• Published 13th May 2024
  • 90 Views, 2 Comments

My Little Warhorse: Friendship is Broken - Cold - Script Singer

The changelings are back, and with them -- tragedy.

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(1) Helping With Flurry Heart

Twilight sat on the picnic blanket, laughing at Pinkie’s joke. It was an idyllic day, thanks--in part--to Rainbow’s hard work. The pets were playing not too far away, Winona and Gummy teaming up to chase the others while Owlicoius watched from above.

“No way!” AJ almost sounded scandalized, “He did not!”

“He did!” Pinkie responded with laughter. “Then he was all ‘You know, back in my day’ and started all over again.”

This started another round of laughter amongst the girls.

“TWILIGHT!” Spike called, running up to the group.

“Spike?” Twilight asked, concerned, he didn’t usually interrupt their weekly picnics.

“A-a letter came, came in for you.” Spike panted, skidding to a stop just outside the blanket. “It- it’s marked Urgent!” he held out said letter.

“Oh. Well, thank you, Spike!” Twilight accepted the letter and opened it, reading it quickly, before double taking and rereading it.

Dear Twilight,

I’m sorry to spring this on you, but Shining Armour and I were invited to the yearly Crystal Summit, and we have no one to watch Flurry on such short notice. Our usual sitter canceled on us. It will only be a few days, and we’ll come pick her up right after. Could you watch her?


Twilight folded the note and poofed it away. “Spike, could you take a letter for me?” Spike nodded, already holding a quill and scroll.

Twilight cleared her throat as she responded to the letter, accepting. She turned to her friends. “Do you girls mind if we cut the picnic short?” she asked. “I need to get Flurry’s room cleaned up.”

“Sure, I gotta get back to the farm and get my daily chores done anyway,” Applejack replied to general assent from the others as well.


Later a knock on the door alerted Twilight to her sister and niece’s arrival. She opened the door for them with a wide grin, inviting Cadence inside for a moment.

“Thanks again for doing this, Twilight,” Cadence said. “I’m so sorry to drop this on you so suddenly.”

Twilight smiled waving a hoof. “Not at all,” she replied. “I love spending time with Flurry.”

Cadence smiled as she gave a soft giggle. “I know, I’ll be back tomorrow at the earliest.”

Twilight took the sleeping Flurry from her mother gently as the two said their goodbyes. As soon as the door closed, flurry stirred from her nap.

“Twiwight?” she asked sleepily.

“Yup!” Twilight responded, “You're staying with me for a little, while your mom and dad go to their summit.”

“Pinkie?” Flurry asks craning her head to look around the castle entry.

“No, Pinkie isn’t here right now, do you want to go and see her?”

“Yes!” Flurry cheers, now fully awake.

“OK! Let’s go visit Pinkie!” Twilight says grabbing Flurry’s baby-bag and heading out to Sugar Cube Corner. Luckily it wasn't very busy when they arrived so Mr. and Mrs. Cake were willing to let Pinkie attend the excitable foal for a few hours. As long as they took the twins with them to the park.

Flurry shrieked and giggled at Pinkie’s silly face beside Pound and Pumpkin Cake, the three foals were pretending that Pinkie and Twilight were giant monsters that were trying to catch them. The two had spent the last hour chasing the foals around the park, burning some of their endless toddler energy.

“Twilight!” Twilight turned to see Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo running up to her.

“Hello girls, is something wrong?”

The three kids skidded to a stop just in front of her, “No, we just noticed Flurry Heart was here! Are you looking after her?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Yeah Cadence and Shining Armour had to go to a summit and their normal sitter couldn't watch her, so they asked me.”

“Cool! Can we help?” Scootaloo offered.

Twilight raised an eyebrow at the threes’ ‘innocent’ smiles before chuckling good-naturedly. “I'm sure you three have more important things to be doing, besides it’s almost dinnertime.” she gently shooed the three off.

Eventually the three foals were sufficiently tuckered out, Twilight and Pinkie bid each other farewell and took their respective charges home. Twilight was surprised to find Fluttershy and Rainbow waiting at her door.

“Hay Twilight!” Rainbow called, waving. “Flutters and I figured that since Flurry is staying for a while we would come and hang out!” Fluttershy nodding.

“Hay girls! Why don't you come in and Spike and I will get dinner ready.”

RD and Fluttershy entertained Flurry while Twilight made dinner with Spike’s help. Rarity and Pinkie showed up after their respective shifts, Twilight’s dining room becoming lively with happy noises and AJ dropped off an apple pie from Granny Smith before joining the rest of the party in the dining room.

Spike yawned as they brought out the food and nearly fell asleep in his plate, Fluttershy cooed over the drake, taking him upstairs to his bed while Pinkie and RD snickered quietly to each other.

“I see the little guy’s growth spurt is still taking its toll on him,” AJ commented.

“Yeah, he's grown at least three inches in the last day, I swear!” Rainbow guffawed.

“He sure is growing fast.” Twilight sighed, “It feels like yesterday he was just my baby dragon.”

“Aww, It’s alright Twilight, the hardest part about watching our little ones grow up is when they start leaving the nest, and I’m sure that's a long way off still.” Rarity offered her condolences.

After pie, the six mares and one filly retire to the throne room. Each winding down for the night in their own ways, Twilight pulling down Flurry’s favorite stuffed toy, a green and orange snail named Whammy. She cooed and curled up with Fluttershy, while Rarity pulled out her needlepoint, and Pinkie and Rainbow snuck off together, giggling. Twilight and AJ chatting in low tones, ignoring the sounds of Pinkie and RD’s latest prank being set up. A sudden knock on the front door startled Twilight.

“Ah wonder who that could be?” AJ asked.

“Dunno, Cadence said she wouldn't be here until tomorrow at the earliest,” Twilight said, moving to answer the door. She had just opened the cracked door to the hall when a bucket of water fell on her, soaking her mane and tail.

RD and Pinkie burst into peals of laughter, each falling in place. Twilight began to grin, her horn lighting up with magenta magic. Flurry looked at her aunt confused while Rarity hid an amused smile behind her needlepoint. Suddenly Twilight’s magic flared and several water balloons appeared in flashes of teleportation, dropping onto the two laughing ponies.

The three of them stared at each other for a long moment before the silence is broken by Rarity’s quiet chuckling causing a chain reaction and soon all six ponies are laughing together.

Another knock at the door reminds Twilight of why she had gotten up in the first place, still laughing she opened the door to a very confused-looking Princess Cadence.

“Oh! Cadence! I didn't expect you back so early!” Twilight greeted her.

“Uh, Why are you wet?” Cadenza asked.

“It’s a long story, anyway are you here for Flurry? I thought the Summit was going to be much longer.”

“Oh, no! No, the Summit was canceled.” Cadenza said rubbing a pink hoof through her mane, “I hope I’m not interrupting?”

“Not at all! The girls were just visiting, we’re getting ready for bed in fact! Why don't you stay the night? It’s a long flight to the Empire, and it’s gotten pretty late I don't want you to be flying all night.”

“Oh that’s not necessary Twilight,” the Princess assured, “I’ll be alright, besides I left Shining Armour alone and we should be getting back to him.”

They arrived in the throne room and Flurry cooed and reached out to Cadenza, who picked her up. Saying her goodbyes and taking off into the night with the foal.

Strange… Twilight thought, something about the encounter was off, but she couldn't quite put her hoof on it. Cadence was probably just tired from traveling or something. Suddenly she grinned. “Don't even think about it Pinkie!”

“Aww come on!” Pinkie giggled, dropping her water balloon harmlessly to the entry floor.