• Published 16th Apr 2024
  • 289 Views, 10 Comments

Redemption's Shadow - Whooves235

Sombra has survived death yet again, and with the threat of imprisonment by the princess's has no choice but to seek reformation, and so Blue Crest the Night Guard General takes him in, learning there's more to him then there seems....

  • ...

Chapter 8: Loyalty and Honesty

Ponyville - Blue's House

As the morning came, Blue would wake up early as Sombra had suggested. The stallion got into the shower and cleaned himself off, making sure he was presentable. Blue himself wondered what Sombra was going to make for food. But he figured he knew what was the best food for the moment.

Sombra was already up. The scent of coffee and burning wood tickled Blue's nose when he arrived to the kitchen. Sombra looked surprisingly... well, cheerful was the wrong word, as the stallion probably would have died before looking 'cheerful' but there was an absence of irritability in the stallion that Blue couldn't quite place. "Coffee's brewed, help yourself to it, then chop me some fresh herbs. I have a bread proofing. You don't have a levain, so I had to change some things, but there is brewers' yeast -modern era is so convenient, we used to have to walk to the brewery to get ours or make beer ourselves- so that works. I didn't think being in a kitchen would be this pleasing after such a long time, but then again, I don't have to feed 15-odd foals."

"Thank you Sombra" He said as he went to grab the coffee, and then also went into his cabinets to grab the herbs, he would then use his metallic wing to begin chopping them, it was surprising actually, his wing seemed sharper than most knives and the way he was cutting them was truly methodical. The stallion just sipping on his coffee as he did so.

"... Blue, I never asked you this... but when did you start to live on your own? At what age, I mean?" Sombra was focusing on tending to the fire, stoking it with precision, even if he admitted that it felt decidedly odd to throw wood into the oven rather than coal that the Empire was accustomed to. Wood was simply too scarce to use in such a way... Sombra clicked his tongue.

"Oh uh...hmm" Blue tapped his chin a bit "Well...I joined the guard when I was 19...and by the time I became a 2nd LT I was around...24? Shortly after that I was finally able to live on my own without having to live in Canterlot so Id say...I was 25 years old when I first bought the house" he said.

Sombra didn't respond immediately, taking a sip of his coffee and washing his hooves from the wood ash. "... You were older than I was when I usurped the crown, though only by a year... Strange to think that."

"Really? Huh..." Blue said, the stallion then finishing with the cut herbs as he put them to the side "Right, Herbs are done, whats next?"

"Hmm... grind these." Sombra's magic passed him the next item. "...It's strange to cook again. It brings memories. I... am weighted down by them."

"How so? You seem to enjoy cooking" he said as he began to grind the things Sombra passed to him.

"I do. But the memories are... happy. Sometimes a little chaotic, sometimes a little shall we say, anger inducing, nothing like working over a stove for hours to find the littlest one throwing the dish to a wall." Sombra took a while to focus on what he was doing, not looking at Blue: "... and that is the problem. The memories are happy. I don't deserve such a nice memory. And as I remember those nice memories, it is like my throat closes up and a vice squeezes my chest."

Blue hummed softly "I think...what your experiencing is a sense of self-unworthiness..." he said "Some ponies...when they do bad things...believe they should only be judged by said bad things, to the point where they will even make themselves believe that feeling happy is wrong..." He said, as he continued to grind "Some guards even get these feelings...when they fail to save somepony or somepony dies on their watch, they tend to try and focus on bad memories to make themselves feel bad."

Sombra didn't answer, but quickly grabbed the mortar and pestle from him, not with anger, but adding the ground ingredients into a stew: "... It's difficult to remember sometimes, especially when you remember ponies who you wronged. And who wronged you in return." The stallion's voice was bitter, but focused as he stirred, placing the bread in an oven: "...let's talk about something else."

Blue nodded "Alright...Did you sleep good?" he asked.

"Yes, even if getting up was rather difficult. I got used to it, but honestly... to sleep until noon, wouldn't that be grand?"

Blue chuckled "My personal best record is sleeping until 5pm" Blue said.

Sombra chuckled "Had you been in the orphanage, Miss Chestnut would have hauled you from bed by eight by your ears, or with the gentle rapping of a switch on your bedpost. I am aware that might make her seen unkindly, but she wasn't. Merely upheld a routine."

Blue laughed "Oh my goddess my mother did the same thing, she'd yell at me to get up by 10am and if I didn't my entire room would be actually trashed" He said.

Sombra laughed a bit, smiling: "I admit I may have been something of a special case, I was sick often, so she was more lenient with me. Maybe that is why I turned out the way I did." Sombra frowned temporarily.

Blue was quiet for a moment "So uh...what is your favorite dish to cook?"

"Hmm... hard to say. Soups, perhaps. I never really had a favorite. It's always been enjoyable, never a passion for me. Food is just... food. I admit, to my shame, that a gourmand I am not." Sombra took a sip from his now cold coffee and grimaced, but continued drinking it. "...though I admit that I do enjoy luxuries terribly. A plush sofa, a good book..."

"I think I should show you an episode of Kitchen of Tartarus...you would get a kick out of it" Blue said smirking.

"Hah, maybe I will. Well... until they arrive, everything should be set for now." Sombra sighed, and sat down on the kitchen chair: "... I procured some fresh fruit and less fresh wine from the market. Quaint little place. Half the size of Empire's own marketplace..."

"Oh yea, Ponyville's market is always a nice place to go to" he said smiling as he walked over to the living area "Did you get any apples? Im pretty sure Applejack would appreciate that."

"I did. As well as carrots, the herbs you chopped, strawberries..." Sombra smiled a little: "It was strange how...easily everything was available."

Blue hummed softly as he thought to himself "I really hope those stories about Applejack hating all other fruits are just stories..." He said to himself...huffing as he smiled again, grabbing the remote to turn on the TV as Sombra smiled and grabbed himself a book to read.

Sombra had barely managed to turn a page however when Blue's front door opened with a tremendous bang and a rainbow-colored blur skidded to a halt at the coffee table: "WHAT IN THE HAY IS THIS???"

Sombra peered at the item with annoyance: "To me, that would be a tabloid. I didn't know you could re---" He stopped speaking when he saw Blue's expression.

Blue was pale in the face, the stallion clearly shook. He felt as if his entire world was collapsing in front of him. As if he was going to vomit out his entire insides, organs included.

Sombra followed Blue's gaze, eyes squinted as he read the article: "... WHAT!?"

There in the article was a photo of Blue and Sombra kissing each other from last night, as well as a photo of them at dinner. The caption reading 'King of Darkness finds new love?' the entire article was worded either as slander to Sombra or concern over his return. Some of it even going into detail about Blue and him being seduced or mind-controlled.

"Sorry ya'll, ah tried to stop her from rushing in like a sheepdog inna tizzy." Applejack said as she came into the room Sombra took an annoyed breath through their teeth and growled.

"And this is why I outlawed free press..." Sombra muttered in anger.

"U-um..." Blue was still pale, with a slight flush on his face as well now "I assume the princesses are not pleased with this?" Blue asked the two mares, the stallion doing his best to keep his composure.

"Well, ah figure the surrounding towns to Canterlot might still hear Twahlight's scream echoing." AJ said, shaking her head with a grimace.

Rainbow on the other hand punctuated it with a jab to Blue's chest with a hoof: "So what the hay is this? You dating this creep now?" Sombra growled loudly in response, but said nothing, taking instead the slightly calming option of walking to the kitchen to check on the food, fuming.

"He's not a creep!" Blue almost immediately said, the stallion looking to Rainbow with a look of protection and defense "He-..we...went to dinner yesterday and he just thanked me in his own way..." He said, blushing "Even if I was dating him, it shouldn't be that big of a deal."

AJ looked after Sombra, then back to Rainbow and Blue. "... looked to be like one Tartarus of a way to me, but ah ain't judgin'. Maybe some actual howd'ya say it, social life could do some good. Just... be careful alright?"

"We have been careful...I have no idea how this happened, I could have sworn we were alone at the park" He said, reading through the paper "It just doesn't make sense..."

"Um... maybe ah'll go check on yer formerly terrifyin' coltfriend then. Ah don't trust Rainbow to come outta it with all her feathers attached. Rainbow, why don'cha tell 'im about yer new stunt?" AJ took a few worried steps towards the kitchen, peeking in carefully.

"He's not my colt-...ugh..." Blue said, huffing with frustration as he continued to read through the article, then noticing the publisher...Canterlot Times...this got Blue slightly perplexed. What would the Canterlot Newspaper be doing in Ponyville, and why so far away as well...then he noticed the photo's publisher....Paper Quill. He was from the Ponyville Times. Now this was interesting.

Rainbow scratched her other hoof with an uncertain look. "Hey, it's just gossip, You should see how often Wonderbolts are in and out. If Spitfire switched out to kale instead of spinach, you bet there'd be an article in less than a week about how she hates the spinach industry."

"Yea I know...The Wonderbolts have been on heavy criticism as of lately, I know you're probably used to it" Blue said, the stallion relaxing slightly.

"And you're sure you aren't under a spell or something? Some mind control thing?" Rainbow said, squinting

Blue would sigh softly and show a small pendent on his neck "Princess Celestia gave this to me, resistant to Mind Control Magic. She said I can remove it whenever I want" He said "So long as I have had this on, I know he hasn't done anything."

Rainbow shrugged, sitting down: "...so... how is he then? Overall?"

"Things have been fine I guess? Sombra's definitely made it so that life isn't dull that's for sure."

"Well, that's good." Rainbow looked relieved, and sniffed the air: "Smells great, what are you cooking?"

"Oh we made you and AJ some food, we figured it was worth being polite...that and Sombra apparently really enjoys cooking" He said.

Rainbow looked surprised, wings spread: "What?? He, with all of... the evil emperor vibe enjoys cooking? I figured he'd enjoy something like... I don't know, staking enemies on long poles?"

If Rainbow was about to continue, she was cut off by Sombra's low, nonplussed voice: "Wrong tyrant, you're thinking of Vlaamperd Welara, the batpony ruler. I met him a few times, serious, piercing eyes."

"You met him too?!" Blue asked shocked, surprised, and smiling slightly "Oh you have to tell me about that" He said, eyes beaming with joy.

Sombra smiled a little, lowering a large stone dish to a dinner table. The scent was wonderful and Sombra looked rather proud, especially with Rainbow around which the stallion seemed to take as a challenge or a threat."I did, he owes me 5 bits. Of course, he's long dead now, so I cannot collect..."

"That's actually hilarious to know" Blue said, the stallion licking his lips at the food as it was placed down, hopping off from his comfortable couch and walking over to the table.

AJ followed soon after, carrying a basket of apples and other fruit. "Well, soup's up everypony."

Blue would approach the table, and sit down right next to Sombra, giving him a reassuring smile, Sombra smiled a bit, feeling a moment of fondness for the pegasus.

Blue just smiled to Sombra softly. The stallion clearly enjoying himself as he began to eat, the stallion verbally showing how much he enjoyed the food with some hums "This is so good..."

"It really is! Ah didn't know you could cook." Applejack said, smiling as she too began to eat.

Sombra looked a little proud of the fact, but the ever-so-slight blush showed that he appreciated the comment. Sombra smiled a bit: "The recipes are old, the few I remember from foalhood." Noticing Rainbow's suspicious glare, though steadily softening one: "No poison, not my ah... 'style'. Also, not a very good look poisoning your guest when you and your guard are the only ones present." Sombra looked surprisingly relaxed now, and wondered if time with Blue had made it happen. The four prattled on slowly getting more comfortable, even if Sombra's dark sense of humor was decidedly going over the pair's heads.

Eventually the table would begin to talk about some other topics, Applejack telling stories from the farm, Rainbow talking about Wonderbolt Gossip, and Blue divulging in some stories from the guard. "So then, I was locked in the room with the guy for an entire 2 hours, and all we had to entertain ourselves was a ball of yarn and some old forks, next thing you know half the room has been turned into a diorama of Canterlot Castle" Blue laughed as he took a sip from his drink, as well as finishing up some food "I'm telling you, that's the last time I ever go on shift while hungover"

Sombra smiled, eyes kept on Blue, his head leaning to his hoof. He had been quiet for a while now, simply taking in all that Blue was saying. It was a strange feeling, so warm and fuzzy. But it felt good and he was content."The first time I got drunk was at a wedding that Ho... a friend and I sneaked into. We danced all night, and ran out with a bottle of wine when our orphanage's matron spotted us. Finished the bottle elsewhere, and she pulled me to dance even if there was no music to be heard. We crawled back home in the wee hours of the morning drunk off our asses and suffered the consequences the next afternoon." Sombra smiled, lost in sweet memories.

"I heard Rainbow's a lightweight, too." Blue said, chuckling softly, which caused the earth pony to nudge the pegasus next to her, and saw Rainbow blush red.

"No I'm not, I bet I can drink more than you!"

"Yeah, cider maybe. How about something harder like... I don't know, calvados?" Sombra broke from his trip to memory lane: "Oh, it has been eons since I had a calvados... There really is nothing better than a Tres Vielle Reserve as an aperitif... Crystal Empire's castle wine cellar should still have a few bottles of 12 ATS vintage..."

"Really? You know I've never been that mutch of a drinker...other then special occasions I more or less just drink one or two glasses...then again I do go overboard at bars occasionally" He chuckled "Still the fact the Empire has drinks like that is impressive."

"The empire had a long history of trade with surrounding principalities and countries. And I wouldn't be too surprised if Applejack's ancestors took to the city with a cartload of apples and their byproducts. Though, 12 ATS would have been pricey... likely available to nobility alone."

Applejack leaned back: "It would be fun to create a new cultivar for the Crystal empire, like a crystal apple?"

Sombra leaned forward with a wicked grin: "Ah, then every worm that bores in is symbolic..."

Applejack laughed: "Yeah, that would be you. Eating it from inside out."

Blue chuckled "Would a crystal apple make you look all shiny and stuff? I know eating Zap Apples can sometimes make pegasi fly faster in rare occasions" Blue said "Then again I never understood the whole crystal look..."

"Heck, we don't fully know how Zap Apples work, and we cultivate them! So... maybe? Ahm not sure how to get such an effect on an apple, maybe crossbreeding with zap apple...? But that would make it finicky and difficult to predict how it would grow and this is actually really exciting!"

"Ughhh, that's all she's going to think about today, thanks a lot..." Rainbow groaned, laughing a little.

Blue would smile softly, looking around the table to the three ponies. It was nice, knowing that after everything that these three ponies had been through, at the end of the day a dinner and some small talk could ease up the long tension. Blue was honestly happy, he couldn't remember the last time he had this much fun with a group of ponies outside his own small friend group. He looked to Applejack and Rainbow, seeing that there two tails had sense wrapped around each other. He then looked to Sombra, who for the first time in a long while, was beaming with joy. It was clear the stallion enjoyed being social, and Blue was happy. Happy that he could give Sombra a chance to be his true self.

Comments ( 4 )

Keep it up this is such a sweet story

Surprisingly wholesome chapter :heart:

I love it ! This history is my favourite for now on 💜

Comment posted by Wolfwaffe deleted May 18th
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