• Published 17th Jan 2012
  • 4,123 Views, 47 Comments

My Little Powerpuff: Teamwork Is Magic - PrinceofBrony

When a battle sends the Powerpuffs and Mojo to Equestria, what will happen?

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Chapter 3

My Little Powerpuff: Teamwork is Magic

Chapter 3: First Meetings

“…What the heck is a Marelien?” Buttercup said, scratching her head.

“I think that they’re calling us aliens,” Blossom said.

“Oh, okay,” Buttercup shrugged. “…Hey! I ain’t no alien!”

But before the Mane Six (minus Rainbow Dash) could reply, Pinkie let out a scream when she noticed Mayor and Miss Bellum still strapped to the Metal Wings. “I knew it! They abducted these ponies, strapped them down to these weird metal things, and they’re gonna suck out their brains! With bendy straws! AHHHHHHHHH!”

“What.” Blossom deadpanned.

“Now look, ladies…er, mares, this is all a big misunderstanding!” Utonium stated, not wanting things to get out of hand.

“Well, then just how do you explain those two ponies strapped up like that...and the bendy straw next to your feet?” Twilight demanded.

“What bendy straw…” Buttercup began, before she and the others saw a bendy straw next to Mayor.

“…What?” Mayor said defensively. “Brain Juice sounds pretty tasty! So I pulled my personal straw from my hat…and forgot that I didn’t have fingers anymore. Oh well, small price to pay to be a cute little pony!”

“Fingers? What are these fingers that you…?” Twilight began, but she was cut off by an ungodly squee from Bubbles.

“It’s official…we died in the battle against Mojo, and ended up in Pony Heaven! And even better, they can talk!” Bubbles cheered, excited beyond all belief. She was about to pounce on the nearest one (Fluttershy) so that she could pet her, and hug her and love her, but a purple glow surrounded her and made her freeze in the air.

“And just what did you think you were going to do?” Twilight said with a stern look.

“Oh, I’m sorry; did you want a hug first?” Bubbles said innocently.

“I think that we’d rather get some answers from you instead,” Rarity said.

“Yeah, like what in the gosh darn hay are ya? We ain’t ever seen yer kind ‘round Ponyville,” Applejack said.

“Well, that’s simple. I am what you would call a Human. And to be honest, this is the first time I’ve seen talking ponies!” Utonium said, starting to look a bit giddy at the thought of making first contact with a new type of species. “Would you mind if I studied your species? As a scientist, this is like candy to me!”

“You don’t have ponies where you come from?” Twilight questioned.

“Nope! At least, not talking ones…which is weird when you think about all the other things that show up at Townsville,” Utonium replied with a shrug.

“Professor, we have to track down Mojo before he causes anymore damage! We don’t have time for you to be studying these lame ponies!” Buttercup scowled.

“And just who are you callin’ lame, huh?”

Everyone looked above to see none other than Rainbow Dash, carrying the baby dragon Spike on her back. She quickly landed on the ground, allowing Spike to hop onto it before hovering herself a bit so that she could give a little glare at Buttercup.

“Just what the heck are you guys, anyway? And why do you two ponies tied up? Are you guys ponynappers?-!” Dash growled.

“Hey, don’t go accusing us of anything! These two were human before that whole incident with Mojo!” Buttercup growled back.

“A likely story! How do we know you ain’t lying?”

“I don’t have to lie. Trust me, if I wanted to do anything to hurt you or your friends, it would take more than brightly colored, hay-eating, lame-o ponies to stop me!”

“Stop calling us lame, ya bug-eyed freak!”

“BUG-EYED?-! That’s it, ya wanna go?-!”

“Bring it, pal!”

Before Buttercup could rush Dash (or vice versa) they were surrounded by the same force that had stopped Bubbles earlier. Blossom took advantage of this by yanking Buttercup away from Dash, while Twilight did the same with her magic.

“What’s wrong with you, Buttercup?-! We don’t want to go picking fights with the locals, especially with Mojo still on the loose!” Blossom said in a stern tone to her sister.

“But she called me a Bug-Eyed freak! As if she’s one to talk, her eyes are just as big!” Buttercup seethed.

“Well, you really had it coming, you know,” Bubbles said, glaring a bit at Buttercup. “These ponies are nothing like the ones we see on T.V, so don’t call them lame before you get to know them!”

Buttercup grumbled, looking away.

“Rainbow Dash! I know that that…whatever she is was mean to you, but you should have more class than to start a fight over a few silly words!” Rarity admonished.

Dash just snorted; the air visible as it left her snout. “I don’t like her. She reminds me far too much of…Gilda.”

“Well, who knows? Maybe she isn’t as bad. We just need to give her a chance,” Twilight said soothingly. Rainbow looked away in a huff as Twilight looked back over towards the Powerpuff Girls. “I must say, you three look far different from Mr. Utonium. Are you girls also humans as well?”

“Well…it’s kind of a long story,” Blossom said, rubbing her arm.

“We’ve got time,” Applejack said, interested in learning more about the strange creatures that had appeared from the Black Hole.

“Oh, oh, can I tell the story?-! Can I PLEEEAAASSSEEE tell the story?-!” Mayor shouted like a little kid, squirming around in his rope.

“Okay! Sheesh…” Blossom sighed, before using her laser eyes to burn the rope binding Mayor and Sara Bellum. Bellum simply landed gracefully, while Mayor began to bounce around with enough spirit to give Pinkie a run for her money. This didn’t escape said party pony’s notice, and she happily began to bounce alongside him, giggling all the while.

“W…what on earth was THAT?-!” Rarity gasped in shock.

“That was just our laser eyes. All three of us can do it,” Bubbles explained, giggling at the adorable shocked looks on all of the ponies. Rainbow Dash paled a bit as she sent a short glance towards Buttercup, who grinned evilly in response.

“And that’s not the only thing that we can do,” The Rowdy Powerpuff said. “We can also…”

“STORY TIME! STORY TIME!” Mayor shouted, jolting Buttercup (who he was standing right next to) and nearly making her fall to the ground.

“STORY TIME! STORY TIME!” Pinkie echoed, beginning to like this weird old pony more and more.

Bellum sighed. “You’d better let him tell the story, girls. There is no stopping him when he gets like this.”

“YAAAAYYYY!” Mayor cheered. He suddenly stopped bouncing, a very serious look on his face. After clearing his throat, he began to recount the tale in the most serious and epic voice he could muster.



And Everything Nice.

These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little girl!

But Professor Utonium accidently added another ingredient to the concoction…


“BOOM!” Mayor shouted, making everyone (and everypony) jump a few feet…especially poor Fluttershy.

“What the heck was that for?-!” Twilight growled at the old human-turned-pony.

“Sound Effects!” Mayor said simply, before slipping back to the epic voice.

Thus, the Powerpuff Girls were born! Using their awesome superpowers, Blossom…

“Commander and the Leader!” Blossom said with a hint of smugness, doing a little bow towards the ponies.


“The Joy and the Laughter!” Bubbles said sweetly, giggling again.

And Buttercup…

“The Toughest Fighter!” Buttercup roared, pounding her chest like an ape.

Have dedicated their lives to fighting crime, and the forces of EVIL!

“And that’s the story! Professor Utonium here created the Powerpuff Girls, and is both their creator and father!” Mayor finished, taking a bow.

“That was such an awesome story!” Pinkie cheered “I really liked the sound effect you put in there too! If I knew you were gonna do that, I would have lent you my Party Cannon!”

The Pink Rocket of Happiness gave a loud gasp. “In fact, we should throw all of you guys a party! You seem pretty cool after all, and I’m sorry about the whole ‘Bendy Straw Marelien’ thing, do you like cupcakes, pies, cake, pancakes, any type of sweets, oh boy I have to get ready for the big party and…”

“PINKIE!” Twilight shouted, stuffing her hoof into Pinkie’s muzzle. “We can worry about stuff like that later! We have much more important things to worry about right now.”

“Agreed. We have to track down Mojo Jojo and take him into custody before he inflicts any damage on this place,” Blossom said grimly.

“Ya’ll mentioned this Mojo feller’ before, right? Just who is he?” Applejack questioned.

“Mojo is a mean little monkey who is our Arch-Enemy!” Bubbles stated, looking mad for the first time since she saw the ponies.

“He’s a super genius who always tries to take over the City of Townsville with his stupid machines!” Buttercup growled.

“But thanks to us, he never succeeds!” Blossom said. “…Sadly, if it wasn’t for the Professor, we most likely would’ve met our match…and our doom…during our latest battle with him.”

Utonium nodded solemnly. “Mojo was able to get the drop on the girls by using some form of Time Energy in his latest creation. If I hadn’t found the source…the girls would’ve been goners.”

“But when the Professor destroyed the source, it ended up opening a black hole of all things…and that’s how we ended up here,” Blossom finished.

“Well, that would certainly explain why you three look so fatigued…and sweaty,” Rarity sniffed.

“Hmmm. Am I correct in assuming that these…things were part of this Mojo’s machine?” Twilight asked, pointing at the severed metal wings.

“Yeah. These were the wings for Mojo’s Drago Robo,” Blossom replied.

“Drago? As in…Dragon?” Spike spoke up.

When the strange group nodded, the group of ponies paled a bit more…especially Fluttershy.

“That’s just great. We just convinced a dragon to leave Ponyville only a few minutes ago! Now we have to worry about another one?-!” Dash groaned.

“I didn’t even know it was possible to create a dragon like that!” Spike whistled.

“Well, if you ripped its wings off, it shouldn’t be that much of a problem! I’m sure that you can afford at least a day to rest before going after Mojo.” Pinkie said, bouncing in place. “I’m sure that if Mojo is as big a grumpy puss as you say, a party is just what he needs to cheer him up! I’ve been dying to try this new Banana Cupcake recipe I have tucked away…”

“…Is she always like that?” Blossom asked, the group tuning out the rest of Pinkie’s rambling…except for the Mayor, who began to chat with Pinkie about the finer points of Cupcakes.

“Yeah. You get use to it,” Twilight said.

“I think it’s cute!” Bubbles smiled.

“You think everything is cute,” Buttercup scoffed.

“But Pinkie does have a point,” Utonium said. “Mojo shouldn’t be much of a threat right now, but we should be at our best when we fight him again. Relaxing for one day won’t hurt.”

“…I guess you’re right, Professor,” Blossom sighed. “But we don’t have any place to stay.”

“Don’t worry about that! We can think of something when we get back to Ponyville,” Dash piped up.

Rarity nodded. “I must agree. My coat has gotten simply filthy from all of the mountain climbing that we had to go through. I must have a bath as soon as possible!”

“Ya’ll seem like some decent folk…well most of ya,” Applejack said the last bit under her breath. “I’m sure that we’ll work something out.”

“Thank you!” Bubbles said with a huge smile. “What are your names?”

“I’m Twilight Sparkle,” The purple unicorn said.

“Applejack’s tha name!” The orange earth pony said, tipping her hat.

“Rainbow Dash! Fastest flyer in all Equestria!” The brash cyan Pegasus puffed in pride.

“Rarity, fashion designer extraordinaire!” The white Unicorn said, bowing briefly.

“Pinkie Pie, the parties and the happiness!” The Pink Pony cheered while bouncing in place.

“F…flutershy…” The shy yellow Pegasus replied quietly.

“And I’m Spike! Pleased to meet you!” Spike finished.

“Pleased to meet you as well, everybody,” Blossom said with her own smile. “Thanks for helping us out!”

With that said, the two groups began to make their way to Ponyville, looking forward towards the rest of the day.

But little did they know, dark dealings were taking place within the Everfree Forest…

And that’s all for now! Hope you enjoyed it, and hope you look forward to Mojo’s chapter coming up next. Catch you Next Continue!

And for those of you who are seeing this fic on Fanfiction.Net, both me and Self-Proclaimed KingofDDR are the same guy.