• Member Since 13th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday



Comments ( 65 )

I couldn't find the source of the picture, so you'll have to excuse me on that. I sincerely hope it's not from another fanfiction. If it is, please tell me and I'll change it.

I will have to give this a look in the morning. Till then my good sir!dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Colgate_beam.png

I almost thought this was going to be a thought provoking fan-fic, but then I saw it was Regidar. :trollestia:

1597156 I almost thought this was going to be a thought provoking fan-fic, but then I saw it was Regidar.

Nailed it.

1597156 Oh, you flatterer.

But seriously, for once it's not a trollfic!

Ittts Regidar, another great fic my good man. Also, is your hair still looking flawless?

:ajbemused: : Nice thing ya did there!
:yay: : It's nice, if, um, that's ok with you, I mean...
:pinkiehappy: : Prettynicethingyoudidthereyourenotbadmaybeyoucanwritemoreofthatthatwouldbecool!
:raritystarry: : This is fabulous!
:rainbowwild: : This story is awesome!
:twilightsmile: : The quality of a story is detemined by either its morale, its variety or its punchline. Due to this story being a short more-of-comedy story, the punchline is most important. However, every story should not contain too many spelling mistakes and should have paragraphs. I can check every point on my checklist, so this story gets at least A-minus.
Good story!

Shine on you Crazy Princess... I see what you did there. You could make a sequel" "Shine on your crazy Crystal", dealing with Cadance and the crystal empire.

1597200 You know it!

1597421 Thank you for the full review from the mane six!

1597665 "Well you wore out your welcome with random precision,
Rode on the steel breeze.
Come on you raver, you seer of visions, come on you painter,
You piper, you prisoner, and shine!"

When I saw the title was "Shine" I started singing "Shine on You Crazy Diamond." Then I saw the name of the chapter. I then proceeded to read said story, and my mind soon decided that it was best read in the voice of an enthusiastic preacher. Live on, little Sun Disciples, live on.

1598255 I thank you for capturing every single point of the story beautifully. Have some Floyd.


Floyd is god. Good story. I wonder though, are pillows in Equestria stuffed with goose feathers or pegasus feathers? If pegasus, is that some sick joke? Has Pinkamena been in the pillow making business?

1626808 The royal pillows use pegasi feathers. Everywhere else uses goose. They aren't going to waste feathers from the rainbow factory, you know.

I am most amused.

1637979 And everything was better from that moment on.

1637268 *bows* Thank you, Princess.


I see what you did there.

Comment posted by afterceasetoexist deleted Jan 20th, 2014


Hey, Regidar. Yeah, you.

You're awesome.

1782229 Did you like the story? :twilightblush:

I did. The ending was a bit unexpected, but it does seem like something that could actually happen. :moustache:

1782235 It can only be expected from me. :trollestia:

1782232 :twilightsmile:

Regidar writing a short story, 1,000 words, starts with "Space."

After read: I saw where it was going as soon as it got to the whole sun she-bang, but I'm glad you went for it anyway. Nice joke, two princesses being them in their non-serious time, blahbity blahbity blah.

Now go be Regidar and do all dat stuff you do. :ajsmug:

Part of the holy textbooks, it seems.
WILL READ. :yay:

1782261 :twilightsmile:

The :twistnerd: being that it wasn't a trollfic.

Oh, you amazing person, you.

Yeah, that's always a pleasant surprise.

First off: Highly narcissistic of you to put your own fic in "The Best Fucking Stories Ever" in the Cul-fan Association. I would expect nothing less from a great author. :derpytongue2:

Second, reading this for a second time, my sides split just as much. And now that I've been reminded of Woona, have some more diabeetus.


Found several new words to add to my deck in this story. Like "The." Seriously, what does it mean? It's like trying to describe "left" or "blue." It can't be done.

Also, I feel like I need to listen to more Pink Floyd from now on. I didn't get any of the references, and I am ashamed.

Praise the light whilist I live through the night!

1803676 Hello, number 2.

1804381 Hello, Number 1. You wouldn't happen to serve on the Enterprise as it's 2nd in command? Would you?

1807380 Not as of now, no.

1811382 What? Why not? It's a great position, you'll get plenty of adventure, and have a chance to do something good when it comes around! Explore strange new worlds, seek out new lifeforms and civilizations, and boldly go, where no one has gone before.

1812569 Perhaps, but as of now, I am content with my lifestyle here on earth!

1812589 BOOOOORING. I would totally go to Equestria. I AM NOT CONTENT.

Huh. Wonder why it took me so long to get around to reading this story (sorry about that), but I'm glad I did. That was nice.

2017195 Hehe, no problem. Thanks for reading!

Who is that dashing person in your avatar, btw?

2017465:pinkiegasp: Um, Ian Curtis. From Joy Division? Y'know? Great band...

2017490 We can be smoke buddies.

Also, I'll check out Joy Devision.

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