• Member Since 20th Nov, 2017
  • offline last seen Last Friday


An astrophysicist who uses ponies to escape the madness of reality.


Random musings about time, space, and black hole evaporation · 9:15pm May 14th, 2021

First of all, watch this if you haven't already.

So basically, according to our current models, the universe will expand forever, all the stars will eventually die, and black holes will be the only noticeable things left. But of course, even black holes are not eternal; over time, they evaporate, and finally disappear in a burst of radiation. The last black holes can be expected to evaporate somewhere shy of a googol years from now.

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The main villain of Bravely Default 2... · 4:39am Mar 28th, 2021

...was once a librarian consumed by her desire for knowledge.

Sound familiar?

I know that's not what the developers were picturing, but now I can't stop thinking about Midnight Sparkle as the Night's Nexus. This amuses me far more than it should.


It just occurred to me... · 6:27pm Mar 1st, 2020

Twilight defeated Nightmare Moon, leaving her armor in pieces on the ground. Nightmare Moon is basically a god, whose armor was shattered. And Twilight’s whole motif is stars.

Twilight Sparkle is literally the God-Shattering Star of Equestria.

You’re welcome.


Happy ChristmaHannuKwanzaa! · 1:13am Dec 26th, 2019

I meant to have a new chapter done, but the motivation just wasn’t there. Maybe for New Years, but no promises. Sorry I’m such a lazy butt.

In the mean time, enjoy whatever possibly-appropriated winter solstice holiday you celebrate. Live long and prosper!

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"Eroraf what the hay, when's the next chapter?" · 5:10am Oct 24th, 2018

Soon? *ducks tomatoes*

Actually, the next chapter is a good ways away. First I need to get through my qualifying exam, which has been pushed back to early December. Once that's over with, I'll be going through what I've already written and making some edits, courtesy of the wonderful Lets Do This, another Daybreaker fan and a marvelously talented writer!

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FINALLY · 12:11am Sep 4th, 2018

Your eyes do not deceive you. I have FINALLY finished and posted the next chapter. And I am, once again, SO sorry for the months-long delay.

Luckily, since I'm not taking any classes this semester while working on my Comps II project, I should be able to get at least one new chapter out before the end of the year, hopefully more. I'm thinking two, maybe three more chapters to finish this story off.

Live long, and pony on.


You've probably noticed I suck at keeping schedules... · 8:15pm Jul 14th, 2018

Reports of my death have been greatly exag - *shot*

Okay, but seriously, I am so sorry for this long wait. I said "end of March", and now it's mid-July and I haven't done anything. I wish I had a better excuse than "lack of motivation" or "anxiety" or "perfectionism", but I don't. It's just hard for me to get started on something when I can't get the first bit right, even if I have lots of good stuff in the middle.

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Where I've been · 2:49am Jan 6th, 2018

First blog post, yay! Thanks to the five of you that currently follow me.

So, about Break of Day. I know I said when I first posted it that I would try to get another chapter out the next week. Yeah, that didn't happen. The end of the semester was very hectic, I was dealing with some psychological issues, and then there was a poster to prepare for a conference coming up next week, plus studying for a massive comprehensive exam...

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