• Member Since 11th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen April 16th

Storm Seas

I'm the type of person you would look at and say, he's a normal guy. If you heard me speak, then you would say, he sound smarter than he looks. Then if you saw my mind, you would probly run and hide!

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Return to Active Operations · 2:18am Aug 24th, 2015

Open Coms;

Hey Everypony! Captain Storm Seas reporting back from a brief two year mission in Brazil! Lets just say it was an awesome time and a life experience never to be forgotten! Anyway I'm back and expect new stuff to happen!

(This is short cause I'm working on stuff, and there's not much to say now... hahahaha!)

Storm Seas out.

Report Storm Seas · 340 views ·

The Music Of Battle

I heard this years ago but now that I've re-found it, it has got to be the theme for the Schornhorse!