• Member Since 25th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen May 29th


Hi there ^_^ my name is Zachary, I live in Las vegas Nevada and am a super active videogamer who spends his time either reading random stories here, or working on my own. Nice to meet you all. ^_^


(Contains spoilers of MEGAMAN ZERO, MEGAMAN X.)
After nearly being killed by Dr. Wily. Zero learns a few simple truths about himself that put his entire life into perspective. As his rage fades, he finds himself exhausted from the constant war he has had to wage to survive. After surviving the explosion of ragnarock and the landing on is home world. He seeks a different form of releif. With the help of Cyber elves X, Elplizo and the four guardians, Zero finally finds a world with no technology. A land called Equestria

(First few chapters detail Zero's arrival on Equestria. The story will center around him, and will feature random members of the pony society. as a result I'm gonna leave the Cast list fairly blank for the moment.)
TITLE PICTURE badly put together by me. (LOLZ)
Zero artwork taken from google. MLP cast pic thing by Crunch Nugget
http://fav.me/d4m4teq [link to pic] ^_^ its simple but it works. Will have a second title image later on, but that on would be spoilerish if used now.
Oh yes, Megaman, Megaman Zero, and all other Megaman related References are thanks to Capcom for making the utterly awesome game.
[thanks to the 'how to write cross overs post thing that reminded me about that, I apologize for how long it took me to credit those I owe much to.]

Chapters (22)
Comments ( 142 )

i give it 5 stars could you be in need of characters for the next chapter i love every mega man game ever made and maybe my oc could be of some use to some one?

while i love mega man, (and i mean i REALLY love mega man) this doesnt seem like the proper past for a mega man fanfiction. I haven't read the fic yet, but are there any ponies in it at all?

I thought i put it up there, but yeah the first two chapters Are the End of ZERO 4 with The arrival to Equestria in either the later half of 2 and chapter 3. I wanted to DETAIL Zero's FULL awakening to himself. Not taken over by any form of energy just Awoken to himself. I notice nearly all Stories that are in this time line don't last very long in this area, and since its Very important I decided to focus more on it.

but yeah most of Zero's past bit I ad-libed and took liberties for. By combining tons of Elements and Matching them up differently to come up with a Seemingly plausible ZERO story. I have not played ZX or ZX advent. Also part of the virus idea DID come from when I heard of ZERO EXE from the Megaman Net warrior series thing.
Megaman X (outside of Command, X7, and X8 which I cant seem to find..) and the Zero series are the only ones I've played through and have beaten.

Okay, I like where this is going. However, I can't help but notice a few problems with this work.

1) Break up the parts of the fic a little more. Nobody likes reading through walls of text followed by other walls of text.

2) It's Doctor Weil, not Wile (unless I've played differently-translated games).

3) You should get someone to proofread this for you, so you avoid publishing the text with glaring errors. The elipses should consist of 3 dots, not 2. You shouldn't capitalize random words ["(...) would make the Eurasia colony incident look Tame"], because it simply looks silly as they shouldn't start with a capital letter unless they're at the start of a sentence or are a name of something/somoene. Lastly, there are some typos and other errors (like a missing '2' in the part where Zero does the math metaphor). A proofreader would greatly help.

I don't want to bash your work, just wanna help you make it more readable and accessible, I'm sure many Megaman fans will appreciate a well-written fic :twilightsmile:

And considering the story... I have a question. Is it that the Zero Virus still lingered inside Zero and activated during the fight, making him ax-crazy towards Weil? Or did he simply become fed up with all the fighting, simply wanting to die and take Weil with him? Or maybe both, the emotion of anger and exhaustion triggering the activation of the virus? :derpyderp1:

Well at tge very begining you see Zero collapse. Basically it takes what happens to basically everyone by that point. By now he had given his speach to Ciel, and [in pure classic Zero form] goes to pull strength fom within. When he does however, he finds the rest of his memory and Data and processes it. So he basically cracks under the knowledge that Every thing is basically his fault. Since going to sleep didn't seem to work he decides that maybe he just needs to blow up completely, hoping to over flood his natural regeneration. [the thing that saved him repeatedly in the X series.]

Oh as for grammer and text trouble, my Microsoft word is being a pain, so I type it all on Notepad then copy it here. I also tend to Exclaim words that mentally seem important, or emphasized for some reason.. while spell checkig ill keep an eye out for it. Thanks for the info and comments! Glad people seem tolike this so far ^_^
{Oh Wile is how its on my DS I think, or its an error.. if so ill fix it. Japan his name is Vile.]
Ah yeah the Wall-o-text ^^ thats my attempt to make sure my ADHD doesn't kick in and leave people confused.
yep. Anyway...
Next chap is gonna have reference of what I read happens before ZX with a little boost for Zero. Im trying to decide which plan to go with, though I might just share both versions with you guys/gals/ponys/etc as two chapters. [version A and Version B] then see which is prefered.

OH wow THAT one got much longer than I thought. I had way too much fun typing out the Guardians interacting. Yes they all had nicknames.
Fefnir was Fefi, Leviathan was Levi or Levia, Harpuia was Harpy or mister boss man. X and phantom didn't, apparently, phantom killed the person who gave him a nick name and While X doesn't mind.. they can't think of any but BOSS for him. I wanted to tie in a lot of different thoughts in this last chapter. I personally liked the idea of Everyone giving Zero a send off, in his sleep. The Cyber elf kid horde was fun and I put a lot of pointless but fun jokes in here. So yeah it's more comedy.

Originally was going to have a chapter stop at them all looking for a world. but with my net dead, I got bored and kept typing ^_^. AS for the Ideas post before.... I kinda forgot what those where actually ^_^. I lost the sheet while typing thanks to a computer crash X_X. Sorry..

though while I admit it is slightly out of character for X to 'spin the truth' he did so for Ciel's Sake so its forgiven right? I'm also afraid I may have gotten the personalities wrong for the guardians, so I went by memory and such. I took a lot of Tropes thought for the guardians, x and Elplizo.
The hero/leader: X (some times harpuia
The lancer: Harpy (Levia
The smart guy: Phantom (when hes not DEAD anyway)
The big guy: Fefi
The chick: Levia (while X was gone Chick space was empty)

Ah right this entire chapter was typed while my internet was down. But if anyone wants to help out by proof reading let me know.

Wow. I picture twilight as she was in the Smarty Pants episode.

Ha, I really enjoyed this one. I loved the interactions between the Guardians (and X, of course). The whole chapter was interesting and fun to read and the Cyber Elves were just so cute :rainbowkiss:

And it had less format and grammar- related problems, too. Sure, some are still present ("your" instead of "you're"), but not as much as in the previous one.

Only one thing that jumped out at me. Do NOT use emotes while writing. You should describe expressions using words, not emoticons.

All in all, a fun chapter, keep up the good work and keep improving :twilightsmile:

P.S.: I would gladly proofread this for you in the future if you're interested.

Great story :pinkiehappy:
One thing though, please don't have zero too susceptible to magic. He is a badass after all.

When is the next chapter going up

Zero Omega, that does sound like what his full name could actually be, given his power and history as all who've seen him through the games would know its rather fitting too. i bet if zero ever went fully maverick then even X would have a very hard time beating him. overall the description fits nicely though, just what i'd expect really.

Sorry its all going slow ^_^ I'm trying to take my time with this new chapter. Keeping in mind that Zero has never been here and has no info I am trying to portray interesting differences he would notice.
Also as for Magic, he will be susceptible, but he is going to be able to adapt to the energy. Eventually his own attacks will be from the same sources of energy.
@Treos: I wanted a reason for why the Zero clone/body double was named omega. So having it be his TRUE name or his last name made sense to me. Since he is Zero the Omega class Robot master, it would make sense that he would take that as his full name like real people do. Many clans have the Title as the last name. So its logical for Zero to use his Title as his last name. Especially considering how obsessed he is with his past and learning from his past. I'm glad that you like how I'm portraying him as well. ^_^.

Yet another great chapter!:pinkiehappy: keep up the good work!

"Just had the strange feeling that some amount of sanity just kinda fled my mind..." Zero blinks. "then again I have don weirder Technological stuff so.. I can adjust." He says walking into the tree.

my first thought: wait, what?

not that i wouldn't put it past zero to do something odd with technology, seeing as how advanced reploids the weapons they use are, but that leaves me rather curious there (dude could just about solo sigma barehanded at times)

You need to make this longer like triple the length and I will be happy

It's nice, but something about the characterization seems off to me. Not sure what it is, though.

The odd part itself as the tree as well as the entire situation. There he was, and advanced reploid who was not only in a very primitive location, but was also talking to things that A. didn't exist, and B. couldn't talk even when they did. Top that off with C: the fact he was in a LIVING tree that had been turned into a library. For Zero, who had almost never seen Natural wild life. (since everything is powered or grown usually by technology) It was VERY odd. Even for the Reploid who got repeatedly blown up and fixed himself over and over again. Since in between X5 and X6 Zero had not only fixed himself but had also made a new saber. (X had his older one still)

This is a good piece of work you got here.KEEP IT UP.Oh and MOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRR:flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage:

yeah, m working on the next chapter already, just trying to make sure I get the location's right... that's the hard part so far.. X_X

Sorry this one took so long.
OH and before anyone asks..
Zero is being called a reploid due to his new body. While he has the mind and program of a Robot Master, his body is in Reploid form.
"Help I'm a Robot master trapped in a Reploid's body!" LOL
But yeah, hope you guys like this one. Part of the second half i what took so long. Specifically the part where Zero is training. I was stuck between the idea of him being watched, or the Program activating. I liked both ideas and used logic to make them both work. (I mean seriously. Wave around a glowing laser sword, on a place known and used or stargazing.. and tell me no one is gonna notice when things start to flash.)

By the way, if anyone minds, id really like it if some one could send me a map of PonyVille. I don't know the town's layout too well, and don't want to get stuff wrong.
and now.. I'm gonna go to sleep...
(Zero got: Z saber, Shield boomerang, Triple rod, Chain rod, Recoil Rod, Z knuckle. Buster cannon still not functioning.)
(Zero gained skill Triple hop. Allows for yet another mid air jump.)
(Zero gained. Charge jump. By channeling energy in his feet, Zero can propel himself up great distances.)
(Zero Got: elemental chips of Fire, Ice, and Electricity. Allowing for elemental strikes.)

Don't forget (Zero got: Flame Chip, Elec Chip, Ice Chip.) Seeing as the explosion was his flame chip's charge attack. I'll look to see if I can find a map but, from what I've seen it's best to wing it. As there is no official map so far that I've seen.

...ok, now im slightly jealous. the way zero made it to equestria in yours sounds even better than mine.

oh well, still tracking!

I like your story too and I am also glad our stories and our Zero characters are different. I admit I liked how yours kinda went Crazy. XD
Oh and yeah thanks for the reminder Camlio *how did I forget those? -sigh*

180710 um i'm pretty sure zero was always a reploid like X, i mean theres no way some simple robot master could ever keep up with X and the various mavericks they faced, that and if he wasn't originally a reploid then wouldn't we have seen him in action in any of the classic games? i think hes, at least in some way, the succesor to Bass's design... or just the culmination of all wily's knowledge on robotics pured into 1 true super robot.

another thing that points to him always having been a reploid is that in.... well, it was ONE of the X games. in one of the sigma fights in the background was a view of both zero and X's designs shown (half internal half external view) and i think they were both similar in a number of ways.. i should play those games again or at least more often :/

forgot to say, sorry but your off on his mind and program, hes always been a reploid in that way too, just like X and the others

Many people argue these facts, while I'm personally not sure in all honesty, I made my little note to please those who seem angry when Zero is referred to as a reploid. Many fans are hard to please, so I decided to point out why I called him one in my message. AS far as I can tell, Zero is referred to as a Robot master due to his time of creation and the fact he was the last creation of Dr Wily.
I'm also not sure if I'm remembering this right, but I think both X and Zero where made before the reploids (who I think are based off either X's design or Megaman..) where. Though in the end its possible names and titles aren't that important. I always saw Robot Master as a title for the robots created by Dr. Wily and Dr. Light. (yes I see Rock and Roll as Robot masters as well by this thought.)
But in any case, the bottom line is that the message, while true or not, was a simple explanation for the people who always see Zero as a robot master. That's all ^^. I honestly have no idea ^_^'
[then again this is assuming Robot master is a Species distinction and not a title like Maverick hunter.]

181772 i see where your coming from there, and now that i think of it, if i remember right Sigma was the first actual reploid built by dr. cain with X's help all the while basing sigma off X's design and tech while reworking some of it and using the latest tech available as well (and antivirus tech but we all know how well THAT worked >.>) but this may be getting off topic, this stories about zero and does look rather interesting so far.

i still like the thought of zero's name as Zero Omega though, given his rep and power (X is likely the only one who could ever put him down for good) it seems fitting.

Yay the first of the simple chapters. Zero helping deal with little events!
Mane 6 aided: Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy.
Remaining: Rainbow dash (cloud) Twilight, Pinkie Pie (cupcakes)
Other planned events: CMC rescue. Mission to Canterlot.'
outside of Everfree (which will have more stages)
The jobs where done in a way matching what could be seen in Mini games.
Gem collection
Apple Bucker

Also for a title image, do you guys think I should hunt down a group vector and put Zero in the back/ foreground
Or should I take the GBA route and use sprites from the Desktop pony program? (Obviously going to credit them and they AWESOME work. Man I love the program ^^ IT and Window Pony are just awesome.)



Oh my gosh, I'm a HUGE fan of Megaman Zero, and I really like where this is going!

And I just LOVED that mission report at the end! XD


Fact is, though, you really need someone to help you out with this stuff. A proofreader or an editor of some sort. I feel like you have the feel for Zero's personality, but your lack of description in what he and the ponies say, do, and think are a bit short-ended and not detailed enough. Some of the quotes need a bit of spacing, and it'd help if you indented your paragraphs. If you need any help, I'd be glad to help out. Keep up the good work!

Actually how do you get and use a proof reader? I mean I have the password for my story, but how do you get someone to proof read it?
So in basic summer. I got Zero right, but not the others. -nods- yep, need help with the Pony part of the Pony fic XD

yeah in an odd mood, had to get it out.. this way seemed to work oddly well ^^ yeah its short, but I feel better now in any rate ^_^.
Any guesses to which 'she' Twilight is referring to? Though its probably pretty obvious.. anyway, see ya all next time ^_^.

Let me guess...Nightmare Moon?
Also, Great internal conflict.

If I remember how Twilight acts in these situations I'm guessing Zero is gonna be in some ROYAL trouble. Pardon the pun.

Edited story page put Twilight who has basically become the Navigator of the saga (LOL Combine Signas and Ciel basically only without the emotional drama ^_^) as well as a comedy tag. Thought about putting a dark or similar Tag for the Zero Solo bits. Its all fun and games until hes alone.
Also yep royal trouble, and BOSS FIGHT!
You cant have a megaman Zero fic, without the battle against a ridiculously powerful enemy! IF I go with my current mental plan, it will also have basis on Future Plot (not that type Gutter mind..) complications. Reoccurring boss fight will be started soon.

no more random than the cutscenes of zero's past shown throughout the games imo, helps with providing answers yet also opening more questions

this one was hard to write, mostly cause of some trouble with lag as I tried to type.

well, a few typos, but you handled that pretty well.

Y U NO GET RANK S :flutterrage:

(great chapter btw)


that's cause of previous ranking. I almost typed S rank but remembered the last ranking and had to make it lower XP
glad you guys liked it, thought I am still worried I might get Luna and Celestia wrong X_X but if so I know you guys/girls/ponies will let me know ^_^.

I would've thought slaying a dragon would've given Zero copious amounts of friendship.

its not dead ^_^ I hinted at the fact its going to be a constant boss in previous comments. ^_^

Sorry this one took so long, yet more computer problems.
I had to type a lot of thins over and over, so if stuff doesn't look good.. it is probably cause I'd typed it 10 times and was getting irritated -laughs-
Any guesses as to what the Reveal is?

....i know much about the megaman x and zero series.

i have no clue who you may be talking about aside from harpuia.

250457 all of Zero's cast mates from X and the guardians have a place here, thought the whole concept of whats coming may seem cheesy, it will help explain a lot of problems and further the General plot of the story line. Yet the idea itself is Fairly original and fits with Legends talked about in some episodes.

"h..umm... I just don't do well at crowded places. too many noises... and people." The timid little pegasus says "

humans i know they exist!:yay:

LOLZ people in this case refering to ponies not humans XD But yeah I use People as a general term for the Populate species. ^_^ some times its humans, some times its ponies, some times its ... nevermind.. ehehe.. you don't wanna know X_X

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