• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 2,092 Views, 104 Comments

Journey of Saiyans (Raze Version) - Roarin Thunder

Raze returns in a crossover with Saiyans of Equestria. This is after Raze's Journey Chapter 12

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Raze and Discord meet Chris the Saiyan!

Journey of Saiyans Chapter 4

“Alright, we have decided to help you!” Lyra said to them, Bon Bon nodding in agreement next to her.

“Really?” Raze asked them, In which both of them nodded.

“Of course! Why not? Do you think we would just make you go off somewhere else or something?” Lyra asked Raze. She had every attention of never doing such a thing!

“I'm not sure... Would you?” he asked Lyra.

“If I didn't think I could trust you, this would've ended differently.” She replied flat out loud, Raze nodded in acknowledgment. “Now, any questions?” Lyra asked them.

“Okay then, how about this! Why does Ken and Kira hate humans?” Raze asked her, but Lyra and the twins gave him wide eyes.

Ken and Kira looked away to try and avoid looking in his direction, clearly they didn't like the subject at all. Lyra looked at him and asked “Can we skip that question?” She finished with a hopeful glance in his direction.

The Doctor got in front of Raze saying to him, “Now is not the time to be questioning them that! They're obviously not comfortable about it, so ask something else or just let me talk if you can't think of anything.” He finished.

“Alright, I gotcha... Where do we sleep?” He then asked the simple question, which he then received it's simple answer.

“Thank you for respecting our privacy, you'll sleep on this couch.” Lyra then looked at Derpy and said “The chair I'm sitting in is a recliner, so you can sleep here If you want too.”

“Okay! Thanks Lyra!” Derpy exclaimed causing Lyra to smile at her.

“Your welcome Derpy, Doctor you can sleep in the other recliner that Bon Bon is sitting in.” Lyra said to him, pointing her hoof towards the second recliner.

“Actually I'll be sleeping in the TARDIS, so I can fix it and have tabs on it for most of my time here, and frankly, I don't want to be a bother” The Doctor said to her quickly. He clearly wanted to get his sexy blue box repaired as fast as possible, then maybe 'convince' Raze it still needs time and explore this version of Equestria.

“Well if that's your choice I can't stop you.” The cyan pony replied to him.

“Well that's perfect! We'll get everything else settled in the morning. Soon it'll be like we never even existed!” The Doctor said as he ran out the backdoor and toward the crashed TARDIS.

Lyra looked slightly confused and turned her attention toward Derpy asking, “Is he always like that?”

“Pretty much!” Derpy said, trotting over to Lyra.

Lyra got up off the recliner and said to them. “I'll get some blankets for you and Raze!” She then trotted off towards the stairs.

Raze looked toward the twins and said to them. “So, how's the food here? How's the apples?”

The two twins eagerly replied, as this was one of their favorite subjects of chat.

“The food is great! Especially when mommy cooks!” Ken happily said.

“Apples are tasty, our friend Applebloom's family owns the farm nearby. They make the best apples ever!” Kira also said, her tail wiggling about joyfully at the thought of apples.

'Yes, they have apples here!' Raze thought to himself.

Lyra came back downstairs about two minutes later with blankets in her magical grasp. She passed one to each of them and saying “There ya go! I think I'm going to bed as well, and that means Ken and Kira need to come to bed too!” She finished looking toward the two mentioned saiyan kids..

Ken and Kira looked at Lyra, and then at the clock, seemingly shocked that time had pass by so quickly. But not to disobey their mother, the two saiyan hybrids stood up and walked over to her, they turned to Raze and Derpy and waved a quick good bye. “See ya in the morning!” They said in unison, their twin voices matching up perfectly in sync. The two then walked up the stairs with Lyra behind them, never to be seen until the following morning.

Bon Bon looked at Raze and Derpy “Don't mess up anything! I got my eye on you both!” She then gave them quite a stern stare and then walked up the stairs. Once she was out of their sight, all the tension left.

“Well good night Derpy.” Raze said to her, setting up the couch to sleep in.

Derpy got comfortable in the recliner, and set her head on the pillow. She smiled at Raze and said “Good night Raze.” before she cut off the lights that were on the wall right next to the recliner, making the room turn into the black of darkness.

Within seconds they were both asleep.


Raze opened his eyes to see himself within his Dream-scape alive before him 'It's all here! But where's Discord hiding?' He thought as he walked around to find the supposed Spirit of Chaos.

“Hey Discord! Where are you?!” Raze yelled, but to no avail he heard no answer.

Raze continued walking forward until he finally found Discord. The Lord of Chaos was sitting on a raft in the middle of a chocolate milk lake surrounded by patches of pink grass and floating cotton candy clouds.

“Oh you're finally here!” Discord exclaimed, he snapped his fingers causing the lake, cotton candy clouds, and pink grass to disappear or revert to normal.

“Yeah I'm here! Why did you ignore me?!” Raze asked, or better yet, yelled, at Discord.

“Oh I couldn't hear anything while swimming in chocolate milk... Besides you would've found me eventually, so it hardly matters if I ignored you or not.” Discord said in his matter of fact voice.

“Ugh... So what's on your mind Discord?” Raze asked.

“How would you even know that I was thinking of something?!” Discord replied, his face in minor shock.

“Because you use chocolate milk and cotton candy as a way of avoiding something, or you use it to enhance your train of thought.” Raze explained. He had been observing the patterns of Discord for an entire month since he started training back in his universe.

“Well.... You're absolutely right Raze!” Discord enthusiastically said.

“So what are you actually thinking about?!” Raze asked him.

“Were going to visit Ken's subconscious!” Discord said suddenly.

Raze gave him a look with his eyes that clearly said 'I'm about to reprimand you!'

Discord rolled his eyes in reply to his stare. “Seriously Raze are you going to stop the fun already?! Before it even starts?! You're absolutely no fun at all!”

Then suddenly, Raze brightened with a grin.

“Actually I think it's a great idea!” He exclaimed to the Lord of Chaos.

“R- really? I thought you would be the party pooper!” Discord said to Raze.

“Why do you think that?” Raze asked him.

“I made a song for you!” Discord said excitedly as he poofed up a piece of paper within his claw.

Discord took a deep breath and began to sing.

Every party needs a pooper that's why they invited you
Party pooper!
Party pooper.....

“What do you think!?” Discord asked excitedly.

“That wasn't funny at all...” Raze said to him.

“That's why your the party pooper and I'm the ruler of parties!” Discord said as a party hat appeared on his head.

Suddenly beside Discord a hole opened up and Pinkie Pie ripped through it.

“Pinkie Pie?! How did you get in here?!” Raze exclaimed to her.

Pinkie ignored him however as she attacked Discord with a big giant red hoof, then took his party hat and put it on her head “I'm the ruler of parties...FFFOOOOORRRREEVVVVVEEEEEERRRRRRR!” She finished dramatically as she went back through the hole and zipped it up.

“Wow she knows how to throw a hoof at someone!” Discord said as he rubbed his black eye.

“Serves you right for that stupid song!” Raze yelled to Discord whom ignored him.

“I thought it was just fine....” Discord then began to prepare his magic.

“Are you ready to travel to another Dream-scape Raze?” Discord asked him, ready to snap his fingers.

“Yeah! Let's go!” and with that Discord's power surrounded them and then transferred them to Ken's Dream-scape. Though they didn't know it they were intercepted by the seal holding a powerful saiyan Z-Fighter, and the two were drawn into the seal instead of their intended destination.


A flash of golden power and then nothing as two shapes appeared in front of a capsule house in the middle of scenic nowhere. If you didn't count the gigantic forest with small animals that surrounded said house.

“Wow, Ken must be pretty sheltered... I mean, I was expecting kiddy things and bright thoughts not this plain old forest.” Discord said, looking around at the scenery that was supposedly the little hybrid's mind.

“Maybe Ken hasn't got much of an imagination... This is pretty boring after all... Who would want to live in the middle of nowhere? What kind of dream home is this?” Raze said as he looked around.

“This is definitely a capsule house, so there must be some influence from Bulma.” Discord then flew to the air.

“You mean the legendary inventor Bulma?! She was a top subject in school!” Raze said, joining the Spirit of Chaos in the air.

“You had to learn in school while I was able to watch their life's from the very beginning! It was the best movie ever and you wanna know why? Because they weren't acting, It was 100 percent real!” Discord said smugly to Raze.

“Lucky, All I could do was read about them...” Raze said, thinking of the boring years of school.

Discord then disappeared and stayed invisible “Raze I'm hiding my power! Something is approaching.” then Discord was silent as Raze also felt the power level incoming at a high velocity.

Suddenly a person about Raze's height wearing a black Gi with the symbol for Angel and Turtle on both front back appeared in front of Raze, he looked at Raze seriously, his eyes showing intelligence with no fear of him. A tail wrapped around his waist gave Raze the instant thought this guy was also a saiyan, suddenly the man talked. “What are you doing here?” He asked.

“I decided to explore and stuff...” Raze said, the man glared at him with a calculating stare, his arms crossed.

“You can't travel between dreams with your powers, and the only being that has moved from one mind to another was myself, and that was a special case.” the saiyan said, then he continued “Which also means that you either have an item, which you don't look like you have, or another person or creature aided you into doing this. So, where is this said being?” He said scientifically.

“I'm not gonna tell you anything till I hear your name!” Raze said.

The saiyan looked at him with an extremely serious glare and Raze returned it with intensity. He then said out loud “Wow, you went all serious just like Ken use to do! Someone must have had a rough childhood.”

“Well? Come on! Tell me your name and I'll tell you what you want to know!” Raze said to the being.

“Alright, sheesh! My name is Chris Dell, Z-fighter, father of munchkins Ken and Kira! And my saiyan name is Karmel if you want extra detail.” Chris said to Raze.

“Wow, I didn't expect you to be honest...” Raze said as he had extended his aura to feel for dishonesty, but he couldn't feel it as Chris had his aura suppressed.

“Of course you didn't, no person can trust someone having only met them once. But I'll spare you the trouble in return for your own honesty. So how are you able to be here right now?” Chris questioned Raze.

“Discord come on out!” Raze said as Discord popped into existence beside Chris.

Chris instantly fazed out and reappeared 4 feet away from Draconoquis. In fighting stance, but then calmed down as he remembered something“What are you doing here?”

“Oh nothing, just exploring other people's minds besides Raze's for once.” Discord said to Chris.

“You should leave Discord, I suspected it was a different version of you. But if Ken sees you then your as good as dead!” Chris said to the Draconoquis whom ignored him.

“Actually I'm a fan of your work Chris! Nice job saving Gohan from that portal!” Discord exclaimed as he clapped to Chris.

“How did you know about that?” Chris questioned the spirit.

“How wouldn't I know about that? I have powers that allow me to have multiple viewing of different universes! Anything is possible when your the Spirit of Disharmony and Lord of Chaos!” Discord said loudly and proudly to a somewhat stunned Chris, but it wasn't the ability that he was surprised, it was the personality difference.

“Is he always like this?” Chris asked Raze, he wanted to make sure.

“Yeah, pretty much....” Raze trailed off.

Discord smiled at Chris and pulled out a piece of paper and pen “Can I have your autograph Chris?!”

Chris had zoned out. 'Okay, there from another world like this one, and this Discord isn't nearly as evil as this world's Discord. Traveling dimensions must really be a pain.' He thought to himself before finally shaking his head.

“No you can't have my autograph!” Chris said to Discord who then frowned.

“But!” Discord said before Chris gave him a serious glance.

“No buts! I swear you act like a kid...” Chris whispered the last part. He then turned to Raze and said.

“How about we continue this conversation down on the ground and leave Discord to his own devices.” Chris then turned to Discord “Don't destroy my forest or enter Ken's mind!” he said to him threateningly.

“Got it boss!” Discord said as he gave Chris a salute.

Chris then landed beside his capsule house, with Raze landing right beside him.

“Raze what exactly is your goal while your stuck here in this universe?” Chris questioned our hero.

“To do whatever I can to make the wait go by faster I suppose. Or I could play along and have an adventure! Depends on whether I should hang out with the twins or not through...” Raze trailed off as he thought about it.

“I think you should hang out with my kids and train them!” Chris exclaimed making Raze snap back to reality or at least it was a subconscious reality.

“You want me to train them? I don't think they're ready for gravity training! Ken can hardly control his Super Saiyan state as it is! Not to mention I have no idea about Kira!” Raze exclaimed as he tried to come up with more reasons to not train them.

“That's where you come in! Your power from what I can sense, is around the level of Super Vegeta! Maybe a bit less, but you're closing in on becoming the Full Power Super Saiyan! I know that you have to know about advanced moves for you to have gotten this strong and my kids could use the extra knowledge! Will you help?” Chris explained expertly, making Raze grow on the idea of training the two twins.

“Well.... I guess it couldn't hurt... Ken does need the practice and Kira appears to be quite energetic!” Raze said as the idea began to grow on him.

“See? That's the spirit and speaking of spirits... What's he doing?” Chris asked, the two Saiyans then glanced toward the Spirit of Chaos's direction.

Raze looked up at Discord whom had a camera being setup and he was saying things like “I'm getting a picture with two Saiyans, and one is a Z-Fighter! This goes in my cherished memories folder!”

“I think he want's a picture to commemorate the moment...” Raze said to Chris.

“Well I guess I'll play along, It's a bit creepy though. Is he obsessed with our universe this badly?” Chris questioned the saiyan beside him.

Raze shrugged “Yeah... He says it gave him the best entertainment in his many years of imprisonment. He even says he was able to somewhat influence the villains to do stupid things!” Raze told Chris.

“How did he influence them?”

“He made Frieza want to attack Goku after he got cut in half, then he sort of influenced Cell's insanity to the point of near breakdown because of Gohan's over powered self.”Raze said. Chris laughed out loud as he remembered certain events.

“That's actually kind of funny! Which universes did he do that in? Because that sounds nearly the same as my universe when all that went down.” He said.

“He never specified whether or not he watched and influenced multiple universes at a time. I assume that he did his level best to mess with the villains before they all got killed.” Raze said to Chris whom then smiled.

“I like this Discord more than this universe's Discord.” Chris said to Raze.

“What's your universe's Discord like Chris?” Raze asked Chris.

“He's a murderer with no other goal than to make this world a miserable hell” Chris said seriously, his aura giving out an angry tone.

“WHAT!? I'm a murderer here!? I would never murder anypony or anyone! That's not chaotic that's just plain out horrible! I only want to have fun and make a chaotic landscape full of pink! That's all! Ponies always think it means I want to be evil or something, I love laughing! How's that evil?” Discord went on and on about how killing was wrong and how he should have a talk with his other self.

“Discord, When are we getting that picture?” Chris said making Discord snapped to attention.

“Right now Sir!” Discord set the camera up in front of them and got between the two Saiyans.

“Everyone say Chocolate Milk!” Discord said as he gave his best smile.

Chris and Raze both smiled and the snap was heard. Discord went over and got the picture and began to fan it rapidly.

“Alright, can you both leave now? I gotta heal some left over bruises from Ken and yours battle.” Chris said.

“Wait, what do you mean heal?” Raze curiously asked.

“Have you not noticed? We're not in Ken's mind, we are in a seal implanted onto his body.”

“A Seal? How did you get in the seal in the first place?” Raze questioned.

“Hey Discord, you remember how I was sucked into that portal after saving Gohan?”

Discord looked toward Chris with a grin upon his face as he continued to fan out the picture. “Course I do! You were sucked into an alternate dimension I assume? A non-magical one at that since I couldn't pin-point you.”

“Correct! Well, when I arrived in that dimension I was fading because It was very strict on Ki. So I searched for the closest and most similar signature to myself, which was Ken, he was about...five years old? And he was fully human then.” Chris explained.

“He was fully human!? Then how is he half saiyan now?” Raze said in shock.

“When I found him, he agreed for me to be sealed within him. Now, I learned how to seal myself from one of my teachers, King Kai. When I sealed myself within him, the complicated seal network engraved itself on Ken's human body. His body made a drastic change and he became a half saiyan hybrid, he used to have red hair you know.”

“Then why do Ken and Kira both hate humans? And how did Kira turn half saiyan since she's his twin?” Raze asked, only to get a shake of declination.

“I'm sorry, you have to ask Ken or Kira for permission to learn about those. It's their life after all. Now you should leave, I still have work to do.”

Discord nodded and prepared his magic. Raze looked around and said “Chris? One last question!”

“Shoot!” Chris said.

“Why do you make your Dream-scape have only one capsule house and woods all around it?” Raze asked him.

“Well, It reminds me of my old home! See ya later Raze and Discord! And next time, just ask Ken to meet me!” Chris waved as they disappeared.

~Raze's Dream-scape~

Discord smiled and said “That was fun!” he was still looking at his photo album which consisted of a lot of Princess Celestia and then the picture they made together.

“Your still looking at the picture aren't you Discord?” Raze asked him.

“Yes I am still looking at the picture, and it is very epic!” Discord exclaimed as he turned it sideways and over again.

“Oh and Raze?”

“Yeah Discord?”

“Tomorrow night we'll visit Ken's own Dream-scape! I found out how to get to it with out being put in Chris's Seal-scape” Discord told Raze.

“It's called a Seal-scape?” Raze asked Discord.

“Pretty much” Discord said to Raze.

~End of Chapter~