• Member Since 26th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Mar 22nd, 2018



Okay, seriously, what the heck me?! · 11:58pm Apr 25th, 2016


Okay, so I know I've done like fifty posts going on about "I'm coming back" and all that.

None of the times, I've made good on that promise. So I've decided I'm not going to make promises. Instead, I'll tell you the facts. I'll tell you what's happening in my mind and in my person, and see if we can't come up with something. Alright?

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Not Motivated · 7:41pm Jan 3rd, 2016

Hey guys. I'm sure there have been questions regarding my absence, particularly with "The First Unicorn on Earth." A lot of stuff happened for awhile, and then recently I've been... unmotivated to continue. Not that I haven't WANTED to come back, it just never crosses my mind. I... I don't know. I'll finish The First Unicorn on Earth soon, and then I'll be going for awhile. I think I need to take a break for a little while, you know? I mean one where the responsibility of writing ISN'T looming

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Where am I? · 11:02pm Sep 18th, 2015

*Eyes open*
*Sits up, looking around confused*
Wh-where am I?
Wait... is this... FiMfiction? Is that you?
*checks alerts*

So hey guys, I've returned. A lot of crap happened in my life (as in school and crippling laziness) but now I'm back! I'll be resuming my stories, doing stuff, all that jazz. Give me a few days to catch up. Here we go!

Report Baileyjrob · 278 views ·

I'm coming back. · 4:24pm Aug 20th, 2015

Awhile ago I said soon I'd be writing again, and today is the day! Expect more pony tonight.

Report Baileyjrob · 291 views ·

Why I'm not writing · 5:49pm Aug 13th, 2015

I'm sorry, it's been awhile since I've uploaded, huh? Well, unlike the other short Hiati (Hiatuses?) that I've had, I have a (somewhat) reasonable excuse for this. See, I recently regained contact with an old friend of mine I haven't seen in many years. We've been catching up and doing stuff together. I've been really busy with him (as well as some schoolwork) so I haven't been writing. So... there.

I will get back to it VERY soon though.

Report Baileyjrob · 294 views ·

Mini Hiatus over! · 9:14am Jul 28th, 2015

So I haven't updated "The First Unicorn on Earth" in awhile, and that's because the other crossover writer was taking a long time to get back to me. But never fear, the crossover has been written. It took seven hours and takes up 27 pages. I expect great things from this crossover indeed.

And with that, writing will commence!

Report Baileyjrob · 182 views ·

Theresa will come back! · 4:00am Jun 18th, 2015

My creative juices have begun to flow again. I have improved and grown as a write. Now it's time to say it.

Expect to see good ol' Theresa soon. I'm gonna chart out what's happening for this story. It's gonna be shorter than I thought, but it will have a sequel, so don't worry. I am already in the process of writing the next chapter.

EDIT: I talk about how much I've grown as a writer, whilst misspelling "writer."

Report Baileyjrob · 217 views ·

Thanks to Everyone · 9:52pm Jun 3rd, 2015

This blog post may not be as informing as the others, but it's certainly more important in my eyes.

I may not be a famous writer. I may not have gotten featured. But to be getting likes and favorites daily, have conversations — however small — in my comments section... it means a lot. Every writer knows what getting that first like feels like, and the feeling never gets old.

Thank you everyone for ensuring my continuing as a writer. Here's to a bright future to everyone!

Report Baileyjrob · 251 views ·

Let the writing train begin! · 5:20pm May 31st, 2015

Hello everypony! I'm back, new and improved. I'm going to be working on "Before Ponies there was Man" as a sort of side project now, ever since I wrote my new story, "The First Unicorn on Earth."

I'd been talking to Starscribe since chapter 3 or "The Last Pony on Earth" about making a supplement story, and he said that on day 7 I could. It rolled around, I published my story, and got very positive reception. So, I'll keep writing, but it'll mostly be focused on my new story.

Report Baileyjrob · 190 views ·

What to do... · 9:05pm May 9th, 2015

So, a problem. With a lack of reception to my story, I face a problem: that being a lack of motivation. Why keep writing if no one actually reads it?

Now, for the FEW of you that like the story, I am not saying I will cancel it. Far from it. I may be taking a break to gather inspiration and sort out my thoughts, so when I come back, I'll come back like a sonic rainboom.

I do not feel this break will last long, so I won't put my story on official hiatus. Just thought I'd fill you in.

Report Baileyjrob · 267 views ·