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Chapter 5: Spicy & Sweet (Brimstone Side)

Author's Note:

Fimfiction user Frazikar had this to say in the comments of the last chapter:

'star dragon' is simple or a stellar variation

And that actually makes sense to me. While someone else suggested "Ethernal Dragons", while that does sound like what I was aiming for, what it means goes against the beliefs I've been subscribing towards in regards to Alicorns. During the time prior to my old account getting hacked, and during the entire run of this new account, I have been subscribing to the "anti-immortal alicorn" mindset. Long living maybe, but not immortal. And sadly, the meaning behind "Ethernal Dragons" would essentially translate to immortality. Yeah not happening.

But there is good news. Fraziker has given me an idea for something that could sound very special and not have this immortal vibe behind it. So while I won't be using the name "Star Dragon", what I'll be using instead should be close enough. All credit for this naming convention goes to Fraziker though. Give him some thanks for this peeps. He deserves it.

"What do you mean there's a big warning about romance in the spell our Spike used?" Twilight asked. She was in the Volcanic Ash Library with Rainbow Dash who; as we've just heard; had mentioned the warning she noticed.

"It's right here; just look." Rainbow Dash said, showing the book to Twilight.

Twilight did notice there was some small text on the page of the spell which was called "The Big Switcharoo". "...How on Brimstone did you manage to see this small text?" Twilight asked.

"Always been able to see things like this whenever I'm flying. Which is constantly. Not really sure why." Rainbow Dash said.

"...Something to keep in mind for later." Twilight said. She then quickly read the same warning Rainbow Dash read.

Meanwhile, while this was going on, Spike was with Smolder taking in everything about Dragon's Vale. "Everything almost looks like some sort of...draconic counterpart." Spike said.

"Doubt that's a coincidence. I mean, you did swamp places with an alternate you." Smolder said. "Speaking of which, let's keep that on the down low. Just enjoy the sights why don't you? Act like you've just...moved here or something."

"That's not hard to do, because I've defiantly did a 'or something' here." Spike said.

Smolder giggled. "Good to know you've got a sense of humor." She said. She suddenly looked very serious.

"...May I ask what's wrong?" Spike said. Then he looked behind him. There was a red dragon there.

"...Hello Garble." Smolder said.

"Seems you've attached yourself to the new dragon. May I ask why?" The red dragon asked.

"May I remind you that I've already given you one chance to even romance me, which you failed. Misarably." Smolder said.

"Yeah. One chance. And not anymore than. I really think I can get it right the next time." Garble said.

"There is no 'next time' for us Garble. I specifically said up front you had one chance to romance me." Smolder said.

"Don't make me do something we both know your mother won't like." Garble said.

"...Leave her alone..." Spike suddenly said in a dark voice.

"Well, the little dragon things he can get in on this conversation huh?" Garble asked.

"I said..." Spike suddenly got really big all of a sudden. "Leave her, ALONE!" Spike said in a much deeper voice.

"Okay okay; whatever you say! I'll be good. I'll never bother her again mighty Nova Dragon!" Garble said before he flew off in a huge panic.

After he was gone, Spike shrunk back. He noticed Smolder was looking at him with wide eyes. "...What?"

"How did you...even do that?" Smolder asked.

"I...I don't know. I just reacted." Spike said.

"Well, I do know one thing: You're already doing way better then Garble at winning me over, cutie~" Smolder said, before she gave Spike a kiss on the cheek. This made the purple dragon fall over in a collection of hearts. "You're quite the goofball, but I have a feeling we're both going to enjoy each other's company, cutie~"

"If I'm reading this right, then if both our Spike and this Dragon Spike get romantic connections, then this spell becomes a one-way act; they'll never be able to switch back." Twilight said.

"Yeah. That's the gist of it." Rainbow Dash said.

"But that would throw off EVERYTHING Consort Celestia has been planning. Without our Spike, peace between our kind and ponies will never happen!" Twilight said.

"Well didn't your magic say that Spike has the potential to grow into a Nova Dragon? Because that's what I got out of that." Rainbow Dash said.

"Yes, but what does that...oh..." Twilight realized what was being put down. "Huh. With the right magic training, this Spike could get a pony disguise. Or something along those lines." She added.

"Yeah. So really, what's the big deal? What harm could having the two Spikes be switched around like this actually do? Worst case scenario on our end, is that ponies will never be peaceful towards us. Not that I'm putting much stock into that." Rainbow Dash said. "No offense to Consort Celestia or anything, but I was thinking that her plan to make peace with the ponies was a long shot at best, and very unlikely to work. Because if she tries, and it backfires, then we'll lose her too. Or worse."

"I know. I get that. I think she believed what with our Spike being the first pony ever that sported something other than wings, that it could've been a sign that ponies could be just like us." Twilight said.

"Yeah, no offense again to Consort Celestia and all, but...I can already see the flaw here." Rainbow Dash said.

"Flaw? What flaw are you talking about?" Twilight asked.

"The flaw is that those ponies could argue we used our magic to create some kind of pony abomination. After all, until our Spike came along, there were only two types of ponies: Those with wings, and those without." Rainbow Dash said.

"...I guess I can understand that logic. And honestly, that does sound like something they could accuse us of doing. They did after all, kill Dragon Lord Torch unprovoked, which is what led to their banishment from Brimstone in the first place." Twilight said.

"Exactly. So whose to say they wouldn't have done something worse?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"...You have a point." Twilight said. "But what if this Dragon Spike was going to do something in the mirror reality that could've prevented a war or something worse?"

"...Okay yeah now that would be a problem." Rainbow Dash said. "Well, if there are counterparts to all of us, then that must mean there has to be some magical artifacts like the Medals of Honor. If worst comes to worst, our pony counterparts could just use their counterparts to the Medals of Honor to fight back against the dragons. You know, without killing them. Like how we were able to restore Luna back to being Luna."

"Okay, I guess that would be a last resort if it comes to that. But really, what are the chances that both Spikes will form romantic connections?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

"...You do realize that the first thing this Dragon Spike did was start going gaa gaa over Princess Smolder, right? Whose to say that our Spike didn't find some pony his age to get involved with on the pony side of things too?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"...Well now that you mentioned that, it really does mean this spell was a one-way trip. Huh. I guess the best thing we can do is make Dragon Spike feel at home here." Twilight said.

"Your just going to accept that?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"This is still a Spike at the end of the day. Are we really going to make this Spike feel like an outcast? Especially when he's going to become a Nova Dragon someday?" Twilight asked.

"...You've got me there..." Rainbow Dash said.

Extra A/N: And with this, the romance part of the story is done. The next two chapters will deal with the realization that the switch is permanent, and a final chapter to show off how Pony Spike being in Equestria changed things for them. However, there won't be any single chapter to showcase how Dragon Spike will change things for Brimstone. I did say this was a small side project. That's because it's a lead up to something much, much bigger~