• Member Since 1st Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 37 minutes ago



Having accidentally teleported herself into the Mojave Wasteland, Twilight finds that she, along with the Courier, will be the deciding factor in the war for Hoover Dam. Their actions will determine who controls not only the Dam, but New Vegas and the entire Mojave Wasteland.

I do not own MLP FIM or Fallout: New Vegas. They belong to Hasbro and Bethesda Softworks.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 37 )

Not bad at all! Even though the idea itself is pretty generic in a sense, this is very well written and has great potential. I love how you referenced so much of the in-game lore in this, and I also see that someone got the Classic DLC pack, didn't they? :rainbowlaugh: Either way, I enjoyed this and I'll look forward to where you're going to take it from here. If you need my help with anything, writer to writer, I'd be more than happy to give you my advice. I'd also recommend joining The Mojave Express group on here and adding this story to it. :twilightsmile:

1646538 I knew the idea itself was generic,:twilightblush: but in my defense, most of the time it's the Courier or the Lone Wanderer that ends up in Equestria, not the other way around. Yes, I decided to give Adam the Classic pack. I was originally going to give him the Lightweight leather armor from the Caravan Pack but I felt that it would be best to give him the armored jumpsuit, and he's using the Broad Machete from the Tribal Pack. And I'm actually replaying New Vegas with the same stats as Adam, mostly to remember how things go in game and to have a reference that I could go back to. Also, how do you join a group because I have no idea how to do that.:twilightblush:

1646668 Just search for the group on the groups section of FiMfic, and click join group, then on your story hit "Add to Group". Add it to the group you've joined and there ya go. :twilightsmile:

1646677 Thanks, just added the story.

Yep, this confirms it. It's Twilight every single time.

1646702 She is the perfect character for this role, you have to admit that.

I am so sorry, but I am freaking tired of this bullshit. Every single fallout crossover lately has been about Twilight going to the Mojave and meeting the courier. I have seen three, count em' THREE, stories where this has happened in the past two months. IT'S OLD!

1646715 :rainbowhuh: I recall My Little Fallout: New Vegas. But what are the other two? If you guys don't what to accept my story, I completely understand.

1646752 No, it's cool. Nice and well written, blah blah blah, but I'm saying this particular idea is overused. And, sorry, but I'm not going to go looking for the stories. I'm pretty sure they're in the Mojave Express. I'm not going to fave this, but I will give it a like and hope that it still gets more publicity.

Well, there's mine, and I believe that there's another one with the Lone Wanderer. Dark Wanderings, I think it was called. Can't think of the other ones off the top of my head, but they're probably in the Mojave Express, somewhere.

1646763 I knew this idea was a bit overused, but really I couldn't do it any other character. Also, I was originally going to have it take place in Fallout 3, I even had the first chapter typed up, but I felt that one was going to be more tedious to write and it wouldn't have been as fun for me, so sorry. Thanks for the like, I appreciate it. And hey, at least it's not another Halo story.

Not bad, I saw a few places where your grammar was incorrect such as this place

I’m going to have to wait until my bodies makes ]

How many bodies does she have?

And a few like this

I still surprised

Should be I'm.

Anyways much better than the first chapter of my fallout fic Dark Wanderings grammar wise :twilightsmile:
have a like and a follow, i'm interested to see where you go with this

1647038 Thanks for pointing those out.:twilightsmile:

“This machine can to do that.”

“What are “Vaults?” Twilight asked.

Should be

"What are 'Vaults'?"

Yea, this particular idea is overdone as fuck. Now to read.

Imma try something new-the SAG system.
Story-2/10 Overdone, and so far almost exactly the same as some other stories.
Articulation-8/10 You got all of your points across and showed, not told.
Grammar-9/10 Very few mistakes, and not large enough to annoy me too much.
Overall, I say 6.5/10. Not bad, but not good. I want to wait for one or two more chapters before I accept this, since I have hope for a better story later, ala Dark Wanderings.

Ah, another fellow Fallout x-over!

While it's okay so far, I'd have to agree with some of the other commenters. This concept is way overdone. Off the top of my head, I recall maybe 2-3 fics with an identical premise, where the Courier is like "Ah, I live, stupid headshots," followed by, "What is that in the bed?" followed by stuff.

If you still have the first chapter of your alternate Fallout 3 fic saved, I'd recommend you use that instead. Your writing looks fine, and I've yet to see a decent fic where a pony meets the Lone Wanderer when s/he's a newbie and still searching for his/her father. Just the concept sounds neater to me, since a Wanderer fresh out of the vault would be even more green, naive, and vulnerable than a fresh Courier...unless s/he's a sociopath. S/he and your pony of choice would get hardened together.

Anyway, carry on. Have a like cookie and a fav lollipop.


I'm not exceedingly picky when it comes to Ponies in Fallout stories, even though Twilight seems to be the star of the show most of the time. So my like and fave are automatically given by default.

The one thing this story has going for it so far is that Doc didn't have a heart attack like in the last one I read.

1648965 Sadly no, I deleted the one about Fallout 3. However because of all the comments telling this idea is overdone, maybe I should just type that one out and post it instead. I'll think about that.

You seem to be a good writer; you just need a bit of a better basis for a Fallout crossover and you'll get dozens more readers.

Hm. Looking good so far, continue on.

I doubt that, I'd like to see how Fluttershy, Rarity or RD react to the wasteland.
(Especially Fluttershy, because of this mod.)

Theres actually a pretty good New vegas crossover where its Pinkie Pie, I believe its called the Mad Mojavian adventures of Courier 6 and Pinkie Pie

It was not that bad. But alex is gonna be pissed when he finds out you made a fallout/pony crossover. It is his favorite game ya know.

1961079 That's if he finds out. And besides, he doesn't even read fanfiction.

I converted him over the break. He is now a brony. And yes he does read fanfic.

Well as I can see so far this is going well can't wait to see the rest also fix that ceiling spinning thing I hope you meant a fan. Now let it begin.

2053052 Wow, I honestly thought you were bullshiting me when you told me that.

2053063 Seemed so did it not? Still keep up the good work and remember to check for stuff like that.

Haven't updated in a while, removing from sub folder, resubmit if you update.

One year later...

Nothing is happening.


No blog post, no author's note, not even a cancelled/hiatus status. Looks like this story is stuck in limbo permanently.

Eh, the beginning's pretty much the same as the game, but I liked how you gave out Twilight and the Courier's stats and Tag Skills.

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