• Published 14th Feb 2024
  • 192 Views, 0 Comments

Love is a reach of a song - Leonedavis

A short love story between a human and a griffin

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Do you love me ?

I took a deep breath as I watched Octavia and Keeya, both absorbed in tuning their instruments.

Octavia was adjusting her violin with astonishing precision. I had never understood how a pony could produce such perfect notes. Her slightly pushed back black mane, closed eyes, and impeccable gray fur all seemed to blend into perfect harmony.

Then, my gaze shifted to Keeya, a majestic griffon. Holding a saxophone between her clawed talons, her dark wings spread out an air of mystery. Her deep black feathers were sprinkled with silver highlights, creating a striking contrast with the ambient glow. The sharp beak, a testament to her concentration, seemed poised to release enchanting melodies.

Her captivating, bright blue eyes had a predatory glint that further enhanced her charm. They met mine for a moment, making me blush slightly. I adjusted my fedora, hoping to break the spell of her gaze, but the slightly predatory aura persisted. She lowered her instrument slightly, and her facial expression seemed to soften.

"Nervous?" I attempted to smile, turning towards a mirror. I was dressed in a complete blue suit with a white shirt and a simple black tie. My fedora was also dark-colored, a gift Rarity had given me after my arrival.

"Just like the first day, Keeya."

Keeya gave a teasing smile, accentuating the mischievous glint in her eyes even more. "It's cute, you know. First impressions often stay etched in memory."

"So when I met you..." I was interrupted by Octavia's voice.

"It's our turn."

Octavia sat quietly on a stool, starting to play her violin for a few seconds before Keeya's entry, initiating a soft melody. A knot formed in my stomach as I approached the edge of the stage. Neither Keeya nor Octavia knew the lyrics I was about to sing.

The first notes rose, carried by the enchanting melody of their instruments. My heart beat to the rhythm of the music.

I stepped to the edge of the stage, a crowd of ponies present, and I thought I saw a purple alicorn in the audience. "I dedicate this song to someone dear to my heart," I said as my words formed slowly, guided by the love I felt for Keeya.

Keeya, lost in the melody, fixed her blue eyes on me. Octavia continued to play with perfect mastery, creating a musical accompaniment that enveloped every word of the song. The refrains echoed the love I felt for Keeya, a love that even words could not fully describe.

The verses unveiled the story of our encounter, each word spoken was a page turned on shared moments, a symphony recounting the birth and growth of this unique love. The audience, held in suspense, seemed suspended at every nuance, captivated by the magic of the music and the lyrics.

Yet, I knew that only she understood all the nuances of this song and its true value. As I continued to sing, I heard the sweet melody of a saxophone approaching, before feeling its delicate presence against mine.

A tear slowly ran down my cheek as we finished our music, the curtains falling gracefully.

I still felt her back against mine as Octavia gracefully retreated with a polite smile towards the backstage.

A sigh escaped me. "I didn't know how to tell you." Feeling her presence behind me, my heart raced. The contact of our backs blended into a sweet symphony, a perfect harmony resonating deep within me. Keeya's proximity enveloped me in reassuring warmth, and each beat of her heart seemed synchronized with mine.

In the darkness around us, I turned gently towards her, captivated by the light of her sparkling eyes. A tender smile spread across her lips, reflecting all the tenderness and affection we shared.

"You don't need words to tell me what you feel," she murmured softly, her voice filled with sweetness and understanding. "I feel it in every note, in every gaze exchanged between us."

Her words were like a caress on my soul, soothing my doubts and fears. At this moment of pure connection, we were more than musicians on a stage; we were soulmates, bound by an inseparable bond, guided by the music of our hearts.

I gave her a grateful smile, letting my eyes express the depth of my love for her. With a trembling hand, I stroked the fur of her cheek before leaning slightly to seek her beak, kissing her tenderly.

Our kiss, though shy at first, gained intensity as her warm wings surrounded me. A gentle warmth spread between us, erasing all distance and creating a cocoon of love. Each beat of our hearts seemed to resonate in harmony, like the natural continuation of the music we had just shared on stage.

We returned backstage, her paw in my hand, to find Octavia with a face beaming with curiosity and enthusiasm. "How did that happen?" she asked with a knowing smile, the violin still in hand.

I took two seconds to look at the paw still in my hands. "Well, I guess it just felt right."

Octavia's eyes sparkled with amusement as she observed us. "Felt right, huh?" she teased, a playful grin playing on her lips. She gently tapped her hoof against the floor, a rhythmic echo to the melody that still lingered in the air.

Keeya, standing beside me, joined in the lighthearted banter. "Oh yes, Octavia, it was like a perfectly orchestrated symphony of emotions."

Octavia chuckled, adjusting the violin in her grasp. "Well, I must say, you two managed to create quite the musical spectacle out there. The chemistry was palpable."

I couldn't help but blush under her scrutiny. "It was... spontaneous," I admitted, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement.

She nodded knowingly. "Sometimes, the best performances come from the heart, unscripted and genuine."

As Octavia continued to share her thoughts, I found myself grateful for her understanding and support. The backstage atmosphere was filled with a sense of camaraderie, as if the three of us were part of a unique ensemble creating a harmonious narrative.

Keeya squeezed my hand, and I exchanged a smile with her. Octavia's words resonated, affirming that our impromptu performance had indeed been a genuine expression of the connection we shared.

The three of us spent the next few moments discussing the intricacies of the music, sharing laughter, and reliving the highlights of the performance. Octavia, with her musical expertise, provided insights that enriched our experience.

As the conversation flowed, I couldn't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude for the friendship and understanding that had blossomed in the wake of our unexpected musical revelation. The backstage ambiance was filled not only with the lingering notes of the performance but also with the warmth of newfound connections.

Hand in pawn,we walked towards the future, ready to write a new page in our lives.

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