• Published 20th Feb 2024
  • 484 Views, 90 Comments

Marking the Generations – Part Two - Glimbursts

A reimagining of the later stages of the Make your Mark series. In this second part, Peach Fizz and Glory suddenly go missing, their disappearance being strangely connected to Misty’s dreams. Can our heroes unravel the mystery in time to save them?

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Chapter Nine - Soothing

As it was the nearest building, both Glory and Seashell were taken to the Brighthouse. After speaking to the search teams, Hitch entered and headed to where the two fillies were sitting in the seating area with Pipp and Zipp.

“So where did the mist start?” Zipp demanded. “How thick was it to begin with? What did the shape look like?”

“Zippppp,” Pipp growled as the two fillies looked more and more distressed under her sister’s continual questions.

“But the mist is the only lead we have,” Zipp replied earnestly. “It can’t be a coincidence that Misty started dreaming about it.”

“Zipp, can I have a word?” Hitch asked motioning towards the kitchen.

Zipp sighed with resignation before following Hitch, leaving Pipp alone with the two distressed fillies.

Hitch sighed as he walked into the kitchen and turned around to look at Zipp.

“I know you mean well, Zipp,” he started. “But those two fillies have been through a lot and are worried about their friend. You’ve got to go easier with the questions.”

“But we shouldn’t be giving up hope like that,” Zipp frowned. “We can still find her.”

“I didn't say give up, but interrogating two distressed fillies like that isn’t going to help,” Hitch replied. “You’ve recorded their accounts of what happened I assume.”

“Certainly,” Zipp replied. “I just need...”

"You’re not going to get any more information out of them than,” Hitch interrupted. “Do what you do best, Zipp, solve the mystery and find Peach Fizz.”

“Along with all the other mysteries that need solving,” Zipp groaned.

“You can do it, Zipp,” Hitch smiled. “No matter what the mystery is, you always get to the bottom of it.”

Zipp took a deep breath, frowning as she bit her lip.

“I’ll take another fly around the area,” she said at last. “Might make no difference but it might also result in something.”

“Sounds good,” Hitch replied. “In the meantime, I’ve got some worried parents due to arrive anytime now.”

With a nod, Zipp headed towards the door whilst Hitch rejoined Pipp and the fillies.

Meanwhile, Misty helped Sunny back to the Brighthouse, Izzy wanted to help as well but she had to take care of Sparky. Sunny was lying on her bed, clutching her rainbow pillow to her barrel as the pain inside her continued. “I couldn’t help,” she moaned. “I couldn’t help at all.”

“But you did help,” Misty replied earnestly. “We wouldn’t have found Glory at all if it wasn’t for you.”

“But I didn’t find her, Zipp did,” Sunny replied, wincing as the pain inside her intensified.

“Only because you were there and realised everything was connected,” Misty replied as her cutie mark glowed. “We were on the beach because you suggested we retraced Seashell’s steps. Then when we heard about the mist you realised it was connected to my dreams.”

Sunny closed her eyes and sighed as she felt some relief like the knotted feeling within her was releasing at last. “I...I suppose I did help."

“Of course you did,” Misty smiled. “You did everything you could. I know you feel you’re not doing enough right now but you don’t have to do everything. We’re in this together.”

“We are,” Sunny agreed. “We’ll all do our part.”

“Hoof to heart,” Misty smiled as she placed a hoof on Sunny’s barrel above her heart.

Sunny sighed with relief as she felt a warm feeling flow through her. The knotted feelings within her seemed to loosen even more, even if they didn’t release completely. Finally, she felt better than she had for days.

Misty smiled as Sunny finally opened her eyes and pushed herself up from the bed.

“Thank you, Misty,” Sunny sighed with a small smile. “I…I’m just going through a lot right now.”

“We know,” Misty replied reassuringly. “We’re all here for you. You know that, right?”

“I…I know,” Sunny smiled. “I think I just need to try and remember that right now.”

Sunny slipped off the bed and gratefully pulled Misty into a hug. Misty smiled and rubbed Sunny’s back reassuringly.

“I’m glad to help,” Misty soothed. “It doesn’t matter if you can or can’t use your powers right now. They’re not what makes you, you. We all like you for being Sunny, not Sunny the Alicorn.”

“But, we’ll need my powers to stop Opaline,” Sunny sighed.

“Maybe, but we’ll worry about that when it comes to it,” Misty replied. “Right now, I think we need Sunny the Earth Pony, the one who travelled Equestria making friends and reuniting everypony.”

Sunny gratefully hugged Misty tighter, tears welling in her eyes. “Thank you, Misty.”

“No problem,” Misty smiled as they broke off the hug. “Did you want to see how good I’ve been getting with my magic? I’m only getting the chance to learn about it because of you.”

“Okay, that sounds good,” Sunny smiled before they both headed outside.

It was a while later that Starlight was walking back towards the Brighthouse. She’d been helping with the ongoing search for Peach Fizz but it had eventually been called off. Sunset had been with her, but she’d said she had something to do in town.

Starlight grinned as she spotted Misty and Sunny, pleased to see Misty was practising her magic.

Misty concentrated on the three oranges that sat on the ground in front of her. With three individual blasts of magic, she teleported each one high into the air. Then, she hit them with three more blasts, transforming each one into feathers which began floating around on the breeze.

Sunny grinned and clapped her hoofs gleefully. “That was amazing Misty, you’re getting really good now.”

“Thanks,” Misty smiled bashfully.

“I’d say you are getting better than good,” Starlight smiled as she approached. “I think it’s nearly time you tried teleporting a live creature.”

“R…Really?” Misty gasped.

Starlight nodded. “First though, teleport those feathers into the crystal chamber.”

“But she can’t see there,” Sunny gasped.

“Exactly,” Starlight winked. “She can’t see there so she’s got to be more accurate with the teleport. If she can do that, then it’s time for a live creature.”

Misty said nothing more as she had a look of concentrated focus on her face. She looked at the feathers as they continued to float slowly downwards. Then, as they grouped together, she fired a blast of magic at them. With a flash, they disappeared.

“Okay, let’s see then,” Starlight grinned.

She stepped between Misty and Sunny, her horn lighting up as she did so. With a flash, all three disappeared.

There was a flash in the Crystal Chamber as the three ponies appeared. Misty and Sunny gasped with surprise as they tried to get their bearings. Meanwhile, Starlight looked around and smiled. “I knew you’d do it."

Misty and Sunny looked and both grinned as they spotted the three feathers were there too. Floating around the Unity Crystals.

“I didn’t aim for them to appear around the crystals though,” Misty replied slightly unsurely.

“The air currents in here naturally circulate around the crystals,” Sunny replied. “Feathers would always end up floating around them if they got in here.”

“So, what should we use for me to practice with?” Misty frowned looking at Starlight.

“Me,” Sunny said confidently. “Teleport me,”

“Errr, no,” Starlight replied. “The best thing to start with in my experience is yourself. Also, only for a short distance within line of sight.”

Sunny sighed and scowled with disappointment, something Starlight immediately picked up on.

“Sunny, it’s not the actual act of teleporting you that’s dangerous,” she explained. “It’s where you could end up.”

“But she’s proven her accuracy,” Sunny argued.

“No, I see what Starlight is saying,” Misty replied. “I’d feel more worried about doing something wrong if I were teleporting you.”

“Exactly, you suddenly have the safety of somepony else in your hoofs and it can be distracting,” Starlight explained. “The main difference is the object you’re focusing on. You won't be looking at something, you’re focusing on yourself and where you want to go.”

“Line of sight,” Misty replied. “So, across the room?”

“Across the room,” Starlight nodded with a smile.

Misty took a deep breath and began to focus, and her horn began to glow. With more encouragement and instruction from Starlight, Misty suddenly vanished with a flash. One second later, she reappeared on the other side of the room.

“You did it!” Sunny cried. “You did it, Misty!”

“I…I did. I did it,” Misty gasped, a feeling of triumph and elation rushing through her.

Sunny hurried over and threw her hoofs around Misty’s neck. Misty grinned and pulled Sunny into a joyful hug as they both laughed and giggled. Meanwhile, Starlight stood back and watched, a smug grin on her face.

“So, just keep practising that,” Starlight grinned. “Once it’s become second nature you can start thinking about longer distances and teleporting others. However, what I can also get you to start looking at is the incantations for Shields. But trust me, that’s going to take a while. I doubt you'll be able to create a successful one for some time."

“Sure, I can do that,” Misty grinned. "I'll continue to work hard and get better and better."

“Come on,” Sunny smiled. “Let’s get a celebration round of smoothies.”

With that, they all headed down the lift and towards the kitchen.