence.

“How’s the job, soldier?” When Cadance asked this, Shining had been standing guard at the front gate of the palace since nine in the morning. He had been standing stoically for the past hour or so with a hoof wrapped around a spear. Cadence, as per routine, would talk to him before she headed off to the university.

Shining still looked forward, not out of disrespect, but partly because there was another guard as well. He knew that if he had broken the rigged posture for a moment, he would get into trouble with his superior. At the same time, however, he also knew of two other rules: speak when spoken to; and when a princess asks you something, you have to answer.

“Going to be a long day, sweetie.” Shining answered, “I won’t be off until five.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.” Cadence told him, “Though I will be having my hooves tied too with classes.”

“Isn’t this your final semester though?”

“It is. And I just want to make sure that I get this done and finally graduate. But… it’s progress.”

“That’s understandable, at least you’re still moving on while I just feel stuck.”

“The whole being a Private thing?”

“Uh-huh. I’ve been waiting and waiting for a promotion but so far, nothing. All the others in my barracks have been progressing but I haven’t moved up one bit.”

“Didn’t you ask your superiors about it?”

“Of course. But all I got was that I haven’t done enough to deserve it.” Shining sighed. “Still, the only comfort I have is that when you do graduate, at least I should see you around more often, right?”

“Um-hum,” Cadence nodded. “It won’t just be on weekends at that point. Honestly, I can’t wait to be done and over with.”

“I get it that it’s important. Princess Celestia made it clear about us. That we could finally get engaged after your graduation.”

“I just wish it wouldn’t be for another five months. Still, I’ve waited this long for you to pop the question,” she kissed him on the cheek, “maybe I can wait a little more.”

Shining smiled, “We’re almost there at least. And you are still going out with me on Saturday, right?”

“Don’t you worry, sweetie, I haven’t forgotten.” In the distance, a clocktower chimed. Cadence, wide-eyed and wings flared said, “Oh shoot! Sorry Shiny, I gotta go right now.”

“I understand,” Shining saluted her, “See you tomorrow morning, Princess.”

“Bye Shiny!” And like that, Cadence took off, racing through the air towards the city of Canterlot.

A wistful sigh escaped Shining’s lips. Although he was proud of his marefriend’s dedication, making strides for them to be allowed to be engaged - at the same time he felt that he still wasn’t doing enough. Not that he wasn’t working hard. No one who was a Royal Guard ever had an easy job regardless of what rank you were. But at the same time, Shining did wish that he could move up. Earning a higher rank would bring some much-needed benefits. A higher pay for one, getting a private residence of your own, even more respect from the other guards. Even though he’s starting at the very bottom, the pay was decent, but it was always still tight, especially when he and Cadance go out on dates.

What he needed was an opportunity, someway to earn his place among the Guard that would earn him the upgrade he needed. All he has to do is to keep his eyes and ears open. Maybe there might be something that he could take on that nopony else would. Eventually, something should come up.

What ordinary ponies don’t typically understand about the Royal Guard is how exhausting it can be. Even for a sentry who stands guard in front of the palace gates, it’s a killer for the hooves and the back. For Shining, as soon as he’s relieved of his post and heads towards the cafeteria for chow, he quickly gulps it down and heads straight for the barracks to rest on his cot.

Unlike the ordeal of boot camp, the barracks of the palace have one great advantage. It’s not one long hall of cots where everyone sleeps in. Instead, there are rooms with doors, but the guards below the rank of sergeant are grouped. In groups of four per room. With Shining, he is paired up with three other ponies. All three corporals were using the only nightstand in the room as a table to play cards on.

“Hello there, Private Shining,” the one closest to the door, Corporal Morning said, a unicorn that was the biggest built of the group who turned his head around. “You up for a round or do you want to crash?”

“My back is killing me,” Shining slugishly dragged his sore forehooves to his bunk on the bottom left. Rolling onto it to let his back settle the strain of a full shift of standing in place.

“Need any ice fer ya back?” the second pony, Corporal Wheat, an earth pony that had a country twang in his voice didn’t look up when he sat a card down.

“I’ll be okay if I don’t move for a couple of hours,” Shining replied. “Honestly, I don’t know how you guys do it.”

“Yeah, we know, Sentry work is a sucky job.” The last of the group spoke. Corporal Nightshade, a pegasus meditated on his cards. “Just take it easy for a while and you should be alright.”

“Sir yes sir.” Shining weakly saluted.

For a while, Shining didn’t pay attention to anything. Not the game, not what his bunkmates were talking about, not even paying attention to the time. He lay there in the bunk to rest his aching back, and his legs to where he could get the sense of feeling again. If he had it his way, he wouldn’t get up from the bed until the next morning. However, his ears perked up when he heard Wheat say something, “What was that?”


“You said something about someone dropping out?”

“Weren’t you paying attention?” Morning raised an eyebrow.

“Not really. What were you guys saying?”

“Just a new position had opened up,” Wheat told him, “Did you hear that Sargent Hourglass had quit his job not too long ago?”

“No, what happened?”

“Didn’t like it apparently. If you ask me, the guy was being paid well but I guess all of us have our limits.”

Now this got Shining to sit right up, “Wait, what’s the job?”

“Bodyguard duty,” Nightshade said. “Why?”

“Is it possible for me to apply to it?”

The three corporals looked at one another. “I don’t think you would want this job, Private.” Morning told him.

“Why not?”

“Do you know who you would be bodyguarding for?” Nightshade asked and Shining shook his head. “Prince Blueblood. Yes, he’s one of the royal family but we know the guy has a… reputation.”

Shining tilted his head. “I mean I’ve heard of him, he’s a nephew of Princess Celestia, isn’t he?”

“That’s the one.” Wheat nodded. “Look, we know you haven’t been here long, so here’s some inside information about ‘em. Blueblood is one of those aristocrats that’s a royal pain in the flank. Imagine the most prissy, arrogant, self-entitled, narcissistic prick you can think of - that right there is Blueblood. Someone that is intolerable jus’ being around for more than five minutes.”

“He’s not exaggerating either,” Morning nodded, “One time I was unfortunate enough to be in the same room with the guy and he was unbelievably whiny. Highest set of standards you’d ever see from a pony.” After a beat, he added, “Come to think of it, maybe that’s why he now lives in his Prench-style chateau because the castle wasn’t perfect enough for ‘em already.”

“That, along with one other thing,” Nightshade added. “Don’t know if you’re aware of this, Private, but the prince had come out about a month ago. It was big with the Canterlot presses, you should’ve seen the camera crew that came in.”

“Come out?” Shining blinked, “Like gay or something?”


“Though to be fair, we kinda figured,” Wheat pointed out, “There’s a running joke among the guards that Blueblood was so far in the closet that he found his Hearth Warming presents. So imagine our surprise when it turns out to be true.”

“Just makes you wonder, doesn’t it?” Morning looked up from his cards. “Forgive me gentlecolts but if he’s gay, then has he been… ya know, eyeing us when we weren’t looking? It just makes things uncomfortable to me if I’m honest.”

“So has anypony applied for the job, even if the pay is good?” Shining asked. “Someone must’ve thought of doing so, have they?”

“Doubt it,” Nightshade returned to the game. “In my opinion, anypony that would apply to be Blueblood’s bodyguard must either be really brave, or really stupid, never both.”

Shining didn’t reply but laid back down in his bunker as they returned to their game. It got him thinking. Here was a position that no one was taking up. A job that promises to be well paying and, maybe, could finally go up the ranks for it. On the other hoof, gay or not, those other behaviors sound intolerable to work with. Shining knew that working with someone with that sort of description was just a recipe for a miserable toxic work environment. Then again, he did tell himself that Cadance would be graduating by the end of the semester. Just five months away. Supposing that if he could just bear and grin it, he could come out of this okay. The only hesitation, however, was the fact that the prince is gay. Shining didn’t have much of an opinion for the simple reason that he never knew anyone personally that was gay, only Cadance knows plenty of gay stallions who she’s good friends with. He figured that if there was any pony who could understand gay ponies better than anyone, it’d be her. There was that factor of the unknown of what might happen that made the prospect uncertain. Then again, even if it’s for Cadance - should he take the risk of employment? Would it be worth it in the end? All answers lead to the same conclusion, to find out for himself.

Then again, I don’t know a lot about this guy.’ Shining thought to himself. ‘For all I know, maybe he might be misunderstood. Then again, these guys have been here longer than I have so maybe there’s some grain of truth in it? Still, what do I get to lose anyway? Worst-case scenario, the prince is an ass and I can simply quit the position and figure out something else. Best case, we could end up as friends. Who knows? If nopony else is gonna do it, why not just give it a try?

“Rise and shine, Sire.”

From a tall window, curtains were drawn back, letting in bright sunlight into the cozily dark room. Blueblood hated the way his butler woke him up every single morning. The light was a slap in the face to someone who would rather prefer to sleep in. Like clockwork, he would try to cover his face, but the butler has the blankets taken or the pillows pulled to the side. Thus forcing him awake.

Sitting up, Blueblood felt the familiar groggy post-sleep. With curlers still in his mane and tail that poked against his head, he felt like a zombie that had unwillingly been brought back to life. The first thing he sees is Maximilian - an unshakable butler who, despite his age - is a unicorn who is firm in procedure but never too strict.

“Must you always do this every single morning?”

“I’m afraid I have to sir, you may be out of the castle, but you still have responsibilities. Besides, I could wake you up by this or dumping some ice water on your head - but I figured you prefer the former.”

Blueblood muttered “Smartass,” under his breath while his butler lifted up his morning robe. A baby blue silk overcoat lined in puffy white fur that he helped the prince into. Slugging out of bed, he is immediately drawn to the prepared kettle of coffee and scones from the gilded table nearby.

“Where are the newspapers?” Blueblood asked, forcing himself to walk towards the table.

“They will be here shortly, in the meantime I will prepare your cup,” Maximilian said, taking the kettle in his aura to pour the dark liquid before stirring in the sugar and cream befor the Prince slumped down on a pillow.

Blueblood took a small sip and immediately found the taste a little more springy and sharp than usual. “Is this a new blend?”

“The kitchen staff has informed me that they had to substitute to Prench blend for a Bahamares, it’s a little more on the stronger side from what I was told.”

“When will I get my usual blend then?”


Blueblood frowned, ‘Figures…’ and proceeded to delicately drink a little more coffee.

Minutes later, a hoofcolt came in with a small collection of newspapers to be laid on the table. As the perks with Royalty, every newspaper printed, Celestia, Cadence and he gets the first editions as soon as they come out of the press.

As soon as he was feeling more awake, Blueblood’s horn glowed, opening all the newspapers at once to first quickly scan for three topics and disregarding the rest. First: world news. Being the head diplomat for Equestria, he has kept his eyes peeled for what might be happening, especially the kingdom’s neighbors, and adjusts accordingly. Second: any mention of the royal family. Even with tabloids where the policy is to write first, research later, any word that mentions them he has to look into. And third: anything that even has his name in passing. Being a royal, not only does he have to worry about keeping up with appearances, but he adopted the policy to know what public opinion of him is at all times.

Once he narrows it down and reorganizes the leftover pages into one paper of a jumbled mix of news sources he really focuses on what he needs to know.

Saddle-Arabian Princess Gives Birth to Twins

Blueblood made a mental note to send his congratulations along with some flowers to be flown overnight.

Trottingham Composer Set for Debute in Equestria

It’s been too long since I’ve been to a concert,’ Blueblood thought. ‘Hopefully, there might be something good there.

Celestia’s Youngest Student Solves Paradox: Rewrites Magic Theory

I wonder if it’s the same student my cousin has been foalsitting. Not as if she has enough to do already.’

Prince Blueblood Unmasked - Exclusive Tell All From Formal Guard

That one he had to make a double-take. First, he checked to see where the article came from - Saddle Enquire - a gossip paper that Blueblood knew was filled with sensational journalism, rumor, and splashy headlines. Taking a look through it, the article was filled with one-part truth and ninety-nine lies. Of how he supposedly seduced his former bodyguard and got too personal to where he had to quit.

Blueblood frowned.

“Another example of Yellow Journalism, sir?” Maximilian asked, opening the butter and jam jars for the scones.

“That, and thinking about sending a lawsuit for libel.” Blueblood’s frown deepens, “I mean the sheer nerve of some ponies! I barely came out not too long ago and suddenly I’m a sex fiend!”

“Assuming that they know what they’re talking about. Though I wouldn’t dwell on listening to fools, nor engage with them.”

“And why not?”

“In the words of my grand-uncle: ‘Never argue with idiots, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.’

Blueblood folded the papers, “In a way, I wish I did have a coltfriend - at least then I would give them something to really talk about.” Just then, he spotted the back of another headline. This one read: Princess Celestia, Meet Prince Fruit. He frowned slightly, “It is rather worrying still, not everyone has accepted me being honest with myself.”

The butler gave Blueblood a hoof on the shoulder. “That may be so, but if they have a problem with it - that is on them, sir. Sometimes you can’t influence how ponies think about you, but you can however influence how you see yourself. You can’t let them tell you how you ought to live your life.”

“Try telling that to them.”

“Very well sir,” the butler sarcastically said, “While you’re spending your morning enjoying misery, you should at least schedule your time on interviewing at the castle.”

This got Blueblood’s attention, “What interview?”

“Remember that you send out the message that you’re looking for a new bodyguard? Someone has done just that.”

“Really?” Blueblood blinked, “Just one or…?”

“So far only one. And prefers to have you be interviewed as soon as possible.”

Humming, Blueblood turned his attention back to the newspapers. “I suppose this afternoon wouldn’t hurt. Two o’clock. I still need to get myself decent, talk to a few dignitaries, and have lunch with my Aunt to take care of first. Honestly I, just hope that whoever it is applying is decent enough. With all these headlines it wouldn’t hurt to have a bodyguard. Just in case.”

“Very good sir. Anything else?”

“Be sure to have someone draw the bath.” Giving a side glance he added, “You know how I like mine.”

“Of course, sir.”

Privately, Blueblood had two reasons for putting it off until the afternoon. The first was that he did in fact have plenty to do. Not only finishing up his morning routine of a bath after breakfast, half an hour of combing his mane and tail, and then choosing the right suit to walk out in - but there were also other things he had to juggle. Visiting the dignitaries in accordance with which nation needed the most attention that morning. This takes the longest as every single one of them has the habit of running their mouths - even when they have already told the latest deal they have.

There was also his aunt. Ever since he became a full-fledged prince, almost every afternoon when his Aunt Celestia was in Canterlot, he would always have lunch with her. Not only to get in touch with her but to see if he could overhear any bits that would give him a heads up for whatever upcoming events. Anyone coming to the palace, any festival that was being prepared, anyone from the nobility that might ruffle feathers - he must keep a note of it - his aunt and her secretary Raven were there to let him know.

The other reason for scheduling for the afternoon was a… just in case. Just in case someone else may decide to take on the position. Sometimes there have been those who, at the last minute, would be asked to be interviewed. Years ago this was more common when he was starting, where he would have entire lines of ponies seeking to work for him. Now, for whatever reason, that line seemed to dwindle to a few. But there was still a chance that someone else might come along.

He usually has it in the same place. There is a study that he tends to work in the palace that can be described as small enough to know where everything is, and big enough for plotting out big plans. It looks out towards the west where one room has a wide window to look out from. In the center is a desk from the Prench Baroque era that is positioned right underneath a crystal chandler. To the left is a towering bookshelf that reaches up to the high ceiling and contains maps, encyclopedias, and memos. To the right, is a portrait of his younger self - before he became a Prince. The face of an ambitious, bold colt who could take on anything while standing confidently at the top of a high, breezy mountain made his mane flow.

Shining sat before the desk, eyeing the oil painting and wondering to himself if by chance that picture might be exaggerated. While he has seen Celestia on occasion, the prince is one that he isn’t too familiar with. He isn’t the kind that pays attention to the news all that much if he was honest - if anything, it was, as Cadance best put it: “The most depressing pastime that anypony could ask for.” He was entering into this with a clean slate - and he knew it. For all he knew, maybe the prince doesn’t resemble that in the picture, maybe he isn’t as big of a jerk as his fellow guards paint him as… Or maybe they’re right. But it’s hard to know if you don’t know.

At two o’clock, just as he heard the chimes of the clock tower, the twin doors behind him finally opened.

When Blueblood walked in, there was a pause.

From Shining, at first, he thought that a model had walked into the wrong room. Not just because the body type looked as though he was sculpted out of marble down to perfection, but the long flowing mane looked as though it was something from the cover of one of those romance novels that Cadance has.

For Blueblood, however, he paused there - if be it a touch too long - for good reason. This stranger didn’t seem like any of the guards that he had seen they tended to blend into one another. From the ocean blue mane to his sapphire eyes, the snow white unblemished coat, even the curious face that looked over his shoulder was so…

Blueblood coughed into his hoof, “Oh, hello.” Taking a moment to gain his bearings, he walked over to behind the desk, “Are you here for the bodyguard position?”

“Uh-huh.” Shining nodded, “I take it you’re Blueblood. Er- Prince Blueblood! Sorry, sorry.”

Sitting down, Blueblood was… intrigued. He barely knew him in less than a minute and already this stallion is coming off as such a dork… and he found it… “Prince Blueblood, if you please.” Then after a beat, he added, “Nervous?”

“... I mean, I am.” Shining took in a deep breath, “It’s Private Shining Armor, twenty-fourth division Solar Guard, sir.”

“Private? So you just joined up?”

“Yes sir. Officially past basic training about six months ago, and I’m hoping to earn my rank beyond that by gaining experience, sir.”

“... I see. Let’s begin, shall we?” Blueblood lit up his horn, taking a book off the shelf to float over to him. In this particular memo, he had the usual interview questions to guide him through. “Now, first question,” he opened up the book. “... Shining, why are you seeking this position?”

Shining shrugged, “As I said, I’m hoping to earn my place up the ranks if possible. Hopefully, I would gain the necessary experience among the guards. To… prove myself among my superiors.”

“Who is your superior, currently?”

“Sargent Hour, sir.”

Blueblood raised his hoof, “Don’t… don’t call me sir. I’m a prince, not a general.” Looking back at his notes, he asked, “What do you hope to gain out of this position?”

“Apart from what I said? Better pay, earning trust from my superiors.”

Blueblood smirked, of course, he should have known. “How would you describe yourself?”

Shining shrugged, “In a nutshell, I’m very much aware that I still have plenty to learn from. I’m a hard worker, who prefers to show by merit of what I can do. To my friends, I’m loyal and determined. And while I like to think that I’m easy to get along with, I will say that I don’t like bullies.”

Raising an eyebrow, the prince asked, “Would you expand on that?”

“For one, I never liked anyone that bullies anyone. Nor me, which I have been. However, I’ve learned not to take something like that face down without doing something about it.”

Blueblood hummed, thinking to himself, ‘Shining Armor… a fitting name if he were a knight.’ Clearing his throat, the Prince asked, “What kind of past experiences have you had in terms of this position?”

“Well let’s see…” Shining took a moment to think. “I mean, outside of boot camp that has gotten me trained for this sort of thing, I had protected royalty before.”

“Oh really?”

“Uh-huh. Do you know Princess Cadance?”

Blueblood nodded, “Yes, I’m familiar with her. Why?”

“Well, back when she was foalsitting my little sister, she had asked me to go with her sometimes to the more dangerous parts of Canterlot. Nothing serious ever happened, but I went with her just to keep her safe. You know?”

Now that’s interesting…’ the Prince thought, ‘I wonder if she knows him at all.’ Looking back at the questions, he asked, “What are your strengths and weaknesses?”

“Okay, I’m someone who makes sure that I have done my job as best I can. I’m stubbornly deadset in trying to finish something, even if it takes a long time. I’m someone who can be capable of doing all sorts of things if I put my mind to it, but I hate failure of something if I mess up. I’m loyal, but I’m not the kind that won’t question you if something needs to be brought up.”

“What do you see yourself doing in the next five years?”

Shining went quiet for a long time. “I mean, while I can’t predict the future, I just hoping for something better than what I have now. To be in a job that my parents can be proud of. To live off alright but still do some good.”

Blueblood closes the book. “I see. And I have a few more questions for you. This is off the book here because I know because it’s more… personal. You don’t need to answer them but I would still like to know nevertheless, if that’s alright with you?”

Tilting his head to the side, Shining asked, “What kind of questions?”

“Well, let me ask you the biggest one just to get it out of the way. Do you have a problem with me being gay?”

“I… don’t think so?” Shining shrugged. “Personally, I never known anyone that is. I’ve been talking to you for the past… what? A couple of minutes? Already I don’t think I would have a problem with you being my boss as long as you don’t try to hurt me in any way.”

Blueblood leaned back in his chair, looking up and down at him. Shining was still in the Solar Guard uniform of a gold-plated saddle with the helmet set aside. “If given the chance, would you want a different uniform?”

“Sorry?” Shinning blinked.

“I mean, if you’re going to work for me, I could pull some strings to get you to be in a different kind of uniform. If you’re going to be working with me as my bodyguard and we’re in public, would you prefer to have something on that makes it say that you’re with me and no one else?” Blueblood asked with a smile smile.

“I… guess?” Shining looked down at his golden boot, “Although you probably might want to talk to my superior about that first.”

“How can I get in contact with you?”

“Huh?” Shining glanced back up, “What’s that?”

An embarrassed blush painted the prince’s cheeks pink, so coughing into a hoof he quickly added, “As a… security measure, I mean. Just in case something comes up or I’m attacked and you’re not around. Do you have some way for me to get in contact with you?”

“Oh, that makes sense. Currently, I reside here at the palace, at the guard barracks. In particular, I’m in barrek five, room 202 where I reside with Corporal Morning, Corporal Wheat, and Corporal Nightshade as roommates. My superior is First Sargent Hour. But if you want a more direct way of getting ahold of me, however,” Shining took a sheet of scratch paper on the desk and the pen to sign his name and drew his cutie mark. “If you know about teleporting messages, there’s the cutie mark to send it to and I should get it right away.”

Blueblood eyed the drawn shield and thought what an elegant mark for someone like this to have.

“So if you’re off duty and I’m through with my duties for the day, could there be anyplace for us to… oh how do I say this…? Have a hideout at?”


“I mean, is there any place that we could go to unwind at, casually and off work? Forgive me if I sound forward, but I figured that if you’re going to be my bodyguard, it wouldn’t hurt to have an environment to relax and get to know one another.”

“Okay…?” Shining scratched under his chin, “If it’s just off hours and such, and just a place to hang out at… Do you like coffee?”

“I wouldn’t survive without it.”

This got a chuckle out of Shining. “Well, I do have a favorite place that’s my go-to, especially if I’m having a bad day. Ever heard of the Copper Pot Cafe? It’s a hole-in-the-wall place downtown where everything there is good. Not just the coffee, but the food there is always great.”

“Funny, I’ve never heard of it before. Maybe one of these days I could go with you to have a cup?”

“Great idea! Wait till you had their desserts, they are to die for.”

Blueblood smiled. “I’ll keep that in mind. Now is there anything on your end that you have? Questions? Concerns?”

“Just one. Is it possible to have Saturdays off? I get you may have stuff going on, but usually Saturdays are my relief time.”

“Might be a problem, because depending on the day I would have to go outside of the castle…” Blueblood hummed thoughtfully, “Suppose, I give you a warning ahead of time? You can have your Saturday off, but if something on my end comes up, I would give you at least a week or so notice in advance.”

Shining nodded, “That sounds fair. Other than that, that’s it on my end.”

“Great,” Blueblood nodded, “I will notify you by tomorrow to let you know if you got the job.”

“Thanks, I hope I get it.” Shining stood up and saluted, “Thank you for having me, Prince Blueblood.”

The prince smiled back and saluted, “Dismissed, soldier.” He eyed Shining as he turned around and walked out of his study. His eyes lingered longer than intended by the time Shining had left. Turning his attention to the cutie mark drawn on the table, he lit up his horn to hold it in front of him as though it was a masterpiece. He let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding in as a realization dawned on him.

“... I think I have a crush.”

“I swear this semester is going to drive me insane,” Cadance said, hooves pulling the side of her face. “Already at the first week and everypony is given an essay due next week where we have to read fifty pages of a unintelligible book. How is anyone going to pass a class like…”

If Blueblood was being honest, he wasn’t paying all that much attention to his cousin’s first chaotic week in college. Not that he was being rude about it, but lately he has been rather… distracted. He’s not the kind that would be described as absent-minded, but since yesterday, all he could think about is-

“So what do you think?”

“What?” Blueblood blinked, snapping back into reality. His cousin sitting across the white-washed, raw iron table in the royal garden. A table that had breakfast from croissants to coffee. Oh yes. Breakfast with Cadance every Friday. That’s where he’s at now. “Forgive me, I suppose I’m not fully awake myself.” He said, sipping his coffee. “Could you… repeat that?”

Cadance raised an eyebrow, “Are you feeling okay? You’re not usually this distracted.”


“You look like you were daydreaming there, eyes glazed over like you’re in a world of your own.”

“Oh… Is it that obvious?”

She nodded.

“Sorry, you’re right. But something has come up that I’m not sure how to process.”

“Did something bad happen?”

“I wouldn’t call it bad. It’s just… you know I have asked for a new bodyguard, right?”

“Sorry, I’ve been focused on my studies, so no, this is new to me.”

“Well, long story short, my old one quit and I’m considering hiring a new one. Yesterday, someone applied for the position… the only one to do so. And already, I realized there’s a major hiccup.”

Cadance raised an eyebrow, “That being…?”

“... Don’t laugh.”

“I won’t.”

Blueblood took in a deep breath, “I think I crush on him.”

“No way!” Cadance instantly sprang up, her hooves on the table, leaning over towards him. “Bluey why didn’t say this before?”

The prince frowned, “Don’t call me Bluey, I’m not six.”

“But you have a crush, this is exciting!” Cadance exclaimed, “Tell me everything, what’s he like? Is he handsome? Have a nice flank? Tell me!”

Blueblood blushed, “First of all, cousin.” He gently pushed her back to her seat. “Personal space. Secondly, I know you’re technically the Princess of Love, but seriously? And third, I don’t know since I only met him yesterday.”

“Alright, fair enough,” Cadance sat back down. “Is there anything you do know about him? What does he look like?”

“Not a lot I’m afraid, except that you apparently foalsat his sister once?”

Cadance raised an eyebrow. “That doesn’t narrow it down at all. I’ve foalsat a lot of foals in the past.”

“Anyway, what I know is he’s a private in the guard who wants to climb the ranks by gaining experience. He’s… kind of a dork, but in an oddly charming, honest way that’s refreshing. Not to mention that he’s chiseled close to perfection as you could get from a stallion. I mean, seriously, he could model for one of the covers of those cheap romance novels you like.”

“Hey! They’re not trashy!”

“I said cheap. Those are your words, not mine.”

Cadence huffed.

“Other than being that… I can’t for the life of me say what he’s like. Other than I do want him to hire him for… reasons. However… it’s because of all those unknowns that I hesitate with.”

“How come?”

“For starters, I can’t tell if he’s…” He waved a hoof over himself, “You know. It might entirely be possible that he could have a marefriend already. That, and even if he was, I don’t know how to approach it either. I’m afraid that I could come off as a creep at best, or as a psychotic prince that tortures puppies in the dungeon at worst. But of course, I don’t want to come off as either. Hopefully, sweep him off his hooves, and have him swoon in the moonlight to live happily ever after. That sort of thing.”

Cadance gave an amused smile. “It’s funny, I too had the same idea when I came across my coltfriend back in high school. To have a fairy-tale-like romance that, looking back is kinda embarrassing.”

“Speaking of which,” Blueblood raised an eyebrow, “when are we going to meet your elusive coltfriend anyway? I don’t believe I ever once saw him.”

“I already told you that I’ll properly introduce him after graduation when he becomes my royal consort. I would have done so sooner, but Celestia wanted it that way.”

“That’s fair,” Blueblood sat back, “Again, it’s true that I have a crush, and I want to get to know him more. But how do I go about it?”

“Honestly? If I were you, I’d befriend him first. Just be curious about him by asking his likes and dislikes.”

An eyebrow was raised when the prince heard that, “There is no way it can be that simple.”

“Hey, it’s a start.” Cadance shrugged. “While I do hope something good would come out of this, it wouldn’t hurt to just straight up ask him questions. Start from something small and work your way up. Even if he might give answers that you might not like, it’s better than not knowing at all.”

On some level, he did agree with Cadance. He doesn’t know anything whatsoever about that handsome face, apart from his name and that he wants to work for him. While the dread of the unknown was still present, he knew that she was right. Maybe he won’t be interested in him as he is to Shining. Maybe he might be boring, or psychotic, or might be a brute. And maybe his fears could be proven right. But he would never know… unless he asks.