• Published 18th Jan 2013
  • 15,116 Views, 890 Comments

The Queen of Hearts - Pumpernickel Rye

Chrysalis attempts getting her crown and her revenge by running a dating service.

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Bonus: A Lesson of the Ages

Author's Note:

It's time for another bonus chapter! I had this one sitting around for a while, but I wanted to focus on the main story before submitting it. The first one was about Discord banishing Angel to the moon (kind of) in one of the best ways possible, but who will star in this one? Only one way to find out!

In other news, I got a blog post up about The Queen of Hearts rough draft ideas, so be sure to go check that out after reading this chapter if you're interested.

And now, on with the show!

A Lesson of the Ages

The midsummer sun shined brightly down up the water and colorful flowers within the royal changeling garden, where a special changeling with a name known across the entire kingdom resided with those closest to her. She was always happy to be in the garden, where she could lay in the sun and look at the flowers as much as she wanted without a care in the world. However, today she was not allowed to do either and was forced to wear an extremely uncomfortable green dress as well as remain glued to a spot under a tree. To make her situation worse, she felt hungry. Unable to take it, she began to move. “Nymph, stop it.” The changeling ignored her and kept moving. “Nymph, stop!” Nymph continued to struggle against her, pressing her hooves on her captor’s face. “Mom! Nymph won’t hold still!”

Queen Locera, the violet haired ruler of the changelings, sighed deeply and looked from her canvas. “You just have to be gentle with her, Chrysalis.”

“I am, but she’s not listening to me!” As Chrysalis tried to get a good grip on her baby sister, Nymph started pressing her hooves into her hair. “Ow! Nymph! Stop, that hurts!”

Locera set her painting tools aside and approached them. “Oh dear, looked what she did to your hair. Let her go and let me fix it.” Chrysalis released her sibling, who was very happy to escape. As she rubbed her face against the soft grass, she felt her stomach growl, reminding her of her problem. She stood up and approached her mother, pawing a hoof at her leg. “Nymph, Mommy is busy right now.” Nymph got on her hind legs and used both hooves, slightly whimpering. “Just give me a minute.” The infant sat down, loudly sniffling as the queen looked over Chrysalis’s mane.

“Nymph.” She turned around and saw her father, a changeling with some muscle, light scars on his chest, and royal attire similar to the queen’s, holding a leather pouch with a cork on the end and a wooden spoon. “You hungry?” Recognizing the pouch, Nymph excitedly ran over to him and started reaching for it. “Alright, calm down,” Scarab said with a laugh. He poured some nectar into the spoon and held it in front of her mouth. “Drink up, sweetie. There’s some love mixed in it, so get every drop.” Nymph reached forward and greedily licked up as much nectar as she could and repeated this with every spoon of nectar given to her. Once the small pouch was clean, Scarab picked her up and patted her back until she belched. “There. All better.”

He set her down and his daughter rubbed against his leg lovingly, only to stop when something caught her eye. In front of her was a blue butterfly, gracefully floating through the air, and she watched it in amazement as it landed right on her nose. She babbled happily and reached for it, causing it to fly away. She got onto her hooves and followed it, never taking her eyes off for a moment. She picked up her speed and then leapt into the air, attempting to catch it with her mouth. When she missed and landed, she turned around and tried again.

Scarab’s laughter caught the attention of his wife and older daughter. “What are you two doing?” Locera asked playfully.

“Take a look at little Nymph.”

The queen walked over and saw Nymph continuing her effort in catching the butterfly, causing her to chuckle. “Oh my. Our sweet little baby is already trying to be a huntress. How precious.”

As adorable as Nymph’s display was, there was one changeling not as enthralled by it. “Mom, what about the picture?” Her question fell on deaf ears. “Mom, the picture!”

“I know, just wait a moment,” Locera replied without looking.

Chrysalis puffed up her cheeks. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw another butterfly flying there. “Look, I can do it, too!” She ran up to it and jumped for it, watching Nymph so she could imitate her perfectly. After about a minute of effort, she looked at her parents, who were still watching her sister. “Mom! Dad! What about me!?” She then tripped on a rock and went flying, face-planting in a puddle of mud.

They at last heard her calling for them, but they were met with a surprising sight. “Chrysalis, why are you playing in the mud!? Princesses don’t do that!” scolded her mother.

She sat up with a large frown on her face. “I’m not playing, I fell!” The queen picked her up with her magic, set her aside, and knelt down in front of her. Chrysalis whimpered as she looked at herself. “My pretty dress is ruined!”

Locera gently stroked a hoof against her cheek. “There, there, Chrysalis. I’ll have the servants clean it up and we’ll finish this tomorrow.” After removing the blue dress from her daughter, she kissed her cheek and stood up. “Let’s all go back to the palace and have some lunch. I’m sure it will make us all feel better.” She magically acquired her painting tools and headed down the tunnel.

Chrysalis looked at her sister, who walked up to her with a pair of butterfly wings sticking out of her mouth. “This is your fault! Why do you have to be all cute!? Now I have to take a bath because of you!” Nymph swallowed her meal and went up to her, rubbing her face against hers. “Hey, stop it!”

“Calm down, Chrysalis,” Scarab said while holding in the urge to laugh. “She’s just trying to tell you that she loves you.”

“I don’t like it!” Nymph leaned in again and she backed away. “Go away!” She continued to walk backwards as the infant attempted to show her more affection. “I said go away!”

“Chrysalis! Watch o-” The princess backed up too much and fell into the water. Scarab rushed over and grabbed his child as fast as he could. He pulled her out and set her on the grass, using his cloak to wrap her up and dry her off. “Chrysalis, are you okay?” The princess’s bottom lip trembled. “It’s alright, honey. You’re perfe-”


After recieving a full belly and tons of comforting from her parents, Chrysalis sat on a stool in her bedroom, staring angrily at the city below while wrapped in a blanket. Her bedroom was quite large for someone her size, but it would be a perfect fit once she grew. It had a bookshelf with only a few books, her large bed with pink sheets and pillows, a wooden chest that contained all her toys, a large green rug over the wooden floor, and a picture of her parents hanging on the wall. Whenever Chrysalis was bored in her room, she liked to sit by the window and look at the city of Bugartha, seeing the changelings fly around down below. She had never been beyond the palace walls in her entire life and she truly wanted to see what it was like out there someday.

She heard the door open behind her and saw the king and queen enter. “How are you feeling?” Locera asked softly.

“Good,” she replied calmly.

They each sat at her side and Chrysalis turned away from her mother when she saw the sling hanging from her neck. “We’re so glad you’re okay, but you need to be more careful.”

“It was Nymph’s fault!” shouted the princess, waving her hooves around.

“We’re not blaming you, we just got scared.” Locera nuzzled her. “We love you so much, Chrysalis, and we worry about you every day.”

“No, you love Nymph! You think she’s so adorable!” Chrysalis turned back to the city.

Her parents exchanged looks of great concern. “We love you both. We just got a little distracted and we’re sorry.” Locera reached into the sling and pulled out the baby changeling in a cloth diaper. “I know you’re upset at her, but she’s family and she loves you, so we want you to love her back.” She used a hoof to tickle Nymph’s belly, causing her to loudly giggle. “Why don’t you play with her for today? It’ll make you feel better about what happened.”

“But I wanna play with the other changelings!” Chrysalis protested.

“It will be just for one day,” said Scarab. “Don’t you want to spend quality time with Nymph?”

Chrysalis crossed her forelegs. “No!”

“Come on. She’s your sister.”

“Well I wish I didn’t have one!”

Locera’s face immediately became stone cold. “Chrysalis, please don’t say that,” pleaded Scarab as he glanced nervously at the matriarch.

“I don’t like her! All she does is cry and drool and barf and cry and everyone likes her! She’s so annoying and I don’t want her! I wish she would go away!”

“CHRYSALIS!” The three changelings looked at Locera in shock. “You will love your sister! You may not feel that way now, but I will make sure you cherish her someday no matter what. I never had a sister and my childhood was quite lonely, especially when I grew up.” She paused for a moment and her husband placed a hoof on her shoulder. After taking a deep breath, she continued. “I had Nymph so you could experience a privilege I was never given. One day, you will appreciate how much she means to you and you will regret wishing you never had her.” She stood, towering over the little changeling. “Now, I want you to play with her and try your best to get over what happened. This playdate will be perfect, Chrysalis. Am I making myself clear?”

The older daughter gulped. “Yes, Mom.”

“Good.” She set Nymph on the carpet and kissed her on the head. “Your father and I need to go rule the kingdom. A servant will be here shortly and she’ll make sure you both are getting along. I hope you will consider my words carefully and enjoy your time with Nymph.”

“Yes, Mom.”

“We’ll see you at supper.” She went for the door and waved a hoof. “Come along, dear. Court is starting.”

“Yes, dear.” He knelt by Chrysalis. “Do you promise to be good?” She nodded in response. “That’s my girl.” Scarab followed Locera outside and closed the door. “A little harsh, don’t you think?”

Locera sighed dejectedly as they walked together. “Perhaps, but Chrysalis’s attitude causes me to worry about her. She’s so young and has proven to be such a hassle.”

“She’ll grow out of it, but I’m more worried about you. You need to be gentle with Chrysalis. She’s a sensitive little child and she may resent Nymph if we try forcing her to love her. I know she doesn’t like her now, but I don’t want you to think that Chrysalis will grow up to be like Widow.”

The queen immediately looked at him with fire in her eyes. “We never speak that name here. Not now, not ever.”

“O-of course. Forgive me.” At the corner of the hall, Locera gave the room behind them one more worried glance before heading to the throne room with her king.

Back in the bedroom, Chrysalis looked at Nymph, who stared at the door expectantly. She couldn’t believe she was still stuck with her, even after she knocked her into the water. What was so special about her? She was just a stupid baby and yet every changeling loved her to death. Chrysalis remembered being first excited about getting a sister and even watched her come out from her egg, but she was nothing like she expected. Her parents told her it would take a while for her to grow and understand things, but she was not a patient changeling. Being the good princess she was, she decided to obey her mother’s command.

“So what do you want to play?” The infant looked at her, saying nothing. “Don’t you know any games?” Nymph cocked her head and Chrysalis sighed. “Okay, let’s play hide and seek. I’ll count to ten while you hide and then I’ll find you, okay? I’ll start.” Chrysalis put her hooves over her eyes and slowly counted to ten. “Ready or not, here I…come.” All Nymph had done was lie on the floor, watching her. “You’re supposed to hide, Nymph!” She hopped off the stool and walked up to her little sister. “Do you even know what hiding is?” Nymph babbled while reaching for Chrysalis’s hair, who pulled away. “You’re a dumb sister. I wish I had one who was smart.”

Chrysalis walked to her wooden toy chest and opened it up. “Okay, we’re going to play something else.” One by one she pulled out her dolls, which resembled changelings and various wild animals, and set them on the floor. Nymph became curious and walked over to play with one that resembled a star fish. Ignoring her, Chrysalis kept putting the dolls into place and when she finished, she took the one Nymph had. Nymph tried to reach for it, but Chrysalis forced her to sit. “Sit.” Nymph sat up and tried again. “I said sit!” Chrysalis yelled while forcing her to sit. This time, the baby listened.

With all the other dolls in the place, Chrysalis pulled out the most important one, which was one of Princess Celestia. She didn’t know who she was exactly, but some changelings told her she was the ruler of animals called ponies and they were afraid of her. Chrysalis couldn’t understand how a princess could rule a kingdom if she wasn’t a queen, but she knew she kept changelings from getting love, so she hated her. Changelings often brought her back gifts whenever when they went to the pony kingdom and the doll was one of them. She wasn’t too fond of it, but she would never pass up getting a new toy.

Chrysalis set the Celestia doll so that it sat in front of her audience while facing her. With everything ready, Chrysalis stood in front of her dolls and sister while looking down at Celestia. “Princess Celestia, you are under arrest for not giving the changelings love and we will be taking over Candylot to get all the love and candy!”

“No, please have mercy, Queen Chrysalis!” Chrysalis said in a voice that sounded nothing like Celestia. “I will do anything!”

“Too bad! I don’t like you and you’re stupid looking! As the queen, I decree you shall be eggsycuted!” Chrysalis went to her toy chest and pulled out her most favorite toy of all: a wooden sword. Chrysalis was fascinated with all the weapons the guards had and her father gave her a wooden sword to play with. Locera, however, was extremely worried about what sort of her influence it would have on her, especially since she liked to bash changelings she didn’t like in the shins. “Princess Nymph, you are going to cut off her head in the name of the Changeling Kingdom!” She retrieved the doll and held it to Nymph while putting the sword in front of her. “Go on and eggsycute her!”

Nymph took the doll and examined it. Several seconds later, she giggled and hugged it. “What are you doing!? Off with her head!” The baby didn’t listen and played with Celestia by flapping her wings. Chrysalis smacked her own face with her hoof and slowly dragged it down. “You’re the stupidest changeling ever! You can’t play with the enemy! It’s against the law!” Not to her surprise, Nymph didn’t hear a word she said. “Fine, I’ll do it.” She grabbed the doll, but Nymph clung onto it. “Let go!” She pulled harder, but Nymph refused to let go and loudly whimpered. “I said let go, stupid!”

Chrysalis stuck a hoof on Nymph’s chest and tried to push her away. However, Chrysalis did not realize how foolish it was to agitate a baby changeling. Fed up with her sister harassing her, Nymph lunged at the hoof pushing against her and bit it. Chrysalis yelled and pulled away, but Nymph clung on. Chrysalis soon pried her off and jumped around while waving her hoof frantically. She looked at her hoof, which wasn’t bleeding to her relief, and rubbed it while staring hatefully at Nymph, who just sat there playing with Celestia. Chrysalis was not going to let her baby sister get the better of her.

She slowly approached Nymph, who eventually noticed her coming. Feeling intimidated by her furious expression, Nymph picked up the doll with her mouth and walked away. Seeing that Chrysalis was catching up, Nymph increased her pace. Eventually, the both of them started running. “Give me the doll!” She chased Nymph all over the room, both running in circles. Fearful of being caught, Nymph slipped under the bed and right before Chrysalis went down after her, Nymph loudly hissed at her, bearing her fangs. Rather than follow, Chrysalis jumped on the bed. She didn’t want to get bit again, so she decided to take a new approach to snatch the doll. She sat on the edge of the bed and looked down at the floor. “Come out, Nymph. I got…uh…nectar! You like nectar, don’t you?”

Nymph poked her head from under the bed with the doll in her mouth and was surprised when Chrysalis lunged down and grabbed it. “Ha! Stupid Nymph! Celestia is mine now!” The infant immediately became extremely distressed and jumped against the bed, crying out. However, she was much too small to climb up, but that didn’t stop her from jumping. Seeing how sad Nymph was, Chrysalis blew a raspberry. “You can’t come up here. Smart changelings only,” she taunted. The baby eventually stopped trying and sat there, crying to herself.

Chrysalis stood over the edge of her bed, triumphant. She couldn’t wait for her mother to come back and take her away. Then she could…

Chrysalis, I’m back! Wait, why is your sister crying? What did you do!? I told you to be nice to Nymph, but it looks like you need a spanking!

The little changeling gasped and put her hooves over her rear. If she didn’t do something to calm her down, she would be in big trouble. She quickly grabbed the doll and held it to Nymph. “Look! You can have Celestia!” The infant didn’t listen and continued crying, so Chrysalis jumped down. “Here! Just take her and stop crying! Please!” Nymph realized the doll was in front of her and quickly snatched it, holding against her as she wept. She wasn’t bawling anymore, but tears were still visible on her face.

Chrysalis grabbed the end of her bed sheet and tried to wipe her sister’s face. However, the hatchling did not like being touched by her sister, pulling her face away and making sounds of protest. “Please just hold still!” Chrysalis tried again, but this time Nymph fought back by biting her once again. Chrysalis yelped and jumped away, holding back the urge to cry. Nymph stood up and walked to a corner of the room, playing with the doll in peace.

Once the pain faded, Chrysalis glared at her sibling. She wanted to yell some more, but she couldn’t possibly risk having her cry again. “Stupid baby.” At least Nymph wasn’t crying anymore and distracted with the toy, so she could now play whatever she wanted without worrying about her.

Chrysalis went to her other dolls and played with one that was a dragon, pretending it was terrorizing her people and she would save the day by slaying it with the help of her best friend in the whole wide world, Prince Handsome, a changeling she planned on marrying when she grew up. However, during the epic adventure of her and the prince, Chrysalis failed to notice that Nymph occasionally came over and returned to her corner. After the beast was struck down by her mighty weapon, Chrysalis cheered. “Yay! Now that the kingdom is safe, I will marry the lovely Prince Handsome and live happily ever after!”

She picked up the prince and held him up to her face. “Marrying you will be the best thing ever, my pretty Queen Chrysalis,” she spoke in a different voice.

“I love you, Prince Handsome!” She brought their faces together for a kiss. “Let’s get married right now and be king and queen forever!”

She had all her dolls lined up so they could watch the magnificent wedding that was about to take place. As she worked, she thought about getting flowers to make her wedding truly special for next time. What kind of bride didn't have flowers? She would be sure to get the prettiest flowers in the world when she got married in real life and every changeling would be so jealous. The thought of her real wedding had Chrysalis hum happily as she put everything into place. However, when she finished setting everything up, she noticed her groom was gone. “Prince Handsome? Where are you? You’re late for the wedding!” She looked at the crowd, but he wasn’t there. She then noticed that quite a few of her toys were missing.

There could only be one explanation.

She looked at Nymph and gasped loudly. The hatchling was surrounded by several of her toys and, to her horror, holding Prince Handsome with his head in her mouth. “PRINCE HANDSOME!” She rushed over, but hesitated when Nymph looked at her. “Nymph, let him go! He’s mine!” The changeling just stared at her as she continued to chew on his head. Fed up, Chrysalis ran up to her and pulled the doll away. “Mine!”

Nymph did not like having her things taken and stood up, growling. “No! You can’t have my toys! You got drool all over the prince!” The infant approached her with her teeth visible. This time, Chrysalis did not back down as trying to eat her lover was too much for her to stand. “Go away or else!” Nymph made an attempt to grab the doll, but her sister intercepted by shoving her back. The hatchling fell backwards onto the floor and after some whimpering, she exploded into loud crying.

Chrysalis panicked and ran to her side. Before she could do anything, the door opened and a guard with armor on her shins walked in. Chrysalis gulped as the other changeling looked at the display. “Princess Chrysalis, why is your sister crying?” she asked in an unfriendly voice.

The princess shook on the spot. “Um…we were playing…and…she started crying! I don’t know anything about it!”

Chrysalis waited tensely as the guard stared at her. “The poor thing must be hungry again. I’ll have one of the servants take care of her. Will you be okay by yourself?”

She rapidly nodded. “Yep! T-take good care of her and stuff!”

The guard walked over to the crying infant and scooped her up. “Come on, Princess. Don’t cry now. Everything will be okay.” Chrysalis smiled deviously as the guard flew away with her sister and released a breath of relief when she couldn’t hear the crying anymore. Once she closed the door, she resumed her wedding by placing the rest of the dolls in place. Before she could start, she noticed she put Celestia there and since she wasn’t invited, Chrysalis punted her away. Now that everything was ready, she could finally kiss her prince and marry him.

After she washed him and he dried off, of course.

To Chrysalis’s relief, she wasn’t made to play with Nymph for the rest of the day as the servants let Nymph nap in her own room after calming her down. During dinner, she saw her parents again as well as her sister. Locera asked her about their time together and Chrysalis just told her they played with her dolls until she started crying. To her dismay, that caused her parents and other changelings to approach Nymph and talk cute to her. Chrysalis wondered if they would act the same way to her if she started crying suddenly.

Night fell and Chrysalis rubbed her tired eyes as she approached her bed. She looked forward to tomorrow since she wouldn’t be stuck with Nymph again and could boss around the other kids. If she was forced to spend time with her again, maybe she could make up that she had a tummy ache and needed a nap so she wouldn’t be bothered. After acquiring Prince Handsome and getting comfortable on the bed, Chrysalis awaited her mother to tuck her in and kiss her goodnight. A few minutes later, she heard the door open. “Chrysalis? Are you awake?”

Chrysalis sat up, happy to hear her mother’s gentle voice. “Yes, Mom.” When the queen entered, Chrysalis’s smile faded when she saw her with the sling.

After closing the door, Locera knelt by her bed. “I just wanted to say goodnight before going to bed, so goodnight, my little princess. I will see you in the morning.”

Chrysalis reached over and hugged her neck lovingly. “Goodnight, Mom.”

Locera kissed her on the cheek and then took Nymph out from the bundle. “I also want you to say goodnight to your little sister since you love her so much.”

“Goodnight, Nymph,” said Chrysalis, pretending to be happy.

To Chrysalis’s dismay, the queen held the hatchling out. “Now give her a little goodnight kiss.”

The older daughter wanted to gag, but then her mother would know something was up. Chrysalis slowly reached her head forward, but quickly recoiled when Nymph loudly whimpered and Locera pulled her baby back. After Nymph calmed down, she held out the baby towards Chrysalis again, noticing her daughter looked ready to cry and even struggled in her hooves as she got closer to her sister. Locera returned Nymph to her sling. “What did you do to her?”

“N-nothing,” Chrysalis answered nervously.

“Chrysalis, don’t lie! Your sister wouldn’t act like this if you did what I said!”

“I’m not lying!” she argued as she raised the sheet in front of her.

Locera lunged and pulled her by the ear, dragging her closer. “Chrysalis, tell me the truth right now or I will discipline you!”

Tears erupted out of Chrysalis’s eyes as she tried to break free. “I tried playing with her, but she doesn’t do anything I want her to do! She just messes everything up and steals my toys! Nymph’s just a crybaby who bites me and doesn’t understand anything I say! She kept biting me and eating my toys so I pushed her! I-I don’t wanna play with her anymore!”

Locera released her and the little changeling backed away as her mother loudly sighed, putting a hoof over her face. “Chrysalis, I am extremely disappointed in you. I specifically told you to play with your sister and you couldn’t even do that.” Chrysalis sniffled without looking at her and Locera brought Nymph to her chest, gently rubbing the top of her head. “Why is it so hard for you to get along with her? She’s just an innocent little baby.”

“It’s because you love Nymph more than me!” she cried.

The queen looked at her in surprise. “Chrysalis, do you really believe that?”

“I do! You always talk about how cute she and think everything she does is adorable. The other changelings like playing with her more than me. Why is she so special? What about me? You always keep her in your room so you and Daddy can play with her when you tell me you’re too busy to play with me! Why do you like her more than me!? Why!?” Chrysalis sniffled loudly as she put her hooves over her face.

Locera climbed onto the bed, putting a foreleg around Chrysalis while setting Nymph on the opposite side. Chrysalis pressed her face against her chest as Locera held her. “Chrysalis, my precious angel, do not ever think I love you less than her. I love you as equally as Nymph, no matter what.”

“But…but why do you always keep her with you? You keep saying you’re too busy for me.”

“Chrysalis, Nymph is very young and requires much attention. She’s not able to take care of herself like you can. When we keep her in our room, she usually takes a nap and we keep an eye on her while we work. Do you know why I chose to have you play with Nymph?” Chrysalis shook her head. “There are two reasons. The first reason is I want you to get along with her since you seem to resent her. You know your father and I are very busy most of the time and we don’t get to see you that much.” The princess slowly nodded. “I’m afraid it may always be like this with everything going on in the kingdom, so Nymph is here to keep you company for those times.”

“But I wanna play with the other kids!”

“I know you do, but trust me when I say…” Locera bit her lip. “Nymph will be around longer. Not only that, but I guarantee she will be your closest friend someday, one who will look up to you and stand by your side no matter what.”

Chrysalis looked up at her. “Really?”

“Yes. The other reason I left her with you was I was trying to teach you responsibility.”

“What’s that?”

“It means being able to do what is required of you because it is your duty. This is something you must do a lot when you are a queen. You do these things not because you want to, but because you have to and it is important to be responsible.”

“That sounds hard,” Chrysalis complained.

Locera chuckled. “Sometimes it is, but making my kingdom happy makes it all worth it. It won’t always be fun and games when you rule the kingdom, Chrysalis, so I must make sure you are ready when the time comes. Trust me when I say playing with an infant is very easy compared to what is to come in the future, so you need to try harder next time to do what I ask you to do.”

Chrysalis lowered her head. “Are you mad at me?”

The queen took a deep breath and exhaled. “No, I’m just surprised at you. I worry every day about you two not getting along, especially now since you hit her.” Locera pressed Chrysalis against her chest and looked into the distance. “My…mother didn’t get along with her sisters and it was…frightening. I don’t want something like that to happen to you two, so please just try to get along with Nymph. That’s all I want.”

Chrysalis nodded while sniffling. “I’m sorry, Mommy. I’ll be a better sister next time.”

Locera lifted her daughter up to rub her nose against hers. “It’s okay, Chrysalis. I’m just glad you understand now.”

“Is Nymph going to hate me?”

“Only if you don’t try to make up for what happened.” Locera turned and picked up Nymph, setting her between her and Chrysalis. The infant snuggled against her mother as she gently stroked her with her hoof. “Why don’t you give her a hug and tell her how sorry you are?”

Sighing, Chrysalis scooted closer to Nymph, who hadn’t noticed since she was facing her mother. After a moment of hesitation, Chrysalis hugged her from behind. The hatchling was not fond at all of being touched by her sister and struggled. “I’m sorry, Nymph. I didn’t mean it.” She released her and Nymph quickly backed away from her. Chrysalis got closer and Nymph put her hooves over her eyes. What she didn’t expect was a kiss on the forehead. Nymph peeked with one eye and saw Chrysalis looking at her, smiling. She removed her hooves and got closer, so Chrysalis slowly hugged her again. This time, Nymph did not struggle and giggled a bit. “I love you.”

Wiping the tears off her own eyes, Locera hugged both her children. “Well done, Chrysalis. You are learning to be responsible.” She took back Nymph and stood up. “You will be seeing her again tomorrow, so get some sleep.”

“Okay.” As Locera approached the door, Chrysalis suddenly asked, “Mom?”

“Yes, dear?”

The little princess fidgeted with her hooves. “Can she stay with me tonight?”

Locera was stunned. “You really wish to have her with you?”

She nodded. “I want to learn respons…responsy…uh…”

“Responsibility,” she answered warmly. Locera returned to the bed and lowered Nymph onto it. She then tucked both her daughters and kissed each of them. “Goodnight, girls. Sweet dreams.” She then stepped out and closed the door, leaving them in the dark.

Nymph suddenly whimpered as she looked towards the door, so Chrysalis hugged her. “It’s okay. I’m here.” Much to her surprise, that calmed her down and Nymph even nuzzled against her. “I guess you’re not that bad of a sister. I can’t wait until you grow up so we can play hide and seek, slay the dragon, have a wedding, and other stuff.” Chrysalis yawned and slowly closed her eyes. “I’m sorry for being mean. I’m going to be responspickle just like Mom wants me to be. I promise to never be mean to you again, Nymph. We’re going to be the best sisters ever.” Chrysalis soon fell into slumber and Nymph followed shortly after.

Comments ( 50 )


I promise to never be mean to you again, Nymph. We’re going to be the best sisters ever.

:fluttercry: At least they do make up... eventually.

Majin Syeekoh

Muh feels...:fluttercry:

Certainly puts a nice touch on "the day of which I've dreamed of since I was small"

And that is a little D'aaaaaaaw moment

4949155 That was :twilightoops: a creeper rapist smile but as to the response, :pinkiegasp::derpyderp2::raritystarry::rainbowlaugh::pinkiehappy: can't wait,

Promises, promises

My heart exploded at all the adorableness :pinkiesad2::pinkiehappy:


My hearth exploded at all the adorableness

Quick, call the fire department!

The bizarre American neologism "playdate" broke this chapter for me. :pinkiesick:

4950866 oops thx for pointing that to me

The very concept of "playdate" is a consequence of the "stranger danger" paranoia of the Reagan era. It is, one could say, a modern suburban conservative middle/upper-class American phenomenon -- therefore it feels completely out of place in Equestria.

There's even a campaign to banish the playdate.

Oh, my feels!:pinkiesad2:

So... Cute...

hurk... blagh.

Huh. Never knew it was such a big deal. I was just trying to make a "this day will be perfect" joke.

4951080 that's odley informative. Regardless, magic pony land was made by Americans and thus has numerous American influences. No sense in letting such a trivial thing keep you from enjoying a lovely chapter.

And sequel, spin-offs from you or fans and parodies with clop..., fanart after seeing her now in the blog post and maybe some nymph on shining action. Yeah, this series is going places.

While I really enjoyed reading about Chrysalys workin in matchmaking business, the 'reformation' part is awful. Actually, it is awful enough to be on par with ending of Eq. Girls 1. It is awful enough for me to downvote before reading full story. Still, I'll read further, and I hope the author can make a better job next time.

I thought it was because Cup Cake asked her husband where the cream filling was.


I suddenly got a terrible mental image of Carrot Cake wearing the Hostess Twinkie cowboy hat in the bedroom and I need to lie down.

The one thing I felt was missing from this story was that you had a great setup for a joke, but you didn't do much with it.
The joke being that Cherub was assumed to be Pinkie's mom in chapter 20.


I didn't think I would end up liking this story. All things about it would indicate otherwise--it was sloppily edited, it had a clichéd plot, some parts were rushed, it had parts that served no purpose (I.e. Getting dates for Flim & Flam)...

But the things it did good, it did really good. The characters were phenomenal. I absolutely adored Chrysalis and Luna, and I surprisingly liked Pinkie, something that doesn't happen too often. I also enjoyed Nymph, the OC, who was like a toned-down version of Chrysalis. The romance was believable too, even though I would have liked to have seen more of Pinkie and Fluttershy.

The aspect that really impressed me, though, is just addictive this story is. I couldn't put my phone down until it was finished or I passed out from exhaustion. I've read hundreds of stories on FimFic, and I can count the number of stories that accomplished this on my hands. It really was that entertaining. To the author, I say Bravo. :pinkiehappy:

First fic about evil charachter which wants to get away from its past mistakes wich realy impressed me was "past sins" and now the "queen of hearts". Is there going to be a sequel?

I should have been studying now, I need to finish my History SAC, it is now 12:00AM...

And my only regret is that I cannot favourite this twice.

A phenomenal work, amazing for your first story on Fimfiction, I loved every moment of it, and You should totally Write more, you're a natural, and I look forward to anything else you may write:twilightsmile:.

This was a fantastic story, and I found myself loving every chapter. Thank you for sharing such a fantastic tale, as it was a pleasure to read.


This was fun. Shame, though, that we didn't get to see Equestria's reaction to who Cherub was - especially those that got to know her, like Fancy Pants.


“I haven’t seen Luna yell at him that much since the time Celestia tried giving that speech with her Canterlot voice after he made her lungs full of helium!”

This is hilarious.

Have you considered a sequel to this? Perhaps a slice-of-life involving the constant crazy schemes of an ex-queen matchmaker? ...huh. That would make a good title.

Essentially love is like a life force for them. It makes them stronger when they consume it, so they would get weaker if they didn't get enough. While they still eat food for nutrients that love doesn't provide such as calcium or iron, love is also very important to their diet. It doesn't matter if they have plenty of physical food to go around, without love, they would gradually lose their energy and become weaker. I know it doesn't entirely make sense in terms of biology, but My Little Pony is a fantasy. The fact they even eat emotions is already strange enough and Spike had numerous growth spurts when he hoarded objects, so biology can generally be questionable in this realm.

Is it safe that to assume that the changelings are like the dwarves/falmer (without the hatred of everyone) of the world?

On a side note, I loved this. :rainbowkiss:
Keep doing what you do, cause you've earned yourself a follower.:twilightsmile:

Thank you very much for your great story. I haven't finished reading it yet, but I really enjoy it so far.
I would like to know if there is some fan art available for this story, because I have a hard time imagining how Cherub looks like in the absence of good imagination.
Thank you!

There is actually some fanart, but only three images as far as I know. Luckily, someone was nice enough to do an image of Cherub, so picture this as you read.


I'd say so at least before the diplomacy. They need to feed off these species and should dominate over them, but their prey's fear of them is what keeps them underground where life has been difficult for them.

Oh, thank you. That was a really fast reply!
But isn't she supposed to be more pink than red? I always pictured her like that.

No, she's always been red. We already got our pink pony for this story. I thought red fitted the romantic theme more for what she was going for.

She was now a tall, slender, rose red unicorn with a bright pink mane in her early thirties and on her flank were two hearts that were pierced by an arrow.

Yeah, right. I suppose I was wrong. Thank you.

Hello there once again!
I've just finished reading your creation recently, and I have to thank you for such a great story you've brought to the world. I've truly enjoyed every word I've read, liking all the humor and plot twists I've never seen coming! However, I personally think the end was kind of "too open", as I was expecting to see their date actually happening, but it was not necessary, so I suppose it's just me and my obsession for closed ends. Never mind that.
Anyway, I feel really sorry you haven't written any other stories yet, for I believe you have a very good writing skills and should continue writing. I hope to see other great masterpieces from you soon!
Thank you once again for all the joy you've brought me and your other fans! Have a nice day!

I liked your rendition of Chrysalis as an exiled despot that tries her hardest to redeem herself.
Thanks for telling her tale, I'll be watching out for any new stuff you come up with!


The d'awwww is strong in this chapter. A bit sad too, thinking what happened later, but in the end they made up.

Wow, I'm only about 25% through, and this is probably my favorite changeling fan fiction yet.

Thank you for this great Story I enjoyed it very much. The characters did develop well and
everything else also just fit perfectly together, you are really talented. The only sad thing is,
that it is over :fluttershysad:. I hope to see some other story from you in the future.

Just finished this and I absolutely loved it. I was slightly disappointed since I actually thought Chrissie and Pinkie would have made a perfect couple in this story with how you wrote them, but I still adored Luna X Chrysalis. There were many, many issues with grammar and spelling but since the mistakes were consistent throughout the story, it actually became much easier to ignore. Really sad that this had to end, I wanted to read even more.

You might talk to chaospaladin...
Who does nail the characters a bit better.

This is a very lovely story...yet at times characters sound alike... Later down the line. Very polite and apologetic to the point of... Getting a bit thin.

Constructive criticism.

Why did you make the chapters so long?

i can this story is truly amazing i love it.

aight, pumpernickel
gonna ask this before i start so i don't get pissy
what ships are in this story

edit: nvm i looked at the groups it's in and found out
my hate for you is bottomless, unending, and VISCERAL.
and to whoever put this in the goodfic bin?
get your eyes checked, as this is pure garbage based on ships alone

“To tear something out” is correct English.

I find that cover photo to be perfect.

What an absolutely wonderful story.

I still enjoy coming back to this story ^^

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