• Published 22nd Apr 2024
  • 135 Views, 7 Comments

Cake - HanadjisBox

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Big Sister

The night janitor made his rounds through the castle. Cleaning and occasionally saying hi to the royal guards. The library was his last stop before going home so he was understandably excited as he entered to dust the old books. As he stepped in he jumped in surprise at a figure in the dark room, but soon calmed down when he recognized the figure as Celestia

“Oh hello princess, late night reading?”

He spoke while staring to dust off some books, she did not respond. This was strange because she was always very friendly to her staff…

“Princess? Are you alright?”

He pulled a flashlight from his belt and shined it on Celestia. What he saw immediately made him drop the flashlight and run out to alert the guards. Luna awoke to ruckus in the hallway and walked out to see what was going on.

“What is the meaning of this? Such noise at this hour??”

Luna yelled angrily. She saw the janitor hyperventilating and being comforted by a guard.

“Princess, she’s in the library”

the guard spoke sadly, Luna didn’t need to know who “she” was, her dear sister Celestia. Luna had worried so much but how could she let something happen while she slept?! That thought propelled Luna into the library to see what had happened. The sight was something nobody could have prepared for. Celestia, reduced to a stone statue. Guards around her were trying to revive her or at least help but of course it was no use. Luna screamed and fell to the floor…Celestia committed suicide? Or maybe it was an accident? As a Pegasus guard flew in sweating and out of breath she realized the answer was neither.

“Princess Luna! The victims of The Bakers are….are all alive.”

Luna was stunned.

“Where are they.”

She said sternly.

“The old castle, in the Everfree forest-“

the guard could barely finish his sentence before Luna took flight and headed towards the old castle. She couldn’t think she couldn’t breath, this was worse than any nightmare. She soon caught her breath and landed on the grass in front of the decrepit place she had once shared with her sister, ponies by the dozens were stumbling out of the front door…ponies that Luna recognized as “missing” were alive all along? She looked over them trying to make sense of it. Scars, long scars across the bodies of everypony she saw. It was disturbing to say the least…a light yellow coat distracted her from the grim sight


Luna shouted as she embraced the dazed mare. Fluttershy couldn’t even respond, let alone hug back.

“You- you were dead Fluttershy, how could this be? I saw your head!”

The princess was hysterical.

“I died……I remember everything…..how am I here?”

Fluttershy asked in a low voice. Luna finally understood what was happening here. Celestia didn’t commit suicide, and these ponies were dead! The scars marked what had once happened to them, even their cutie marks were gone. Cut off long ago. Celestia had used a forbidden spell to trade her soul for those who had been lost. But she could’ve brought back all of ponyville and still be intact! She was an alicorn! So why was she stone? She quickly lost all questions hearing Fluttershy’s sniffles…Luna could only hug her and try to stop her crying. No pony deserved to know what happens after death, an unnecessary burden of mortality. And everypony who was baked at the hands of Pinkie and her family now knew. The dazed victims gathered around their princess, unsure of who else could help them. Luna was happy, she was finally loved by her subjects. Maybe because she was the big sister now…a tear slipped from her eye as she held Fluttershy and the others tighter. Guards soon arrived to take victims to hospitals, more reports came from sugarcube corner that ponies were spilling out from the abandoned building. Seemingly appearing back where they were first killed. As most of the victims were taken to mental hospitals they soon discovered a pony had appeared there where she died from jumping out a window. Twilight Sparkle.