• Published 1st Apr 2024
  • 674 Views, 14 Comments

My Little Pony: The Ghost Rider 2: The Spirits of Vengeance - Big Imagination E

Johnny Blaze along with his new friends are back. And this time on a quest to save Cadance and a young boy from new demons of hell.

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The Final Fight vs Roarke and Blackout

Night rolled in and all the people wore black cloaks. Two soliders carried the boys to the stage and Roarke raised them to get ready to perform the ceremony. Meanwhile with Johnny and his team they were on the lookout to see how many men were in the pit and how they were gonna reach them in time.

"There's too many men walking around here. How many are there?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah. There's gotta be like dozens of them in the pit." Rainbow added.

"I'm afraid that your right. There's 25-30 men. More inside. The ritual has already begun. Danny's and Cadence's soul will be lost forever at the break of dawn. This is when Roarke is at his weakest." Moreau said.

Then the group noticed Nadya was upset and they went to her.

"Nadya? Are you okay?" Johnny asked.

"I've made a lot of mistakes, Blaze. But Danny and Cadance...... They are the two good things I ever did." Nadya said.

"Well, that being the case we had better make sure they don't turn out to be the Antichrists." Johnny said.

"Johnny's right. We have to stop that horrible ceremony before things get worse." Rarity agreed.

Everyone nodded in agreement and they all headed in the pit to stop this. In the pit we see Roarke and his crew performing an evil sacrifice on both Danny and Cadence. And Nadya managed to take out two soliders that were walking around. With Johnny and the girls they were being careful so that they weren't spotted.

"Ok Moreau. What's the plan?" Applejack asked.

"Plan is you all go, get the boy and Cadence, you all run and don't stop." Moreau answered.

"What about you?" Pinkie asked.

"Me? I'm going out front." Moreau said.

With no time to argue they all followed his plan and proceed to do what needed to be done in order to save Danny and Cadance. With Moreau he headed to the front and shot the guards dead. With Johnny and his team they saw that the ceremony was still going and their were almost taken. Then Moreau appeared and shot all the cultists. Then Johnny ran and punched Roarke in the face! Back with Moreau he was about to kill more cultists but then Blackout appeared and started rotting his body.

"Danny. Cadance you gotta listen. We shouldn't have gotten rid of the power. I know that now. He's gonna erase you and Cadance!" Johnny reasoned.

"Cadance! You have to break free from Roarke's control!" Twilight worried.

But he growled and threw them off the stage. Then Blackout finished rotting Moreau but not before he head butted him and then died. The girls gasped in horror seeing their friend die.

"Ok. That's gross." Blackout said.

"You monster!!" Fluttershy cried as Blackout ran and got close to our heroes.

"You have no power twerps! You're all nothing but insects like the rest. Food for the mills of hell." Roarke snarked.

Then Blackout grabbed them and tortured them by rubbing his decaying hands on them as they screamed and yelled in pain. Then Danny and Cadance came to them.

"Now you're going to regret everything you done to me when I was human. And as for you two? Wanna watch? The apple doesn't rot far from the tree!!" Blackout said.

"Shut your fucking mouth you rotten demon!!!" Applejack yelled.

"Danny! Cadence! This isn't who you are! Please! You have to stop this!!" Shining cried.

"My powers and yours are the same. That's what you said. Right? Dad?" Danny asked.

"Danny! No!" Twilight shouted.

"However....." Danny said as the others were in shock. "Ever since I met these ponies I learned that you need to show loyalty towards your friends. And now.....I want the Riders, Hell Dragon and the Sinister Six back!!"

Then Danny ran towards Johnny and breathed hellfire into his mouth and he turned back into the Ghost Rider! Then suddenly he saw that the Elements and the girls and Spike along with Shining changed too!! Shining grabbed Cadance and enchanted her crown and guess what? She's now a Ghost Rider too! Then they all killed the cultists and roared like demons!! Danny was unconscious and Roarke was outraged and grabbed him and escaped. And the sun rised but they didn't turn back to normal.

"So this is what it's like being a Ghost Rider. Is this so awesome!!" Rider Cadence said.

"We can celebrate later Cadance right now we have to kill Roarke and Blackout. Come everyone. It's time to send those two back to hell." Ghost Rider commanded.

So he walked towards his bike and he used his hellfire and made eight other bikes for the gang. Each one has the same look of hell. They all got in their bikes and since Ghost Rider was the leader he was going to command the mission. And yes since Cadence is now a Ghost Rider she gets a bike too. They all climbed on and started to chase after them.

On the road we see the Ghost Rider team chasing after Roarke. One of the bad guys tried shooting him but didn't work so good. Then Ghost Rider, Shining, Cadance and Spike jumped onto the truck and Spike breathed hellfire burning him off. Then Ghost Rider enchanted the truck and proceeded to destroy the bad guys. Then suddenly Spike sensed that Blackout was near.

"Blackout. He's trying to kill Nadya!!" Spike feared.

"No worry Spike. I'll get that son of a bitch!!" Ghost Rider said.

He proceeded to do so by throwing his chain and pulling him onto the truck and then the four began fighting the decaying demon. He tried using his decaying powers on them but The Riders and Hell Dragon were gaining the upper hand this time. Spike breathed hellfire burning his face, Shining and Cadance both began punching him and Ghost Rider grabbed him by the neck and strangled him on the edge

"I was never afraid of you scums!!" Blackout shouted.

"Maybe not now. But after everything you did when I was kidnapped you should be." Rider Cadance said and roared demonic scaring the crap out of him. Then she threw a fireball at him and threw his body on the road leaving him to rot.

"Roadkill." Ghost Rider said.

Then he called their bikes and they jumped on them and chased after Roarke with the Sinister Six following behind. Then both Ghost Rider and Applejack took out their chain and rope and pulled out a piece of the car making Roarke lose control and then he crashed right in the middle of the desert and the Rider team pulled in front of the car.

One by one they all followed Ghost Rider and saw Roarke trying to escape from them. But due to the damage he took it was a losing battle to him. Then Ghost Rider grabbed him and they all unleashed a demon roar making him crap his pants.

"You!! Worse fucking deal I ever made." Roarke growled.

"It's over Roarke. You're finished. Your ceremony is destroyed. You won't get Danny and Cadence's souls. Now go home." Rider Twilight said.

Then Ghost Rider wrapped him in his chain and threw him straight in the ground! Then we see Roarke burning in the hellfire as he was now defeated. Then all the Riders unleashed a demonic roar in victory. But the leader remembered about. So he grabbed the unconscious body of Danny and gave him back to Nadya. Then Johnny and his team returned to normal and saw the state he was in. But then Johnny remember what Moreau said.

"The angel. Moreau said that the Rider was an angel that went crazy. I can feel him, the angel. I can feel him." Johnny said as blue flames came out.

Then he placed his hand on Danny and then to everyone's surprise he woke up and lived again!

"Danny! Are you alright Sugarcube?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah. And after everything that you and your friends did as those Riders. I'm gonna say you are freaking awesome. 20% more awesome." Danny smiled.

"Hey that's my line!" Rainbow replied.

"Well done everyone." Everyone turned seeing Mephistopheles standing there as he walked towards them. "I have never been more proud of you than ever. And you saved Cadance and Danny. As for the promise I made to you all earlier I will now return Johnny's and Shining's souls."

He then placed his hands on Johnny and Shining and they felt they're souls returning back to their bodies and he released them.

"Mephistopheles. Thank you for keeping your word." Twilight said.

"Anytime. And as I also promised...Spike will forever be know as The Crystal Empire's hero and Dragon of Vengence. From the day that you first got that power. He was destined for being a hero. And now look at what he did. Saved Cadance and showed he's not a weak dragon. It's time for you all to return to Equestria now. You can bring Nadya and Danny with you as they will need a new life. As for me...my work here is done. Farewell." Mephistopheles said.

So he opened a portal and everyone entered the portal and when it closed he slammed his cane and disappeared.

Author's Note:

One left!! And guess what? I decided that Johnny will reunite with his dad!