• Published 2nd Mar 2024
  • 282 Views, 11 Comments

Bob The Builder: A Train a Fixin - Big Imagination E

The Canterlot City train station is broken! Who can fix it? Bob The Builder! Can they fix it? YES THEY CAN!!

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The Broken Station

It was a stormy night in Canterlot City and everyone is trying to get home safely. But with the crazy storm happening it was almost impossible to dodge. But everyone managed to get out of the rain and into there homes. But the rain was still falling down hard and lightning came and struck on the train station! It continued til all it was is a pile of burned rubbish.

The next morning we see seven girls with their principal coming to the train station because she has assigned them for something special.

"All right girls. Now this assignment I'm giving you is to write down everything you see on your vacation to Maretopia. So make sure you don't write anything inappropriate." Celestia said.

"No problem Principal Celestia. We will write down all the things we did in this vacay report." Twilight stated.

Celestia smiled as she can always count on her star student. Everyone continued heading to the train station. But when they got there they gasped in horror! The station was all destroyed and the trains kept going like they can't see where to stop anymore and the passengers tried to catch the trains but missed.

"Oh dear. The train station is destroyed. How did this happen?" Celestia asked.

"I'll tell you." A firefighter said as he came to them. "The storm from last night came and destroyed it. We managed to rescue the person that works here but he's in the hospital now. we are hoping to call the construction crew to come fix it but the last time I called them their boss said that their on vacation."

"WHAT?!" The Main Seven said in unison.

"But we have a vacation report to do! Is there anyway to get the station fixed there?!" Rarity panicked.

"Sorry ma'am. Until the crew returns the station is off limits and won't be fixed for a while. Unless you can hire another construction crew that can help." The firefighter suggested.

"Well thank you for letting us know. Come on girls. Back to the school." Celestia said.

So everyone headed back to the school but with gloomy looks on there faces.

At Canterlot High and everyone is doing good in their classes. But today wasn't really a special day for the Mane Seven considering that the train station got busted and aren't able to go to Maretopia for their report they sat in the principal's office with Celestia in hopes of finding an answer to fix the station. But so far there was nothing.

"Sorry girls. I can't seem to find a phone number for a construction crew." Celestia said.

"So that's it? We fail because of the storm that destroyed the station?" Twilight asked.

"No. I'll just keep looking til I find someone who can get the job done." Celestia answered.

"You say that now but what if you can't find a construction crew?" Rainbow wondered.

Celestia frowned and choose not to answer that. She kept on looking through the phonebook and after a few hours the Rainbooms started to fall asleep and began resting. Even Celestia herself was getting a little tired. But then her prayers were finally answered as she found something in the phonebook. There was a picture of a man wearing a construction outfit smiling big and has a phone number with the name Bob the Builder on it. Celestia smiled and knew what to do.

"Girls! Wake up! I believe I found someone who can help rebuild the train station!" Celestia said.

The girls all woke up and smiled in excitement.

"You found someone?! That's great to hear Principal Celestia! So who's the person that can help rebuild the train station?" Applejack asked.

"Well according to the phonebook this man is named Bob the Builder. Bob and his group help with renovations, construction, and repairs and with other projects as needed. And we have his phone number here. So he'll be perfect for the job." Celestia explained.

"Perfect! If Bob and his crew can fix the station then we are off to Maretopia for our vacation! And to also write our reports on what we see." Pinkie said with glee.

"Wait. Where is his crew? He honestly can't get the job done by himself." Rainbow wondered.

"Maybe they bring whatever tools they need and ride on the machines they use to get here?" Fluttershy said.

"Don't worry. Here's the names of his crew. They are Scoop who has a habit of making jokes, and assists Bob in being in charge whenever extra help is needed. Scoop can be sometimes bossy and sarcastic, but he is very kind and caring to others. Muck who sometimes gets very clumsy for certain things and is especially fond of getting dirty hence the name. Dizzy who happens to be the second youngest member of the team. Roley who is always energetic and very rowdy. He often acts before he thinks (sometimes due to his heavy weight), which could lead to trouble.He also has a pet bird. Lofty who lacks the confidence shown by the others. He is hesitant and cowardly, but with the encouragement of the team comes through in the end. Despite his nervousness, he is a loyal friend and always gets his work done. And finally we have Benny who was hired by Robert to help him out in Bobsville while the team were in Sunflower Valley, and even helped them out on a few jobs. He looks up to Scoop and calls him "Big Banana." Celestia explained.

"Oh. Well those are all nice names Celestia. So do you think that this construction crew can get the job done?" Rarity hoped.

"With ours on vacation and with no other option I say we have to try. After all without the train station all the passengers won't get to where they need to be and will be extremely disappointed. So I say that Bob the Builder is our only chance." Celestia replied.

"All right. Let's call him." Sunset nodded.

Celestia picked up the phone and dialed the number in and waited for someone to answer.

Author's Note:

Get ready for a crossover of Bob the Builder!!!