• Published 13th Mar 2013
  • 9,039 Views, 211 Comments

Harmony Redux - errant

After settling in Ponyville, Vinyl and Octavia try to arrange their wedding. What could be simpler?

  • ...

Chapter 6

“Mares and gentlecolts, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Vinyl Scratch and Octavia Philharmonica in blessed marriage,” Ponyville’s Mayor Mare intoned solemnly. She scanned the small crowd of families and friends gathered in the town hall, reverently quiet for the special occasion. “Does anypony know of a reason why these two should not be so joined?” The crowd shuffled nervously, trying to see if anypony would be so bold as to object. Fortunately, no one came bursting through the doors like in a movie to derail the process and Mayor Mare continued. “Very well. Do you, Octavia, take Vinyl to be your wife for as long as the bonds of love and life hold you together?”

Octavia gulped, facing the most important words of her entire life. She froze, her mouth open but unable to speak. A second after she began to panic, she found her answer; it arose from her heart rather than her mind, but she knew it was the correct one. “I do,” she said, vibrant with confidence.

“Will you show her kindness when she hurts, generosity when she wants, and laughter when she is sad? Will you be honest and loyal to her, that you both might be bound by the magic of your love?”

“I will,” Octavia answered immediately. She would love nothing more than to do exactly that.

The mayor nodded, turning her attention to the other mare before her. “Do you, Vinyl, take Octavia to be your wife for as long as the bonds of love and life hold you together?”

Unlike Octavia, Vinyl didn’t need to process the question. It bypassed her brain and addressed her feelings directly and they answered without hesitation. “Hay yeah I do,” she said.

Mayor Mare’s stoic exterior cracked slightly, and half a smile met Vinyl’s characteristic attitude. Octavia reminded herself not to facehoof. “Will you show her kindness when she hurts, generosity when she wants, and laughter when she is sad? Will you be honest and loyal to her, that you both might be bound by the magic of your love?” the litany continued.

“I will,” Vinyl agreed. Really, it was the least that Octavia deserved from her.

“Then, by the power vested in my by the sovereign nation of Equestria as the Mayor of Ponyville, I now pronounce you wedded,” Mayor Mare said. There was a twinkle in her eyes as she continued, “You may now kiss the bride.”

The crowd hushed in expectation. Octavia turned to see her brand new wife, radiant in one of Rarity’s finest designs, staring back at her. Amethyst and ruby eyes locked gazes but neither of them moved. They had kissed countless times before and done other things too, but somehow it was different now that they were married rather than merely a couple.

Octavia broke the ice first, gingerly closing her eyes and stepping forward to receive the expected, appropriately modest press of lips against her own.

Instead, Vinyl pulled her roughly forward, administering a sloppy kiss with plenty of tongue. Octavia’s eyes widened in surprise for a second, but she soon melted into it. The crowd cheered and stomped in approval and a certain green unicorn could be heard whooping with glee.

Perhaps, Octavia thought as the moment stretched on, it isn’t so different after all.

When they finally stepped reluctantly back from each other, they found that the Mayor had already taken her leave of the stage. They turned and walked side-by-side down to face the onrush of ponies that took their cue to surround them, congratulating and offering good wishes. “What a lovely ceremony,” Melody said with a glistening smile as she stepped forward to embrace Octavia. “My little filly is all grown up!”

Her little filly resisted the urge to point the urge that she had been all grown up for a while now. “Thank you so much, mother. It means so much having you both here today,” she said instead as she returned the hug.

“You look darn good, sweetie,” Silver Strings said as he joined in.

“Thank you too,” Octavia said as she returned his hug as well. “This was the best day of my life. I’m glad I got to share it with both of you. If you’ll excuse me a moment, though, I’m looking for somepony.”

“Of course, honey,” Melody said with an understanding smile. “Go and find her.” Octavia stepped away from her parents, only to find a different crazy unicorn than the one she was after.

“Hey, that was a nice kiss you two had up there. No shame, just like it should be,” Lyra said as she wrapped a foreleg around Octavia’s back. “I got you a little something for your honeymoon,” she whispered conspiratorially as a small, wrapped box slipped into one of the folds of her dress. “Enjoy.”

Lyra disappeared without another word. Octavia knew better than to inspect the contents of the box here. She would open it later, preferably when she and Vinyl were suitably alone. In fact, she spotted Vinyl herself standing by the small refreshment bar, sipping on a glass of something non-alcoholic; they had both known better than to provide anything intoxicating. She was clearly waiting for her wife, and the word still sent a little jolt through Octavia, to join her. So she did just that, sauntering over to nuzzle cheekily at her. “Vinyl, my love, this is the happiest I think I’ve ever been.”

“I think you’re right,” Vinyl agreed, passing Octavia another glass that she put to her lips. It was apple cider, the good kind from Sweet Apple Acres. Rarity had probably tugged a few strings to get them a keg out of season. Octavia added another item to the list of “things to thank Rarity for.” She smiled at her partner, the smile that meant that she was dying to say something. “Hey, Treble Clef, guess where we’re going on our honeymoon.”

Octavia drew a blank. “Honeymoon? We never talked about a honeymoon. If anything, I figured we might stay for a few days in Canterlot or Baltimare to give us some alone time.” Oh, how she craved that alone time. Lyra’s damned box was eating at her curiosity.

Vinyl kissed her again, quick and sudden like a pouncing beast of prey. “Actually, I hear the Crystal Empire is nice this time of year.” She smiled at Octavia. “Our train leaves tomorrow morning.”

Octavia gaped. “But the Crystal Empire is so far away . . . it will take us days by train to get there.”

“It sure will,” Vinyl agreed. “Days in a private train car just for the two of us, with plenty of—“she smacked her lips—“alone time.”

Octavia suddenly found herself very much on board with Vinyl’s idea. Part of her wanted to gallop off right that very instant. Still, she reminded herself, she couldn’t do so just yet. “I think that may be the best idea I have ever heard. But before we get that time to ourselves, I believe that we are obligated to pose for approximately twelve thousand photographs.” It was a time-honored tradition that every wedding must be accompanied by far more pictures than anypony could ever need, after all.

Vinyl saw a number of cameras already being set up and groaned. “I guess you’re right. That’s okay, though.” She leaned closer to whisper in Octavia’s ear. “The longer I have to stand beside you without being able to get under your tail, the more time I have to think of things to do to you.”

Octavia smiled, her face warming at the implications. “You’d better get creative, then, because I have a few ideas of my own,” she challenged.

“Oh, I will. I’ll be getting creative with you for years,” Vinyl said. “And that’s a promise,” she added firmly.

Comments ( 45 )

Ooo can't wait for their honeymoon chapter :rainbowkiss:


My oh my things are gonna get saucy

Sir Morning Glory the Dildo: How it All Began.

IT'S FINISHED!!!!!!!! :raritycry::raritycry::raritycry::raritycry::raritycry::raritycry::raritycry::raritycry::raritycry::raritycry::raritycry::raritycry::raritycry::raritycry:
*snif* *snif*
Look I know this question must be really annoying, and I'm sorry, but if I didn't ask it someone else will.
Are you planing a sequel of some kind to this amazing story?
I know you've started a new story (which I will read as soon as I post this comment) but I just wanted to know if there was even the slightest chance that this story might be continued.
Oh by the way...
you deserve this- :moustache:
(I think that was the first time I've given someone a moustache)

Hehehe just saw that the new story was already complete, now off to read it!!!

Slightly disappointed to see it end this quickly :applejackunsure: It was nice, and cute, but I think the entire wedding thing was a bit short.

3858088 Nice one^^ Though I'll go with "Blazing Dildo of the Fire Queen"^^ There is a World of Warcraft audio play here in germany which once featured that item^^ lol^^

Wait. Wait wait wait. I've just realised something. That's it?! The end? How can you write an OctaScratch so short and not give us more? I mean, yeah, sure, my OctaScratches can be short too, but not this short. Errant, when we set up this relationship, we agreed that you would be the one with long- oh,wait. Too private. We'll talk at home. :ajbemused:

Last chapter was.. ermm... a little lacking... in well... volume... HOWEVER it was a good cliffhanger, I assume I'll be on the lookout for the next volume in this series. :D

If there's another story following up this one, I can't wait to see it! This was a nice story to add to my collection of OctaScratch.

I can't help but wonder, though, was there never a moment when Vinyl realized that this Lyra is the same one who won the music competition in Accidental Harmony? I feel like that might have been a "before-this-story-but-after-the-last-one" chapter or two of the beginning of LyraBon's friendship with OctaScratch.

Obviously, she realized. However, I didn't actually write it out for a specific reason: there is a considerable gap of time (several months) between the end of Accidental Harmony and the beginning of this story. I wanted it to feel like Octavia and Vinyl had been "alive" and doing stuff for that time, like making a couple of new friends.

I saw the new chapter come out, and I read it. After smiling through the whole thing, I noticed the comments. I quickly checked back, to see that yes, it was over. Tis a shame to see such a good story end :fluttercry: But hey, it was a good one! Steamy honeymoon coming up, as I would imagine. In the box, still remains a mystery (Although I'm pretty sure that everypony knows what it is:raritywink: ) Thank you for this story, and here is your mustache :moustache:

3871843 I figured it was something like that. I also figured the reaction would've been something like Octavia's reaction to seeing Pinkie Pie in Ponyville, so I can understand why (from that aspect of it) you would choose not to write it.

Way too short. Felt like a tease. Needs another sequel. Would have liked to see Octavia playing again. And maybe Canterlot elite eventually getting their comeuppance in the form of extreme humiliation after they blacklisted the best classical musician in Equestria. I loved the first story. There really wasn't enough substance to this one, compared with it.

Love, love love it!!!!:heart: Hate that it had to end:fluttercry: Really hoping for a honeymoon epilogue or something of the like :pinkiehappy:


On a calmer note I've really enjoyed this fic and its prequel
Almost brought me to tears from laughing at a couple of bits
And the deal with the fire nearly killed me, legit thought it was gonna be a sadfic after that
Glad it turned out how it did

Bravo! Bravo! Magnifico!:raritystarry:

Plot twist: they both die. (Not really . . . Do I look like M Night Shyamalan?)

4178962 Ah. The sarcasm detector doesn't work near you then

4181910 you might need a trained electrician to fix it. It might go nuclear.

Personally, I would like to hear about this story where Appljack and Rarity were arrested.....apart from that, awesome read

Those vows. Absolutely perfect, I hope you don't mind if I steal them... They're absolutely perfect.

Brilliant!!!!! This and "Accidental Harmony" are my favourite version of the "How Octavia and Vinyl Ended Up Together" in fanfic. A thousand Huzzahs!!!!!!!!!

It probably involved noodles.

I'm gonna start by saying both Accidental Harmony and this story are amazing. Truly one of my favorite Octavia and Vinyl stories. The way the characters were presented was exactly how I would think they would act. Truly magnificent the way it ended. :heart::heart::heart: I will probably reread this story several times in the future.

This was a lovely ending to a sweet and funny story. I loved how you incorporated the six virtues of the Elements of Harmony into their wedding vows. I'm certainly a fan of how you write Lyra, that perverted goof. You'd think she's a guy, thinking with the head between her legs instead of the one on her shoulders. I hope you write more to this little series you've got going on. Vinyl and Octavia deserve some more attention, and you write them both very well. I'll be looking forward to reading more by you in the future.

Also, nice new avatar pic of Octavia.


Having read both of these I must say I'm impressed, its Hard to find a Romance that is so... real.

The characters are relateable and understandable, their situations are believable, nothing is ever blown out of proportion as their arguments are resolved reasonably, the romance, while it starts a tad bit fast due to time skips, progresses nicely, and the humour is well constructed without border-lining the ridiculous (without a single pop-culture reference I might add, an achievement in itself)

All in all it has a nice down to earth quality that never the less catches my fancy, and sits close to (if not on par with) my favourite OctaScratch, Allegrezza. This comment may be a bit late to the party, but for what it's worth you did a magnificent job.

P.s Bonus points for not making the parents Evil, its a cheep way of adding tension and its quite frankly overdone.

P.p.s You should write more, its a shame to waste talent.

Aww man, I was really looking forward to reading that honeymoon chapter/sequel. oh well, awesome work either way, I quite enjoyed it.

Darn, the story is 'complete'. Oh well. Maybe a trilogy? Dunno.

How sweet those two are.

This fic and the previous part were both really enjoyable. I like your writing style a lot.
You sliiiightly overdo some jokes and innuendos in Harmony Redux and that can get boring at one point, but that point wasn't completely reached (yet). It's also a shame you skipped a few scenes that could have been whole chapters.

Regardless, this was a very nice piece of fanfiction.

Will you show her kindness when she hurts, generosity when she wants, and laughter when she is sad? Will you be honest and loyal to her, that you both might be bound by the magic of your love?”

The Elements of Harmony everybrony.

Good fic btws.

Great sequel to an amazing fanfic. You really did those beloved characters justice, and I thank you for sharing your talents!

Amazing. Really unique way of setting this all up, most I've read have them meet in Ponyville and a I haven't read any where they get married. Unless I have and just forgot, lol. Count this comment for both stories, though. I'm waiting for some parts for my PC and these stories helped. :twilightsmile:

I'm...not sure I wanna know what's in the box...

Now only one question remains...

What's in the box?

Box box box box, what's in the box
Blocks, rocks, shocks, a fellow.named Jacques

You legitimately hooked me on the first chapter of the first story, and I read the whole thing without hesitation. Upon noticing the sequel, I took it upon myself to read it as well.


The way you've written your characters, the way you deliver your plot, the way that everything lead up to a specific event without seeming overly cliché.

These two stories. Remarkable.

Thank you for the amazing read, and I'll be sure to check out the rest of your stories.

Thank you for the kind words :twilightsmile:

Damn that was posted a while ago.

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