• Published 14th Apr 2024
  • 514 Views, 7 Comments

The Greatest Portable Teacher. - LightEagleEye

Who would have thought that an alicorn trapped in a magic amulet could become Twilight's most profound teacher

  • ...

Chapter 1: Is this a new Teacher?

3rd person POV

Twilight tapped her hooves on the her desk, looking bored as ususa. Her teacher has been teaching the same lessons in magic for the past three months, and she is tired of them. Every day just feels like a routine.

Today, The Professor had given them individual tasks to accomplish, which she had already finished an hour ago, so the only thing she could do was wait for the others to finish. She rests her head on her desk and stares at the clock, wanting it to strike at 5:00 p.m.

Twilight observed her classmates with amusement and pity as they struggled with their magical exercises. Some grappled with mastering basic Telekinesis, while others attempted spellcasting with varying success. It was clear to her that many would not finish their tasks by the day's end. Magic was far from easy, and the challenges they faced were evident.

As Twilight looked around the room, she couldn't help but think about how much better she was at magic than her friends. She felt bad for them, but she was also thankful for how hard she had worked and how talented she was. Her hard work studying and practicing magic paid off.

Turning her attention to her seatmate, Twilight noticed his difficulties casting a simple light spell. He was exerting too much magic through the tip of his horn rather than spreading it evenly. It was a common mistake among novice unicorns that she had overcome through diligent practice and attention to detail.

'I might as well help him since I have nothing better to do,' Twilight thought as she approached the Unicorn.

"Um, excuse me, I think you've got it wrong—"

"Shut up, nerd. I don't need your help. I can do this on my own. I'll show my parents that I'm going to be the greatest wizard," he snapped, cutting off Twilight mid-sentence with a dismissive wave of his hoof.

Twilight glared at him before sighing softly, recognizing the stubborn determination in her seatmate's words, even if it was fueled by misguided pride. With a shrug, she simply headed over to other desks, deciding to try and help other unicorns who were struggling.

Only to be rejected harshly. Again and again.

Ah, buck this. Why does she even bother? If they didn't want help, they could have said it nicely. From what she can see, everyone is making mistakes. These ponies are not good; they are far from the level of excellence that the school is proud of.

"Well, so much for the school's integrity." She muttered.

After all, this was Celestia's school for gifted unicorns—the epitome of magical education in Equestria. One would expect nothing but the best and the brightest to grace its halls, even in the high school division. But no, it just had to be filled with rich snobs who got here because of money.

Her expectations went down the drain as soon as the first month of classes ended. All the teachers seemed content with repeating the same basic lessons repeatedly. She would have stayed at her old school if she had known about this beforehand because at least they would have moved forward with the lessons instead of stagnating.


Twilight Sparkle's internal monologuing was cut off as the bell rang, signaling the end of the class.

"Alright, students, it looks like time is up for today." Her teacher claps his hooves as he looks at his students with a forced glee, "It seems like most of you have not completed the tasks I've given you today, so I will extend it by tomorrow. For your assignment, I want you to practice completing your tasks at home with your parents supervising you. As for tomorrow, I will assess each of you on your progress. We will be conducting a test very soon. With that, all of you are dismissed."

"Goodbye and thank you, Professor," the students said in unison, their voices a mix of relief and gratitude as they prepared to leave for the day.

The Professor then looked at Twilight, "Except for you, Twilight Sparkle. You may remain here for a bit. I have a little talk with you."

The chatter of whispers filled the room with "Oh, snap", "good riddance," and "She's in trouble," Twilight chose to ignore the whispers, focusing instead on the dwindling number of students as they gradually left the room. Eventually, only she and the Professor remained. The Professor's facade finally broke as he groaned deeply, leaning on his desk. With a quick incantation, he cast a barricade spell on the classroom door.

"That should ensure that no one is going to eavesdrop on our conversation," he muttered, sipping his coffee. "Don't worry, Twilight. You're not in trouble, so why don't you take a seat at the front of my desk."

Twilight nodded silently, moving to sit on the desk in front of her teacher's chair. The Professor looked at her with a hint of pity. "I saw you trying to help your classmates, only to be turned down by them..."

Twilight winced, her disappointment evident. "Yeah... Guess they want to do things on their own."

"Well, I want you to refrain from doing it again," The Professor continued.

"Wait, what? Why?" Twilight's confusion was evident in her voice.

"Leave them be, Twilight. Let them learn the hard way. Their pride is killing them, and maybe that's the way I wanted it. Knocking them down to a peg because they realized that their classmate, who is three years younger than them, could finish everything I gave without struggles. You can't help these ponies; they don't want to be helped." The professor asserted his tone with affirmation.

Twilight could only nod, feeling a mixture of bafflement at her Professor's attitude. She had never seen him so firm yet so defeated, as if he had entirely given up on his class.

"Tell me, Twilight, do you find my class boring? Dull? A waste of time?" The Professor asked, cutting through the tension in the room.

Twilight's eyes widened in surprise as she scrambled to respond, "P-Professor! I don't—"

The Professor snorted, cutting her off. "There's no need to lie, Twilight. I've noticed your lack of enthusiasm during my lectures. You tend to roll your eyes or lose focus, lost in your little world."

Twilight looked away from The Professor in embarrassment and shame.

"I'm terribly sorry, Professor. It's simply that when I looked at your class plan, I decided to study everything. Cause... you know, I have an insatiable desire to learn new things. I hope you can understand." Twilight said earnestly.

"There is no need to apologize, Twilight. I can understand why, and let me tell you, I am proud of you," The Professor affirmed.

Twilight looked at him, a mixture of shock and pride crossing her face. "Wait, really?"

"Of course. My studious little student should be praised," The Professor confirmed, "While the lesson plan may cover the basics, there's always room for more, so I want you to keep your attitude."

Twilight nodded, accepting The Professor's praise.

"Twilight, I've been observing you every day in my class, and let me tell you, you're my favorite student in this whole class."

"Oh wow." Twilight blushed.

The Professor chuckled, 'I'll ask you this. If you could choose which lessons you want me to teach you, what would they be?"

Twilight beamed with joy, "Everything. I want to know Everything."

"Not everything, young lady, but choose some lessons you want to learn."

"Ooh, I want to learn the deep history of Equestria! Also, I want to learn super-advanced magic! Like Enchantment Magic."

"Those are Great choices, Twilight."

"And Illusion Magic."

"Ooh, like changelings."

"and Abjuration Magic."

"Quite a challenge, Twilight."

"Also, Alchemy Magic."

The Professor smirked as if Alchemy magic was his signature. "Alchemy magic? Interesting."

"Basically, anything interesting I'd like to learn."

The Professor looked at his student with amusement and pride. It's been a long time since he saw a youngster filled with determination and pride in learning magic. He felt that he was witnessing the growth and early days of a new Starswirl.

"Let me tell you, Twilight, I, too, grew excited just by looking at your determination." Suddenly, a feeling of frustration settled on The Professor. "As your professor and magic teacher, I would love to teach you at least some of the magic you wish to learn. But sadly, I can't, and I'm growing tired of this situation we're both in."

He suddenly slammed his hooves on the desk, causing Twilight to jump in her seat.

"These no-good nobles are slowly driving me insane, Twilight," he exclaimed. "I've been teaching in these schools for the past 30 years, and with each passing year and each new batch of students, it's been getting worse and worse. The standards have plummeted to the point where they'll accept anyone with enough money. Look at these fools; they can't handle basic magic spells!"

He pinched his muzzle, frustration evident on his face. "Every teacher in this school has been told by the board of directors to teach at a level every student can understand. But because every class has at least fifteen unicorns who don't meet the criteria for a "gifted unicorn," I have to teach at their level, which means bringing you down with them."

"But why can't you just kick them out of your class?" Twilight questioned, her frustration evident.

"As much as I want to, I can't. Most of my students are colts and fillies of nobles who have connections with the school's board. If I lay a single hoove on them, I will be removed from my teaching role." the Professor explained with a heavy sigh.

"B-but that's just unfair!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Yes, it is," the Professor acknowledged, his tone resigned. "And this is a lesson you will learn someday. Equestria isn't a perfect place, you know."

The Professor then sank back into his seat, his frustration showing. "Heh, Tartarus, why am I even talking about this to an eleven-year-old?"

"Because this eleven-year-old happens to be the smartest and most capable pony in your class?" Twilight humored, attempting to lighten the mood.

"Smartest? Absolutely. But the only capable one? Not by a long shot. You do realize that one of your classmates, Moondancer, is more than capable of being in this class? And she's only two years older than you" the Professor remarked.

Moondancer? That pony with the glasses who ties her hair upwards? I suppose so. I've only interacted with her a few times. Still, I can see her handling the activities as well as anyone else in the class.

"Well, I suppose you're right about Moondancer. It's just that I never knew this place was bad as it is."

"Well, not to worry about it for now. I'll squeeze in a little time for you, whenever I can. So don't be afraid to come at me after classes," The Professor said, his tone softening with a hint of reassurance. He wanted to be apart of Twilight's growth.

"Thanks, professor." She smiled, "So, is this the only thing you need from me, Professor? Your personal therapist?" Twilight joked again, raising an eyebrow with a hint of amusement.

"Har har," the Professor rolled his eyes. "Quite frankly, Twilight, no. There's something else. Something long overdue and might pique your interest."

Flourishing, the Professor retrieved a grey keycard from one of his drawers. It looked pretty special, gleaming in the light and adorned with intricate symbols.

"This, my dear, is a very special keycard, and it's now yours."

The Professor then tossed the special card toward Twilight, which she caught using her Telekinesis. The card emitted a radiant glow, enveloping Twilight in its aura and casting a mesmerizing light around her. Suddenly, the glow dissipated, leaving the pass transformed into a vibrant shade of purple, matching the color of her fur perfectly.

"Woah... What... Was that-"

"Obviously It's Magic, Twilight," the Professor explained, "More specifically, the card is attuning to your credentials and magic essence, altering its appearance accordingly."

Twilight tilted her head in confusion. "Huh?"

"When this blank card is passed to a worthy user, with my consent, a fragment of the owner's magic is stored in it. This activates the card, causing it to change color toward the owner's fur, officially making it theirs. If the card is lost or stolen, it can be teleported back to the owner by finding its magic signature. So it's lost proof and tampering proof."

"Ooo, Wow. So what does it do? Does it give me access to somewhere more secret?" Twilight asked, her curiosity piqued as she examined the card.

"You got it right. It's simple, Twilight. Take this keycard to the school's library and present it to the librarian. She'll guide you to a more... secluded and intriguing section of the library."

"Intriguing?" Twilight's interest was piqued even further.

"Books, totems, scrolls, artifacts! Plenty of knowledge is accessible only to the school's staff and other promising unicorns the school may deem worthy. And I believe you're worthy yourself, Twilight."

The Professor flashed her a quick smile. "Think of it as an apology gift, Twilight. Your growth has been stunted because you've been forced to progress at the same pace as these... 'gifted unicorns.' I'd love to let you skip a couple of grades more. Well, maybe not really since you're eleven years old and you're already in 8th grade. And even if I wanted to, I don't have the authority, not the authority wants to let you skip anymore."

For the first time in this school, Twilight felt a glimmer of happiness. She was grateful that someone recognized her potential and was providing her with the tools to nurture it.

"Thank you, Professor. I really appreciate what you're doing for me," she expressed sincerely.

The Professor smirked as he rose from his seat, packing his things. "Any student of mine with potential and a desire to excel will receive my support. Now, go on. The library closes at night. I'll inform the guards at the front gate that you'll be there, just in case your parents or guardians are there to pick you up."

Twilight nodded gratefully, giving the Professor a warm hug before exiting the classroom. The Professor stood there, momentarily stunned, before a self-satisfied smirk spread across his face. Perhaps he wouldn't regret making this decision after all.

"That filly's going to be something." The Professor smirked at himself.

Before taking a final sip of his coffee. Twilight peered out the door, curious, "Professor... Uhm... Why are you referred to as The Professor when you're teaching in high school right now?"

The professor groaned. This is not the first time he's been asked the same question.


Twilight's excitement grew as she dashed down the hallway, her hooves echoing against the polished stone floor. The library had always been her safe haven, where she could lose herself among the endless shelves of books and knowledge.

Arriving at the school's library, Twilight spotted the librarian, Miss Quillbook, diligently tidying her workspace. The elderly amber-colored Unicorn wore glasses and sported long hair.

"Good evening, Miss Quillbook," Twilight greeted with a warm smile as she went near her.

Miss Quillbook adjusted her glasses upon seeing Twilight and returned the smile. "Ah, if it isn't my favorite regular, Little Twilight Sparkle. What can I do for you, dear?"

Twilight placed her special pass on the librarian's desk. "Please allow me to access the restricted section."

The old mare took the pass and examined it meticulously. Seeing the authenticity of Twilight's pass, her eyes widened in shock at its legitimacy.

"Twilight, this is legit; where did you get this?!"

"The professor gave it to me," Twilight replied, her excitement bubbling. "It was a gift he wanted to give me. He said I was worthy."

"That stallion must have taken a liking to you. You should know, the last time he gave out these passes was 7 years ago," Miss Quillbook remarked, her tone tinged with surprise and admiration.

Twilight felt a surge of pride wash over her, blushing sheepishly at the realization that her Professor held her in such high regard.

Miss Quillbook shook her head as she gestured for Twilight to follow her. Together, they made their way to the far corner of the library, where a door marked "Authorized Personnel Only" stood.

"Go ahead, dear. Place your card on that crystal next to the door," Miss Quillbook instructed.

Twilight nodded eagerly, following her instructions. She placed her card on the crystal, immediately emitting a grey light. After a few moments, the crystal glowed green, and the door opened as if by magic. Revealing a staircase, which she couldn't see at the end.

"Once you take these stairs, you should find yourself inside the deepest part of the library. And looking at you, you seemed quite excited to go, so I won't hold you for long. Be back in one hour as the library will close soon. You got that, Sweety?"

Twilight nodded in gratitude as she thanked the librarian and approached the stairs. The sound of the door shutting behind her sent a shiver down her spine, but she shook it off and descended the stairs until she reached the bottom.

There, amidst the dust and silence, her eyes fell upon an old crystal door. Its surface was coated in layers of dust, hinting that it had been a long time since it had been opened.

Twilight muttered, "Eugh... It's quite dusty. Has no one been here for a long time?" She wrinkled her nose at the thick layer of dust coating Everything.

As she approached the door's handle, her hoof reached out tentatively to brush away some dust. The crystal beneath shimmered faintly as she cleared away the filth. With a mixture of excitement, she turned the handle and pushed the door open.

As she stepped inside, Twilight found herself in a medium-sized room filled with dusty old books, artifacts, and relics from the past.

"Woah... Just woah. This is so cool! Look at all of these..." she exclaimed, her eyes widening in awe as she saw before her.

Slowly, she wandered around the room, marveling at the rows of dusty bookshelves and examining the ancient relics with fascination. Each item seemed to hold a piece of history, whispering stories of times long past. This is very different from what the library above had to offer. This felt like ancient stuff.

"This doesn't look just like a library; it's like a museum," Twilight remarked in awe as she continued to explore the room. With each discovery, her excitement grew, igniting a sense of wonder.

"Is this what it feels like when Daring Do manages to find a secret treasure? Look at this place," she mused aloud, marveling at the hidden wonders surrounding her. Her eyes lit up when she noticed a book placed tantalizingly atop one of the shelves, its title sparking recognition and awe within her.

"Book of Ancient Magic... Could it be?! Holy Celestia! That's a book written by Starswirl himself!" She gasped, her heart pounding with excitement at seeing the book created by Equestria's finest magician.

With eagerness, Twilight reached out with her magic to retrieve the book. However, her enthusiasm got the best of her, and she accidentally toppled the entire bookshelf.

"Oh no! I messed up," Twilight panicked as she used her Telekinesis to stand the bookshelf again. "I need to clean this up first—wait a minute... What's that?" Twilight discovered a small, ancient, dusty crystal box behind the fallen books and other items.

"It's like one of those cases for rings at the jewelry store. I think I've seen BBBFF has one of these," she remarked, enamored by its design.

But just as she reached out to open the chest, her inner voice echoed in her mind.

"Twilight Sparkle, what are you doing!" she scolded herself, "This might be dangerous. Who knows what could be inside this chest."

Twilight put aside her urge to investigate further and decided to find any clues that could help her figure out what was inside the mysterious box. She carefully looked through the dusty shelves and jumbled items but couldn't find anything.

"Ahh pony... I got nothing. It's so tempting to open what's inside... Ahh, buck it. My curiosity has gotten the better of me," she admitted defeat with a resigned sigh.

After carefully restoring the fallen bookshelf to its upright position, Twilight retrieved the crystal case and placed it on a nearby dusty desk. With a mixture of trepidation and excitement, she prepared herself to unveil the secrets.

"Well, now..." She hummed as she looked at the box once more.

"There are no marks, symbols, or other clues about what's inside..." she commented as she took a deep breath, excited and scared. "Well, me, you only live once."

She carefully opened the box, bracing herself for whatever might come out. To her surprise, nothing occurred. Inside, there was a simple necklace with a large green crystal.

"Wow, What a beautiful piece. I remember that my foal sitter talked about necklaces that looked weird. She said half the time, they could be cursed," Twilight remembered, but her voice was tense with worry. "Hey, it's just a coin flip, right? It's worth a shot."

Twilight fastened the necklace around her neck with firm determination, the cool touch of the crystal sending shivers down her spine.

Twilight felt a shiver run down her spine as the necklace glowed. Fearing the unknown force emanating from the pendant, she hurriedly removed it from her neck and threw it to the ground.

To her disbelief, the necklace did not fall on the floor. Instead, it hovered in midair, emitting ominous rays of magic. Before Twilight could react, a brilliant beam of magic emerged from the pendant, engulfing her in its ethereal grasp.

Twilight fought the mystery force while holding on to the floors for support as her fear grew. Everything she did didn't work because the collar kept pulling her closer. She tried hard not to give in but felt pulled to the necklace. Twilight uttered one last desperate cry, and the necklace's pulsing energy and strange power swallowed her.

As the pendant clattered to the floor, its glow faded, leaving only an eerie silence in the now-empty room.


Twilight landed on the soft grass. She looked around, her heart racing with adrenaline. She was shocked to see a big green field all around her.

"Where... am I?" she murmured aloud, her mind racing to make sense of her situation. But then, a sudden recollection flooded her thoughts, and her eyes widened in realization.

"Wait, I got sucked inside the necklace." she gasped, the memory of the mysterious necklace's pull flooding back to her.
She got up on her hooves and started to walk, but her steps were shaky and scared.

"There's no building, no pony in sight... Is this the inside of the necklace? Am I trapped here forever?" she wondered aloud, her voice tinged with worry and fear.

It felt like Twilight Sparkle had walked for a very long time. With each passing minute, her fear grew stronger. Each step seemed to add to the weight of her position, threatening to break her spirit.

"I-I should have never touched the necklace... how stupid of me."

As the minutes turned into hours, Twilight's fear grew. She was getting tired, and tears of anger and sadness filled her eyes. The realization that she was truly alone and trapped inside gnawed at her, filling her with hopelessness.

Twilight, desperate for direction, broke into a run, her hooves pounding against the soft earth as she sprinted ahead. But she was getting increasingly tired by the second as she pushed herself to the edge.

Twilight was so tired that her chest burned as she stumbled to a halt. She felt defeated, alone, and helpless when she got lost in this vast, strange land with no clear way to get back on track. She broke down in tears when she understood how bad things were for her. She was becoming less determined.

"Mom... Dad... Big Bro... Anyone help me... Help..." Twilight called into the empty plane, and her pleas resounded throughout. Her voice cracked with desperation. Her sadness came out in desperate sobs, and her pain and fear filled her surroundings. Every time she begged for help, she was met with silence, which made her feel totally alone and abandoned. Twilight fell to her knees in grief, realizing she could no longer hold on to hope.

As Twilight staggered on the brink of unconsciousness, her senses numbed by exhaustion, she could hear the sound of wings hitting against the air, getting closer each second.

"I heard somepony crying out here. I could have sworn I was getting delusions- Oh, my God. What the hell is a wom—mare doing here!?" a male voice exclaimed, filled with surprise and concern.

Twilight struggled to turn toward the source of the voice, her vision still clouded by tears and weariness. She tried hard to make out the person coming toward her, and a spark of hope lit up in her heart.

"Oh Shit, Oh shit... Don't worry, I'm here," the voice reassured, drawing nearer with each step.

"Please, help me get home," Twilight pleaded, her voice trembling with desperation as she reached out to the stranger, clinging to the faint glimmer of hope.

The stranger carefully put Twilight on his back and spread his strong wings to get ready to take her to his house. Twilight felt a strange calmness wash over her as they flew through the sky. It made her feel better and took her mind off of her problems.
The stranger's wings beat in a pattern, and the soft swaying of the air around them calmed her down, and she slowly closed her eyes. Even though Twilight didn't know what was happening or who was saving her, she found comfort in the calm embrace of his back and fell asleep.


??? Pov

"Holy Shit! Holy Shit! It's Twilight Sparkle! And she's right on my back, sleeping!" I exclaimed excitedly as I soared through the sky, heading towards my home.

"Man... I wonder why, though? Why is she here? Well, better to ask questions later." I shrugged, focusing on reaching my destination while Twilight slept peacefully on my back.


3rd person POV.

A few hours later,

Twilight groaned as she slowly woke, feeling the soft, comfortable bed beneath her. Blinking her eyes open, she realized she was in an unfamiliar room.

"Ugh, Where am I? What is this place?" she groggily asked as she rubbed her head. She felt a bit better now but was very hungry. She then took a good look at where she was.

"Is this some kind of bedroom?" she said as she scanned her surroundings. The room was fully furnished and filled with knickknacks she couldn't recognize. It wasn't anything too special until she saw something that amazed her.

"Is... Is that a mini tornado? Wait... What!" She quickly got out of bed and examined the anomaly.

"Wow, this is incredible!" Twilight exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement as she gazed at the swirling pile of trash. "It's like... like a tornado made out of garbage!"

She leaned in closer, examining the magical currents weaving through the mess. "Only somepony with serious magical talent can make this. See how the magic flows through each piece of trash, guiding it in a swirling, mesmerizing dance. And that there is only a certain distance the piece of trash can be far from its center before being sucked back in. This is intentionally set! It's like they've choreographed a balance between harmony and chaos!"

Twilight's mind raced with theories. "Maybe they used levitation spells to lift the trash and manipulated the airflow to create the swirling motion. Ooo, or perhaps it's a combination of Telekinesis and elemental magic..."

She shook her head in wonder. Whatever the method, it's absolutely fascinating! I want to know how this is made. I must meet the Unicorn that... made this..."

Then, something hit her, "Unicorn? But I remember the pony who brought me here was flying, so he must be a pegasus? But why does he have this? Or there may be more than one pony here. The second option seems more likely. I should be looking for them now."

She left the room, determined to learn more. Twilight went downstairs and into the living room, where she noticed something that shocked her.

"This... isn't a living room? What the hay is this?!"

Twilight's eyes widened in surprise as she entered the living room, her attention drawn to an unexpected sight that left her speechless. Before her lay a laboratory unlike any she had ever seen, filled with intricate machines and cutting-edge technology pulsing with magical energy. She had entered a world where magic and science coexisted harmoniously.

Within the lab, she could see all kinds of marvels: chemistry sets bubbling away, machines whirring and moving on their own, and various contraptions whose purpose she could only guess at. It was a mesmerizing display of innovation and creativity, and it filled Twilight with wonder and excitement as she took in the sights before her.

"Wow, this is incredible," Twilight marveled, her eyes darting from one invention to another. "It's like stepping into some magic workshop, but way cooler and more complicated."

Twilight couldn't help but feel excited as she approached one of the machines. She leaned in closer, examining its intricate design with fascination. It reminded her of a Goldberg machine, each component intricately connected and serving its purpose.

Each invention seemed to have its own story of cleverness and creativity behind it, igniting Twilight's curiosity and leaving her eager to learn more about the mind that had crafted them.

Before Twilight could even reach out to touch any of the machines, a shimmering blanket of magic enveloped them, creating an invisible barrier that prevented her from making contact.

"OOY!" A voice called out, causing Twilight to flinch.

"So, you're awake! I can tell you were gonna touch my little pride and joys from here! I'll give you a warning. Don't you dare put your purple hooves around my machines!" the voice commanded sternly.

"Eep! I'm sorry! I'm sorry... Ahh, uhm..." Twilight mumbled, embarrassed for almost meddling with things she shouldn't have.

"Never mind that. How about you get your flank to the dining room and wait there. It's on the left side of the room." The male voice continued, its tone softening slightly. I know you're hungry, so I'm preparing you some food,"

"Uhm... Thank you," Twilight replied gratefully, albeit slightly intimidated, as she made her way to the house's dining room. She sat and glanced around, noticing that the décor was consistent with the previous rooms she had seen.

With a hesitant voice, she spoke up, "Uhm... Excuse me? Can I ask you a question?"

"What is it?" the male voice responded, sounding more patient.

"Were you the one who... Saved me and carried me over to your home?" Twilight inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"Well, yeah! Obviously," the voice replied with a hint of amusement.

"Oh, sorry. I was just wondering about the trash tornado in the room where I was and also the machines I couldn't recognize." Twilight clarified, recalling the whirlwind of debris she had seen earlier.

"Oh, ho, ho, the trash tornado is my greatest pride and joy. I made it myself, you see. And the machines—I also made them—they serve their purpose," the male voice boasted proudly.

Twilight furrowed her brows, confused by the revelation. "Wait, so you're not a pegasus? I do remember you flew when you put me on your back."

The voice remained silent for a moment, save for the rumbling of kitchen tools. After a brief pause, the noise ceased, and a figure emerged from the kitchen holding a giant bowl of fruit salad.

"Well, no shit, I can do both, baby!" the figure chuckled, his voice echoing through the room.

Twilight's eyes widened in shock as she beheld the towering figure before her. Taller than Celestia, a stallion with dark green fur and a long, flowing, light brown and gray mane. But what shocked her was that the stallion possessed wings and a horn, which only Princess Celestia and her foal sister have. This could only mean...

"Y-you're an a-an a-"

"Alicorn? Why, yes, yes I am," the stallion interrupted smugly, his presence commanding attention and respect. Twilight's mind raced with questions, but before she could utter a word, the alicorn set down a flourishing bowl of fruit salad on the table.

Twilight blinked in confusion, her mind struggling to process the revelation: A male alicorn was before her. Although not unheard of, male alicorns were unseen. The last time she heard of one was in a history book she read, written more than a thousand years ago. Celestia's father was the only documented male alicorn in Equestria.

"I-I don't understand," she stammered, her gaze fixed on the mysterious creature before her.

"Nope, I know you understand what's going on. You just don't believe it," The male alicorn laughed back. His tone was comforting despite the mare's confusion.

"A male alicorn! How is that possible? No one has ever seen a male alicorn before!" Twilight yelled, and her shock was evident in her voice.

The male alicorn's face looked confused before it replaced it with a smile. "Young Lady, when there is a female alicorn, there can be a male alicorn too," he joked matter-of-factly, offering Twilight a bowl of fruit salad, "Now, less questioning and more eating. I know you are starving, so eat."

Before Twilight could refute it, her stomach growled loudly, betraying her. She blushed in embarrassment before eagerly eating her share of the fruit salad.

The alicorn watched her with an amused smile, having fun watching the hungry unicorn gobble down. Then, a realization struck him. "Oh shit, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Serpentine. Yes, I'm handsome, and yes, these horns and wings are real, so I'm non of that accended bullshit." he joked and added a playful wink that made Twilight laugh nervously.

"Well, I'm Twilight Sparkle, and I like magic, reading, and books... I'm eleven years old," Twilight replied, offering her introduction.

Serpentine spat some of his bolus inwardly when he heard her age. "Ah, shi- shoot," He apologized quickly, as he coughes crazily, "I *cough* mean shoot. God, I never thought you were young. Heh, my bad."

'Ahh crap, I've been swearing at a young Twilight Sparkle! How could I have not known!. Fuck,' he cursed silently in his thoughts.

Twilight raised an eyebrow at his slip-up. "Uhm, You don't think I'm young?"

"Well, you certainly don't sound like a filly. The first thing that came to my mind was that you're vertically challenged," Serpentine admitted sheepishly, earning a snort from Twilight.

Serpentine chuckled nervously, trying to recover from his mistake. "it's been ages since I last encountered someone as... youthful as you."

"Someone like me? Wait... you've been trapped here for quite some time?" Twilight queried, her curiosity piqued.

"Yes, indeed. I've been stuck here so long that I've lost track of time outside the necklace," Serpentine confirmed, omitting some details.

"Wait... so that means... there is no way out of the necklace?"

"Nope, Nada, Not at all," Serpentine said seriously. Looking at her with pity.

Twilight's heart sank at Serpentine's blunt response. "No... It can't be..."

Serpentine glanced at her with a mischievous twinkle in his eye before bursting into laughter. "Nah, I'm just kidding, Twilight."

Relief flooded through Twilight, quickly followed by a surge of annoyance. Twilight rolled her eyes, "Don't scare me like that, Mr. Serpentine." She glared at him and jabbed him in the side, unable to suppress a slight smirk at his playful deception.

"Ouch, and Guilty as charged," he admitted with a charming wink.

As they finished their meals, they both fell into pleasant silence. It was nice that Serpentine had company other than himself or his... illusions since it gets boring after a couple of rounds. After a few minutes, Serpentine finally broke the silence with a question. "So, Twilight? Could you tell me why you got stuck here?"

Twilight nodded as she started to talk about what had happened before she showed up inside out of the blue. Serpentine paid close attention to everything she said. His face showed a mix of worry and interest as he hung on to every word.

As Twilight shared her story, including the strange magic of the necklace and how she was desperately trying to find a way out, she couldn't help but notice that Serpentine was really interested. Even though he seemed egotistical and would quickly get bored and dismiss her initially, something profound about his eyes made her think he understood her situation better.

Twilight became more honest with Serpentine with each passing second, telling him about her worries, anger with her school, and dreams of becoming one of the most incredible magic users like Star Swirl. She was surprised that he listened carefully and offered support and encouragement whenever she paused. In the end, Twilight felt better opening up to him.

"Damn, looks the system failed you real badly. I can relate to that. Well, count yourself lucky 'cause fate must have put you in a misfortune right now, which led you to me." He looked at her in jest. He then used his magic to teleport the used bowl out of the dining room.

Twilight ignored the crashing sounds from the kitchen and looked at Serpentine, fascinated. "Woah, teleportation magic! And you do it so effortlessly! I've always wanted to try mastering it."

Serpentine stopped and raised an eyebrow at the excited filly. "Really, huh? It's nothing to be excited about. It's just simple magic, Twilight."

Twilight couldn't believe her ears. "Simple magic!? No, it isn't! Teleportation takes a lot of time to understand and master. You must figure out the basics, like distance, location, aerodynamics, and materialization!"

Serpentine looked at Twilight with confusion, intrigue, and utter bafflement. This wasn't something an eleven-year-old should know, let alone understand so profoundly. Yet he couldn't help but snort, as it was basically in Twilight's character to know all of this.

"Uhhh, wow, I... you got everything right and wrong simultaneously," Serpentine scratched his head, looking bewildered. "This is super advanced stuff, Twilight. It's not something that should even be taught until you're older."

"Well, I can't wait, Mr. Serpentine. I'm dreaming big, and if I want to make it a reality, I must work hard to achieve that. I want to learn a whole lot of magic!" Twilight said excitedly until her expression suddenly dropped.

"But I'm stumped right now. Although I have been given access to many materials now that I have access to the forbidden section of the library, it's hard trying to teach myself alone."

Serpentine looked at the sad filly as he teleported next to her and gently petted her hair, which she accepted without hesitating. After a bit of thinking, this gave him an idea.

'What if I were the one to teach her magic? Sure, I barely have any experience with taking in a student. I mean, this is a golden opportunity right here at my hooves. The filly wants to learn magic, and I know all about magic—well, at least from certain 'sources' that I will not credit. I could be her teacher, and she could be my protegee,' he thought.

"Hey, Mr. Serpentine," she said eagerly, cutting off Serpentine's inner monologue, "how do you get out of the necklace?"

Serpentine paused, his expression shifting to a mix of sympathy and regret. "Well... I'm going to be honest. I don't have a clear way out."

"But you said-"

"Let me finish, Twilight." Serpentine interrupted softly. "I don't have a clear way out since I'm bound by the necklace. Some shi- I mean stupid curse prevents me from leaving."

"Oh no, that's terrible," Twilight remarked, her voice full of worry.

"Yes... Yes, it is," Serpentine said sadly. "But for you, you're different."

He leaned in closer, "Even if you are locked inside the necklace, you are not bound by it. I may have a theory, and it could work."

"Please tell me! I want to get out of here," Twilight pleaded eagerly.

"Well, if you know how to use teleportation, then yes, you can get out of the necklace," Serpentine revealed, igniting a spark of hope in Twilight's eyes.

"Wait, really! Yay!" she exclaimed, her joy evident as she wiggled with excitement. But her jubilation was short-lived as she remembered something crucial.

"But... I don't know how to do Teleportation," she admitted, her enthusiasm deflating.

"Ehhhem," Serpentine coughs, straightening up and casting an innocent glance around the room, feigning obliviousness.

Twilight stared at him blankly for a moment, trying to figure out what he was trying to say. Then it hit her, and she blushed with embarrassment.

"Ohhhhh, Uhm. Well, then... Mr. Serpentine?"

"Yes, Twilight Sparke?" Serpentine replied, his eyes pierced, eyebrows furrowed, and lips pursed in anticipation.

Twilight chuckled nervously, knowing precisely what he wanted to hear. "Will you teach me how to do Teleportation magic?"

"Nope," Serpentine responded cryptically.

Twilight did not expect that answer at ALL.

"WHAT! W-why?!" Twilight asked, confusion evident in her voice.

"Well, my dear Twilight, I can see it in your eyes. You crave something more," Serpentine explained.

"Wait, More?"

"Come on, Twilight, Is that the only thing you want from me? Or do you want something more? Something that I can offer you more than the rest of your... teachers."

Twilight initially got confused by Serpentine's cryptic statements, not understanding what he was implying. However, once she thought about it more, she realized it. Serpentine seems to understand her passion for knowledge and desire to dive deeper into the mysteries of magic.

He wanted to become her teacher, guiding her down the magical path and sharing his enormous knowledge. The thought filled her with excitement and fear, but most of all, gratitude to Serpentine for recognizing her potential and promising to help her flourish.

"Um, okay," Twilight replied, excitement and nervousness evident in her voice. "Mr. Serpentine, I wish to become your student. Please take care of me from now on."

Serpentine's smile widened like a madman; he had achieved what he wanted, and now he had his own student, and it was Twilight, no less.

"Very well, my dear soon-to-be student," he smirked. "But I have some conditions, and you must accept them if you want to be my student."

Twilight looked a bit intimidated, but she nodded nonetheless.

"Condition number one! You will refer to me as Sensei. No more Mr. Serventine. And I'll refer to you as my little student," Serpentine declared with a smirk.

"Sensei?" Twilight questioned, her curiosity piqued.

"There you go, you're getting it," Serpentine replied, pleased with her response.

"No, what I mean is, what is Sensei?"

"It means... Teacher in an ancient language that has been lost to time," Serpentine explained, adding an air of mystery to their arrangement.

Twilight nodded, feeling a sense of pride in being called something from a long-lost language.

"Condition number two! You will never tell anyone about me; keep me as your secret unless I say otherwise. Not only because I don't want any unwanted attention but also because I don't want you to deal with anyone going to me. It will be our little secret."

Twilight nodded, absorbing the weight of Serpentine's words. "Our little secret," she echoed softly, understanding the importance of discretion.

"Condition number three!" You will devote most of your time to your academics without slacking off or distractions. Magic requires dedication and discipline, and I expect nothing less from my student," Serpentine said, his tone harsh yet encouraging.

Twilight's determination sparked within her. "I understand Sensei. I promise to give my all, Serpe—Sensei!" she said, her eyes blazing with determination.

Serpentine smiled in answer, a cheeky twinkle in his eyes. "It's Official then! Let's get started! The sooner you learn teleportation magic, the better for us and the less suspicious we get."

'Sorry, Celestia, but I would be shaping Twilight's future this time. He had his ideas for a better Twilight and was excited to see them come true.' Serpentine thought, determined to mold Twilight to his liking.

"Well, This may or may not change the future, but why do I know?" He said as he teleported him and Twilight out of the dining room.

Author's Note:

First ever story in Fimifc. Wanted to write a stort where Twilight gets a teacher that actually teaches her magic.

Give me some valid criticism.

Comments ( 7 )

I'm interested to see where this goes :) also, not a lot Male Alicorn stories either

This is definitely interesting also, I like the skeleton of fun you are hinting at. Im guessing one of the sources that he has is DND so all the bullshit with metamagic is on the table. Also might be fun to teach her how to cast without a horn because

Magic from the body, Magic from the soul, Magic from words, Magic from components, Magic from elements, Magic from the earth, Magic from the sun, Magic from the Moon, Magic from the Stars. Magic is everywhere. You just need to learn how to use it, and that is true for all. The only thing that unicorns have over other races is a natural arcane focus. (God that would be fun ... and terrifying with pinky to teach the rest of the six magic)

First lesson should be teleporting BUT AFTER it should be safety and rules of magic like don't put a bag of holding in a bag of holding. Don't make deals with entities outside your realm of understanding unless you can trick them. Make sure to have a fire extinguisher nearby when doing artificing. Simple stuff.

Its very good! Well written, enjoyable and kinda different. I'll be sure to keep an eye on your work.

This have too much potential!

missing quote marks, odd word choices and missing letters with two words in the first paragraph, nothing waiting a week and going over it again can't fix.

beyond that I like this so far.

I think divinity original sin 2's vanilla and modded spells (Mods by Odenblade I think their called on steam) and pathfinder 2E's occult spell list seem like fun sources for our mystery Alicorn.

between Celestia's standard lessons and Serpentine's "sources" I can see a Twilight that is much more esoteric with her magic.

Very interesting start. I’m curious how a former human got stuck in there but also why she wasn’t already Celestia’s student if she got into the school…

Excited to see where this goes the pacing feel really nice I hope we'll get some fluff too and that twi doesn't grow up too fast.

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