• Published 20th Nov 2012
  • 18,715 Views, 1,132 Comments

Her Own Pony - Jorofrarie

All of Pinkie's clones are gone. All but one.

  • ...

Day Three: Paint the Scene

As usual, a big thanks to my editors.
Piedol (Go look at his stories, they're great)
Alpha151 (Amazing attention to detail)

There was somepony knocking on her door. That was the first thought that crossed her mind as she awoke. The sun as already rising into the sky, but the blankets had shielded her eyes from it, blocking the rays that threatened to wake her earlier in the morning.

The noise stopped for a moment before resuming. “Hello? Miss Pie? Are you awake?” Polished Mantle’s voice drifted through the door quietly. “I don’t mean to intrude, but Fancy wishes to get out into Canterlot early today. I take it that he has something special planned. You may not want to keep him waiting.”

She let her head fall back into the mesh of blankets. She really did not feel like moving today. Her head was groggy. The terrors from the previous nights were still hanging around her head, preventing her from relaxing even in sleep. But Fancy was her host, there was no telling what he might do if she didn’t humour him by accompanying him into town...

The slightly disgruntled pony moved the blankets aside and staggered to her hooves, almost falling over in the first few seconds as the blood rushed to her head. Without thinking, she walked over to the door and opened it, grabbing the attention of Polished, who was just starting to walk away. He turned to face her and his eyes widened.

“Miss Pie,” he said, “are you feeling well? You know that I can always get Fancy to reschedule any plans he has. You don’t need to get out of bed on his behalf.”

Feeling well? Sure, she’d be able to go into Canterlot just fine...

Might as well. Fancy will probably show me something just as cool as the last few days.

She quickly fixed a smile on her dial - Why is it a dial? - and waved Polished away. “Nah, I feel great, I’ll be down in a few minutes.” A thought flew into her head, and she ushered Polished away with a hoof. “Just... let me get ready?”

Without waiting for an answer, she practically slammed the door and dove onto her bed, muffling her muzzle on the sheets. She let out a small squeal of excitement. The day was almost there. She would be seeing the Princesses tomorrow, and everything would be fixed. No more secrets, no more lies, no more running. She would be safe. Hopefully.

And she only had to get through one more day until she was there.

But another thought occurred to her, and she darted into the bathroom. Something Polished had said... That she looked sick?

She reached the mirror and froze. His meaning became apparent immediately. Her coat was even worse than the night before, paling substantially just in the time it had taken for morning to arrive again. The once bright pink coat now only had the faintest trace of it’s original colouring, the mane with it.

But it was her eyes. He must have noticed the eyes too. She could have sworn that she saw him wince for a moment as he caught sight of her. He must have noticed.

They weren’t natural. They couldn’t be natural. Black eyes weren’t a thing of nature, or at least from what she’d already seen. And they weren’t black as normal eyes are black, they were black as the night was black, a pool of darkness where she had once looked normal, covering her entire eye.

One thing was certain however. She could not go out into Canterlot looking like this. She would just have to tell them that she wasn’t going out. Oh, but she couldn’t do that, she’d already told them that she would come, and if she backed out they would only become more concerned, and they’d want to know what was wrong with her, and they’d take her to somewhere they could check on her. They’d examine her, and they’d question her, interrogate her, and then-

And then they’d know the truth...

No, she couldn’t raise suspicion. She’d just have to go out to town normally, and try to stop the them from thinking something was wrong, somehow.

But how would she prevent them from seeing her coat, and her eyes? They weren’t the kind of thing that you could hide everyday! If only there was some sort of cultural thing that the Canterlot ponies had, anything to hide themselves, to change their outwards appearance, to make themselves look different from how they usually were!

She sighed in exasperation. There couldn’t be anything like that, it just sounded too weird, ponies never hid anything. Even Fancy Pants didn’t do anything li-

She took a moment to slap herself on the head. Stupid, she was being stupid. Of course there was something like that. Many things in fact. Things that would perfectly hide the... problem that she had. She quickly patted herself on the back and hurried out of the bathroom. Scanning the room, she found the thing that she had been looking for.

It looked amazing, just sitting there in the corner of the room, so hidden from her sight, but so ready to jump to her aid in her moment of need. The wardrobe.

She practically jumped into it - ignoring the sudden urge to check for lions - and investigated. It was absolutely full of clothing, all of it ridiculously colourful and bright. Some short, some long, some big, some small.

But all of it was designed to conceal. Well, except for one item that looked like it was meant to do the opposite.

What does somepony need with black lace?

But she shoved all of those items of clothing away from her, she needed one that would be her, not some silly thing.

“Aha, here we go...”


“I’ll admit, you did surprise me a little with your... choice of apparel”

“What’s wrong with it?”

Fancy’s face immediately lost all of it’s (already pale) colour, and his eyes shrunk to pinpricks. “N-nothing is w-wrong with it...” he stammered, sounding a bit frightened.

She just shrugged it off as being a fear of clothes. Her clothes, she quickly amended. Fancy shook off his hesitation. “No my dear, you look amazing, even if your look is rather... unusual. For a pony about the town that is, not that there is anything bad about a pony wearing a cloak out and about.” He finished with a grin that seemed more unsure than anything else for some reason.

...I’ll have to ask about his fear of clothing opinions. I mean, it’s not like I would take offense if he told me how I looked. I haven’t even worn clothes before!

She shook the thoughts out of her head - stifling a snort at the prospect of that actually happening - and instead concentrated on her surroundings, which were as bright and vibrant as the last two days combined. If anything, they were brighter than anything in the whole of Equestria!

She had imagined the Ponyville was pretty nice, and that Canterlot was slightly... less nice, but the whole time she had assumed that they were about as colourful as a place could get.

Well, she was wrong. By a long shot.

Putting is simply, the street looked as if a whole rainbow had suddenly forgotten that it was meant to hover and instead decided that belly flopping the area beneath it would be much more fun. Even the ponies looked like they’d joined in the fun. In all honesty the whole place looked like one huge ginormously bigerific explosion of colour.

Fancy had walked the two of them into the District only a few minutes ago, attracting a few glances for her clothing. However, every single pony on the streets at the time had been in something that was just as strange - if not more so - than her own garb. Even the ones that weren’t wearing clothes were weird looking; stripes and circles and random shapes covering their bodies.

Yep. It was incredibly obvious, even to somepony that had no clue where they were, that the ponies surrounding them were artists. And Fancy had obliged her by pointing out the obvious when they walked into the area.

But is was still very early in the morning, and not many ponies wanted to be out and about for no particular reason, even if they just wanted to do a little painting for fun. Sleep was always more important, no exception.

...Except for when the pony that was giving her a free ticket to freedom at the hands of the most powerful - and elusive, at times - ponies in the world. Yeah, that usually came just a little above her sleeping routine.

Routine, hah, makes it sound like I’ve actually been doing it for sometime more than... 4, 5 days?

The stallion escorting her must have had a sixth sense for down-frumpiness, because he shot her a quick concerned glance and gave her a soft tap on her wither. “Pinkie,” he started, “are you still feeling a bit off? I mean, we can always postpone this outing if you are not up to a day out around the city?”

She contemplated that. He had said it himself, so she would be free of any guilt if she just went back to his mansion now.

If she went back and spent the whole day doing nothing.

Alone with her thoughts.

She winced slightly and tried to straighten her posture. “Nah, I think I’m good for the day, don’t you?”

Fancy eyed her. “Are you sure about that? You’ve been acting a bit st-”

“Yes,” she said sharply. Upon seeing Fancy Pants’ reaction she softened her tone. “Yes,” she repeated, “I’ll be fine, just point me where to go and I’ll follow you.”

The gentlecolt nodded slowly. “Very well then Pinkie, let me show you around,” he paused for effect, “THE ARTIST’S DISTRICT!” More than one pony glanced curiously at the source of the outburst, and he shrunk down a bit under their gaze.

“You might have said that a bit too loudly there Fancy...” she whispered loudly.

“Uhh, yes, indeed. I think I realised that...” he replied, his face colouring mildly. “Let us move on, do not want to make any more of a scene than we already have.”


Eyeing him dubiously, she followed the unpredictable guide, letting him take her along the street.


Murals passed her by on either side, depicting just about anything she could imagine. One might show a giant platter of bananas, the one next to it had a cannon pointing to the moon, a pony already flying out of it with a helmet on. One that really caught her eye was of Luna herself, resplendent in her jewelry, flying above an inky black ocean that blended perfectly with the night sky. The moon was large in the background, the sea cutting through its midsection, making a perfect circle that spanned both ocean and sky.

Fancy was looking at it beside her. “You know,” he said, “it always made me wonder when I saw these.”

“Wonder what?”

He looked surprised that she had answered him. “Hmm? Oh, I was just thinking to myself is all. The thing that intrigued me was Night Mare Moon. The tales always said that ponies never appreciated her night a good thousand years ago. Now?” He trailed off, waving a hoof in the direction of the mural. “This must be a welcome sight to her...” He mumbled something quietly, but it was too soft for her to hear.

Fancy’s head gave a quick turn. “Okay then, let us be off. Much more to see on this fine day. I am sure that we can find something else that is just as inter-”

“My, my, my. If it isn’t my old friend Fancy Pants. They still callin’ you that now? What happened to you ya old blighter?”

If a stallion’s head could turn any faster, she had yet to see it. Fancy Pants turned in much much less than a second, towards the source of the voice.

“Can it be,” he breathed. His face broke into a wide grin. “AHA! It is you!” he didn’t waste any time in breaking into what could only be called a full on sprint towards another pony on the street. She hurried after him worriedly.

When she caught up to him, she saw him in a massive hug with another stallion, both cackling madly. Well, one was cackling. She couldn’t even imagine Fancy Pants ever doing that. The other pony, however, looked like it was all that he ever did, his face creased with years of smiling.

And he was a zebra, or at least looked like one if a zebra could have a different colour set to the usual black and white. Maybe like... Red and green.

Fancy was hugging a red and green zebra.

...Well that’s new...

The ‘zebra’ pulled out of the hug to get a look at Fancy, still grinning. “I can’t believe this, first day back and I see you!” he yelled ecstatically. “Thought I was gonna have to search everywhere!” He shook his head. “Can. Not. Believe this.” His accent was changing as he spoke for some reason.

Fancy smiled back. “I cannot believe it either Stone, I am about as surprised as you are! What brings you here? The last time I heard you were out in the Griffin Kingdom, what changed your mind?”

Stone shrugged. “You know me, I can’t stay in one place for too long. Had to keep moving. Besides, Griffins are borin’ as hell if you get to know em’. Which I did. They have a thing for music, I’ll tell you ‘dat.”

Stone noticed her behind Fancy, and turned to face her. “Hello, who is ‘dis fine po-nee?” he caressed the ‘e’ sound in his mouth. Fancy rolled his eyes.

“This is my esteemed guest, Pinkie Pie. She is currently staying with me. She decided to take a break, come and see the city. I’ve been showing her around a little.” He slapped a hoof to his forehead. “Oh how rude of me! Pinkie Pie, this is my old colleague, Rolling Stone. He’s a musician. Supposedly.” She looked at his flank, and sure enough there was a picture of some stringed instrument, a caravan behind it.

Stone glared at Fancy mock-seriously. “And what exactly is that meant to mean?”

Fancy grinned. “Well, I didn’t want to tell Pinkie outright that your songs sound like the ‘Friendship Express’’ breaks after they are covered in rust.”

“Oh you’re just so nice Fancy,” Stone said sarcastically.

Fancy grew a smug smile. “Indeed, I’m just likeable that way.”

Stone’s voice took on an uncanny impression of Fancy’s own voice. “Oh yes, quite right, pip pop cheerio scootaloo. Better go see to my perfect mansion then old chap. Oh, and I can play so much better than my amazing friend Rolling Stone. He doesn’t know anything about music.” He burst out laughing when he saw Fancy’s expression. “Oh man, he never likes me doin’ ‘dose impressions.”

The multicoloured - and possibly insane - pony ignored his friend with the ease of much practice and turned to her. “Come on, why don’t I take you all over to my place. It’s not far, and there’re a few new additions to the crew that you might wanna’ meet,” that part was directed at Fancy, “and I can introduce the rest to you... My esteemed guest Pinkie Pie.” he snickered, poking fun at Fancy.

The suited stallion rolled his eyes. “Very well then, this might soak up some time. What do you say, Pinkie?”

“Sure,” was all she said.

Stone struck a pose. “Then let us be off!”


“This is so cool.”

“Yep. And I own it, so it goes where I want it to go.”

The trio were standing in front of a house. With wheels. Well, it wasn’t a house, it was only the size of one, but apparently it was a caravan.

Could’ve fooled me...

The caravan was in the middle of a grassed area, only a few hundred meters from the Artist’s District; easy access for anyone with a fancy for drawing. This drew a confused glance from her, at least until Stone had explained that he could just as easily walk to one of the other Districts, the park let a pony get anywhere.

And it became obvious as to why the caravan would need this access to anywhere the moment she stepped inside to find at least eight ponies already lounging around in any spare crevice. Somehow each pony managed to find a place to stay, some hanging from the roof in hammocks, some in beanbags, some in tiny recessed cavities in the wall. She quickly took off her cloak, worried that she might offend him in some way if she didn’t.

As Stone stepped in some of them called out a greeting, which he returned in kind before turning to his companions. “Welcome,” he said grandly, “to the lair of the Band of Misfits!”

“Shut up! I’m trying to sleep here!” one of the hammock ponies shouted angrily.

Stone winced, and called out a hushed, “Sorry!”

The pink pony was just watching them all. “Why are there so many? You aren’t all family, right?”

Stone’s smile faltered imperceptibly, so little that she thought she had imagined it. “O-of course not, no. We’re just... friends. That needed help. You see, we weren’t... accepted in our homes,” he paused for a second, “our parents weren’t happy with our life choices, and we were thrown out.

“So, we wandered around for a while - separate of course - until we eventually found each other. Likes attract you know, so it was only a matter of time until we were all together. We decided that we should stick together and...” he waved a hoof around him. “This happened.”

She eyed him dubiously. “You built a caravan in a park?”

Stone watched her with a shocked expression before bursting into laughter. “Oh no no, we’re travellers. We didn’t have anywhere to stay, and we knew that we didn’t want to settle down. So we bought a caravan, got our instruments, paints, whatever, and we set out. We basically go wherever we’re needed, so at the moment we’re in Canterlot, performing to the locals. It’s sometimes a hard life, but it’s the only life we have.” He paused to take them further into the caravan and seated them at a small table near the back.

Stone quickly changed the subject and started talking to Fancy Pants, the topics changing endlessly. It seemed that Fancy himself had travelled with the group at one point, himself a singer. She had questioned this, to which Stone said, “No really, if you ever need opera, you’d be hard pressed to beat this guy right here. You would not believe his voice.”

Fancy lowered his head. “Oh no, I wasn’t that good. It’s all in the confidence. Just act like you’re feeling fine, and the audience will pick that up.”

Stone chuckled. “Still modest I see.” He turned to face her. “Anyway, that’s enough about Fancy here, how about yourself Pinkie? I haven’t heard much about you. What do you do? Anything interesting?”

She stuttered slightly. “Oh... no, I’m nothing special. Just... average pony, y’know?” Fancy was giving her a curious look while she was talking. “I’m sure I don’t want to bore you with the details, I’m just a baker, nothing amazing... like you guys!” She was grasping straws, and Fancy was watching her slightly dubiously. Funnily enough, Stone’s own face changed, and he interrupted Fancy as he was about to say something.

“Yes, of course, I’d love to tell you some stories of my travels, with the group that is. I bet that you’ll find them really interestin’.”

Fancy shrugged and nodded. The conversation went on ahead as if nothing had happened. Fancy would occasionally butt in to add something, but for the most part it was Stone who was steering this thought train. He really had an unbelievable life, going all the way from the Griffin Kingdom, to the Dragonlands, to the Zebraharan, and everywhere inbetween. He even claimed to have fought a giant sea serpent, in the Everfree Forest of all places!

...For some reason she doubted the truth behind that claim...

Oddly, almost the whole time she was listening, Stone would watch her to gauge her reaction. She didn’t know why he was doing it, apart from him trying to see what she thought of the stories, but he gave the impression that he was searching for something in particular.

It became incredibly clear exactly what he was looking for when Fancy Pants said he needed to find a toilet. They had already been in Stone’s company for at least an hour, and the other inhabitants of the caravan were still asleep, or were at least incredible mimics.

Almost the moment the suited stallion walked out the door Stone’s attitude changed, and he watched her warily from across the table. She began to get nervous under his gaze.

“So,” he said, “is there any reason that you picked Fancy as a host, or do you have a death wish?”

Her mouth dropped. “W-what? Host? I mean, he’s nice, but h-”

“Why are you impersonating her?”

She froze, her blood running cold. How could he know? “I... I don’t know what you mean. Who am I impersonati-”

“Save it,” he deadpanned. “You can hide it from someone like Fancy, but not someone like me.” He almost looked proud. “It’s obvious that you’re not Pinkie Pie.”

Someone like him? “And who is someone like you.”

His eyes widened. “You really haven’t realised yet? How can you not recognise your own kind you numbskull?! You really are the most pathetic changeling I have ever seen.”


“But I’m not a... changeling?” What was this guy talking about?

Stone’ expression hardened. “Really now,” he said skeptically. “So you’re in Canterlot, disguised as one of Fancy Pants’ - a stallion that I hold in the highest regard - friends. And you’re not a changeling?” For a moment his eyes flashed green, and his voice started to buzz slightly. “What do you expect me to believe! You better tell me who the hell you think you are right now, or so help me I’m handing you over to the authorities. I don’t take kindly to anyling impersonating my friends, or any of theirs!”

A sudden flashback to that grey mare, Octavia, flew through her mind. Yet another pony, changeling, thing, had found out, or at least had their suspicions.

How do they see through me so quickly? I’M NOT GLASS!

Apparently that didn’t matter, and Stone was watching her impatiently. Some of the other occupants of the caravan were watching her, popping their heads out of the hammocks to watch. There was nowhere to go, and if she ran... well, Fancy would find out soon enough.

Her head fell, and she let out a deep sigh. “Okay, you got me,” she mumbled. “I’m not the real Pinkie Pie...”

Stone motioned for her to stop, and told one of the ‘sleeping’ ponies to stand out the front to watch, just in case Fancy came back unannounced. Then he let her speak, and she told him everything.

He stayed silent the whole time, not even once asking a question. It seemed that he was happy just to let her speak and see what her point of view was. When she was finished however, he raised his hoof and sighed.

“You realise,” he started, “just how unlikely it is that you’re going to meet her right? The Princess?”

She stuttered. “You believe me?!”

Stone shook his head. “Pinkie, or whoever you are, I’ve seen weirder stuff than this before, and frankly the thought of a clone really does not surprise me all too much. Besides...” he shrugged. “You’re in a situation that I’ve had to live with for the last... well, a very long time.. I’m a changeling, it’s how we are.”

He paused. “And I know I’m going to regret this in all likelihood...” She leaned forward in her seat, awaiting his decision. He looked to be having a hard time getting it out of his mouth. Eventually he just sighed and said, “I’m going to have to let you go. I can’t in all good conscience be this hypocritical, especially when it hits so close to home.”

She started laughing in delight. “Oh thankyou thankyou thankyou! I can’t even begin to tell you how much this means!”

He grinned. “You don’t need to. I’ve been in exactly the same situation that you’re in, and I know how it feels. Honestly? I want to see you win this, it’ll feel good knowing that you get off the hook. It’ll be a bit of a wakeup call...” He looked a bit forlorn at this point. “admittedly, you’ll be getting the treatment that we all hop-”

The pony... thing from outside ran in, motioning urgently to Stone. The leader of the group immediately picked up on the meaning and put on his ‘cool face’. A moment later Fancy walked in, looking more than a bit worn.

“I’m dreadfully sorry that I took so long, you would not believe how hard it is to find a hygienic toilet around here, terrible planning I say. Are you ready to go now Pinkie? It’s already getting dark, and you have a big day tomorrow, don’t forget!”

She rose to her hooves and started to follow him. Just before she was out the door something occurred to her, and she turned to face Stone. “You say Fancy travelled with you for a while, performing with you...” She eyed him meaningfully. “Does he know?”

Stone grimaced. “You don’t just tell somepony Pinkie, it isn’t like that, and we aren’t held in the highest regard to begin with. I hate to think what would happen if Fancy found out...”

She held up a hoof. “But he’s going to find out about me tomor-”

“It’s not that easy-”

“I don’t think that Fancy is the kind of pony to judge somepony by their looks...”

Fancy called out from outside the caravan, checking if she was following him, and she hurriedly called out, “Just think about what I said, he deserves to know.”

The last sight of Stone she saw was him staring at the table top. She stopped only to grab her cloak before walking outside.

Outside, Fancy turned to her as they were walking. “So, what did you talk about with Stone?” he asked.

“Oh, just... his life. It’s pretty interesting. You’d be surprised.”


Back at the mansion, she was getting some odd looks. Not anything immediately obvious, but she could notice the occasional glance from Fancy or Polished, a sneaky look from the corner of the eye. The moment she turned to look at them they would turn away, pretend to be doing something else.

It was Fancy Pants that voiced their concerns first. “Pinkie Pie,” he said, “are you sure that you’re feeling alright?”

She put on a smile. “Thanks for the thought, but I’m perfectly fine, believe me.”

Wait, how bad is my coat now?

She quickly excused herself from their company and retreated to her room. The moment she was inside she ran straight to the mirror to check her image.

Her breath halted. Her coat had paled completely, not a single bit left of it’s original colour. Only the cutie mark remained, and it was the faint afterimage of what it once was. And her weird eyes were still there, completely black, no colours at all anywhere! No wonder Fancy had been suspicious of her, or worried, whatever he was. She looked completely different to what she once did!

To make it worse, there was nothing she could do about it, except for meeting the Princesses. That was the only answer to her problems. She would just have to cover up as much as possible and try to escape their attention for the time being.

She shakily climber into bed, trying to block out the bad thoughts about her appearance, and most importantly why she looked that way. it didn’t matter, only one more night and she’d be ready to meet with her savior, the one that would get her cleared of any ‘crime’. Her last thoughts were of Rolling Stone, and his band of ‘ponies’.

They were the only ones that had accepted her outright, without making any demand of her. Unlike Octavia.

Maybe after she was cleared, just maybe, she could get them cleared too...

Author's Note:

Well, here it is, next chapter. Again, sorry for the long update times, I've been... having a bit of trouble finding both the time and the motivation to sit down and write. I knew where I wanted to take the chapter, I just didn't want to write.
Anyhoo, hope you enjoyed. UNTIL NEXT TIME!