• Published 22nd Jan 2024
  • 572 Views, 37 Comments

Castle Tales - Goldfur

Many things changed in Canterlot Castle under the reign of the Triarchs - Trixie, Twilight, and Mark Wells. However, many interesting tales come from behind the scenes.

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The Composer

The Canterlot Symphony Orchestra reached a crescendo as the earth pony conductor Glissando brought the masterpiece to a stirring conclusion. With the cessation of the music, there were a few moments of awed silence before the audience broke into tumultuous applause. Such was the magnificence of the work that the gathering of nobles who were privileged to hear it could scarcely refrain from more undignified displays of enthusiasm.

The applause continued as the conductor and musicians took their bows, and might have lasted even longer but for Princess Trixie walking out onto the stage and holding up a hoof calling for silence. When the audience finally quieted, she addressed them.

“Ladies and Gentlecolts, your Princess is honored to have brought to you this premier performance of the Harmony Symphony by the newest composer on the classical music scene, Travertine. You will have the opportunity to meet Maestro Travertine at the reception that will be held in the adjacent ballroom. You are invited to enjoy drinks and hors d’oeuvres before he joins us.”

With a flash of starbursts, Trixie teleported away.

The audience members conversed as they filed out of the auditorium. Discussion of the symphony and speculation on the new composer were the topics of conversation. The nobles made their way to the ballroom and mingled. Some headed for the tables where food and drink were being served. Waiters took trays around to the clusters of ponies who were not so eager. Only some of the serving staff were ponies; many were Canterlot changelings that were a familiar sight nowadays. However, there were a couple of other species represented.

Lady Stylish Soirée approached a table where a diamond dog wearing a classy vest and bow tie was pouring a glass of sparkling wine. The mare wrinkled her muzzle in distaste.

“You! Get us a red wine from Vigne Dorée’s winery,” she commanded haughtily.

The diamond dog raised an eyebrow at her tone. “They are better known for their white wines,” he commented.

“I said red. Are you stupid?”

The dog did not reply but did as he was asked. He uncorked a bottle, filled a new glass, and passed it to the noble lady only to get a scowl in return.

“And where’s my husband’s?” she asked, inclining her head toward the stallion nearby studying anything but the interaction between his wife and the bartender. “Did you not hear me?”

The dog’s eyes flicked toward Baron Top Drawer momentarily before he nodded. “Forgive me,” he said before pouring a second glass.

The stallion took the wine in his magic with a curt nod before he and his wife turned away to join their peers.

Conversation continued among the guests for a while as the serving staff saw to their desires. The diamond dog especially was kept busy after the nobles witnessed him serving the Baroness and her husband. He possessed an expansive knowledge of the different wines available, much to the surprise of most. They guessed that was why he had gotten the job.

It was not long before Princess Trixie made one of her spectacular entrances, teleporting up onto the stage with accompanying music and grand illusions of Pegasi with halos forming an entire orchestra. Having caught the attention of everyone, she smiled and acknowledged her audience with a broad, sweeping gesture of her hoof.

“My dear Lords and Ladies, we are here tonight to meet and do honor to a rising star in the music community. Doubtless, none of you have heard of Maestro Travertine before, but that is no great surprise. He chose not to have his earlier works played in the concert halls because he was not satisfied with them. Only when he completed the Harmony Symphony did he feel ready to present himself to the world.”

Trixie paused for a moment to let that sink in. Travertine was obviously a perfectionist and, judging by the symphony they had just heard, with some justification.

The Princess continued. “Still, it’s not easy to remain unnoticed with such talent. Travertine’s journey toward mastery was an unusual one. He was one of many from across Equestria who answered the call to fight Grogar and his monsters. He came from an isolated village and was nearly overwhelmed by what he saw and heard in Canterlot after the battle. In particular, he was entranced by a classical music recital that he encountered. He strived to learn more about that style of music and discovered that there is a world-class school for performing arts in the Equestrian capital. However, he had no resources to pursue that interest. Travertine approached the Crown to petition for assistance and, because we were amenable to requests from the brave volunteers who helped us defeat Grogar, we were keen to help him. Fortunately, the Great and Wise Trixie was presiding when Travertine petitioned and she recognized his potential. She started him on the road to a new career with a scholarship.”

“Travertine began studying at the prestigious Canterlot College of Musical Arts where he learned exceptionally fast and excelled in composition. Of course, the Crown is not a charity and Travertine had to do part-time work to support himself. It was at some of the popular cafés and restaurants where he worked that his music for the string quartet was tried out on the clientele with the help of his fellow students. In the years since, he worked on his masterpiece. When he finally deemed it ready, he returned to the Court to present the result. Trixie was delighted to confer upon him the title of Maestro and arranged tonight’s performance.”

“Now, it is time to meet the maestro himself, although several of you have unwittingly done so already. Yes, he has been among you all evening. Maestro Travertine, please join me on stage.”

The lights in the ballroom dimmed, leaving only Trixie illuminated and a spotlight on a figure out by the tables. The diamond dog put down the glass he had been holding and headed for the stage amidst gasps of shock and mutters from the gathered nobles. When the dog joined the smiling alicorn princess, there was no doubt among those gathered that the lowly servant was indeed the musical prodigy Travertine.

Trixie turned back to the audience. “Ladies and Lords, you showed your appreciation earlier for the magnificent performance that you heard earlier. Now, let us celebrate the diamond dog whose genius brought you such pleasure.”

The applause started slowly at first, but under the glare of their princess, it grew. Finally satisfied with the response, Trixie called for silence once more before turning to Travertine. “Would you care to say some words, Maestro?”

The diamond dog stepped forward. “Thank you for your applause. Music has become my life, my reason to be. I am very grateful to Princess Trixie for the opportunity to take me away from the drudgery of my hometown to pursue my dream. Work has already begun on my second symphony, and I promise that I will pour all my skill and passion into making it greater than my first.”

Travertine turned away before pausing and facing the crowd once more. “And some of you have poor taste in wines. Listen to your wine waiter in the future.” He then faced Trixie with a grin. She smirked and nodded before whisking them both away.

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Author's Note:

You would think a diamond dog would be into rock music.
Sorry, I'll slink away now.