• Published 18th Dec 2012
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My Little Dragon - Metal Pony Fan

Many years ago, shortly before the birth of one Twilight Sparkle, Celestia, ruler of Equestria, found a small item in a forest. That item? An egg. Around the same time, Celestia, ruler of Draconica found something small in a forest. A pony.

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I Wish I had an Angel - Part 2

“This looks like a good spot.” Ice Heart sat down facing the two dragons that were following him. “You can rest if you need to.”

Fluttershy watched in concern as Twilight dragged herself towards the drake. “That… was… cheating…” she said as she gasped for air. She wiped the sweat from her face. “I don’t know what you did, but you cheated, somehow.”

Ice Heart put a claw to his chest, feigning hurt innocence. “Me? What did I do? Aren’t you just being a sore loser? Where we even competing in the first place?”

Fluttershy gently fanned the hatchling with her wing. “She’s right, Grandpa, that wasn’t very nice.”

“It wasn’t?” The drake crossed his arms. “Then why didn’t you help her? You had no trouble keeping up. And, I doubt carrying her would have slowed you down any.”

“She never carries me anywhere.” Twilight grabbed onto Fluttershy’s wing to help herself up. “But I don’t care about that. I want to know how you were able to go that fast. You were just walking, and our legs are about the same size. What did you do?”

Ice Heart squinted at her. “You really didn’t see it? You didn’t feel it?” The drake stood up and walked around Twilight in a wide circle. “And here I thought you were going to be some sort of prodigy. I’m kind of disappointed. So, how often do you practice your magic?”

Fluttershy wrapped her wing around the hatchling as she backed away from the drake. “Grandpa, you shouldn’t ask about that. Rarity-”

“I already know all about it.” Ice heart pointed at Twilight. “Her magic caused harm to somedragon she cares about. I want to know how well she’s learned to control her power since then.”

“Shut up!” Twilight shouted. “I can’t control it, so I don’t practice. I don’t use my magic, ever.”

The drake walked up to her. “Then you are still a danger to those you love.”

Twilight hugged the feathers surrounding her. “That’s why I don’t use it. If I keep my magic sealed away, it can’t hurt anydragon.”

“Yes.” Ice Heart pulled Fluttershy’s wing away from the hatchling. “But you aren’t sealing it away.”

Twilight backed away from the drake. “Yes, I am!”

“Don’t argue with me!” The drake held his claws out in front of him, making a circle that he could see Twilight through. He slid his claws past each other and balled them into tight fists. “This is a seal!” He opened his claws and spread them wide. Threads of light shot from the ends of his claws, and wrapped around Twilight, immobilizing her mid-step before fading away.

“Stop! What are you doing?” The hatchling tried to move, tried to put her foot down, but it was stuck just a few centimeters off the ground. “Let go of me!”

Fluttershy stepped in between the two smaller dragons. “That’s too far, Grandpa! Let her down, now!”

“I can’t. Once the seal is set, it must last for at least one minute.” He walked past Fluttershy, attention focused on Twilight. “This is a seal, hatchling! It requires magic,knowledge of magic, and control of magic. You can only seal that which you know and understand! And you do not understand magic.”

“Grandpa, we’re going back to the others as soon as the seal wears off.” Fluttershy shook her head slowly. “I can’t believe you would do something like this.”

Ice Heart waved the dragin’s words off with his claw. “I’m not interested in what you believe at the moment.” He walked up close to Twilight, and stood eye to eye with the hatchling. “Do you understand now?”

Tears fell from her eyes as she struggled and failed to nod.

“Just relax.” Ice Heart put a claw on Twilight’s shoulder. “The less you struggle, the looser the seal becomes, and the sooner it will release. Understand?”

Twilight took several deep breaths, and was able to nod slowly. “If this is a seal, what was I doing to my magic?”

“Storing it.” The seal came undone, and Ice Heart caught the hatchling as she fell. He helped her sit down, then tapped her on the chest, right over the heart. “You’ve been bottling it all up and keeping it inside you. Through the seal, I could feel it. Magic is a seed that never stops growing, but you kept yours from sprouting.”

“Ok, we’re going now.” Fluttershy moved in and scooped up the hatchling in her claw. “Hold on, Twi.”

“Wait!” Twilight squirmed out of Fluttershy’s grip, landing at the dragin’s feet. “Please? Just wait a little bit?”

“Twilight…” The yellow dragon looked back and forth between the hatchling and her grandfather. With a troubled sigh, she leaned towards Ice Heart. “Don’t do anything like that again, Grandpa. Rarity is a good friend of mine, and I promised her years ago that I would protect Twilight. I will keep that promise.”

“I like your resolve, moonbeam.” The drake patted the end of her nose. “But, don’t worry, I won’t have to do anything drastic now. The hard part is over.”

The yellow dragin sighed again. “I hope so.”

Ice Heart walked towards Twilight as his grad-daughter moved away. He gave the sitting hatchling a pat on the head and said, “I’m sorry I had to do that to you kid, but are you ready to talk about your magic now?”

Twilight looked up and nodded.

“Good.” Ice Heart sat down in front of the hatchling. “Think of magic as a seed. It grows roots, and it grows a stem. The stem is the magic that is used, its leaves, flowers, and thorns are the changes made to the world around us, good, bad and neutral. The roots represent the magic inside. It fuels the stem, and grows unseen. As a dragon grows, so does the magic inside.” He gestured at himself. “As you can see, this growth doesn’t have to be physical. It could be mental, physiological, or even just growing more accustomed to magic in general. The dragon is the field in which the seed grows.”

Twilight listened closely to the drake’s words, silently nodding every so often.

Ice Heart allowed himself a small smile at the Hatchling’s eager attention, but forced it back as he continued. “Normaly, the field grows. It’s carefully tended to, dirt is added, and the plant can grow without limit. But, your magic is different. The plant sprouted, and at the first sign of a thorn, you pushed it back into the dirt. Then you uprooted the whole thing and stuffed it into a flower pot so you could watch over it and make sure it never grows.”

The hatchling looked down and nodded slowly. “That kind of sounds like what I did.”

“I know it is. Hey.” He waved a claw at the hatchling. “Hey, look at me.” He waited for her to look up. “This is important. If you forget everything else I say to you, remember what I say next. Got it?” He waited for a nod. “Magic never stops growing. As long as you’re alive, your magic will grow bigger, and stronger. Under that dirt, the roots are still growing, twisting in on themselves to buy time. But, pretty soon, they’re going to outgrow that flowerpot.”

Twilight swallowed hard. “What happens then?”

“It takes years, far more than you’ve even been around for, but the flowerpot eventually breaks.” Ice heart clenched his claw into fist. “I’ve seen it happen. Three times, I’ve seen it happen. They each had different reasons for rejecting their magic, and each of them thought they had it under control. Each of them broke.”

“W-will that happen to me?” Twilight hugged her arms to her chest, as if to hold herself together. “Am I going to… break?”

Ice Heart shook his head. “Only if you refuse to change. It took as many as a hundred years for those others to break. You haven’t even been around for ten.” Ice Heart stood up and walked over to Twilight. He stood beside her and rested a claw on her shoulder. “You are safe for now, but what about the future? What happened to those other dragons was terrible. You’re too young, I won’t tell you all of it, but you should know that only one of them survived.”

Twilight looked up at the drake. “Did that dragon get better?”

“No,” Ice Heart’s voice cracked, “he didn’t.”

The drake was facing away from her, but Twilight could see tears falling on the ground. They only fell on the left side. “Was he a friend of yours?”

“No!” The drake snarled, not at Twilight, but at memory. “That thing, it can’t even be called a dragon anymore, it went mad long before I was even born. It was sealed away, by force, after killing many, many dragons, including its own brother.”

Twilight gasped in shock. “What?! Then, why are you sad? Isn’t it better for somedra-thing like that to be sealed away?”

“Of course it is,” Ice Heart said calmly. He looked back at Twilight. “But the ones who sealed him only did so because they couldn’t kill him. And keeping him sealed means that somedragon must sacrifice their magic to keep his locked away.” He turned his gaze to the night sky, and the bright moon above. “Right now, my mate is the one keeping him sealed. She is just as much a prisoner as he is, locked away, deep in sleep, alone and forgotten.” The drake wiped at his good eye. “Sorry, kid. We’ve all got our sad stories, and I shouldn’t burden you with mine.” He cleared his throat and turned around. “I should be focusing on you. I want to make sure your friends don’t have a sad story to tell about you.”

Twilight hesitated for a moment, then stood up as tall and proud as her height allowed. “What do I have to do?”

Ice Heart reached out to the hatchling, a glowing sphere of pure-white energy floating just above his palm. The hatchling instantly recognized it, the light-bringer spell, the first spell magic dragons learn to cast. He crushed the glowing ball in his fist showering them both in harmless sparks. “Harness your magic, and learn to control it.”

“But, how?” The hatchling touched the star hanging from her ear-fin. “My magic hurts Rarity, so she can’t teach me.”

“She doesn’t have to be the one to teach you. I could order Spike to teach you, or you could just ask him. Seeing as how he’s got the hots for that caretaker of yours, he’d probably jump at the chance to impress her. He’s not even the only option.” Ice heart set a claw on her shoulder. “There are angels watching over you, kid.”

Twilight squinted at the drake. “What is that supposed to mean?”

Ice Heart smiled and walked away. “If you can catch me, or tell me what I am doing, I’ll tell you.”

Twilight groaned as she started after him. “Not this again!”

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