• Published 15th Apr 2024
  • 287 Views, 27 Comments

My Little Pony with Harold and the Purple Crayon. - Big Imagination E

Harold arrives in Equestria and shows everyone what a big imagination can do in anyting in his special small crayon

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Meeting Harold

In a bedroom on Earth we see the moon and stars shining bright and lighting up the sky. Inside a house we see a boy wearing baby blue PJs and was in bed. Now although we cannot see his mother she was tucking him in bed and he was ready to sleep. Then his mom turned off the lights and waved her fingers saying good night and closed the door. After that Harold went to sleep and held on to his doggy plush. But suddenly a soft crying woke him up. He looked around trying to figure out where it was coming from but can't get a source of that.

"Where is that coming from? It almost sounds like someone is sad." Harold said.

He looked out of the window and tried looking if someone outside was crying. But so far nothing. Then Harold remembered something. He looked under his pillow and he took out his purple crayon. Then he drew a line and it transported him to the book world. He heard the crying sound again but it wasn't coming from here. Then he drew a door and wrote 'new world' on the rectangle and opened it. He jumped in and went flying in the portal.

Back in Equestria we see Spike walking but was still sad about everything that happened. Then suddenly he saw Fleur at the Boutique. Spike sighed and decided that if he was gonna face the consequences of a break up he might as well get it over with. So he walked to her and got ready to face the music.

"Hi Fleur." Spike said sadly getting her attention.

"Spikey. Are you okay? You don't seem like you're happy self today." Fleur asked.

"Im just upset. And I know. You hate me now. All the dates I planned for the both of us I cancelled over years made you upset and I don't blame you if you want to dump me. So go ahead. Dump me." Spike replied.

"Spikey. I don't hate you. I could never hate you. And there's no way I dump you. Your the nicest dragon I have ever known in my life. So don't think for one second this I would dump you." Fleur assured.

That made Spike a little better. But it still didn't heal the pain in his heart about him feeling left out a lot. He hugged Fleur as she rubbed his back. Then suddenly they both saw a portal open up and out came Harold. He looked at his new surroundings and was a little confused that a bunch of ponies were walking around. Then he saw Spike and Fleur and even they were a little surprised.

"Oh. Um hi there. I come in peace. I heard a soft crying from my room and I was wondering where it was coming from." Harold said.

"Oh sorry. That was me. Im Spike. And this is my girlfriend Fleur De Lis." Spike said.

"Charmed darling." Fleur greeted.

"Nice to meet you Spike and Fleur. Im Harold." He introduced. "Excuse me Miss Fleur? Is there any reason why Spike here is crying? There must be something that's really bothering him a lot."

"Well darling he's a little upset cause he thought I was gonna dump him after when he told me that he had to cancel a few dates he planned for us. But I assured him that I was never was going to do a heartless thing to him. I love him too much to do that." Fleur explained.

"Is that so? Well seeing you two together should be a great thing! So why is Spike still sad?" Harold asked.

"Because Harold. Although you are right about me and Fleur together should be great. But the real reason I'm sad is because Twilight who is my sister always keeps leaving me out of many events. That and every time I try to plan a date with Fleur she had to come in with something for me to do and end up having me to cancel. I thought she was supposed to be The Princess of Friendship. But the way I see it she doesn't act like a nice one to me." Spike answered.

Harold processed everything that Spike said and felt really bad for him.

"Oh. Man Spike I'm really sorry to hear that. Cancelling all your dates with Fleur when really you should be on them spending time with your girl. I can't imagine how that feels." Harold replied.

"I can. It hurts. A lot. And not only that. But whenever there's an event I wanted to go to guess what. Twilight forgets to inform me and I miss out on the fun. Plus the only events I did go to was only when Twilight and her friends go to. To me that's not fun in anything way." Spike said sadly and hugged Fleur.

"I totally understand Spike." Harold said and then he got an idea. "Hey I know what you need. What you need is a big date for you and Fleur to make up for all the lost time."

"I appreciate you trying to help but I don't know if you can actually help me and Fleur out to a long date to make up for all the lost time." Spike said.

"Or can I?" Harold asked back. "Spike. What I got in my hand right here is my special purple crayon. Now you wanna reconnect with Fleur and actually enjoy a date with her? You just leave everything to me. In fact here's what I'm gonna do. Tell me what dates you cancelled and I will use my crayon to take us there."

"Well. I remember one time when I was supposed to take Fleur to the spa for a couples treatment. But Twilight had me cancel that due to her having sort the books from A to Z." Spike said.

"The spa huh? That's relaxing. Well let's get you two there. Watch this." Harold said.

Then using his crayon he drew the outline of a fancy looking car and with one tap of his fingers purple smoke began to engulf the outline and made the car real. It was decorated with purple hearts and was topless. Spike and Fleur were really surprised.

"Whoa. Darling, did you just draw a car to life?" Fleur asked.

"Like I said before. This crayon I carry is very special. Now hop in you two. A spa treatment awaits you." Harold said.

Harold got in the driver's seat while Spike and Fleur hopped in the back seat. Then he drove them to the spa for their treatment.

Author's Note:

I know Harold doesn't really talk in the cartoons but in this crossover I decided that he will talk.