• Published 5th Mar 2024
  • 773 Views, 34 Comments

My Little Pony: The Ghost Rider - Big Imagination E

When Princess Celestia gets taken by the son of the Devil the Main Six join Johnny Blaze to stop him and save the universe.

  • ...

Mr. Invincible and Blackheart's Arrival

The rain began coming down and Johnny along with Spike and the Main Six came to where Roxanne was. But then Johnny didn't want to leave her in the rain. But for the sake of the Main Six and Spike to find their princess he must. So they took off and kept on riding, flying and running. Johnny felt really bad for leaving her there. Then we cut to a few years later seeing him all grown up and a different man.

"You can't live in fear. You can live in fear." Johnny thought.

Then suddenly he was brought out of his thoughts and he gave everyone the attention and rode his bike jumping over lots of semi trucks! But suddenly the thoughts returned to him and caused him to crash hard on the ground and injured himself! Everyone gasped and even the girls and Spike went with the crew to see if he was ok.

"Johnny! Are you okay?! You could have died!" Spike yelled.

"Oh God. Oh my God! JB!" One of the crew said.

He took off the helmet and tried getting him to wake up to see if he's okay.

"JB! Talk to us man!" He said.

"Johnny! Please wake up! We don't want you to die!" Rarity cried.

Then suddenly they all saw Johnny wake up and to their relief he didn't die. "Heck, is the bike okay?"

"Forget about the bike! What about you?! You could have been killed!" Rainbow yelled.

"Rainbow! Calm the hell down! But yeah the bike's fine." Another crew member said.

"Thank you." Johnny said as a crew member puts on his shades.

"Let's go home." Mack said.

"Let's hear for it folks! The Amazing Johnny Blaze!!"

Everyone cheered super loud for him as everyone carried him back to the trailer and off they went. They were heading into Texas for the next show but it was still raining. Then in the trailer we see the crew playing cards having a smoke and a few beers. Even one was playing a video game. The Main Six and Spike were tagging along and still worried about Celestia.

"Come on. Come on. Get the front end down. Damn it." Mack complained.

Blaze is down.

"Have you tried not crashing?" Johnny asked.

"Have YOU?" Mack asked back.

"He has you there Johnny." Spike agreed.

He could only chuckle and Mack went to get a beer.

"Why don't you have a beer and relax like everybody else, huh?" Heck asked.

"You know alcohol gives me nightmares." Johnny said.

"Oh boy. What about you gals? Wanna have a cold one?" Heck asked the Main Six and Spike.

"Thanks but no. We normally don't drink liquor." Twilight politely said.

"To each its own." Mack replied.

He then began flipping through the TV to see what shows their were to watch. He then stopped at a show where different motorcycles stunts are performed.

"Oh wait. Could you go back? There's a howler monkey special on Discovery Channel tonight." Johnny asked.

"Guys hey." Heck said getting their attention at the TV.

"We've seen big moves and crashes. But ask these riders who it is they look up to and the answers a man who's not even competing here, Johnny Blaze." The TV said.

"Yeah. Because he's right here!" Mack cheered.

"The greatest stunt devil of all time but what we don't know is how much longer can Blaze cheat death." The TV continued.

"Put the monkey show on." Johnny replied.

"Wait. I wanna hear this Johnny." Spike said.

"See? Spikester here wants to hear." Mack smiled.

"Mack? The monkey show?" Johnny said starting to get annoyed.

"Can you wait till after we hear this? Be patient." Rainbow asked.

"They call him Mr. Invincible, and he'll have to be at his next jump when Johnny Blaze will attempt to clear the length of a football field from field goal to field goal." The TV finished and Mack turned it off.

Everyone gave Johnny the looks on his face and he was confused.


The crew continued their game but Mack needed to tell Johnny something.

" "What." You should be taking a dirt nap after that ragdoll today." Mack replied.

"Guess I got lucky." Johnny said.

"No, I got a hunting dog named Lucky. He's got one eye and no nuts. Luck don't cover it, JB. Man, you got an angel looking after you." Mack said.

"I hope your dog is ok." Fluttershy worried.

"He's fine. Ladies. I appreciate the fact you are looking after JB. And hey. Maybe a little relaxation is what you girls need. Get your minds off things." Mack replied.

"Yeah. Maybe we do." Twilight admitted.

"Hey Mack? You in?" A crew member asked.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm in. Hey Spikester? Wanna play some cards with us?" Mack offered.

"Sure. It definitely will take my mind off everything. Spike answered.

"All right come join." Mack said.

So Mack and Spike went to the table and began playing. Then we see the trailer drive away as we zoom to the deepest parts of Texas where it was still raining but suddenly turned into firedrops. Then out of the shadows was the same man carrying a tied up Princess Celestia while she was panicking in fear. Blackheart had arrived.

We cut to a saloon seeing a man outside and a woman handing him a beer.

"Here you go." She said.

"It took you long enough." The biker man replied.

He took the beer and gulped it down his throat. But then for some reason it began to freeze. Then he saw Blackheart and Celestia coming by.

"I think you might be lost boy. Angels only in there. And I think this woman would love to be with someone else besides you." The biker man said.

"Angels. Really?" Blackheart asked.

"Yeah really." The biker man growled grabbing him. "You got a problem with that?"

"As a matter of fact....." Blackheart said as he placed his finger on him causing the body to rot and turn into a skeleton. Celestia could only look in fear seeing this horror. "I do."

He took off the bandana around Celestia's mouth so she could speak.

"You heartless monster! When Twilight and her friends find you you'll regret everything you did to those people!!" Celestia yelled.

"Is that what you think? They better think again because they are in for a real world of darkness once I take control. And you are gonna be beside me." Blackheart smirked.

"No! I will not be your queen! Now lemme go!" Celestia demanded.

"I don't think so. The groom should never leave his bride." Blackheart replied.

After that he tied the bandana back on her mouth and grabbed Celestia and they made their way in the saloon. This is only trouble for Celestia.

Author's Note:

Blackheart is here. And already he's gonna cause trouble. Hope the Main Six will find him and save her.